Find Blogs To Guest Post On

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Find Blogs To Guest Post On There are a variety of search terms you can try to help you find numerous websites; basically, you need to start the search with your keywords; for example, if you were looking for marketing blog that accept guest posts, then you’d try various combinations of keywords relate to marketing, such as: marketing, “digital marketing”, “online marketing”, “internet marketing”, “social media marketing”, “content marketing” and so on Blog One of the easiest ways is to identify bloggers in the same niche as you who are already guest blogging a lot. You’ll start to notice this when you follow popular blogs in your niche and certain names start popping up again and again but you can also search to see who guest blogged on some of the popular websites in your niche and then look them up to see if that is indeed a strategy they use very often. In the case of content research tools, you can use tools like Buzzsumo to look up guest blogs; simply look up your topic keywords + “guest post” or “guest post by”. This will help you find relevant blogs that clearly accept guest posts; the best part is, some of them might not even have a “write for us” page, but as you did find a guest post on their blog, it’s worth reaching out to ask them just in case. Tool First up, remember date searches. When you run a new query, instead of just skipping down to the results, refine your search by time. Look for the “tools” button below the search box and click it. One of the two revealed options is “any time.” Click this and choose a different option in the drop-down. You can choose the past year, past month, past week, past day, past hour, or a custom range. Blissfully Domestic is about lifestyle and tools for modern living. They are not just about the how-to but about the why-to. The content team loves to embrace the handmade, the homemade, the artful, the innovative, the practical, and the beautiful. They believe in promoting women and their lifestyle & family by providing value-added content that is blissful for domestic life and living. (Source:

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