Gallup Sun ● March 29, 2024

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Rehoboth Christian High School teacher takes on new challenge


Gallup Sun VOL 10 | ISSUE 470

March 29, 2024

CDC report finds teens use drugs to ease stress, anxiety GMCS COUNSELORS HELP STUDENTS FACE SUBSTANCE ABUSE PROBLEMS By Molly Ann Howell Managing Editor


he Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a study on Feb. 8 that stated teenagers with suspected substance use problems say they turn to drugs because of a need to relax and escape worries. Nearly three-quarters of students surveyed —73% — said they used drugs or alcohol “to feel mellow, calm, or relaxed.” Forty-four percent used drugs, such as marijuana, as sleep aids. The same percentage cited drug use as a way to “stop worrying about a problem or forget bad memories.” And 40% said they used substances to cope with depression or anxiety. CLOSE TO HOME In an interview with the Sun, Gallup-McKinley County Schools’s Coordinator for Counseling and General Education Faith Kline explained how the district’s counselors try to help students who may struggle with a substance abuse disorder. A student with a substance abuse problem may be referred to a counselor by a teacher, parent, fellow student, or sometimes even the student with the problem may come in. The counselors evaluate the student’s individual needs and decide if they would benefit from talking with a small group of students who are dealing with a similar situation or one-on-one counseling. Counseling often involves teaching the student coping mechanisms that don’t have them relying on drugs or alcohol to make themselves feel less stressed and anxious. Some common coping mechanisms counselors recommend when dealing with stress and anxiety include: • Daily exercise • Eating well-balanced meals • Getting enough sleep • Practice breathing exercises • Find a sport or hobby you enjoy • Find a new group of friends who support a healthier lifestyle, one without drugs or alcohol Kline said the counselors take a look at each student they interact with and assess their individual needs. “If we have a student who has experienced trauma around drugs and alcohol, we have to say to them, ‘OK, even though you’ve experienced this, what’s another coping mechanism that leads to a better result than drugs or alcohol?’ Let’s think about something besides drugs and alcohol that we can put our time and effort into to have better success or to make better choices in the friends or company that we keep,” she said. The counselors also work with students throughout the district by teaching students from every grade level age-appropriate information about drugs and alcohol and the negative effects they have on people both mentally and physically. Kline said different schools have varying needs, but they tailor presentations and information to fit the students’ needs. Topics of discussion can include how to handle peer pressure, how to build healthy relationships that don’t depend on drugs and alcohol, and general healthy habits. D R U G S I N T H E COMMUNITY In an article published in the Sun on March 8, GMCS Superintendent Mike Hyatt addressed the New Mexico Department of Hea lt h’s 2023 decision to test high school wastewater around the state for Gallup-McKinley County Schools’s drugs. Coordinator for Counseling and Traces of multiGeneral Education Faith Kline ple substances were

found with the testing at GMCS schools, but Hyatt argued that the results didn’t necessarily reflect students’ drug use. “I don’t think it’s surprising that there are people who might have drugs in their systems in our communities, but you can’t really narrow it down to where it came from [with this testing],” Hyatt said. He said that with basketball season going on in December, many different people visited the school campuses around the time of the testing. “It could be one person who took the drug over the weekend and went to the bathroom [at one of the GMCS schools]. It could be an adult at a game. You can’t narrow this down. It’s not like this was just students,” Hyatt said. At a Feb. 26 school board meeting Hyatt noted that the district conducts occasional anonymous surveys that ask students about their drug use. Additionally, Kline said the surveys have been very insightful, and that she believes the students are honest when they fi ll them out. “I still think just like with anything, whether it be academics or the drugs and alcohol abuse, there’s always those few students who we really try to catch who are falling through the cracks that maybe that survey doesn’t pick up, but in my opinion, I do feel like we’ve seen pretty honest feedback from kids,” she said. “The good thing about the survey is it is anonymous, so I feel like that does help students feel like they can be honest in the feedback.” She added that anonymity helps and if the students had to identify themselves, even if it was just with their student ID numbers, the honesty could potentially disappear. GMCS’S RULES REGARDING DRUG USE According to the GMCS 2023-2024 student handbook, students are not allowed to use, distribute, or sell alcohol, tobacco products, drugs, and other mind-altering substances or medication while at school, on school property, at a school-sponsored event, or on school transportation. If a student is caught with drugs or alcohol on school property, it is considered a serious infraction. The handbook also states that the district can handle the situation in a couple different ways depending on if the student is a repeat offender or not. If the situation is severe enough or if the student is a repeat offender, a disciplinary hearing will be held. A disciplinary hearing gives the student due process, which allows them to learn of the charges they face. During a hearing, the Hearing Authority may recommend the student participate in substance abuse counseling outside of the district. If the situation is severe enough, they may even suspend or expel the student. Kline said the district has seen fewer disciplinary hearings regarding drug use in the past year, and she

believes part of that is due to the way her counselors try to help students. “We are aware of some needs and areas in which we can improve, but I think we’ve got a really good handle on supporting students in a vast majority of things, but in particular with the drug and alcohol concerns,” she said. “I really think school counselors and social workers have bridged the gap and are working better together as well. We’re not so much working in silos anymore, we’re defi nitely trying to consult with each other more and give the kids all the support that we can.” As someone who grew up in Gallup, Kline said her work helping students and helping stop any generational trauma surrounding drugs and alcohol makes her feel like she is doing something worthwhile. “ … As someone from this community I love to see us grow and trend in a very positive direction. [It’s all about] investing in our youth and ensuring that we give them all the support necessary with all the information that is out there. …,” she said. “It’s not always about academics, It’s about them as people and who they’re going to be when they grow up and the type of relationships they develop and the lives that they lead.”

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A2 Friday, March 29, 2024 • Gallup Sun


GMCS College and Career Pathways offer a different approach to high school education. The focus of our curriculum is to help prepare our students for a career, vocation or college by using an immersive experience that includes focused study, hands-on training, professional mentorships and internships. Our overall goal is to give our students skills, opportunities, experience, and confidence that they can take with them long after high school.

Find your Career Pathway Media Engineering Business Technology Health

Agriculture Construction Education Public Service Hospitality

Human Resources Criminal Justice Journalism STEM Manufacturing

We would like to thank our community and business partners for the wonderful opportunities they have given to our students. Angela’s Cafe • AJ Tires • Apex Network Physical Therapy • Big Brothers, Big Sisters • Blitz Nutrition • Butler’s Office Equipment & Supply • Cedar & Ivy Real Estate LLC • City of Gallup: Aquatic Center, Fire Department, Humane Society, IT/GIS Department, Manager’s Office, Octavia Fellin Public Library, Planning & Development, Police Department, Vehicle Department • Clay Fultz Insurance • COPE • Cow Town • Delta Tire • DePauli Engineering • Gallup Catholic Charities • Gallup Chamber of Commerce • Dr. Andrade Family Medicine • Gallup Eye Group • Gallup Solar • Gallup Sun • GMCS • Happy Paws • Hilton Garden Inn • I Knead Sugar/Tea Shop • Juniper Bakery • KGLP Radio • McKinley County Sheriff’s Department • McKinley County Teen Court • Navajo Nation Zoo • One Care Infusion Pharmacy • Pizza 9 • Point S Tires • Rosebrough,Fowles, & Foutz • RMCHCS • Southwest Indian Foundation • St. Bonaventure Mission Thrift Store • The Snack Shop • Thunderbird Supply Co. • Tropical Espresso If you would like to be a GMCS Business or Community partner please call CCCR at 505-721-1000. For more information on our upcoming events please follow us on Facebook @Gallup-McKinley County Schools or Instagram @GMCSNews.


Gallup Sun • Friday, March 29, 2024


EDUCATION Teacher of the Month NEWS

Rehoboth Christian High School English teacher moves on to new challenge By Molly Ann Howell Managing Editor


ach month, the Sun recognizes a local teacher for his or her determination to help students go above and beyond. Anyone can nominate a teacher by emailing the Sun at gallupsunreporters@gmail. com and providing the teacher’s name, where they teach, and why they should be selected as that month’s winner. This month’s award went to Seth Weidenaar, or “Mr. Dub” as his students call him. Seth teaches high school English at Rehoboth Christian High School but has been teaching at Rehoboth at different grade levels for over 20 years. P A T H T O TEACHING Part of this longevity is all thanks to a Chicago traffic jam. S et h g r ew up i n Chicago and did his student teaching there as well. He was sitting in traffic heading to his student teaching job when he got a call from the school’s Executive Director asking him to apply for a job out west, and after thinking about it, Weidenaar decided to take him up on his offer. “I thought to myself, ‘There’s not a lot of traffic jams [in New Mexico],’ so I applied for the job and got it, and I”ve been here ever since,” Weidenaar said. But it’s not just the lighter traffic that appeals to him. Seth said he loves running around the Gallup trails and the outdoor opportunities the area provides. THE APPEAL OF LEARNING As for teaching, Seth said his favorite part is giving the students the tools they need in life to be successful. “My favorite part about teaching is you get to do something different every

day, and you’re always learning how to live. As an English teacher that’s really what we’re studying and the different books that we’re reading, and the different discussions that we’re having is how to live the best life we can. It’s just fun to watch students think through that and then get the tools they need to learn and that’s always been a fun challenge,” he said. Rehoboth Christian High School principal Dan Meester said he appreciates Seth’s willingness to teach his students life skills. “What I appreciate is he doesn’t want to only teach his kids the content, he also wants to teach them how to think well, how to be better learners, how to be better writers, and not just ‘Well, now I know what happens in this particular book or story,’” Meester said. Seth originally went to college to study chemistry, partly because he liked the subject in high school. But he lost interest about a year in, and decided to take on an English degree after realizing he liked to construct and win arguments, and that he was good at it too. Once he’d gotten some English classes under his belt, he decided to take an education class just for the fun of it, and he realized he liked working with students. O N WA R D A N D UPWARD But now, he’s ready to move on to a new challenge. At the beginning of the school year Rehoboth Christian’s Executive Bob Ippel announced his retirement, and he named Meester as his replacement. Meester was involved in the process to find his replacement, and they landed on Weidenaar. “Sometimes a school is thinking ‘Well, let’s get some fresh ideas from places that are outside

