The Quote Book

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The Qu te Book A Mini Book of Powerful, Life-Changing Fusion Stories.

In this book, you’ll read real quotes from Fusion parents and students about their experience with us. If you’re looking at this, you’re likely considering a very important decision - where to send your child to school. The quotes inside are from either Fusion Academy, one of our 60+ in-person campuses across the country, or Fusion Global Academy, our 100% virtual school. As you read, you may find stories that resonate with your current experience. Whatever brings you to us, know you are not alone in your journey. Whether you find a quote that resonates or not, we’re here to help you find the right school fit. We are extremely grateful for all the students and families who shared their experience with us. These 100 quotes are just a sampling of the tens of thousands of student lives that have been changed through Fusion’s relationships-based, one-to-one educational approach. Near the end of this book, you’ll find information about our graduates and where they are now. We don’t take the school decision process lightly and thank you for your time and consideration of Fusion. With Gratitude, Peter G. Ruppert, CEO Fusion Education Group


notes from our



“ “Our daughter calls the Fusion Team her extended family.”

“ 4

“Fusion’s schedule is customized to fit our daughter’s needs, and within this space, she finds ample support to explore new subjects, continue and build on core subjects, and actually develop a love of learning. Our daughter calls the Fusion Team her extended family and we truly feel that she feels supported just like a family. The academics are strong and the one-to-one setup ensures that any areas of weakness or strengths don’t go unnoticed. Parents receive a daily report from each teacher that outlines how your student performed that day. With this amount of detailed information, we feel equipped to best support our daughter along her educational path.” Natasha Rahban Fusion Parent

“My child is an excellent student but struggles with foreign languages. His struggles resulted in two things: a poor grade and a negative perception of foreign languages. That all changed when he went to Fusion. The first thing they did was get to know my child —not only academically, but also as a person. Once they understood his goals, interests, and motivation, they developed an individual learning plan and strategy to meet his particular needs. His teacher’s level of enthusiasm and his ability to motivate and engage our child was nothing short of incredible. Our child was able to complete his language requirements with an A (wellearned I might add), and more importantly, has developed a renewed interest in language and a new sense of self-confidence. I would recommend Fusion without hesitation.”

“ “The first thing they did was get to know my child.”

Kevin Rockmael Fusion Parent


“ “My stress regarding his studies has been eliminated.”

“ 6

“I no longer have to worry about my son completing his assignments or doing his homework. Prior to enrolling in Fusion, he cared only about his social life. Now each evening I receive an email notifying me of exactly what he is learning and how he is doing. Not only is my son doing better academically, but he has also learned to take responsibility for his school work. My stress regarding his studies has been eliminated.” Ellen Marks Fusion Parent

“Fusion was instrumental in getting my teenage daughter re-engaged with school after a challenging first semester in her high school. As my daughter put it, ‘Fusion builds classes around your life.’ Fusion quickly and expertly put together a class schedule that met my daughter where she was during a challenging stage in her life. The teachers were superb; they are teachers by choice at Fusion, and I believe that the Fusion model attracts teachers who are passionate about their profession and about teaching kids. I asked my daughter about the teachers, and the common thread was their desire to see her succeed while challenging her every step of the way. The one-to-one teaching model was perfect for her.” Melayne Packer Fusion Parent

“ “Fusion builds classes around your life.”

“ 7

“ “These people really care about kids...”

“ 8

“Fusion has been the best thing we’ve ever done for our child. The staff and teachers are amazing. The education, superior. These people really care about kids and provide an atmosphere that is rarely seen.” Elissa Schnelwar Fusion Parent

“My daughter suffered from school anxiety and school refusal. Since becoming a student at Fusion, not only is she excelling academically but she is excited to go to school every day—even when she is not feeling well! We get amazing, detailed reports about her classes every day that tell us not just about her academic performance but also about her enthusiasm and participation level in each class. Fusion Academy is the right place for our daughter and I am so grateful that this unique learning environment is the path that we have chosen.” Stacey Stern Fusion Parent

“ “We get amazing, detailed reports about her classes every day.”

“ 9


“We have been a Fusion Family for two years and cannot imagine a day without their incredible approach to education. Our 11th grader has been at Fusion almost since the school opened in our city. Despite public school resources and moving to a smaller high school, Fusion was our oasis. Our son needs to ask questions without slowing down a larger class of students. He is a true thinker and needs to discuss rationales and ideas with his teachers. Fusion offers that and more. One-to-one classes have not hindered his social life. He has flourished academically and socially at Fusion.” Kim Moore Fusion Parent

“Our son needs to ask questions without slowing down a larger class of students.”

