Fusion Academy Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan

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Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan

Table of Contents








Education for Employees: 6

Education for Students: 7

Education for Parents: 7

Prevention: 7

Interventions: 8



Reporting Information: 10

Reporting Process: 10

Confidentiality: 11


Notifying Others: 11 Investigations: 12



Appendix: Documentation: 14

Authorization to Exchange Information: 14

Returning to Campus Safety Plan: 15

Appendix: Illinois: 16

Appendix: Massachusetts: 16


Fusion Academy students have the right to be safe in and out of school and to be protected when they are feeling vulnerable. This bullying prevention and intervention plan serves all Fusion students, parents, and staff as an integral part of our efforts to promote learning and to prevent and eliminate all forms of bullying and other harmful and disruptive behaviors that can impede the learning process. The plan addresses the following categories: bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, and retaliation.

We recognize that certain students may be more vulnerable to become targets of bullying, harassment, or teasing based on actual or perceived characteristics, including religion, race or ethnicity, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, socio-economic status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, immigration status, or other distinguishing characteristics, or association with a person or group with any of these actual or perceived characteristics.

Fusion Academy has identified the steps below to create a safe, supportive environment for vulnerable populations in the school community, and provide all students with the skills, knowledge, and strategies to prevent or respond to bullying, harassment, or teasing. All prohibitions will be reviewed annually to ensure their effectiveness and compliance with relevant laws and regulations of the states in which we operate. Additionally, student, parent, and staff surveys will be conducted annually to assess the school climate, including the prevalence, nature, and severity of bullying in our schools. Any necessary updates or revisions will be made accordingly.

Students and parents will review and sign the student handbook annually, which includes school policies on bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, retaliation, and hazing, among other policies regarding student conduct.


• Bullying: is an unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior may be repeated over time. Bullying can occur before and after school hours, in a school building, at off-site locations, or on the internet.

• Retaliation: is any form of intimidation, reprisal, or harassment directed against a student who reports bullying, provides information during an investigation of bullying, or witnesses or has reliable information about bullying.

• Cyberbullying: is bullying through the use of technology or electronic devices such as telephones, cell phones, computers, and the internet. It includes email, instant messages, text messages, and Internet, internet postings. See MGL c. 71, §37O for the legal definition of cyberbullying.

• Hostile environment: as defined in MGL c. 71, §37O, is a situation in which bullying causes the school environment to be permeated with intimidation, ridicule, or insult that is sufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the conditions of a student’s education.

According to the United States Department of Education (USDOE), bullying generally involves the following characteristics:

• An Imbalance of Power: Students who bully others use their power, such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity, to control or harm others. Power imbalances can change over time and in different situations, even if they involve the same people.

• The Intent to Cause Harm: Determining the intent of an individual who demonstrates bullying behaviors may be difficult. The perception of the person who is the target of those behaviors should also be considered.

• Repetition: Bullying behaviors generally happen more than once or have the potential to happen more than once.

Examples of bullying include, but are not limited to:

• Verbal: Name-calling, teasing, inappropriate sexual comments, taunting, and threatening to cause harm.

• Social: Spreading rumors about someone, excluding others on purpose, telling other students not to be friends with someone, and embarrassing someone in public.

• Physical: Hitting, punching, shoving, kicking, pinching, spitting, tripping, pushing, and taking or breaking someone’s things.

• Microaggressions: Brief, everyday exchanges, verbal and non-verbal, that send messages to certain individuals that because of their group membership, they have little worth. These small exclusions, expressions, and gestures are often overlooked as contributing to negative school climate and over time can cause emotional harm.

Other important definitions:

• Target: is a student against whom bullying, cyberbullying, or retaliation has been perpetrated.

• Aggressor: is a student or a member of a school staff who engages in bullying, cyberbullying, or retaliation towards a student.

• Campus Administration: administrative leaders on campuses (i.e., Area Head of School, Head of School, Campus Director, Assistant Director, Director of Student Development, Director of First Impressions, Director of Admissions, Director of Homework Café, Master Teacher).

• Employees: All Fusion staff, educators, and administrators.


It is Fusion’s policy to provide an equal educational opportunity in its programs and activities, without discrimination based on religion, race, color, national origin, gender, gender orientation, sexual orientation, disability, or other legally protected characteristics. Fusion also prohibits bullying based on any of these characteristics by students, employees, and other members of the Fusion community. Fusion Academy takes measures to prevent all forms of bullying within each campus, as well as during off-site activities. Fusion employees, students, and parents should be aware of the negative effects that bullying can have on individuals, and the school in general, and should work towards ensuring that students can learn in an environment without fear.