Seth Weidennar has been teaching English at Rehoboth Christian High School for over 20 years. He said his favorite book to teach is “Brave New World.” Next year, he will be taking over the principal role at the high school. Photo Credit: Jenny Pond our school,’ but our school is so unique in the world of Christian education in terms of the people we serve and the goals and the mission, that having someone who was familiar with all that stuff and had already lived and breathed it and bought into it so deeply was really

a compelling thing that made Seth attractive to us,” Meester explained. He also said Weidenaar’s passion for his students helped guide their decision. “I think as a teacher he always kept his students at the forefront; their needs were paramount. It’s a

great thing for a classroom teacher to do, and now it’s just shifting into the role as building leader, but still having that same perspective: what is best for the kids,” Meester said. “That’s going to guide the decisions we make about how this school works ...” Seth’s wife Tressa Weidenaar teaches at Rehoboth’s middle school, and in an interview with the Sun she expressed her excitement for this new opportunity for her husband. “I think he’s ready for a new challenge. … I’m excited [to see him] step into a new role at our school but he’s also going to be able to continue to relate to the students and the staff he works with now, and I think that’s going to be a big part of what it’s going to look like for him next year,” she said. Steve Terborg teaches Spanish at Rehoboth High School, and he said he thinks Seth will make an excellent principal, partly because he already leans

on him for advice. “I think he’s one of the smartest people I know. … I have such respect for him, and I think my colleagues do as well. [in the past couple years] I’ve looked to him for any questions I have. I would go to the boss for the big things, but if I had a question he was two doors down from me and I would say ‘Hey, this happened in my classroom, how would you handle this situation?’” Terborg said. As for Seth, he said he’s excited to continue the collaborative relationships he already has with the teachers at Rehoboth Christian High School in his new position. “I’m super excited to work with all the teachers we have here at Rehoboth Christian High School. We have an awesome staff who all do really great things. We’ve built an awesome culture at our school. I’m looking forward to maintaining that culture and making decisions that help and influence that culture,” he said.



Correction The Best of the Best ballot published in the March 22 issue of the Sun was the wrong draft. Please use the corrected ballot on B8.


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Mostly Sunny/Windy Winds SW 25-35

Sunny/Windy Winds SSW 25-35

PM Showers Winds SW 25-35

Rain/Snow Showers Winds WSW 10-20

Partly Cloudy Winds NE 5-10

Sunny Winds NNW 5-10

Mostly Sunny Winds SW 15-25

High 62o Low 34o

High 64o Low 35o

High 50o Low 29o

High 47o Low 25o

High 54o Low 28o

High 61o Low 31o

High 65o Low 34o

A4 Friday, March 29, 2024 • Gallup Sun



March 2024

Schools for teachers, counselors, administrators, and bus drivers reflect the district's dedication to recognizing and appreciating the talents and efforts of their educators and support staff. Whether recruits are a McKinley County High School graduate, a New Mexico resident, or an out-of-state educator, there's a signing incentive waiting to reward commitment to education and willingness to be part of this vibrant community. So, if you or someone you know is on a quest for a district that values and supports its educators, visit www.gmcs. org and visit the employment tab. Make the move, embrace new opportunities, and get rewarded—both financially and professionally! Your next exciting chapter in education awaits at Gallup-McKinley County Schools.

2024-25 APPROVED INCENTIVES SIGNING INCENTIVES CONT. Signing Incentive Director *To be paid out over 1 contract year

All New Directors $10,000 Signing Incentive Assistant Principal *To be paid out over 1 contract year

All New Assistant Principals $10,000 Signing Incentive Bus Drivers New Bus Drivers $5,000

UPCOMING EVENTS April Fool’s Day April 1st

Board Meeting April 8th

Navajo Sovereignty Day April 22nd

Earth Day April 22nd

Board Meeting April 29th For more information on our upcoming events please follow us on Facebook @Gallup-McKinley County Schools or Instagram @GMCSNews.


Gallup Sun • Friday, March 29, 2024


All GMCS schools are eligible for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (PSLF).


e t a v Ele our Y ! r e e r a C


















A6 Friday, March 29, 2024 • Gallup Sun




Pet of the Week

Gallup Sun Publishing, LLC Publisher Babette Herrmann Managing Editor Molly Ann Howell Executive Director Mandy Marks Design Oksana Terpak-Malenka Contributing Editor Cody Begaye Correspondents Dee Velasco Photography Kimberley Helfenbein Merrisha Livingston Jenny Pond The Gallup Sun, published Fridays, is not responsible or liable for any claims or offerings, nor responsible for availability of products advertised. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. The Gallup Sun distributes newspapers in McKinley, Cibola and Apache counties. Office: 1983 State Rd. 602 Gallup, NM 87301 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Gallup Sun, PO Box 1212, Gallup, NM. Mailing Address: PO Box 1212 Gallup, NM 87305 Phone: (505) 722-8994 Fax: (505) 212-0391

Letter to the editor/guest column ACCEPTED BY EMAIL ONLY. State full name and city/town. No pen names. ID required. All submissions subjected to editor’s approval. Guest columnists, email Sun for submission requirements.

Zollinger Llibrary at the University of New Mexico-Gallup is now offering free access to online language learning software for the campus community and their loved ones. File Photo

UNM-Gallup adds online language learning program By Richard Reyes Senior Public Relations Specialist at UNM-Gallup


ollinger Librar y at The University of New MexicoGallup is now offering free access to an online language learning software for the campus community and their loved ones. The library recently subscribed to Mango Languages, a service that offers lessons in over 70 world languages. The service is now available to use on a computer or mobile device to all UNM-Gallup students, staff and faculty with UNM credentials. It can also be used by up to five family members. “The library is always about providing new experiences and ways for people to expand their

learning on their own terms,” Zollinger Library Director Markos Chavez said. “This is defi nitely something people can use to learn any language on their own terms — not just what’s offered by the university.” While UNM-Gallup offers several types of language classes, including Navajo, Spanish and more, Mango Languages will allow the campus community to expand their language learning outside of the classroom at their own pace. Mango does not offer lessons in Navajo, but other Indigenous languages are available such as Cherokee and Potawatomi. There are even unique language learning opportunities such as Shakespearean English, Russian Slang and Pirate. The program uses listening and reading

activities to help people learn new vocabulary, grammatical structure a nd pr onu nc i a t ion . Mango also adapts to a person’s learning style as they go. Zol l i nger L ibra r y launched its Mango subscription in December and is now promoting the service to the entire campus community. To sign up for Mango Languages, visit the Zollinger Library websit e a t ga l lup.u n m. edu/library and select the “NEW Ma ngo Languages” button. Users will be redirected to Mango’s website, where they can sign up using their UNM email. After a person creates an account, they can then sign in and create “Family Profi les” for up to five family members to share the service.

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Gigi is currently under the care of Four Corners Pet Alliance.

Meet Gigi! Gigi is about a year old, fresh out of puppyhood and looking for her furever home. Her foster says that she’s a submissive type, but she loves to plop her 55 lb. body on her foster for some kissy time. She also prefers to be outdoors, and does great on the leash after she burns off some puppy energy. Her foster doesn’t have any cats or other dogs, but she came from a temporary foster that has a lot of dogs, so she’s a well socialized gal. From her markings, we believe she’s a shepherd mix! Gigi’s adoption fee is $150. Email: for information on Gigi.