“ 11

“This program was a great benefit while planning such a huge life transition!”

“ 12

“The Post-Secondary Counseling Program was instrumental in helping my daughter plan and prepare for her decision to attend the University of Scranton. She has a wonderfully supportive and trusting relationship with her Post-Secondary Counselor, which was extremely helpful. They brainstormed and put in place specific goals and strategies in order to help Rachel be successful on her own. The areas they covered went way above and beyond the classroom. Not only did they focus on my daughter’s individual needs, but she also reached out to me for input on areas I felt important for her to work on in striving for independence. This program was a great benefit while planning such a huge life transition!” Marybeth Lopez Fusion Parent

“My son struggled for years to find the right fit for school. The passion and commitment of the teachers and administrators at Fusion is something I haven’t seen anywhere. They are so committed to these kids and they treat them all individually, encourage their specific strengths, and support them in their challenges. I can’t say enough positive things about our experience at Fusion—they truly care about these kids.” Stephen Kessler Fusion Parent

“ “...something I haven’t seen anywhere.”

“ 13

“ “He looks forward to going to school every day.”

“ 14

“The classroom structure, staff support, and nurturing environment of Fusion Academy has enabled my son to feel comfortable, confident, and excel academically. He looks forward to going to school every day. Gone are the struggles from his prior public school experience.” Lee Anne Maruschak Fusion Parent

“Our son had just returned from a boarding school in Utah, and we were searching for a school where he could be successful. He had never been very successful in the public school system. My husband and I met with the director, teachers, and administrators. We left the meeting convinced that Fusion would be a good fit for our son. I just can’t say enough good things about this positive, encouraging, and innovative group of people. My son has never been a fan of school. He can be challenging to teach. He does very well with the one-to-one teaching concept. His teachers have found ingenious ways to inspire him to learn and be successful in the classroom. We are so excited that he is going to graduate from high school and start college in the fall. Fusion Academy exceeded our expectations.” Kelly Miller Fusion Parent

“ “His teachers have found ingenious ways to inspire him.”

“ 15

“ “...a welcoming and energized environment.”

“ 16

“My daughter, a bright student, was not a fan of the drama that can take place in high school. Fusion offered her the chance to take honors, Latin, and calculus in a welcoming and energized environment. The staff was helpful, the teachers caring and creative, and it was a very positive experience for our whole family.” Kate Buckhardt Fusion Parent

“My family and I are grateful for Fusion every day. My daughter has found an educational home that provides her with so much more than a good education. Being part of the Fusion family has allowed her to heal and rediscover herself. She has met friends and staff about whom she cares very much. She looks forward to going to school and learning— both academically and emotionally. We are lucky to have landed at Fusion Academy.” Amy Oberholtzer Fusion Parent

“ “She has met friends and staff about whom she cares very much.”

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“ “My child fits in and has a schedule that fits him.”

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“Since coming to Fusion, my son feels comfortable going to school every day—something that he struggled with at his home district. Fusion teachers and staff were so patient in helping my son transition into a daily routine. They definitely went above and beyond to always be there to answer any questions and find out what really works for my child. I am so happy to find somewhere that my child fits in and has a schedule that fits him. Thank you to the caring staff at Fusion.” Lisa Amberger Fusion Parent


“Fusion provides a balance between high academics and nurturing the childhood years.”


“The teachers at Fusion have offered my son the highest content classes with the perfect amount of purposeful homework for reinforcement. Accelerated learning and inspiration happen in the classroom. This has allowed for unique extracurricular activities and family time to enrich his life after school. Fusion provides a balance between high academics and nurturing the childhood years. Everyone in our family is less stressed with this approach to learning.” Antigone Fusion Parent

“The staff is so supportive and makes our son feel safe and confident while in school. Since our son started at Fusion his grades and attitude about school have completely changed for the better. He speaks very highly of all the staff. As a parent, it’s so wonderful to have a school be so supportive of our son. We feel very blessed to have found your school. Thank you so much.” Volare Cairns Fusion Parent

“...his grades and attitude about school have completely changed...”

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“...relieved so much of my child’s previous school-related anxiety.”