If a student or parent witnesses or is subjected to bullying prohibited by this policy, please contact a campus administrator immediately. Form submissions may be anonymous. Fusion will take prompt and appropriate action in response, typically within 48 hours of a report, and will not permit retaliation for any good-faith complaints. Students who bully are in violation of this policy and are subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.


Cyberbullying is the use of electronic information and communication devices to harm a person willfully and repeatedly. Cyberbullying includes but is not limited to harassing, teasing, intimidating, threatening, or terrorizing another person by sending or posting inappropriate and hurtful e-mail messages, instant messages, text messages, digital pictures/images, or web postings. Bullying of this kind creates an unacceptable, toxic, and hostile environment on campus and is in violation of a student’s right to be safe and secure. If cyberbullying occurs on or off school grounds and causes or threatens to cause a substantial disruption at school or interferes with a student’s right to be secure, Fusion will investigate and take appropriate actions. Campus administration may also report cyber-bullying to the police if applicable.


Fusion also prohibits harassment by students, employees, and other members of the Fusion community. Examples of prohibited conduct include, but are not limited to:

• Bullying

• Hazing

• Name-calling, epithets, slurs

• Derogatory jokes or comments, verbal or written

• Negative stereotyping or threatening, intimidating, or hostile acts

• Interfering with, damaging, or destroying property

• Written or graphic material that insults or shows hostility, intolerance, or aversion toward an individual or group because of a protected characteristic.

• Physical conduct including gestures, assault, unwanted touching/grabbing/ pinching/brushing against/poking, intentionally blocking normal movement

• Communication via electronic media of any type that includes any conduct that is prohibited by state and/or federal law, or by Fusion policy

• Unwanted invitations or sexual advances, innuendo, or misconduct.

• Retaliation for reporting or threatening to report harassment


Fusion provides a variety of technological resources to support our instructional and administrative programs. Students and employees may also, in certain circumstances, use their own personal information and communication technologies for educational purposes. Therefore, all members of the school community must use technology responsibly, ethically, and respectfully. By signing the student handbook, you are also agreeing to the strategies and guidelines outlined in the Student Network and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy Agreement which can be found in this document: FusionAcademy.com/StudentUsePolicy


Education for Employees

Fusion Academy will provide education and awareness programs annually to employees to prevent bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, and retaliation. These programs aim to promote a respectful and inclusive school environment. This curriculum is available to all employees and is required during training and onboarding. All staff are required to accept and understand their role as mandated reporters.

Employees complete training on:

• Mandated Reporting– A state-specific training that must be reviewed at the interval determined by each state

• Safe and appropriate boundaries between employees and students

• Policies around reporting student behaviors

• Mentorship skills

• Strategies for responding to student behavior

• Approaching behaviors as skill-building opportunities

• Addressing micro-aggressions

• Creating behavior plans

• Communication with families and outside professionals to support students

• Suicide prevention

• Crisis management

• Trauma-informed teaching

Campuses administrators are also responsible for creating and implementing Annual Professional Development Plans responsive to their school communities’ needs. The Teaching & Learning Department within Fusion Education Group supplies content to Fusion Academy campuses as needed through our Professional Development Request Form. All campus staff-facing training is reviewed regularly in response to the needs of our school climates and stakeholder feedback.

Fusion will provide all staff with an annual written notice of this Plan by publishing information about it, including sections related to staff duties and bullying of students by school staff. This will be reviewed in a staff meeting or in-service at least once per year.

Education for Students

Each Fusion Academy campus puts together an Annual Programming Plan encompassing social events, service learning, and workshops for students, which are closely aligned to our Schoolwide Learner Outcomes. These Schoolwide Learner Outcomes are posted in each classroom, woven throughout course curriculum, and included in our Student Handbook.

If bullying needs to be addressed more extensively at any location, campus administrators will have the autonomy to lead development throughout the year in a more intentional manner.

Education for Parents

Parents are required to review and sign a handbook annually, which contains an overview of Fusion’s bullying policies and procedures. Also, each Fusion campus hosts a mandatory parent orientation annually, during which parents will review bullying policies, procedures, and supports. We recommend that guardians review schoolwide learner outcomes and support these at home to assist in our anti-bullying efforts. Parents and guardians may also take part in community education opportunities arranged throughout the year on topics pertinent to the school community, which may include bullying.