Flea onslaught strikes early in the season By Sam Mazzota King Syndicate


EAR PAW ’ S CORNER: I can’t believe it — it’s on ly Ma rch, a nd my cat Flicker is already scratching himself silly with fleas! He has terrible skin reactions to flea bites. How can I get rid of them? — Jesse B., Oak Ridge, Tennessee DEAR JESSE: Flea infestations are awful, aren’t they? As the seasons change and the weather warms up, flea activity rises, and pet owners start seeing more evidence of fleas on their pets and around their homes. F le a s a r e n’ t j u s t a n noy i ng. T hey c a n carry diseases that are transmissible to pets and humans. Tapeworms and cat scratch disease are just two of the potential ills that a flea infestation can bring into your home. Tackle a flea problem head-on, and don’t wait — because it will continue to get worse as the summer approaches. Because of Flicker’s allergic reaction to flea bites, he needs direct treatment to repel fleas and prevent them from latching onto his fur again. Talk to his veterinarian

about the most effective flea treatments. For example, a monthly or quarterly topical flea treatment may be a good option. Oral medication — as pills or chewables — is also very effective. The vet may also recommend medication to clear up his current skin issues. Reduce the risk of another flea infestation by making your home difficult for fleas to exist in: • Have your home treated for fleas by a pest control service. • Pick up clutter from the floor and replace any plush or felted toys with new ones. • Va cuu m t w ice a week to pick up fleas and their eggs. • Repair or replace damaged window and door screens. • Remove any debris piles near your home, and shift wood piles farther away. Send your tips, comments or questions to © 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.

Gallup Sun • Friday, March 29, 2024




UNM-Gallup hosting Business of Art Bootcamp in April TWO-DAY EVENT OF WORKSHOPS, PANELS WILL PROVIDE ARTISTS PROFESSIONAL TOOLS, SKILLS By Richard Reyes Senior Public Relations Specialist at UNM-Gallup


he University of New Mexico-Gallup will host a free two-day Business of Art Bootcamp to empower local artists and students by providing essential tools to kickstart their art business. UNM-Gallup will host the 2024 Business of Art Bootcamp from 9 am to 3 pm on April 19 and 20 at Calvin Hall Center Auditorium on the UNM-Gallup campus. The Bootcamp is free, but registration is required. Registration can be completed online in advance or in-person on either day of the bootcamp. Lunch and basic promotional items will be provided for all registered participants. The first 50 participants to register will receive a $50 gas card to help cover travel costs along with exclusive swag. “This area of New Mexico

and the region have such a huge creative community that is underserved and possibly is not aware of the tools or professional help they can get,” event coordinator Dana Aldis said. “That’s where the Bootcamp comes in.” Aldis is an instructor at UNMGallup and manager of the branch campus’s Ingham Chapman Gallery. She is coordinating the Business of Art Bootcamp with some help from the City of Gallup, including Rose Eason, the executive director of gallupARTS. Together, UNM-Gallup and the City of Gallup received a Creative Industries Grant Award of $100,000 from the New Mexico Economic Development Department. The two entities are splitting the grant for separate projects. The Business of Art Bootcamp is made possible through UNM-Gallup’s share of the grant. “The most effective way we decided to use this funding was

Gallup artist Eric-Paul Riege, who is one of the featured panelists participating in the University of New Mexico-Gallup’s Business of Art Bootcamp, preps for his show “how 2 butcher a sheep” inside the Ingham Chapman Gallery at UNM-Gallup on March 27, 2023. Photo Credit: Courtesy of Richard Reyes to create a professional practices art workshop specifically targeting local artists because we have such a diverse and creative community here around Gallup that most likely doesn’t have the tools

to pursue the business aspect of their creative practice,” Aldis said. The Bootcamp will feature hands-on workshops to teach artists skills such as how to photograph their artwork, how

to set up an artist statement, and more. The Bootcamp will also feature panel discussions with local and national artists who can give insight into how artists can sell their work, where to sell their work, or how to make the transition from student to professional artist. The featured panelists include: • Mario Kiyite, Zuni artist who specializes in fetishes and sculptures. • Duhon James, printmaker. • Rapheal B e g ay, photographer. • Jessica Tolbert, jewelry arts. • Delber t A nderson, musician. • Beverly Blacksheep, Diné painter and illustrator. To learn more about this event, view the full schedule and register, visit https://goto.

‘Immaculate’ is far from pristine By Glenn Kay For the Sun Rating:  out of  Ru n n ing Time: 89 minutes This motion picture from Neon is currently playing in cinemas. It’s Easter, which for some means fun bunny-related activities and/ or religious celebrations. But there’s definitely counter-programming available for those who are interested. Immaculate is a tale set in Italy involving a nefarious plot occurring at a church. Sister Cecilia (Sydney Sweeney) is a devout Catholic nun sad to see her local parish closing. She decides to move from America to Italy and take a position at a remote convent. The lead is greeted by figures like Father Sal Tedeschi (Álvaro Morte), Mother Superior (Dora Roma no) a nd Sister

Sydney Sweeney stars as Sister Cecilia, a devout Catholic nun who decides to move from America to Italy and take a position at a remote convent in “Immaculate.” But things aren’t quite as they seem at this convent, and many crazy things happen to Cecilia, including her finding out she is pregnant even though she is celibate. Photo Credit: Neon Isabelle (Giulia Heathfield Di Renzi) who explain her role at the facility. It seems Cecelia is to help take care of aged nuns with terminal illnesses. The protagonist makes friends with another recent arrival, Sister Gwen (Benedetta Porcaroli), but generally finds herself struggling with the difficult personalities at the church. Things get stranger when she begins seeing

disturbing figures in red mesh masks and experiences distressing nightmares. Cecilia becomes even more concerned after being informed that she is pregnant, despite being celibate. There are some good elements in the film. The photography is impressive, featuring plenty of moody convent interiors lit in candlelight. A very tense

section of the film takes place in the darkened catacombs beneath the church. It is all shot in limited light and is creepy. The cast are also good and do what they can to lend some gravitas to a solemnly delivered but silly story. Sweeney makes a positive impression as Cecilia. The character certainly changes over the course of events from an innocent and naïve follower to an aggressive and determined figure ready to take charge and be in control of her own fate. However, just because a picture is well-intended and features good performances doesn’t mean that it comes together effectively. There’s an early exchange between Cecilia and a notable character who overshares their personal history. The moment they make a comment about their previous life, most will have a rough idea of what has been occurring,

draining much of the suspense. A great deal is also made of threatening religious figures wearing red. Cecilia even witnesses them commit a horrific act against a character (which seems like a gross overreaction on their part, given the individual’s lack of knowledge about the conspiracy). Yet despite these figures being set up as a horrifying threat, they don’t play much of a part in the finale. It isn’t until Cecelia goes into labor that she decides to fight back, leading to some exaggerated physical alterations with a couple of the villains. They’re not badly shot or put together, but at times definitely strain credibility. And while a couple of the jump scares work reasonably well (including one that features a character getting grasped from an unexpected location), many others fall flat. Horror enthusiasts will see little pieces and visual

references cobbled together from genre movies new and old, including Rosemary’s Baby, Midsommar and others. Even the effective jump scare mentioned above feels like a homage to a jolt from a 1980s Geroge Romero movie. When so many plot elements as stylistic choices feel borrowed, it all can’t help but feel hackneyed. And even after something original is introduced (including the lead being briefly treated like the Virgin Mary), it isn’t delved into with enough depth. Instead, this movie follows a predictable path. Immaculate is better than several other titles of its ilk, but is still far from pristine. The plot doesn’t hold up to scrutiny and the end product will instead make fear fans want to spend the holiday revisiting the films that this picture takes its inspiration from. VISIT: W W W. CINEMASTANCE.COM

1ST Annual


This award will be presented to an individual whose volunteerism, outstanding service and dedication have made a significant contribution to the community

Qualities looked for are as follows:

How to nominate:

• A person who continually volunteers his or her time, dedication, and talents to the town • Citizens of the town to make Gallup a great place to live, work, play and learn • A person who has made a positive difference to the lives of fellow citizens • Someone who is dedicated to Gallup and concerned for others • They may serve on service, school, church, or community committees • A person who has shown a willingness to work with other Gallup residents, who is • Enthusiastic about the town and its citizens, and who works continually towards the betterment of the community • A person with the qualities of honesty and integrity

Pick up an official application at the Gallup Sun office or request one via email:

Gallup Sun Publishing, LLC 1983 State Road 602 Gallup, NM

A feature story on the winner will be featured in the Gallup Sun’s May 3, 2024 special edition! Honorable mention to all nominees Businesses: Interesting in sponsoring the Gallup Citizen of the Year? Call us for rates today! DEADLINE: April 15, 2024

Phone: (505) 722-8994 Email:



1. GEOGRAPHY: Where are the Seychelles islands located? 2. TELEVISION: In which sitcom is the catchphrase "Hello, Newman" used often? 3. FOOD & DRINK: What is a cornichon? 4. HISTORY: According to a WWII government slogan, what should citizens do after they "Keep calm ..."? 5. MOVIES: What is the name of John Wayne's character in "True Grit"? 6. LANGUAGE: The Latin word "genu" refers to which part of the human body? 7. U.S. STATES: How many states begin with the letter "R"? 8. MEDICAL: The first vaccine was created to protect against which disease? 9. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name of Helen Keller's teacher, who taught the blind and deaf girl how to communicate? 10. ANATONY: What is the smallest organ in the human body? © 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.

