Americas' Idahot minimagazine

Page 18

Disadvantages of living in a third world country and belonging to the LGTBIQ community In the last decade the LGBTIQ community has presented an increase in suicide rate compared to their heterosexual peers, building up to four times the percentage of these by rejection of society and doubling this figure if you have also family rejection. Although homosexuality is not illegal in our country, in the Dominican Republic there is a marked discrimination against the members of this community. While the former President of the United States Barack Obama was exercising his mandate, he decreed James Brewster as Ambassador of the United States to the Dominican Republic, generating a polemic among the many religious groups that are in the country. In the developed or first world countries, which are those that have the highest education index, belonging to the LGTBIQ community is irrelevant.

On the other hand, the simple fact of belonging to this community in underdeveloped countries means having an open door to prejudice and exclusion, where one is judged by the sexual orientation instead of being judged by the capacity that one has as a person as it would be in advanced countries. We currently live in a world governed by patriarchy with some advances in first world countries, obtaining in very few equality and in others; Respect. However, third world countries are still fervently governed by patriarchy and the Orthodox Church, thus preventing the necessary progress and acceptance of what they do not understand. Underdeveloped countries have a “balance” of “advantages and disadvantages” but this one is lost at some point when it comes to the collective LGBTIQ being this only a receiver of grievances, having a totality of 72 countries which consider illegal the Homosexuality and 8 other countries punish it with death penalty.

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