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“The one-to-one student/teacher ratio makes school less daunting and has relieved so much of my child’s previous schoolrelated anxiety. We love the school’s administration, faculty, creative curriculum, and teaching style. The facilities are warm and welcoming, as are the people.” Hope Herman Fusion Parent

“The teachers and staff members not only are extremely prepared and friendly, they always go that extra mile to make everyone feel right at home. My son always ends his day at Fusion on a high note, excited to go back the next day. If you’re looking for a smaller, more individualized school setting that will help bring out the best in your child, then look no further than Fusion!” Carolina Cisneros Fusion Parent

“ “My son always ends his day at Fusion on a high note.”

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“ “The teachers and administrators care for each student.”

“ 24

“Our children are motivated to learn and look forward to going to school. When they are not there, they miss it a great deal. The teachers and administrators care for each student and are able to bring out the best in each one. This learning environment has helped our children build their confidence and belief in themselves. Thank you for being supportive, encouraging, and bringing out the best in them.” Sheilagh Sadeghi Fusion Parent

“Our family was introduced to Fusion when my son wanted to take a full year of algebra over the summer. From the start, the school was accommodating in terms of calendar, class schedule, etc. We were impressed with the continuous daily dialogue from the teachers and the availability of the leadership team. When we were faced with needing to find a new year-round school for him this spring, our first call was to Fusion. They were immediately able to duplicate his class load and we had a smooth transition into the new semester. Our family continues to be impressed with Fusion, and we look forward to our son completing his senior year and graduating from Fusion.” Barry Miguel Fusion Parent

“ “...we were faced with needing to find a new year-round school...”

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“The minute we stepped onto Fusion’s campus, we knew we had arrived somewhere special, and our son immediately felt at home. As we toured the school, he expressed to us that he had found the school that would meet his unique style of learning. He was amazed by the individual attention the school provides for its students, and within days, he was able to transfer to his dream school. For the first time in our son’s high school experience, he is excited about school and learning, and he looks forward to getting there every morning. Fusion has given our son a fresh new start. He is now in a place where he is being prepared for college, leadership, and life while still being valued for his individuality. We feel lucky to have found this school! We appreciate the excellent home-school communication, and we thank all staff and teachers for welcoming our son with open arms.”

“ “...we knew we had arrived somewhere special...”

Julio Murcia Fusion Parent


“ “...always had a problem keeping up with his classes...”

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“When we first started looking at Fusion, we had no idea that we would be making the best decision in the world. Our son always had a problem keeping up with his classes, starting with elementary school. This kept up through middle school, and once he started high school, it just fell apart. His self-esteem took a toll. He was not able to keep up with his classes, and it became a battle to keep his grades up. He is such a different young man today. He is excited to go to school, and his self-esteem is through the roof. He loves his teachers and enjoys a great social circle of friends through Fusion. He will be graduating this year and is looking forward to attending college. Thank you, Fusion, for giving our child the love of learning and the self-confidence to stay on a path of learning.” Myrna Husting Fusion Parent

“In just four short weeks, we see growth in our daughter both academically and developmentally. Her self-esteem is blossoming, and her anxiety seems more manageable. We know it’s because she is at the right school for her. We see her starting the journey of who she is supposed to be.” Heeli Kim-Jeng Fusion Parent

“ “Her self-esteem is blossoming...”

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“...leaped the chasm between failure and anxiety to success and self-esteem.”

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“This was the place where our daughter leaped the chasm between failure and anxiety to success and self-esteem. Highly motivated teachers listened to her and provided a unique environment that tapped into the way she learns. The results of this are a delight to see.” Henry Sopher Fusion Parent

“We learned about Fusion when our son was in 8th grade, and we were looking for a high school where he would thrive and reach his full potential. After touring Fusion, my son came to me with tears in his eyes and said, ‘Thank you for finding this school. This is what I’ve always wished for but didn’t know it really existed.’ He has been at Fusion for six months now, and we could not be happier with every aspect of our experience. Subjects that he had difficulty with in the past have become easier. Getting him to write a two-paragraph essay was a struggle, and he now willingly writes papers that are several pages in length. He greets each school day with enthusiasm, and we are thrilled with the choice we made in Fusion.” Jennier Pountain Fusion Parent

“ “ son came to me with tears in his eyes...”

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“ “Our son was ready to give up on school...”