Answers 1. Indian Ocean. 2. “Seinfeld.” 3. A small pickle. 4. “... and carry on.” 5. Rooster Cogburn. 6. The knee. 7. One: Rhode Island. 8. Smallpox. 9. Anne Sullivan. 10. Pineal gland.

A8 Friday, March 29, 2024 • Gallup Sun



Gallup Sun • Friday, March 29, 2024 B1


Weekly DWI Report Staff Reports Featured DWI

Latham R Saunders March 6, 8:01 pm A g g ravated DW I (Third) McK i n ley C ou nt y Sheriff’s Office pulled over a Thoreau man for not dimming his headlights and soon arrested Latham Saunders, 29, and charged him with his third DWI. Deputy Brandi Garnenez was patrolling nea r Highway 371 in Thoreau when she observed a vehicle that wa s d r iv i ng w it hout dimming its headlights for oncoming traffic. She pulled the vehicle over near the intersection of Highway 371 and Rose Street and conducted a

traffic stop. She met the driver, Saunders, and learned his license was revoked. During her questioning, Garnanez reportedly saw Saunders show signs of intoxication including bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, and smelling of alcohol. He also admitted he consumed an unspecified amount of alcohol prior to driving. Saunders agreed to take the Standard Field Sobriety Tests, but he performed poorly and was placed under arrest. A search of the vehicle reportedly showed three open containers of an unspecified alcoholic beverage. After refusing to take the breath test, Saunders wa s tra nspor ted to McKinley County Adult Detention Center and booked for aggravated DW I (t h i rd), d r iv i ng with revoked license, open container, failure to dim headlights, and resisting, obstructing, or evading an officer. His pretrial hearing is set for April 9. Name: Tyler Mitchell Sam Age: 27 Arrested: March 17 Charge: DWI Status: Pretrial hearing on April 18

Name: Stasia Apachito Age: 24 Arrested: March 9 Charge: Aggravated DWI Status: Pretrial hearing on April 9

Name: Shanna Yuselew Age: 36 Arrested: March 7 Charge: Aggravated DWI Status: Pretrial hearing on April 9

Name: Alandra Willie Age: 32 Arrested: March 6 Charge: Aggravated DWI (Second) Status: Pretrial hearing on April 4

Rude awakening for Gallup mother MAN ALLEGEDLY ATTACKS AFTER UNWANTED WAKEUP CALL Staff Reports


man who was identified as Kyle Plummer is facing aggravated battery charges after he allegedly attacked his mother when she tried to wake him up. On March 21, around 8:30 am, Gallup Police Officer Darius Johnson was dispatched to 511 N. Fourth St. after Metro Dispatch received a call about a man being held down and restrained by a family member. When Johnson arrived at the house he met with the victim, who said her son, Plummer, 26, attacked her. Her other son reportedly had to help her by holding Plummer back. The woman closed the front door to let Johnson in, and that’s when he saw the two men lying on the ground behind the door. Johnson picked Plummer off the floor and placed handcuffs on him before taking him to his patrol car. When Johnson asked Plummer what happened he said that he’d gotten off work and was trying to sleep when his mom was “talking sh*t.” Plummer said he got mad because he was trying to sleep and “she wanted to be loud.” He reportedly grabbed a broom and ran at the victim but did not hit her with the broom. He instead decided to throw a T.V. and yell at her.

According to Johnson’s report, Plummer kept referring to his mom as “a snitch.” He also said that since she’d called the police he was going “to do something.” When Johnson spoke to the victim, she explained that she’d been cooking breakfast and had yelled out to her kids that the meal was ready. A moment later Plummer came into the kitchen wielding the broom and yelling “I’ll show you what I do to snitches.” The victim confirmed that Plummer hadn’t hit her with the broom, but he did grab her hair and throw her to the ground. She stated that her other son came into the

Man breaks into garage, steals $700 in items Staff Reports


man is facing charges of burglary after he stole multiple items from another man’s garage. On March 18, around 2:45 pm, Gallup Police Officer Jarad Albert was dispatched to 913 Cascade St. in Gamerco in response to a search call for a burglary suspect. According to his report, Albert had searched the Gamerco area before he arrived at the victim’s house, but he was unable to find the suspect, who had been identified as 27-yearold Edward Isaiah Johnson. When Albert arrived at the scene he met with the victim and a man who identified himself as Johnson’s father. The man explained that he sometimes brought his son to the victim’s house when he used to work for him. The victim had asked Johnson’s father to come over and take a look at some surveillance

Name: Tina Charlie Age: 52 Arrested: Dec. 31 Charge: DWI (Second) Status: Jury trial set for May 10

STAY UPDATED Name: Mindy Peterson Age: 34 Arrested: Dec. 29 Charge: Aggravated DWI Status: Jury trial set for May 10

Kyle Plummer

room and held Plummer down until he changed his attitude. Eventually Plummer said he would stop and his brother let him go. But things only escalated from there. Plummer went back into his room, but then came out and walked into the victim’s room. He allegedly threw a weight at her T.V. and shattered the screen. The T.V. is estimated to cost about $2,500. After Plummer threw the weight at the T.V. his brother grabbed him again and held him down. But when he let him go again, Plummer went into the living room and threw down the flat screen T.V. that was in that room. The second TV was later checked by police officers, and no damage was done to it. The two men began fighting after Plummer threw the second T.V.. The victim said she tried to get around her sons, but Plummer grabbed her hair and punched her in the face. According to his report Johnson noticed that the woman had some swelling and bruising under her left eye. Plummer was charged with aggravated battery against a household member and criminal damage to property of a household member. His preliminary examination is scheduled for April 10.

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Edward Isaiah Johnson footage in which Johnson could allegedly be identified. Albert was able to look at the footage as well. In the v ideo, which was allegedly filmed on March 16 around 4 pm, Johnson can be seen walking into the victim’s garage. He can be seen picking up random

items. At one point he tries to remove a tire from a vehicle and even begins sweeping. After he walks around for several seconds, Johnson picks up one of the set of keys that is hanging up. He also picks up a chainsaw, tries to start it, and eventually takes it with him when he leaves. The victim told Albert that multiple items were stolen, including a battery charger pack valued at $250, a Dewalt impact driver which cost about $180, and a flashlight that was worth about $20. He estimated that the chainsaw cost about $220, for a total of almost $700. The victim’s former employee identified the man in the video as his son. Officers were reportedly unable to locate Johnson and Albert typed up a criminal summons based on the evidence and the report at the scene. Johnson’s arraignment is scheduled for April 9.

B2 Friday, March 29, 2024 • Gallup Sun




Council approves almost Navajo Council Chair testifies $1 million in UUFB funds for tribal public safety for 2024 election programs Staff Reports

Staff Reports


INDOW ROCK, Ariz. — The 25th Navajo Nation Council approved emergency Legislation No. 0020-24 on March 26. The legislation would appropriate almost $1 million from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance for expenses in preparation of the 2024 Navajo Nation Elections, if signed into law by the Navajo Nation President. Legislation sponsor Speaker Crystalyne Curley expressed concerns that the Navajo Election Administration currently does not have enough funds in its budget to adequately conduct all the upcoming Navajo Nation 2024 elections, including the hiring of temporary employees, renovation of facilities, and related operating expenses. “These emergency funds will address critical needs such as keeping voting offices in safe, working order for voters and staff. Ideally, NEA needs 880 poll officials and this funding will go toward providing adequate staffi ng. Also, many voting offices need general office supplies, furniture, postage for absentee ballots, computers, and for polling places to be brought into ADA compliance,” Crystalyne explained. NEA Interim Executive Director Veronica Curley detailed some of the needs, exemplifying the dire situation that some election offices are facing. “Some of these buildings are condemned and we have no other choice but to keep using them. Facility maintenance will no longer service our building in Shiprock. Our Chinle office is really run down and in need of renovation,” Veronica said. “Every election, we mail out

W Navajo Nation Council Speaker Crystalyne Curley sponsored a bill that appropriated almost $1 million for election expenses. approximately 1,500 to 3,000 absentee ballots. Each ballot package costs approximately two dollars. We also need to purchase voting booths that are ADA compliant.” Cou nci l Delega t e Da n ny Simpson asked for clarification on the definition of ‘recurring’ expenses within the legislation. Navajo Nation Controller Sean McCabe issued a revised memo to the Council stating that the funds are considered non-recurring, which ultimately changed the voted requirement to simple majority. Council Delegate Vince James amended Legislation 0020-24, removing the term ‘recurring’, and deeming the expenses as ‘nonrecurring’ because the legislation specifically addresses the unmet needs that NEA faces in preparation of the 2024 Navajo Nation elections, which is not an annual recurring cost. T he 2 5 t h Nav a jo Na t ion Council voted 12 in favor with two opposed to approve Legislation No. 0020-24. Once the resolution is certified by the Legislative Branch and delivered to the Navajo Nation Office of the President and Vice President, the President will have 10 calendar days to consider the resolution.

