Cis 336 final exam 2 (devry)

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CIS 336 Final Exam 2 (Devry) Click Here to Purchase the Tutorial

For more course tutorials visit Product Description 1. (TCO 1) Most DBMS are referred to as _____________database management systems. (Points : 4) elemental linked hierarchical relational 2. (TCO 1) A relational DBMS provides protection of the _______________________ through security, control, and recovery facilities. (Points : 4) user network system database 3. (TCO 2) If a foreign key contains either matching values or nulls, the table(s) that make use of such a foreign key is/are said to exhibit __________ integrity. (Points : 4) referential restrictive secondary redundant 4. (TCO 2) A field that consists of integer values is a _________ type field. (Points : 4) Date/Time Yes/No Memo Numeric 5. (TCO 3) The PK must uniquely identify each entity instance. A primary key must be able to guarantee unique values. It cannot contain nulls. This rationale belongs to ____. (Points : 4) Unique values Nonintelligent Preferably single-attribute Security complaint 6. (TCO 3) A table that is in 1NF and includes no partial dependencies only is said to be in_____________. (Points : 4) 1NF. 2NF. 3NF.

4NF. BCNF. 7. (TCO 3) A table that has all key attributes defined, has no repeating groups, and all its attributes are dependent on the primary key, is said to be in_____________.(Points : 4) 1NF. 2NF. 3NF. 4NF. BCNF. 8. (TCO 4) In Oracle, the DEFAULT constraint is used to ____________________. (Points : 4) define which column is the default primary key if one is not explicitly named define which column is the default foreign key if on is not explicitly named assign a value to an attribute when a new row is added and a value is not defined validate data when a value is added to an attribute Page 2 - Multiple Choice 1. (TCO 4) Which of the following is not considered a database object? (Points : 4) a table a view a constraint a sequence an index 2. (TCO 4) Which of the following SQL statements would you use to create a table named DEVRY? (Points : 4) CREATE Devry ( Student_id NUMBER (12), Student_name VARCHAR2 (15), Student_city VARCHAR2 (12) ); CREATE TABLE Devry ( Student_id NUMBER (12) Student_name VARCHAR2 (15) Student_city VARCHAR2 (12) ); CREATE TABLE Devry ( Student_id NUMBER (12), Student_name VARCHAR2 (15), Student_city VARCHAR2 (12) ); CREATE TABLE Devry Student_id NUMBER (12),

Student_name VARCHAR2 (15), Student_city VARCHAR2 (12); 3. (TCO 5) The ____ constraint requires that a specific condition be met before a record can be added to a table. (Points : 4) UNIQUE REFERENCE CONDITION CHECK 4. (TCO 5) The ___________ model is both software and hardware dependent. (Points : 4) conceptual logical condensed physical 5. (TCO 6) The _________________________ statement can be used to enable or disable a constraint. (Points : 4) alter table modify table create table update table 6. (TCO 6) When using the ALTER TABLE...DROP COLUMN command, which of the following is not correct? (Points : 4) The command's effect on the table is permanent. You cannot delete the last remaining column in a table. The command deletes both the column and its contents. The command can be used to delete multiple columns from a table. 7. (TCO 6) Which of the following keywords can be used to change the size, datatype, and/or default value of an existing column? (Points : 4) ADD MODIFY CHANGE RESET 8. (TCO 7) Any type of subquery can be used in the _________ clause of a SELECT statement. (Points : 4) WHERE HAVING FROM ORDER BY GROUP Page 3 - Multiple Choice 1. (TCO 7) Using the BOOK_CUSTOMER and BOOK_ORDER tables shown below for references, which SQL statement will return the same results as the following SQL statement? SELECT * FROM book_customer, book_order; (Points : 4)