“Our son was ready to give up on school while attending the public school. He became very withdrawn because he required some additional learning support. The public school just didn’t have the right resources to help him. It was a difficult time for him, and when he went to Fusion, he began to get the necessary help he needed. The 1:1 teacher-to-student ratio gave him extra support. The daily positive reinforcement from teachers and the school gave him the confidence he needed. Before attending Fusion my son almost pulled himself out of school as he didn’t want to graduate. I’m happy to report he not only graduated from Fusion, he went to a Technical School (Automotive Mechanic) and graduated with a 4.0 GPA. He worked while attending school. He is doing very well as a mechanic now. THANK YOU so much to the teachers and staff at Fusion.” Regina Kowalski Fusion Parent


“My daughter was refusing to go to school and never felt like she belonged. When she visited Fusion, people approached her and made her feel welcomed and accepted. She has made friends and has done well academically and socially in the three years she has been here. The teachers care and take an interest in the whole child. They take their cues from the way the student acts each day. They know everyone has a bad day now and then and understand and offer to help a student who is struggling with an issue instead of kicking them when they are down. Everyone gets individual attention and can succeed to their abilities. Fusion brings out the best in my child and I’ve seen some great strides over the years. Fusion has helped my child expand and grow outside of her comfort zone, and yet helped her feel safe and secure doing so.” Karin Szotak Fusion Parent

“ “...made her feel welcomed and accepted.”

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“After four years of high school and four different schools, Fusion turned out to be the perfect place for our daughter to complete her education. The structure of one-to-one instruction combined with the Homework Café was perfect for a student with anxiety issues. She ended up attending full-time for her senior year, and in that one year became so much more excited about going to school. She became more engaged in her classes and with her teachers, and her self-confidence grew exponentially. The administrators and teachers at Fusion care deeply about their students. They make sure the families are involved and wellinformed of the progress of their students. The daily emails from teachers summarizing activities, subject matter covered, and progress eliminate the stress of wondering how your child is doing. The best part of the whole experience was seeing the acceptance letters our daughter received from some top-notch universities. Without Fusion, this probably wouldn’t have happened.” Linda Rachlin Fusion Parent


“They make sure the families are involved and well-informed of the progress of their students.”


“ “We knew our son could excel in the correct environment.”

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“Our son struggled in our public school system. This led to issues with self-esteem and concerns outside of school. Fusion has enabled our son to grow as a young man. They have helped him find success with school work and to think of options beyond high school that he never thought of prior to going to Fusion. Each class is unique. One-to-one instruction allows the teachers to really get to know their students: what excites them and reaches them. The method of teaching is then ‘customized’ to each student. Thank you Fusion. We knew our son could excel in the correct environment.” Susan Donnelly Fusion Parent

“The Fusion model allows teachers to truly understand my child, both academically and emotionally. The teachers not only are teaching her the course content but make adjustments as needed to fill in gaps in her prior learning or to move ahead when she already has mastered something. My daughter is flourishing in the Fusion environment!” Marge Wilcox Fusion Parent

“ “...allows teachers to truly understand my child...”

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“...his grades plummeted and he started to suffer from depression and anxiety.”

“Our son has always struggled in school and has fallen through the cracks in the public school system. He was an average student and well-behaved so teachers just passed him along. Sophomore year of high school his grades plummeted and he started to suffer from depression and anxiety. Homework time at home was a nightmare for all of us. We began to research Fusion and attended a brunch. We sat and listened to parents who have students currently at Fusion and thought to ourselves: ‘Will we ever be able to say that about our son?’ Well, here we are...we are able to share that he is doing awesome!!! Fusion has changed his entire trajectory!!! He found an environment that he feels comfortable in and teachers and staff who have been able to teach the way he learns!! He is now happy, confident, and says, ‘I am smart’ with a big smile. We are thankful for Fusion every single day!” Lori Doy Fusion Parent


“Since our son has enrolled at Fusion, the biggest change is that he is now a happy kid again. The net effect is that the whole family is happier as a result. After struggling for years with his grade school performance, he is now academically challenged every day and flourishing. Can’t say enough about the success we found at Fusion.” Ross Sprovieri Fusion Parent

“ “After struggling for years...”

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“My son found his passion for school and music production at Fusion.”

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“My son found his passion for school and for music production at Fusion. He progressed from school refusal and low prospects for graduating high school, to college acceptance and an academic scholarship! He will study music production, and the Fusion music studio and staff prepared him for that.” Lori Prokes Fusion Parent

“Our public high school was not working for my son. I saw depression and anxiety increasing until we were at a complete school avoidance. It’s a very difficult time for both parent and child. I’m so grateful we had Fusion as an alternative. The enthusiasm and love for school my son now has, I didn’t even think were possible. I’ve seen gifted teachers go above and beyond so that my child feels important. They are constantly applying his unique interests and experiences into his personal lessons. Fusion lets him know he is valued, which I love.” Julie Grainge Fusion Parent

“ “...we were at a complete school avoidance.”