ASHINGTON D.C. — The Chair of t he L aw a nd Order Committee Delegate Eugenia Charles-Newton, prov ided t e s t i mony t o the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on March 20, urging for equitable compensation and benefits for Public Law 93-638 employees, guaranteed funding allocations for the replacement of Bureau of Indian Affairs facilities, and the strengthening of collaborative efforts with federal public safety counterparts. During a hybrid listening session convened by the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, the focus was cast on the critical needs concerning public safety and justice resources within native communities. Highlighting the urgency of the situation, Cha rles-New ton sha red some alarming statistics. “Our Nation is home t o 6 61 r e g i s t er e d s ex offenders. Between 2019 and 2022, there were 233 i n st a nces where ca ses were not pursued by federal prosecutors, including 75 involving child sexual assault, and 44 related to murder or attempted murder,” she said. “Despite a population exceeding 400,000 a nd a va st terr itor y cover i ng more than 27,000 square miles across three states, we are severely understaffed with only 214 law enforcement

officers and three criminal investigators.” She also pointed out the difficulties faced by the Nation in attracting and retaining law enforcement personnel due to noncompetitive wages and benefits when compared to neighboring jurisdictions. Charles-Newton highlighted the dispar ity in pay between tribal officer s a nd t hei r feder a l counter par ts indicating that tribal law enforcement officers and criminal investigators are not compensated at the same level as federal employees, even though they perform comparable duties primarily due to tribes lacking the authority to negotiate all aspects of PL638 contracts effectively. To address these challenge s, t he L OC Ch a i r urged the Committee to approve increased funding to ensure salary and benefit equality for all PL638 employees, including law en forcement , cr i m i n a l investigators, and detention officers. Furthermore, C h a i r C h a rle s -New t o n empha si zed t he u rgent need to replace numerous public safety facilities that have been deemed unsafe due to various hazards. “The BI A facility replacement line item must be fully funded in order to give tribes the opportunity to fund operation and maintenance costs,” Charles-Newton said. S he a l s o ex pr e s s e d

Navajo Nation Council Delegate Eugenia Charles-Newton fr ustration over the repeated calls for enhanced cooperation and communication with federal public safety agencies—such as the U.S. Depar tment of Ju st ice, t he Dr ug E n f o r c e m e n t A g e n c y, t he Feder a l Bu reau of Investigation, and the BIA within the Department of Interior—that have yet to materialize. “Crimes are happening in Indian Country and people are being killed. The BIA is once again ignoring its federal trust responsibility by leaving us with an increase that won’t even cover inflation and mandatory third-party costs. We have no money for tribal officers to get pay raises. We need the BIA to hear and convey our needs. We need more funds,” CharlesNewton said. At the listening session, U.S. Senator Brian Schatz, D-HI, thanked the gathered tribal leaders for participating. “As I’ve said before, this is your committee. We do the work, but you lead us, and this will guide what we do next legislatively, in terms of oversight and appropriation,” he said.

Navajo President, delegates advocate for funding changes Staff Reports


A SH I NGT ON D.C. — Members of the 25th Navajo Nation Council, along with Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren, advocated for federal funding and changes in the federal budget process during the week

of March 18 at the quarterly Tribal Interior Budget Council meeting held in Washington, D.C. The TIBC serves as a critical platform for tribal leaders to engage with federal representatives on matters related to budgetary allocations and funding priorities within the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Indian Education, and other agencies. Speaker Crystalyne Cu rley a nd Cou nci l Delegates Eugenia CharlesNewton, Cherilyn Yazzie, Otto Tso, and Nathan Notah participated in discussions focused on the unique needs and priorities of the Navajo people including public safety, transportation, and education. Charles-Newton, who

chairs TIBC’s public safety and justice subcommittee, presented two initiatives including a proposal to lower the age of hiring police officers from 21 to 18 to expand recruitment of Navajo Police Officers. Delegate Yazzie also requested TIBC to support a proposal to eliminate federal funding cap limits for programs that benefit tribes. Rega rd i ng school safety, Charles-Newton and Shawna Becenti, who serves as the Head of School for Navajo Preparatory School and a member of the TIBC Education Sub Committee, advocated for $93 million for School Resource Officers to help protect students at BIE schools located on the

Navajo Nation. During the meeting, the council members underscored the significance of tribal sovereignty and self-governance in decision-making processes regarding resource allocation and policy implementation. “The participation of the 25th Navajo Nation Council in the Tribal Interior Budget Council meeting reinforces our commitment to advocating for the well-being and advancement of our communities,” Curley stated in a March 25 press release. “We remain steadfast in our efforts to ensure that the Navajo Nation receives the necessary support and resources to address the needs of our people.”

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Gallup Sun • Friday, March 29, 2024 B3



One last word on words By Curtis Honeycutt Guest Columnist


ell, folks, this is it. Today marks my final Grammar Guy column. After seven years, I’ve decided to hang up the typewriter and retire from the lucrative freelance newspaper column side hustle. To leave you with one last “word nerd” lesson, I’d like to talk about the power of words (for better or for worse). In Dead Poets Society, Robin Williams’ character Mr. Keating tells his students, “No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.” This quote causes me to “sound my barbaric yawp,” as Walt Whitman writes. Words have the power of life or death. It seems as though — in the age of social media algorithms and always-on partisan news — we only take in the words that reaffirm our already

entrenched beliefs and opinions. This causes us to dig in our heels and move even further into the depths of partisanship. This is cultural poison, and we are getting more than a few daily doses of it. It’s easy to tear someone apart in the comments section of a post or story in all caps. It doesn’t take courage to sit at a keyboard and spew verbal bullets at each other. And, because our echo chambers have built thick, impenetrable walls, it doesn’t even matter if what we are reading is true. We can be well-informed by a wealth of fake news (although this fine newspaper only prints the facts, of course). Whoa, that’s pretty heavy, Grammar Guy. Over the years I’ve had the privilege to quip about the English language in around 400 words per clip. I’m thankful to my editors and publishers for the space to influence readers

on how good grammar and a healthy grasp of language can improve our lives. That’s precisely why today’s final lesson is pertinent. In a major election year where it seems our candidates and electorate are as polarized as ever, we’ll receive oversized postcards and hear stump speeches full of words. These messages contain promises, threats, half-truths and carefully targeted buzzwords whose aims are to win your votes. It’s your job to comb through these

messages and consider what kind of future you want to see. Hold on a minute; I’m not going to let you off the hook quite yet. You have a role to play in this, too. We can only hold others to a higher standard of worthy word usage if we embrace this priority for ourselves. In the words of Mr. Rogers, “Imagine what our neighborhoods would be like if each of us offered, as a matter of course, just one kind word to another person.” Your words impact your family and affect your community. You can make the world around you better by communicating honest, life-giving words.

Curtis Honeycutt —Curtis Honeycutt is an award-winning syndicated humor columnist. Connect with him on Twitter (@curtishoneycutt) or at

New Mexico is right to hold out for higher prices for its most valuable commodity By Bill Jordan Government Relations Officer for New Mexico Voices for Children/ Interim Co-Director


ew Mexico is a land with many valuable assets – from our rich cultural diversity to our stunning physical beauty, to our mineral wealth. These assets belong to us all and while it’s impossible to put a price on some of them – our culture and natural landscape, to be precise – we can and do put a price on our mineral wealth. And that price needs to be fair so that we are all receiving the benefit of the bounty beneath our feet. T h a t ’s why we s u pp or t S t a t e L a nd Commissioner Stephanie Garcia Richard’s pause on certain leases on land in the Permian Basin. Commissioner Garcia Richard rightfully paused the leasing until the state increa ses its roya lty rates to market values. Currently, New Mexico’s royalty rates on state land are below the rates on privately owned land here and in Texas and 5% lower than on state-owned land in Texas. By leasing our oil-rich land at below-market rates, we’re forgoing tens of millions of dollars every year that should

Bill Jordan be going to educate our children. The state Legislature was all set to correct this deficiency last month with HB 48, which would have increased the royalty rate for certain oil and gas tracts from 20% to 25%. The bill would have only applied to new leases on the most lucrative oil and gas parcels. HB 48 passed the House of Representatives on a 39-28 vote but then stalled in the Senate Finance Committee, where it received a hearing but no vote. Texas last increased its royalty rates on stateowned land in the 1990s. Rates on New Mexico’s state land haven’t been updated since 1970 – or since long before the richness of the Permian Basin was even discovered. A lthough Ga rcia Richard has a fiduciary duty to earn money for our schools and other public institutions, she can’t change these royalty

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rates on her own. That must be done legislatively. This pause in issuing leases will only impact a small number of parcels, and new leases for other parcels are still being sold. Garcia Richard is right to hold out for market value for these particularly promising parcels. This is a particularly per tinent issue given that just last week it was reported that some oil and gas producers have been failing to pay their taxes. Instead, they’ve been lining their own pockets with money that is supposed to go to our schools, colleges, hospitals, and other public institutions. New Mexico has some of the best oil-producing land in the nation. It’s an insult to our school children to lease the oil that funds their schools at bargain-basement prices. That’s like setting them up for a bargain-basement education. We applaud the

action of our State Land Commissioner and urge

the Legislature to take up this issue again when

they convene in 2025 and to pass it this time.

