Be watchful of winter allergies

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Be Watchful of Winter Allergies

Authored by Dr.AM Mohan Rao


Patients susceptible to pollen allergy may get a break in the winters as most of the time is spent indoors. But if anybody has indoor allergies such as allergy to dust mites or mold, then during winter the symptoms of these allergies can shoot up. In winter people use heaters and it results in the accumulation of dust, insect parts and mold spores in the house. These allergens enter into the nose and start an allergic reaction. Some of the common indoor allergens are: • Dust mites: These are very small, microscopic bugs which stay in the beddings and mattresses. The droppings of these mites cause allergy when they become airborne. • Mold: This is a fungus which lives in moist, humid areas like the bathrooms and basements. They produce spores which when become airborne can trigger an allergic reaction. • Animals: When a furry pet is kept indoors their fur is spread all over in the house, but fur is not the main reason for allergy. The protein which is found in the fur, saliva and urine of the animals is responsible for the allergy. Some outdoor allergens are: • Parthenium weed: Parthenium or Congress grass is a poisonous, allergic and aggressive weed growing luxuriantly in wastelands, orchards, forestlands, flood plains, agricultural

areas, urban areas, overgrazed pastures and along roadsides and railway tracks. This weed has been choking Bangalore for a while now. Smog and Smoke Pollution: According to Centre for Science and Environment executive director Anumita Roy Chowdhury. “The smog and existing pollution level in the city of Delhi, exceed the standard level of killer particles by five to six times and are associated with significant increases in health risks. High exposure is known to lead to increased hospitalization for asthma, lung diseases, chronic bronchitis and heart damage. Long-term exposure can even cause lung cancer.” Dust from Mines and Factories: Dust stirs up a lot of allergic problems. Dust from mines and factories are toxic and cause asthma. Dust mites feed on dead skin from pets and humans. The skin we shed is enough to feed a million dust mites. They may be found in the air, in carpets, furniture or in the bed.

Symptoms The symptoms of allergies caused by dust mites or mold include: • Itchy eyes and nose • Coughing • Sneezing • Runny nose • Watery eyes • Dark circles under the eyes It is important to distinguish a cold or flu from an allergy. A cold or flu doesn’t last for more than 10 days where as an allergy can persist for weeks or months. The symptoms of allergies do not include fever and body ache which are otherwise seen when suffering from colds and flu. Diagnosis The diagnosis of an allergy is necessary, if it lasts for more than a week. Allergists (allergy specialists) examine the health history and the symptoms of the patient before diagnosing. The allergist diagnoses an allergy by doing a skin test on the person, either by scratching a bit of the allergen on the patient’s skin or by injecting the allergen under the skin. If the skin turns red and itchy then it confirms the person’s allergy to that allergen. Some allergies are also diagnosed by blood tests. Treatment The treatment options for winter allergies include the following: • Antihistamines: These are anti-allergic drugs which reduce the symptoms of allergy such as sneezing, sniffling and itching. • Decongestants: These drugs help to reduce the nasal congestion and the swelling. • Allergy shots: Exposing the body to gradually increasing doses of allergens helps the body to adapt to the allergen and reduce the symptoms of the allergy. Prevention The following tips can help in the prevention of winter allergies: • Discarding the shower curtains, carpets of other material which have mold on them. • Washing the showers and sinks with 5% bleach containing solution.

Using a dehumidifier to keep the levels of humidity below 50% in the home. This helps to control dust mites and mold. • Using an air filter to keep the air free from dust. • Washing the mattresses and beddings with hot water every week and using allergy proof covers on them. •

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