Fusion Academy commits to developing inclusive environments. We recognize that many students may have experienced some form of bullying in their past school experiences and have

thus opted into a smaller school environment. Our one-to-one model provides elevated levels of adult oversight. Our Homework Café staff provides oversight and intervention during school hours. Student meetings and CAP (Community Action Plan) programs allow students to learn compassion and empathy. At Fusion we promote student voices by promoting ally behavior and responding to all student concerns around bullying and safety to ensure students feel heard and supported. Frequent communication among staff is critical and focuses on the whole student, including social and emotional components of development and learning. Staff are encouraged to proactively seek information when they notice changes in behavior and moods of students. Fusion Academy may attempt to address bullying concerns expressed by students and parents upon initial enrollment.

Fusion staff are also trained to identify and follow the suggestions of Dr. Derald Wing Sue, PhD, leading expert on microaggressions. When addressing any incidents with microaggressions, staff are encouraged to keep the following in mind.

• Learn from constant vigilance of your own biases and fears

• Recognize that experiential reality varies

• Do not be defensive

• Be open to discussing your own attitudes and behaviors and how they might have hurt others or revealed bias on your part

Internal decision maps highlight a series of strategies aimed at addressing and managing student behavior issues effectively. The strategies emphasize the importance of understanding the student’s perspective through discussion. These strategies are utilized to avoid undesired outcomes from students and include redirection, utilizing organizational supports such as self-monitoring tools, website resources, seeking guidance from lead teachers or staff mentors, identifying personalized coping skills, and providing structured breaks during school hours. They also highlight the significance of positive reinforcement, offering choices, utilizing sensory tools, and communicating concerns through platforms such as our student information system.


When bullying is identified, appropriate interventions or disciplinary actions will be taken. These may include (but are not limited to):

• Mediating the situation based on the comfort level of all impacted parties

• Working with families and other professionals (i.e., therapists) to intervene, or requiring external support services to maintain enrollment

• Temporary restriction of technology use

• Temporary removal of off-campus privileges

• Implementation of a Behavior Plan

• Changing the student’s schedule or removing access to the Homework Cafe to protect the sense of safety in the school community

• Suspension or move to virtual learning for a period

• Being asked to leave Fusion

Reconciliation and conflict resolution are core values in our learning environments. Fusion Academy will always aim to support all students involved in any incident while also seeking partnerships with parents and guardians to maintain a safe school environment.


A key aspect of promoting positive school climates is ensuring that the underlying emotional needs of targets, student aggressors, families, and others are addressed.

Identifying resources: Fusion may adopt new curricula once a needs assessment has been conducted. Fusion may also reorganize employees, establish safety planning teams, and identify other public and private agencies that can provide services. Families are also recommended to share counseling information specific to their student. Fusion promotes the partnership between campus administrators and the professionals shared by the family. Parents can agree to this by completing an Extended Exchange of Information form (located in Appendix- Documentation).

• Counseling and other services: Fusion sustains close relationships with local and community-based organizations, therapists, and professionals who can support student needs. Campus Administrators can submit a request through mentalhealthrequest@fusionacademy. com with the subject line Mental Health Request to receive support from Fusion’s internal regional team who can identify support needed in the following ways:

› High-Risk Consulting: The student is potentially at risk for self-harm or harm to others. This would include suicidality, drug overdose, risk abuse/neglect. Services could include:

» Meet with Campus Administrators to consult on a personalized plan of action for students in crisis

» Meet with the family to consult on a plan

› Grief Processing: Response to a community in mourning or post-traumatic event. Services could include:

» Grief processing for staff and students - either 1:1 or group

» Meet with Campus Administrators to develop a campus support plan

» Informal chats with students virtually or in-person

» Discussion with families - coffee Q & A

» Staff meeting presentation on student support

Students with disabilities: When documentation is available that helps determine that a student has a disability that affects social skill development, or the student may participate as a target or aggressor to bullying, harassment, or teasing because of his/her disability, Campus Administrators will consider what should be included in a school safety plan or academic plan to develop the student’s skills and proficiencies to avoid and respond to bullying, harassment, or teasing.

Referral to outside services: Directors of Admissions for Fusion campuses collect and maintain a list of professionals within the community of each school. All professionals are invited to campus to meet with Campus Administrators, and referrals are sent to professionals once there is written consent from the family requesting additional resources for their student(s).