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B4 Friday, March 29, 2024 • Gallup Sun


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Gallup Sun • Friday, March 29, 2024 B5


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B6 Friday, March 29, 2024 • Gallup Sun





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PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Gallup-McKinley County Animal Control Authority will consider the following action at its Regular Meeting to be held on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 1:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at 1:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 110 West Aztec Avenue, located on the corner of South Second Street and West Aztec Avenue. ITEM ONE: Quarterly Financial Report ITEM TWO: FY 2025 Projected Budget Auxiliary aides for the disabled are available upon request. Please contact C.B. Strain at (505) 863-1244, at least one (1) week prior to the meeting or as soon as possible in advance of the meeting to make any necessary arrangements. All interested parties are invited to attend.

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Copies of the City Agendas are available on the City of Gallup’s website at: https:// The City meetings will be accessible through the City of Gallup’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook. com/CityOfGallup City of Gallup, McKinley County, New Mexico By: /S/ Alfred Abeita, City Clerk PUBLISH: 29 March 2024

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The general object of said action is to quiet the title of the following-described property in McKinley County, New Mexico: Champion Mobile Home VIN #12335260. WITNESS the District Judge of the Eleventh Judicial District Court of the State of New Mexico, and the seal of said Court this ____ day of February, 2024. Clerk of the District Court By ____________________ Deputy Published: Gallup Sun March 22, 2024 March 29, 2024 April 5, 2024 ***


ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF McKINLEY STATE OF NEW MEXICO SOLUTION PROPERTIES, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. No. D-1113-CV-2024-00113 BUJA INVESTMENTS, INC., a New Mexico corporation, and ANY UNKNOWN CLAIMANTS OF INTEREST IN THE PREMISES ADVERSE TO THE PLAINTIFF, Defendants. NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF ACTION THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO TO: BUJA INVESTMENTS, INC., a New Mexico corporation and ANY UNKNOWN CLAIMANTS OF INTEREST IN THE PREMISES ADVERSE TO THE PLAINTIFF PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Plaintiff SOLUTION PROPERTIES, INC., a Florida corporation has commenced an action to quiet title to the premises described below: Lots Six (6), Seven (7) and Eight (8) in Block One (1) of DAY SUBDIVISION, as the same is shown and designated on the plat of said subdivision filed in the office of the County Clerk, McKinley County, New Mexico on January 21, 2003. The above described property is located at the corner of West Historic Highway 66 and Rico St. in Gallup, McKinley County, New Mexico. You are hereby notified that unless you file a responsive pleading on or before May 6, 2024 with the above Court, the Judgment or other appropriate relief will be rendered against you by default.





You or your attorney are hereby directed to file a pleading or motion in response to the Complaint to Quiet Title on file herein on or before 20 days from the date of the last publication of this Notice in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court, Eleventh Judicial District of the State of New Mexico, sitting within and for the County of McKinley, that being the Court in which said Complaint is filed, and to serve a copy of the same pleading or motion upon Plaintiffs or Plaintiffs’ attorneys, Mason & Isaacson, P.A., 104 East Aztec, P.O. Box 1772, Gallup, New Mexico 87305, (505-722-4463). Unless a responsive pleading or motion is entered by you in this cause on or before the above date, judgment will be rendered against you by default.


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RATION and “Unknown Claimants in Interest Adverse to Plaintiff.”




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You are further notified that the name of Plaintiff’s attorney is Douglas W. Fowles, Rosebrough, Fowles & Foutz, P.C., 101 West Aztec Ave., Gallup, New Mexico 87301, (505) 722-9121. /s/ Douglas W. Fowles Rosebrough, Fowles & Foutz, P.C. Attorney for Plaintiff P.O. Box 1027 Gallup, New Mexico 87305 (505) 722-9121 Published: Gallup Sun March 22, 2024 March 29, 2024 April 5, 2024 *** ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF McKINLEY STATE OF NEW MEXICO SOLUTION PROPERTIES, INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, vs. No. D-1113-CV-2024-00112 COMMUNITY AREA RESOURCE ENTERPRISE, INC. (CARE 66), a New Mexico non-profit corporation, and ANY UNKNOWN CLAIMANTS OF INTEREST IN THE PREMISES ADVERSE TO THE PLAINTIFF, Defendants. NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF ACTION THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO TO: ANY UNKNOWN CLAIMANTS OF INTEREST IN THE PREMISES ADVERSE TO THE PLAINTIFF PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Plaintiff SOLUTION PROPERTIES, INC., a Florida corporation has commenced an action to quiet title to the premises described below: A Tract of Land lying in the North East ¼ of Section 20, Township 15 North, Range 18 West, N.M.P.M., Gallup, McKinley County, New Mexico. As shown on the West Sixty Six Addition (Filed: 08-9-1944); Commencing at the South West Corner of Sundram Subdivision Unit 2 (Filed: 12-16-1992); Thence N89°20’44”E on a New Mexico State Plane West Zone Grid Bearing, 793.36’ to a point on the South right-of-way of Aztec Avenue (Bk. 21 W.D., Pg. 145, 8-3-1964) and the Real

Point of Beginning; Thence N47°54’32”E along the South right-of-way of Aztec Avenue, 468.75’ to a point; Thence S61°41’26”E, 292.20’ to a Point of Intersection with the North & West right-of-way lines of Copper Avenue; Thence S00°40’04”E along the West right-of-way line of Copper Avenue, 49.97’ to a Point of Intersection with the West & South right-of-way lines of Copper Avenue and the West Boundary of the Replat of Lots 6-15, Block 8 of Viro Subdivision (Filed: 10-131982); Thence S00°40’04”E along the West Boundary of the Replat of lots 6-15, Block 8 of Viro Subdivision, 118.72’ to a point; Thence S89°20’44”W, 607.14’ to the point of beginning. Containing 2.66 acres; The above described property is located southwest of the Chaparral Mobile Home Park on West Aztec Ave. in Gallup, McKinley County, New Mexico. You are hereby notified that unless you file a responsive pleading on or before May 6, 2024 with the above Court, the Judgment or other appropriate relief will be rendered against you by default. You are further notified that the name of Plaintiff’s attorney is Douglas W. Fowles, Rosebrough, Fowles & Foutz, P.C., 101 West Aztec Ave., Gallup, New Mexico 87301, (505) 722-9121. /s/ Douglas W. Fowles Rosebrough, Fowles & Foutz, P.C. Attorney for Plaintiff P.O. Box 1027 Gallup, New Mexico 87305 (505) 722-9121 Publish: Gallup Sun Publishing March 22, 2024 March 29, 2024 April 5, 2024 *** Notice of Public Sale Notice is hereby given the on 4-5-24 at 10:00 am, a public sale will be held at A1 Towing Service, 19 Coal Basin Rd, Gallup, N.M. 87301 to sell for cash to satisfy liens.

VIN# 1ZVBP8CF3B5133020 - $11,265.00 PJ FOAT GOOSENECK TRAILER - VIN# 4P5FD4426K3039295 $23,000.00 Published: Gallup Sun Publishing March 22, 2024 March 29, 2024 *** LEGAL NOTICE INVITATION TO BID Public Notice is hereby provided that the Gallup-McKinley County Schools is accepting competitive sealed bids for: Re-Bid Glass and Glazing Services Price Agreement No. ITB-2024-32BK Commodity Code(s): 440, 44030, 55740, 63075, 91447, 93638 As more particularly set out in the ITB documents, copies of which may be obtained by downloading from the Gallup-McKinley County Schools eBidding platform website: https://gmcs.bonfirehub. com/portal/?tab=openOpportunities Sealed bids for such will be received until 2:00 P.M. (LOCAL TIME) on, April 15, 2024. FAX and HARDCOPY BIDS will NOT be accepted. Offerors will not be able to upload proposals or documents after the specified CLOSING date and time. The Gallup-McKinley County School Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive any formalities or minor inconsistencies, and/or cancel this solicitation in its entirety. Dated the 25th day of March, 2024 By: /S/ Chris Mortenson, President Board of Education Gallup-McKinley County School District No. 1 ITB ISSUE DATE: March 25, 2024 Published: Gallup Sun Publishing March 29, 2024 April 5, 2024

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Gallup Sun • Friday, March 29, 2024 B7



Community Calendar March 29 - April 4, 2024 FRIDAY, MARCH 29



4 pm - 6 pm @ Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (601 Susan Ave.). On Easter weekend, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will host a community art exhibition open house entitled “House of the Lord Celebration” to share what it means to dwell with the risen Lord Jesus Christ. There will be displays of various mediums focused on worshiping the Savior, Christian faith, and family


4 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Learn how to design a robot that can move on its own with just a few simple materials. Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information. TUESDAY, APRIL 2


5:30 pm -6:30 pm virtual meeting on Facebook Live. The purpose of this public hearing will be to report on project details, including construction schedules and timelines, for the Community Development Block Grant program.


9 am @ 207 W. Hill Ave.


