Your First Product review and (MEGA) bonuses – Your First Product

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Your First Product – Your Guide To Making Passive Monthly Income in 2016! Your First Product makes video creation a really Straight forward. Finally you can create package and release your very own digital info product and finally get in on the internet marketing revolution! Your First Product Overview     

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Homepage: Your First Product Official Site Product Name: Your First Product Type of Product: Training Course Authors: Kevin Sheerin Target niche: Affiliate Marketing, Make Money Online, How To Create Package And Release Your Very First Information Product Using Smart Capture. Simple Step By Step System With No Nonsense In It Customers Will Love it Official Price: $37 Special Offer: 30%-OFF DISCOUNT HERE! (It’s very very limited here!) Bonuses: [EXCLUSIVE] You will get any of the bonus packs in below: o GIANT Bonuses Pack 1 o SPECIAL Bonuses Pack 2 o ULTIMATE Bonuses Pack 3

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HUGE Bonuses Pack 4 MEGA Bonuses Pack 5

What is Your First Product? One of the most profitable ways for you to make money online in 2016 is by creating & selling info products & video courses! It's FREE to create & sell and with the platform Udemy making it so easy to make monthly passive income...If you're not selling your video courses on their, then you're likely missing out! And listen to this:"The average earner on Udemy makes over $7,000 per year in passive income""Over 90% of people who sell their courses on Udemy, make Sales!" That's unheard of in online marketing, with usually 99% of people failing in making money online...Now the problem is, knowing how to create package and release your products is dificult WITHOUT the right tools and know how...That said, this has all changed with the "Your First Product" system. Your First Product makes video creation a really Straight forward, plus the bonus screen recording software makes the course a complete no brainer as it's worth the cost for the entire course alone! It's Easy to use, cost effective & enables you to create videos like a PRO!

How Does Your First Product Work? What Will You Get With Your First Product?    

Module 1: Module 2: Module 3: Module 4: Converts

Your First Product Quick Start Video! How To Create Package And Release Your Product How To Launch Your Product To A Hungry Market Place Sales Copy Mastery: Writing Killer Sales Copy That

Special Features of Your First Product:  Learn How To Create, Package & Release Your Product In No Time Flat  Position Yourself As A Leading Authority In Your Market Place  Simple Enough For Anyone To Follow  Start Generating Profit Without Answering To Anyone  No Bs Training That Gets Results!  Rinse and Repeat The Process For Unlimited Product Launches! How it works: Step 1: Create the product

Create your product using smart capture & simple to use software tools to get the job done fast! Step 2: Package Package the product on a sales and download page for your new customers! Sep 3: Release Release the product to a hungry marketplace and start generating sales! Who Should Use Your First Product? Your First Product is designed for people who are Self Employed, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Aspiring Internet Marketers, People who want to improve their lives drastically and People Who Want To Increase The Quality And Quantity Of Customers They Have Including But Not Limited To………..     

Entrepreneurs Aspiring Internet Marketers Business Owners Opportunity Seekers People With Big Goals, Dreams & Ambitions For Themselves

Why should you Get Your First Product Now? Top Marketers Already Know Not Launching Their Info Products Would Cost Them Millions! Every top marketer knows that creating their own info products is the fastes way to getting their businesses the vital cashflow they need to grow and be profitable. The fastest way to build up your online business is to create your very own highly profitable info products and thousands of people just like you started out with nothing more than a laptop and the knowledge inside their head! Top marketers know that all it takes to get the ball rolling is your first product. Once you've done it once and have it out in the world making sales you can rinse and repeate the process over and over!

Your First Product will solve the problem for you. Finally you can create package and release your very own digital info product and finally get in on the internet marketing revolution! Imagine being able to instantly create:     

Video Training Courses Video Sales Letters Info Products Demo Videos Product Review Videos And MUCH more…

All with just ONE easy to use software! This is a software every entrepreneur & online marketers should have in their arsenal to quickly create content for their online business! Where will you be in 30 days from now if you don’t take action? Still struggling to get ads approved, getting few sales from your website and being in despair because it’s so hard to grow your list? Your future can be much different starting right now. Let’s hear what early customers had to say

Aislinn Twamley Potty Training Secrets "This System Was So Simple To Use. I Just Followed The Videos Step-By-Step & Before I New It I Had My First Product Created. I Now Use The Exact Same System To Make All My Info Products"

And now after revealing all the features inside Your First Product, they are not about to stop there. They are including a very valuable bonus, designed to enhance your result with Your First Product. Special Bonuses from Your First Product: Fast Action Bonus 1 Done For You Sales Copy Template

Kevin's created a sales copy template that you can use & modify it for your first product. Use this template to turn around your sales copy in no time flat so that you can get to launch week asap! You can litterally use this template over & over for every single product you create making writing sales copy a breeze every time you launch! Fast Action Bonus 2 Done For Outsourcer Templates

He's created done for you outsourcer templates to get anything you cant' design yourself made. - Graphics - Product Covers - Sales Pages Formatting You name it and there is a template you can use to modify and get what you need ordered in no time flat! He'll also show you how to get all of your orders placed for a couple of dollars so you save on all of your outsourcing needs! Fast Action Bonus 3: Private VIP Invite Only Facebook Group!

This private invite only group is filled with product creators just like you to get ideas from and make vital connections for your product launches! The community is a hive of activity that you can bouce idea's off of & partner up with for your launches as your business grows. Kevin will post in this group every day too so you can get feedback on your launches to help make sure you're on the right track! Fast Action Bonus 4 Product Launch Cheat Sheet PDF!

The product launch PDF breaks all the steps of a launch down into bite sized chunks. Every step is laid out in detail so that you can use it as a handy checklist to make sure you've left nothing out! This is the ideal addition to the system to make sure you get everythign you need checked off for launch day to be a big success! Fast Action Bonus 5 147 High Converting Facebook Ad Examples!

Facebook Ad's are quickly becoming essential to keeping up online. No more can you solely rely on free traffic methods to bring in customers. Targeted ad's are needed to bring in the right leads to your business to make sure it grows consistently. Kevin’s compiled a List of the 147 Highest converting Facebook Ad examples he can find which you can template your favourites to use - In Your Marketing Campaigns - Build Your Email List - Sell Your First Product Directly From The News Feed! Conclusion There has NEVER been an easier way for newbie internet marketers to learn how to launch their very own info products fast! You’re going to LOVE it! You'll be hard pressed to find value like this in one plus the smart capture bonus screen recording tool tool makes it a no brainer so make sure you check it out now. sted-public/ Your First Product, Your First Product review, Your First Product review and bonus, Your First Product reviews, Your First Product reviews and bonuses, Your First Product discount, Your First Product bonus, Your First Product bonuses, Your First Product review and discount, Your First Product review in detail, Your First Product ultimate review, Your First Product demo, Your First Product demo review, Your First Product huge discount, Your First Product discount coupon, Your First Product download, Get Your First Product, Your First Product review demo and bonus

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