SELECT * FROM book_order CROSS JOIN book_customer; SELECT * FROM book_order, book_customer WHERE book_order.customer# = book_customer.customer#; SELECT * FROM book_order, book_customer WHERE book_order.customer# >book_customer.customer#; SELECT * FROM o book_order , c book_customer WHERE o.customer# = c.customer#; 2. (TCO 7) If a Cartesian join is used to link table A which contains five rows to table B which contains eight rows, there will be _______ rows in the results. (Points : 4) 8 13 5 40 3. (TCO 8) Based upon the contents of the BOOK_ORDER table shown below, which of the following SQL statements will display the ship date for order 1006 as April 2, 2002? (Points : 4) SELECT order#, TO_CHAR(shipdate, 'fmMonth DD, YYYY') FROM book_order; SELECT order#, TO_DATE(shipdate, 'fmMonth DD, YYYY') FROM book_order; SELECT order#, TO_CHAR(shipdate, 'Month DD, YYYY') FROM book_order; SELECT order#, TO_DATE(shipdate, 'Month DD, YYYY') FROM book_order; 4. (TCO 8) Based upon the contents of the BOOK_ORDER table shown below, which of the following SQL statements will display only those orders shipped to the zip code zone that begins with 323? (Points : 4) SELECT order#, SUBSTR(shipzip, 1, 323) FROM book_order; SELECT order#, SUBSTR(shipzip, 1, 323) FROM book_order WHERE ; SELECT order# FROM book_order WHERE (shipzip, 1, 323); SELECT order# FROM book_order WHERE SUBSTR(shipzip, 1, 3) = 323; 5. (TCO 8) Which of the following functions determines the number of characters in a character string? (Points : 4) COUNT NUMBER

LENGTH DECODE 6. (TCO 9) Which of the following is not a valid SQL command? (Points : 4) UPDATE acctmanager SET WHERE ; UPDATE acctmanager SET (amname); UPDATE acctmanager SET (amname) WHERE ; UPDATE acctmanager WHERE ; 7. (TCO 9) Using the promotion table shown below, which of the following SQL statements will insert a new row into the PROMOTION table?

(Points : 4) INSERT INTO promotion (gift, minretail, maxretail) VALUES (FREE BOOK, 75.01, 89.99); INSERT INTO promotion (gift, minretail, maxretail) VALUES ('FREE BOOK', 75.01, 89.99); INSERT INTO promotion VALUES (FREE BOOK, 75.01, 89.99); INSERT INTO promotion (gift, minretail) VALUES (FREE BOOK, 75.01, 89.99); 8. (TCO 10) A ____ is a uniquely identifiable object that allows a given person to log on to the database. (Points : 4) user role profile manager 9. (TCO 10) Which command will delete a user account from Oracle9i? (Points : 4) DELETE USER username; DELETE USER username IDENTIFIED BY password; DROP USER username IDENTIFIED BY password; DROP USER username; Page 4 - Essays 1. (TCO 2) What is Character data? (Points : 15) 2. (TCO 3) Explain the term "second normal form". (Points : 15) 3. (TCO 7) Sally needs to find all employees who have a date-of-hire between 01-JAN-2003 and 01-JAN-2005. She writes and executes the following query: 4. (TCO 8) In using group functions we cannot place a group function in a WHERE clause. Explain how the WHERE clause and HAVING clause are similar and why you can use the HAVING with a group function but not a WHERE clause. (Points : 15) 5. (TCO 6) Write the SQL statement that will remove the database table EMPLOYEE. (Points : 15) 1. (TCO 7) Write a join query using NATURAL JOIN that for every order in the ORDERS table will list the order number and order date along with the cusnumber, last name, and first name of the customer who placed the order.

2. (TCO 8) Write a query that will list the part number, part description, and on-hand value (units on hand * unit price) for each part in item class AP. Give the expression an alias of "On Hand Value". 3. (TCO 8) Write a sub query that will list the part number, part description, and units on hand of all parts where the number of units on hand is greater than the average of units on hand for all parts. 4. (TCO 7) Using the BETWEEN operator, write a query that will list all details about all orders that were placed during the period of September 3rd thru September 5th of 1998. 5. (TCO 7) Write a query that will list the part number and part description for all parts in the PART table. (Points : 15)

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