2 pm every Saturday @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec. Ave.) for weekly family oriented film screenings. This week’s movie is Wish (2023). Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.








11 am @ the Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Join OFPL for Storytime activities, songs, rhymes, fingerplays, and read-aloud stories!Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.

11 am @ the Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Join OFPL for Storytime activities, songs, rhymes, fingerplays, and read-aloud stories! Throughout April, the storytimes will celebrate Spring. Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.

MONDAY, APRL 8 FRIDAY, APRIL 12 Join OFPL during the week of April 8-12 for special events in conjunction with National Week of the Young Child, which celebrates early learning, young children, their teachers, and families. Email pneilson@ or call 505-863-1291 for more information.






4 pm @ the UNM-Gallup Zollinger Library (705 Gurley Ave.). This month, Zollinger Library is “taking a walk on the wild side” with their flim selection. This week’s film is The Whale.

1 pm-2 pm @ SSC 640 Boardman Dr. TUESDAY, APRIL 9



9 am - 5 pm @ 340 9th Street. The Gallup 9th Street Flea Market is one of the largest Native American markets in the United States.

5:30 pm -6:30 pm virtual meeting on Facebook Live. The purpose of this public hearing will be to report on project details, including construction schedules and timelines, for the Community Development Block Grant program.

Thi ffree scholastic This h l ti tournament is open to chess players of all ages and skill levels.

4 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). In honor of Zoo Lover’s Day, create a sensory zoo craft! For more information email: or call (505) 863-1291.

4:30 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Join the chess club at OFPL! Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


@ OFPL’s main library (115 W. Hill Ave.). This week’s film is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

5 pm @ the UNM-Gallup Zollinger Library (705 Gurley Ave.). Celebrate National Library Week with a showing of the documentary Library Stories: Books From the Road.


4 pm - 6 pm @ the Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). OFPL’s MakerSpace is a collaborative work space for making, learning, and exploring. Participants ages 5 and up can come in to create their own design for the 3D printers or explore the many engineering activities and equipment!


4 pm every Wednesday



9 am - 10:30 am via Zoom. For more information visit gallupnm. gov.


6 pm - 9 pm @ OFPL’s main library (115 W. Hill Ave.). Mingle with K-POP fans, synchronize your dance moves to your favorite K-POP artists, and trade K-POP merch. Email ctatsukawa@gallupnm. gov or call (505) 8631291 for more information. SATURDAY, APRIL 6


9 am - 4 pm @ El Morro Events Center (210 S. Second St.). Registration begins at 9 am with rounds beginning at 10 am and the event ending with an awards ceremony at 4 pm.

GALLUP SUN FREE OBITUARY FORM Instructions: Fill in all relevant information, leave the rest blank. One photo per obit (JPEG). Please fill out carefully. The Gallup Sun is not responsible for errors. Circle proper gender in “he/she” areas. If you’re looking to place custom written obituary or have a custom obituary designed, see contact information at end of page.

St ) Th St.). The Bl Blue D Desertt Tour is a jazz concert series designed to promote healing in Indigenous communities throughout the Four Corners. Doors open at 6:30 pm. FRIDAY, APRIL 12





@ Rio West Mall (1300 W. Maloney Ave.). Since March is National Reading Month, Rio West Mall is on a mission to ignite the love for reading in kids from kindergarten to 8th grade! For every five books they read, kids can indulge in a treat of their choice – a sundae, a scoop of ice cream, or a Piccadilly! Pick up your reading log at the Mall Management Office, Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. Once your log is filled, turn it in at the Mall Office to receive your delicious voucher.

4 pm - 6 pm @ OFPL’s Main Library (115 W. Hill Ave.). Join OFPL and Master Gardeners from Tumbleweed Farms for a gardening series. In this session, review ways to extend your season and prolong the life of your garden.


2 pm in-person at the Main Library (115 W. Hill Ave.) or on Zoom. OFPL’s book club book for April is Blood Sisters by Vanessa Lillie. Email bmartin@ or call 505-863-1291 for more information. 7 pm to 9 pm @ Downtown Gallup. Come experience local and professional art, artist demonstrations, gallery openings, live music, hands-on crafts, and games for the kids.


7 pm - 9 pm @ ART123 Gallery (123 W. Coal Ave.). Be immersed in color in Be Sargent’s latest solo show.


5 pm @ the UNM-Gallup Zollinger Library (705 Gurley Ave.). Join Zollinger Library for a Pokémon tournament. For questions please call 505-863-7531 or email markos@unm. edu.

7 pm - 9 pm @ LOOM Gallery (209 W. Coal Ave.). Hiro Cash is a contemporary painter and second-year BFA student at the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe.


7 pm - 9 pm @ El Morro Theatre (207 W. Coal Ave.). In celebration of National Poetry Month, OFPL will host several poets from the New Mexico Poetry Anthology Collection. Witness contemporary, groundbreaking work by featured poets Mia Sutanto, Boderra Joe and Shirley Balance Blackwell followed by an open mic to share your own work or hear from others.


5 pm @ OFPL’s Main Library (115 W. Hill Ave.). Attorney David Eason will discuss the 14th amendment during this talk. Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


7 pm @ the El Morro Theatre (210 S. 2nd

7 pm - 9 pm @ El Morro Events Center (210 S. Second St.). Join OFPL as they bring their MakerSpace to ArtsCrawl and create some spring-themed stickers.



6 pm @ City Council Chambers, Gallup City Hall (110 W. Aztec Ave.). The meeting will also be streamed on the City of Gallup’s Facebook page at City of Gallup, New Mexico Government.





@ First Nations Community HealthSource-Gallup (1630 S. Second St.). First Nations Community HealthSource-Gallup offers Free Rapid HIV, Syphilis and Hep C Testing, Monday – Friday from 1 pm to 6:30 pm by appointment. Get your results within minutes. To schedule an appointment call (505) 863-8827.


OFPL staff who will create a bundle of material specially for you! Let them know what type of materials and genres you are interested in, and they’ll browse for you and create a custom bundle of material for you to pick-up curbside. Email bmartin@ or call (505) 863-1291 for more information. To post a nonprofit or civic event in the calendar section, please email: gallupsunevents@gmail. com or fax: (505) 2120391. Deadline: Monday at 5 pm.

Introducing ‘Teacher of the Month’ 2024

You can fill in the PDF and send directly to us, or print, fill out, scan, and send in! ___________________________________________, of _________________________, _____ (Full Name of Deceased)



died _______________________. He/She was _______. (Date of Death)


Navajo clients, optional information to fill in:

_____________________ was born into the ________________________________________ (Decedent’s First Name)

(Maternal Clan Name)

___________________________________________________________________________, born for _____________________________________________________________________ (Paternal Clan Name)


He/She was born in ________________________________________________________, (City)

________ on __________________. (Birth Date) (State) ____________________ was preceded in death by ___________________________________ (First Name)

_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

The Gallup Sun is accepting nominations for "QSJM’s top teacher! Who can vote? Students of all ages that currently attend a K-12 school or college located in McKinley County, N.M. How are votes decided? A panel selects the teacher based on the information provided by the nominee, and the number of votes for each teacher. How is the teacher honored? The Sun will contact and feature a story on the teacher, plus he/she will receive a gift from one our generous sponsors. Deadline to enter: "QSJM 1, 2024

He/She is survived by ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Funeral Services will be held at ___________________________________________________

So, how do I enter my teacher? It’s simple, answer the following questions and email:

on __________________________ at _______________ . (Date)


You don’t need to fill out a form, but all of these questions are required to be answered and formatted, as directed below:

Memorials/Flowers can be sent to: (Circle One)

____________________________________________________________________________ .

TEACHER’S FULL NAME:_________________________________________ ——————————————————————————————————————-

SCHOOL/COLLEGE NAME: _______________________________________

SEND FORM AND OPTIONAL PIC TO: EMAIL: FAX: 505-212-0391 DROP OFF: 1983 State Road 602, Gallup, NM • Office: (505) 722-8994 Contact the Sun’s office for discounted pricing on custom and/or artistic obituary tribute. YOUR NAME & NUMBER: _______________________________________________________ (Required)

GRADE OR COURSE(S) TAUGHT: __________________________________ EXPLAIN WHY YOUR TEACHER DESERVES THIS RECOGNTION: ________ ______________________________________________________________ YOUR NAME & PHONE #:________________________________________

B8 Friday, March 29, 2024 • Gallup Sun


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ƺɀɎ Ȓǔ xƬkǣȇǼƺɵٍ

Drop off in person • 1983 State Road 602, Gallup, NM 87301

• Select only one business per category. Only one entry per person allowed whether you ɮȒɎƺ ƏɎ JƏǼǼɖȵ ³ɖȇ‫ټ‬ɀ IƏƬƺƫȒȒǸ ȵƏǕƺ Ȓȸ ˡǼǼ out this ballot.