Reporting Information

Students, families, or employees who observe or experience possible bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, or retaliation are asked to report their concerns as soon as possible. When reporting an incident, reporters are encouraged to provide as much information as possible, including but not limited to:

• The topic

• Date, time, and location of the incident

• A detailed description of the incident, including the involved parties

• Any witnesses to the incident

• Supporting evidence should be emailed to campus administrator (photos, videos, documents, etc., if applicable)

• Reporting contact information (Optional)

Reporting Process

This policy outlines the procedures for students, parents, and staff to report incidents to a campus administrator, allowing our leadership to effectively address and investigate reported incidents. Reports can be made in writing, via phone, via email, or in person. Reports may be made anonymously.

Parents who prefer a more personal approach can schedule a meeting with a campus aadministrator to discuss these incidents. To schedule a meeting, please contact your campus and request a meeting with an administrator. During the meeting, provide as much information as possible about the incident, including dates, times, locations, and any evidence you may have. The campus administrator will work closely with you to address the situation, investigate, and take appropriate action to resolve the issue.

All employees must promptly report such incidents to ensure a timely and appropriate response. This policy applies to all school staff, including teachers, administrators, support staff, and any other personnel working within the school premises or supporting off-campus activities. The school prohibits any form of retaliation against employees who report incidents in good faith.

The steps below outline other ways to report outside of the campus administrative team:

• Step 1: Make a report to a member of the campus administrative team via phone, email, by scheduling an in-person meeting, through the bullying report form, or through the tip report form.

• All students have access to Safe2SpeakUp, where they can report bullying or other concerns as well as communicate about concerns anonymously with campus administration. Students may download the Safe2SpeakUp app on their phone and log

in using their Fusion email address.

• Step 2: If the problem remains unresolved or you feel uncomfortable raising it with the level of management in Step 1, you may contact management at any level in the organization.


While we encourage students, families, and employees to provide as much information as possible, we respect their choice to remain anonymous if they wish to do so. We understand that reporting incidents can be sensitive. Fusion will maintain the confidentiality of students and witnesses reporting alleged incidents of bullying to the extent possible given the school’s obligation to investigate and respond appropriately to the matter.

After reporting an incident, parents or guardians will be kept informed of the progress and outcome of the investigation as appropriate so long as doing so will not endanger the health, safety, or well-being of any student. We encourage ongoing communication to ensure the issue is resolved to the satisfaction of all parties involved. By working together, we can create a safe and nurturing educational environment for all students.

We appreciate your cooperation and commitment to addressing incidents promptly. If you have questions or need help reporting an incident, feel free to contact your school administration. Any reprisals or retaliation related to reporting incidents will be subject to disciplinary action.


Notifying Others

Fusion will be obligated to notify others of incidents in the following situations:

1. Notice to parents or guardians: Upon determining that bullying or retaliation has occurred, parents or guardians of both the targeted student and the aggressor will be notified of the incident and the procedures for responding to it. In some circumstances, parents or guardians may be contacted prior to an investigation. Private educational or personal data regarding the parties involved will not be disclosed. In certain circumstances, disclosure of the basis for which a student is bullied may result in additional negative consequences to the student’s health and wellbeing. So, prior to notification of any parent or guardian regarding any incident of bullying or harassment, campus administrators must consider the issue of notification as they would any other educationally relevant decision, considering the health, wellbeing, and safety of any involved students.

2. Notice to Another School or District: If the reported incident involves students from more than one school, the other school or district will be notified by phone so that each school may take appropriate action. Communication will be in line with applicable state and federal privacy laws and regulations.

3. Notice to Law Enforcement: At any point after receiving a report of bullying, harassment, or retaliation, including after an investigation, Fusion will notify law enforcement if there is a

reasonable basis to do so based on local, state, or federal regulations. If an incident occurs on school grounds and involves a former student under the age of 21 who is no longer enrolled in school, the campus administration shall contact the local law enforcement agency if he or she has a reasonable basis to believe that criminal charges may be pursued against the student aggressor.

In making this determination, the campus administration may, consistent with the Plan and with applicable school or district policies and procedures, consult with other individuals (such as school operations or corporate leadership) as appropriate.


Campus administration will promptly investigate all reports of bullying or retaliation and, in doing so, will consider all available information known, including the nature of the allegation(s) and the ages of the students involved.

During the investigation, Campus administration will, among other things, interview students, staff, witnesses, parents or guardians, and others, as necessary. The campus administration (or whoever is conducting the investigation) will remind the alleged student aggressor, target, and witnesses of the importance of the investigation, their obligation to be truthful and that retaliation against someone who reports bullying or provides information during a bullying investigation is prohibited and will result in disciplinary action. The campus administration will maintain confidentiality to the extent possible during the investigative process. The campus administration will maintain a written record of the investigation in the form of an incident checklist and incident report (form available in Appendix- Documentation). If necessary, the campus administration will consult with legal counsel about the investigation.