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“ “At Fusion, he is allowed to be himself.”


“Fusion has supplemented my son’s homeschool education in ways that have surprised me. In addition to the one-to-one learning model that my son needs, I have also been overwhelmingly impressed with their strengths-based approach to learning. Far more important than the academic progress he’s made, my son has become a much more confident learner because of his work with the Fusion team. Even better, he has developed, over the years, a close group of friends and even attended prom last spring. In his first year with Fusion, my son took only one class. He came home one day early on and said, ‘Fusion is like going to a homeschooling co-op, except without all the moms.’ He meant it as a compliment, I assure you. At Fusion, he is allowed to be himself, to feel safe, and to learn in ways that fit his needs. Next year, at his request, he will attend Fusion full time. I could not be more grateful.” Shawna Wingert Fusion Parent


“ “Fusion has not only changed my son, it has changed our family.”

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“My son was always an enigma: he was extraordinarily bright, but produced little work. Our family evenings were completely devoted to getting SOME of his homework done. He was miserable and thought of himself as a failure. By the end of the first semester of his sophomore year, he was failing 3 classes. I started looking for alternatives. In the two years my son has been at Fusion, he has grown into a confident, happy, and successful young man. He has discovered his passion: art. He chose a college and worked hard to get in. He is aware of his strengths and his weaknesses. He has become an amazing, articulate young man. We are very proud of him. Fusion has not only changed my son, it has changed our family. We are happier, calmer, and a more cohesive unit. We have fun with our children without arguing about homework.” Sanja Nikolich Fusion Parent

“Public and private schools had never been a good match for my son. I felt frustrated and overwhelmed by traditional educational systems. My son is not a typical student, but very bright. When he began classes at Fusion, he slowly became inspired. He discovered that he could learn at his own pace and level of instruction. He was sufficiently challenged in academics, but also in the areas of wellness and basic life skills. He actually enjoyed going to school. At Fusion, he was able to showcase his talents and leadership skills in some really creative and fun ways. Then all of a sudden, he began to achieve and reach for more goals. He will graduate from Fusion. He has worked hard at his education and I am so happy for him!” Paula Mitchell Fusion Parent

“ “I felt frustrated and overwhelmed...”

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“ “Teachers are always responsive...”

“ 46

“Fusion is the perfect fit, quite the opposite of public school. The entire staff is supportive in so many ways, and they are flexible, creative problem solvers. Teachers are always responsive and willing to discuss concerns. I love how they don’t view kids as problems—they work to accommodate everyone, and they challenge and support them at the same time. I feel extremely fortunate to have found Fusion—it was exactly what our son needed!” Susan Fusion Parent

“Fusion is the future of education. Why crowd children of different skills, interests, and talents into one classroom with one teacher? The one-to-one approach gives every child the opportunity to learn at their own speed, may that be super-fast, or super-slow, or anything in between. You can never fall behind, as there is never anybody ahead of you. You can also customize the curriculum according to each child’s biorhythm and start classes early and be done early, or start later and stay longer. Of course, you still have to fulfill the minimum requirements in all subjects according to the school district you are in, but you can add on, or pile on, the subjects your child is passionate about, or just wants to give a try. I wish I had gone to Fusion!” Florian Haertel Fusion Parent

“ “You can never fall behind...”

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“ “Fusion Academy meets her where she is!”

“ 48

“Public school just wasn’t the right fit for my daughter...she learns best in a non-traditional way. Fusion Academy meets her where she is! They have figured out her learning style and her interests and created a learning experience that exactly meets her needs. Her grades and her confidence have improved exponentially!! Thank you Fusion!” Page Johnson Fusion Parent

“Our daughter had to leave public school due to a medical condition. She was out of school for approximately two months. Returning to public school was very overwhelming and more than our daughter would have been able to handle at the time. Fusion allowed our daughter to get back to her course work without feeling it was an impossible task. The one-to-one classroom allowed her to progress at her pace and move as quickly or slowly as she needed to grasp the material. The Fusion environment was so welcoming and helped our daughter’s selfesteem grow. She still communicates today with friends she made there. She used to tell me, ‘Mom, we are a family at Fusion.’ It was the perfect place at the perfect time for our daughter! Thank you Fusion for helping bring laughter and happiness back to our daughter!!”

“ “She was out of school for approximately two months.”