• There will be one Winner per category and Honorable Mention for second place. • Finalist phase ballot deadline for entries: April 8, 2024, 5 pm

Circle one business or person for each category. BEST OVERALL Best Business in Gallup ཰ Gallup Coffee Company ཱ Gallup Community ཱ Health ི Gallup Eye Group ི ཱི Oasis Mediterranean ཱི Restaurant ུ Thunderbird Supply ུ Company Best Business in Vanderwagen - Ramah Zuni ཰ Ancient Way Cafe ཱ Chu Chu’s Restaurant ཱ ི El Sabino Grocery & ི Package ཱི Major Market Inc. ཱི Best Business in Tse Bonito - Yatahey ཰ Blake’s Lotaburger ཱ Family Dollar ཱ ི Griswold’s Inc. ི ཱི T&R Market ཱི

BEST ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Best Art Gallery ཰ Art123 Gallery ཱ Gallup Cultural Center ཱ ི RC Gorman Gallery ི Best Artist ཰ Daniel Josley ཱ Jerry Brown ི Sydney Smolla ི Best Family Entertainment ཰ El Morro Theatre ཱ Gallup’s ArtsCrawl ཱ ི Red Rock 10 Theatre ི ཱི Skate Connection ུ Wild Thing Bullriding ུ Best Outdoor Event ཰ Gallup’s ArtsCrawl ཱ Gallup Inter-Tribal ཱ Ceremonial Parade ི Red Rock Balloon ི Rally ཱི Wild Thing Bullriding Best Photographer ཰ Del Ray Photography ཱ Sydney Smolla ཱ Best Videographer ཰ Del Ray Photography ཱ Sydney Smolla ཱ

BEST AUTOMOTIVE Best Auto Glass ཰ Abeita Glass Co. ཱ Auto Glass & ཱ Construction ི Gallup Custom Tinting ི ཱི Rangel’s AutoGlass & Tint Best Auto Supply ཰ Auto Zone ཱ CarQuest Auto Parts ཱ ི O’Reilly’s Auto Parts ི Best Automotive Repair ཰ Amigo Automotive Group ཱ Krackin Industries ཱ ི Leyba Auto Clinic Best Oil Change ཰ Amigo Quick Lube ཱ Jiffy Lube ཱ ི Rico Quick Lube ི Best Tire Shop ཰ AJ Tires & Auto Center ཱ Point S Tire & Auto ཱ

Services ི Route 66 Discount Tire ི Shop ཱི Shaffer Tire Inc. Car Dealer - Best Customer Service ཰ Amigo CDJR ཱ Amigo Chevrolet ཱ ི Amigo Toyota ི ཱི Rico Auto Complex Car Dealer - Best Sales Associate ཰ Clara Lynch - Amigo Chevrolet ཱ Ryan Menapace - Rico ཱ Auto Complex ི Sergio Zarate - Amigo ི Chevrolet Car Dealer - Best Sales Team ཰ Amigo CDJR ཱ Amigo Chevrolet ཱ ི Amigo Toyota ི ཱི Rico Auto Complex Car Dealer - Best Service Department ཰ Amigo CDJR ཱ Amigo Chevrolet ཱ ི Amigo Toyota ི ཱི Rico Auto Complex Car Dealer - Best Used Cars ཰ Amigo CDJR ཱ Amigo Chevrolet ཱ ི Amigo Toyota ི ཱི John’s Used Car ུ Rico Auto Complex ུ

BEST FOOD & BEVERAGE Best Bakery and Dessert ཰ Glenn’s Bakery ཱ Juniper Bakery ཱ ི Westend Donut & Deli ི Best Bar ཰ American Bar ཱ Rocket Liquor & Lounge ཱ ི Sammy C’s Rock N’ ི Sport Pub & Grille ཱི The 49er Lounge Best Breakfast ཰ Grandpa’s Grill ཱ Jerry’s Cafe ཱ ི Mama’s Kitchen ི ཱི Sandra’s Place ུ Railway Cafe ུ Best Burger ཰ 505 Burgers & Wings ཱ Grandpa’s Grill ཱ ི Railway Cafe ི Best Chile ཰ Anthony’s - A Taste Of The Southwest ཱ Don Diego’s Restaurant ཱ & Lounge ི Jerry’s Cafe ི Best Convenience Store ٢ɀȵƺƬǣˡƬ ǼȒƬƏɎǣȒȇ٣ ཰ Allsup’s South ཱ Maverick East ཱ Best Dinner ཰ Cheii’s Grill @ Fire Rock Casino ཱ Fratelli’s Bistro ཱ ི Oasis Mediterranean ི Best Enchiladas ཰ Anthony’s - A Taste Of The Southwest ཱ Genaros’ Cafe ཱ ི Jerry’s Cafe ི Best Fast Food

཰ Blake’s Lotaburger ཱ Panda Express ཱ ི Sonic ི Best Lunch ཰ Angela’s Cafe ཱ Grandpa’s Grill ཱ ི Railway Cafe ི Best Mexican ཰ Anthony’s - A Taste Of The Southwest ཱ Don Diego’s Restaurant ཱ & Lounge ི Jerry’s Cafe ི Best Pizza ཰ Fratelli’s Bistro ཱ Pizza Edge ཱ ི Pizza 9 ི ཱི Rocket Cafe Best Restaurant ཰ Anthony’s - A Taste of the Southwest ཱ Cocina De Dominguez ཱ ི Fratelli’s Bistro ི Best Sandwich ཰ Angela’s Cafe ཱ Camille’s Sidewalk Cafe’ ཱ ི Westend Donut & Deli ི Best Tacos ཰ Don Diego’s Restaurant & Lounge ཱ Jalisco Taco Truck ཱ ི Taco Bell ི Best Wings ཰ 505 Burgers & Wings ཱ Fratelli’s Bistro ཱ Best Coffee ཰ Gallup Coffee Company ཱ Java Drip Coffee ཱ ི Starbucks Coffee Co. ི

BEST HEALTH & FITNESS Best Cannabis ཰ CMC Cannabis ཱ Red Barn Growers ི Top Shelf Dispensary Best Dentist ཰ Dental Innovations ཱ Dr. Porter Dental ི Sundance Dental Care of Gallup Best Doctor ཰ Dr. Andrade Lawrence MD ཱ Dr. Matthew McGraw OD Best Eyeglass Store ཰ Bishop Optical ཱ Gallup Eye Group ི Nizhoni Vision Best Health/Wellness (Oriented Business) ཰ Cowboy Iron Gym ཱ Gallup Eye Group ི Gallup Recreation Center Best Medical Practice ཰ Gallup Community Health ཱ Gallup Eye Group ི Family Medicine Associates

BEST SHOPPING & SERVICES Best Barber Shop/Salon ཰ Diamond Cutz ཱ Dynasty Barbershop ཱ ི Mystique Salon & Day ི Spa Best Clothing Store ཰ JCPenney

REQUIRED (not for publication): Full Name:___________________________________________________________________ Email or phone #:____________________________________________________________

ཱ ཱ Maurices ི Ross Dress for Less ི Best Electrical Company ཰ Justin Time Electrical LLC. ཱ Knight Electric Co. ཱ Best Florist ཰ Blossom Shop ཱ Flower Basket ཱ ི ³ƏǔƺɯƏɵ ‫ ٮ‬ˢȒȸƏǼ ƳƺȵɎِ ི Best Furniture Store ཰ Ashley Furniture ཱ Castle Furniture ི Goodwill ི Best Heating & Cooling Company ཰ Horizon Enterprises Plumbing and Heating ཱ Laroc Refrigeration ཱ ི Universal Air ི Best Hotel ཰ Best Western Plus ཱ El Rancho Hotel ཱ ི Hilton Garden Inn ི Best Insurance Agency/ Agent ཰ Bubany Insurance Agency ཱ Clay Fultz Insurance ཱ Agency Best Jewelry Supply ཰ Silver and Turquoise Supply LLC ཱ Silver Stone ི Thunderbird Supply Co. ི Best Nail Technician ཰ Gallup Nail Spa ཱ LA Nails ཱ ི Tip Top Nails ི ƺɀɎ zȒȇ‫¨ٮ‬ȸȒˡɎ organization ཰ Big Brothers Big Sisters - Mountain Region ཱ Gallup Community ཱ Health Best Pet Service ཰ Cedar Animal Medical Center ཱ Gallup Happy Paws ཱ ི Laughing Dog Kennel ི Best Plumbing Company ཰ Laroc Refrigeration ཱ Roto Rooter Plumbling ཱ & Water Cleaning ི Williams Plumbing ི Best Real Estate Agent ཰ Elizabeth MunozHamilton - Gallup Living Keller Williams ཱ Mike Mazel - Gallup ཱ Living Keller Williams ི Olga Starr - Remax ི Best Specialty Service ཰ Foreign Automotive Speciality ཱ House of Stamps ཱ ི Rosebrough, Fowles & ི Foutz, PC Best Specialty Supply Store ཰ Four Corners Welding & Gas Supply ཱ Gallup Lumber & Ace ཱ Hardware ི Tractor Supply Co. ི Best Trading Company/ Pawn ཰ Ellis Tanner Trading Co. ཱ First American Traders ཱ ི Perry Null Trading Co. ི ཱི Richardson Trading Co. ཱི

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