This policy underscores the critical role that leadership plays in responding promptly and effectively to reports of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, or retaliation, among other incidents. Leadership within Fusion includes supervisors, managers, teachers, and administrators. It is crucial to create a culture of safety, respect, and support within Fusion to prevent and address such incidents proactively.

Leaders have the following responsibilities:

• Promptly responding to reports of bullying and cyberbullying. Fusion Education Group commits to responding to and initiating an investigation promptly and typically within 48 hrs. of receiving a reported concern.

• Taking every report seriously and ensuring that individuals who report incidents feel heard and supported.

• Documenting the reported incident(s) confidentially.

• Initiating an investigation into the incident may involve gathering information from witnesses, targets, and alleged perpetrators.

• Taking appropriate interim measures, such as separating individuals involved or implementing protection measures to ensure the safety of all parties while the investigation is ongoing.

• Communicating with relevant stakeholders, including parents/guardians (if applicable), to inform them of the situation and the steps being taken.

• Collaborating with designated personnel, such as Human Resources or counselors, to ad-

dress the incident appropriately.

• Providing support and resources to those affected by any of the incidents mentioned in this plan.

• Taking corrective actions as necessary, including disciplinary measures if misconduct is confirmed.


Appropriate intervention or disciplinary action will be taken based on the findings of the investigation. For students, these may include (but are not limited to):

• Mediating the situation based on the comfort level of all impacted parties

• Working with families and other professionals (i.e., therapists) to intervene, or requiring external support services to maintain enrollment

• Temporary restriction of technology use

• Temporary removal of off-campus privileges

• Implementation of a Behavior Plan

› A behavior plan communicates the collaborative plan for the student, which involves creating goals and support provided by the campus. It helps to facilitate collaborative goal setting between staff and students.

› A behavioral contract is used for formal disciplinary reasons, usually around safety concerns. It helps to articulate expectations for a student, their family, and the team.

• Changing the student’s schedule or removing access to the Homework Cafe to protect the sense of safety in the school community

• Suspension or move to virtual learning for a period

• Being asked to leave Fusion

Fusion prioritizes the safety of all students returning after an incident has occurred. The campus administration should complete the Returning to Campus Safety Plan (Appendix- Documentation) with students affected by the incident. A safety plan is put in place to communicate the requirements of a student to ensure their and the community’s safety from harm. Sometimes attendance at Fusion is contingent upon a safety plan being in place.

Employees found to be at fault for bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, sexual misconduct, boundary violations, or retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include counseling, training, suspension, or termination, depending on the severity of the violation. Any false reporters are subject to potential interventions or disciplinary action. Students may also be asked to issue an apology, complete reflection letters, or participate in mediation to ensure comfort among all involved students.

Appendix: Documentation

Authorization to Exchange Information

Fusion seeks to provide a high level of support for its students—we ask for your permission to work with and collaborate with other professionals involved in your child’s care to better serve your family. I, ________________________________ [Name of Parent], hereby authorize my child’s Medical Care Provider (“Provider”) to exchange confidential information regarding _____________ ___________________ [Name of Student] (“Student”) with Fusion Academy (“Fusion”) as follows.

Name of Medical Care Provider: ___________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________

Phone/Fax: ____

Name: Fusion Academy Address: __________________________________________________ Phone/Fax: ____________________________________________________________________

This Authorization permits the Provider to share the following information with Fusion: ____ Any and All Information Necessary, In Provider’s Opinion _

____ Patient Records

____ Diagnosis

____ Dates of Treatment

____ Prognosis

____ Treatment Plan

____ Other: ________________________________

Summary of Treatment This Authorization also permits Fusion share the following information with the Provider:

____ Any and All Information Necessary, In Fusion’s Opinion

____ Social Development

____ Academic Progress

____ Emotional Development

____ Behavioral Progress

____ Performance as Observed at School

____ Other: _____________________________________________

Education records (i.e.: grades, teacher notes) I authorize the exchange of the information described above for the following purpose(s):

____ Collaboration on student’s personal, academic, and social/emotional development

____ Discussions on how to best serve the student holistically

____ Other: ______________________________________________

This Authorization shall remain valid until the student is no longer enrolled at Fusion. Parents or Guardians can also cancel or modify this authorization by providing written notice to the Head of School at any time.

