Ichthyosis Symptoms and Treatments - G16 Lotion

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by: G16 Lotion


What is Ichthyosis Ichthyosis Symptoms Ichthyosis Causes Different Types of Ichthyosis Ichthyosis Treatment


Ichthyosis is a dry skin condition that leaves the skin scaly and flakey or dry and cracked. There are many different types of Ichthyosis with the most common being Ichthyosis Vulgaris. In the majority of cases, Ichthyosis is hereditary, but in some other cases, it can be acquired (normally in adulthood) and is usually associated with another disease in the body. All forms of Ichthyosis have different types of cracked, dry skin which can either become thickened or flaky and resemble fish scale skin, or it can make the skin thin and fragile. The word Ichthyosis comes from the Ancient Greek word ‘Ichthys’ which means fish.


• Ichthyosis can be genetic or develop during life. Genetic or inherited Ichthyosis Vulgaris occurs due to a single genetic flaw that is passed on through one or both parents. It can also develop as a new fault in the gene in the early stages of fetal life. The signs and symptoms of inherited Ichthyosis appear at birth or within the first year of a baby’s life.

• If you develop Ichthyosis later in life, it is usually associated with another condition like; an underactive thyroid, kidney disease, sarcoidosis (this is a rare condition that causes small red swollen patches of tissue to develop in the body’s organs), Hodgkin Lymphoma (a rare type of cancer), the HIV infection and some medicines can also trigger Ichthyosis. Certain medications can also trigger Ichthyosis.

DIFFERENT TYPES OF ICHTHYOSIS • Ichthyosis Vulgaris • Lamellar Ichthyosis • X-Linked Ichthyosis • EHK • Ichthyosis Bullous • Harlequin Ichthyosis


Although there is no complete Ichthyosis Cure, there is definitely hope!

By now you have probably spent far too much time and money looking for the best Ichthyosis Treatment that really works and then been let down and disappointed as the results are far from what you need. Well, we believe your search is over!

TG16 Skin Repair Lotion has helped thousands of people restore confidence in their skin. We guarantee you will be impressed or we will give you your money back! Don’t believe the hype? Try for yourself! You have nothing to lose with our 21-day money back guarantee.

G16 Skin Repair is our newest development and we know that you will love it. G16 is the next generation of its predecessor; the extremely popular G15. G16 soaks in to your skin within three minutes of applying and does not leave any clamminess on the skin whatsoever. Unlike G15, G16 Skin Repair boasts results within only seven days

Address: SRLI Ltd Horsham Sussex RH135UR United Kingdom Email Id: info@g16lotion.com Website: https://www.srlotion.com CONTACT US:


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