Parent Signature ________________________________________________ Date___________

Parent Signature ________________________________________________ Date___________

Medical or Other Care Provider_____________________________________Date___________

Returning to Campus Safety Plan

The following outlines the plan we will be following in terms of a safe return to school for _______ _____________________________ (student name). This will help all stakeholders establish a safe and supportive learning environment for the student. The goal is to support a successful transition back to campus.

Family to submit the following to the campus prior to return:

• Provide approval note from student’s general practitioner or therapist to return.

Family, student, and campus leadership team member to fill out the following:

1. Describe the current therapeutic support plan in place:

2. Describe what the safety plan will be when on campus/in the virtual classroom?

3. List key support people for the student at campus:

4. List key coping skills for the student:

5. List Homework Café and class recommendations (can be reassessed with time):

Head of School Signature: ____________________________________________________

Family Guardian Signature: _________________________________________________________

Student Signature: ________________________________________________________________

Date: ____/_____/____________



Faith’s Law

The Prohibited Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Appropriate Student and Employee Boundaries, and Notification of Violation outlined in the student Handbook, many of which are this document, comply with Faith’s Law in Illinois. Additionally, pursuant to Faith’s Law and Public Act 102-0676, 105 ILCS 5/2-3, 188, Illinois Residents may reference the Sexual Abuse Response and Prevention Resource Guide.

Illinois Educator Code of Ethics

In addition to Fusion’s policies outlined throughout this Handbook, all employees of Fusion campuses located in Illinois must review and adhere to the Illinois Educator Code of Ethics. The Illinois Educators’ Code of Ethics is a set of core principles, values, and responsibilities that sets expectations to guide practice and inspire professional excellence in relation to federal, state, and local policies, rules, regulations, and collective bargaining agreements. Illinois educators encourage the application of these core principles throughout the education community. The Illinois Educator Code of Ethics contains five core principles which provide a foundation for the responsibilities and commitments of Illinois Educators.

1. Responsibility to Students

2. Responsibility to Self

3. Responsibility to Colleagues and the Profession

4. Responsibility to Parents, Families, and communities

5. Responsibility to the Illinois State Board of Education

Appendix: Massachusetts

Fusion Academy’s Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan is created to comply with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (Department)’s requirements under MGL c.71, §370. At least once every four years, the district will administer a Department of Elementary and Secondary-developed student survey. Additionally, the school or district will annually report bullying incident data to the Massachusetts Education Department.

A notice to parents of a target or aggressor will be consistent with state regulations at 603 CMR 49.00. 603 CMR 49.00 governs the requirements related to the duty of the principal or leader of a public school, approved private day or residential school, collaborative school, or charter school to notify the parents or guardians of a target and an aggressor (when the aggressor is a student) when there is an incident of bullying or retaliation, and to notify the local law enforcement agency when criminal charges may be pursued against the aggressor. 603 CMR 49.00 also addresses confidentiality of student record information related to notification of bullying and retaliation. A principal's notification to a parent about an incident or a report of bullying or retaliation must comply with confidentiality requirements of the Massachusetts Student Records Regulations, 603 CMR 23.00: Student Records, and the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Regulations, 34 CFR Part 99, as set forth in 603 CMR 49.06.

49.06: Confidentiality of Records

1. A principal may not disclose information from a student record of a target or aggressor to a parent unless the information is about the parent's own child.

2. A principal may disclose a determination of bullying or retaliation to a local law enforcement agency under 603 CMR 49.05 without the consent of a student or his or her parent. The prin-

cipal shall communicate with law enforcement officials in a manner that protects the privacy of targets, student witnesses, and aggressors to the extent practicable under the circumstances.

3. A principal may disclose student record information about a target or aggressor to appropriate parties in addition to law enforcement in connection with a health or safety emergency if knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals as provided in 603 CMR 23.07(4)(e) and 34 CFR 99.31(a)(10) and 99.36. 603 CMR 49.06(3) is limited to instances in which the principal has determined there is an immediate and significant threat to the health or safety of the student or other individuals. It is limited to the emergency period and does not allow for blanket disclosure of student record information. The principal must document the disclosures and the reasons that the principal determined that a health or safety emergency exists.

Any parent(s) of a student(s) attending any of our Massachusetts schools who wishes to file a claim/concern or seek assistance outside of the school may do so with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Program Resolution System (PRS). That information can be found at: https://www.doe.mass.edu/prs/, emails can be sent to compliance@doe.mass.edu or individuals can call 781-338-3700.

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