Stacy Genovese Fusion Parent


“Fusion Academy provides a warm, nurturing, professional, supportive, learning environment for all its students. The administrators are very helpful and caring. They set positive goals and actively work to maintain a standard of excellence for the teachers, other staff, and students. Parents are always welcome to speak with the administration and teachers about anything relating to their children. The teachers are fantastic and encouraging. They guide their students while employing many different teaching methods as best suited to each student. Our son loves attending Fusion Academy. He learns so much while really enjoying himself. We are so thankful we found Fusion Academy after experiencing significant issues with school reluctance and refusal at other schools, both public and private. Fusion Academy takes the time and puts in the effort required to help students achieve their academic and social potential. They get an A+ from our family.” Anne C.K. Fusion Parent


“ “They get an A+ from our family.”


“ “ opportunity to learn outside the box.”

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“My son attended Fusion for high school. During his time at Fusion, he developed self-esteem and confidence. The one-toone instruction allowed him to understand his academic content at a deeper level than he did when he was attending his public school. The staff was highly responsive to his individual needs. There was a strong sense of community. He attended the prom and performed with the school band. Fusion is an excellent school for any child who needs individual attention and an opportunity to learn outside the box.” Melissa Sadin Fusion Parent

“My daughter came to Fusion at a difficult time in her life. She was welcomed and accepted by the teachers who also helped her to pursue her passions. They provided her with exemplary education, support, and mentorship. She still remains in contact with many of her teachers who still continue to encourage her at the same level as when she attended Fusion. Fusion is not just a school, it’s a family.” Brigid Jenkins Fusion Parent

“They provided her with exemplary education, support and mentorship.”

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“I have searched endlessly to find a good place to match his educational needs.”

“As the parent of a child who demonstrates abilities beyond his years and yet struggles with seemingly mundane tasks, I have searched endlessly to find a good place to match his educational needs. Fusion has been that place for us. The one-to-one environment offers the perfect level of interaction for my son—on many different levels. The teachers are able to speed up, dive deeper into the subject matter, or slow down based on my son’s need on any given topic. This has been a game-changer for my son and has translated to him being confident as a student for the first time. I no longer worry about social connections as the school provides so many opportunities for meaningful interactions among peers. I no longer worry about my son being ready for the future because I have seen him blossom in such a short period of time at Fusion. I highly recommend Fusion Academy—it has changed our lives!” Brooke Morton Fusion Parent


“Most parents send their children to school every day thinking and worrying about how they will be treated by their teachers. What Fusion teachers do for my child takes that worry away every day! They aren’t just good teachers because many schools have good teachers - they are people who genuinely show love and respect and care to my child every day. I hope the Fusion teachers know how much they help him every day—they are making a difference in his life for the better.” Lauren Halgan Fusion Parent

“I hope the Fusion teachers know how much they help him every day.”

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“...struggling with anxiety, poor grades and lack of teacher attention...”

“ 56

“My 16-year-old daughter was struggling with anxiety, poor grades, and lack of teacher attention at our large public high school. Since I made the decision to move her to Fusion Academy, the change has been unbelievable. Her mood is so much more upbeat, her grades have improved and she absolutely loves the one-to-one teaching. More importantly, I can see her selfconfidence growing by the day. I would really recommend Fusion to any parent who is worried about their child’s performance in school.” Debra Perry Fusion Parent

“If it weren’t for Fusion, my daughter may not have graduated high school, let alone have thoughts that she was capable of college. Now, she is in her second semester at Goucher College and is doing very, very well! Her first semester, despite the difficult transition of college life in general, she handled it well and got good grades. This semester she’s off to a rocking start and is more prepared for what’s ahead! I’m so happy for her and thank all of Fusion for believing in her. It was the one-to-one learning, understanding her as a learner and as a person, as well as the emotional, personal, and academic support all the teachers gave her that allowed her to thrive. She gained confidence and pride in what she was doing at Fusion because she said, ‘they hear my voice and I matter.’ Thank you Fusion for the relief and happiness you have given to our daughter and our family.” Lisa Stanos Fusion Parent

“ “ daughter may not have graduated high school...”

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“...she was extremely unhappy and busy from morning to night...”


“Our daughter attended a ‘regular’ private high school for 9th grade. We were totally disillusioned by the entire experience: kids were super competitive with each other, cliques were nasty, and the homework was both too intense and a waste of time. Even though our daughter got straight As, she was extremely unhappy and busy from morning to night with very little time to sleep, so we decided to take her out. She started attending Fusion in 10th grade, and it was the best thing we ever did for her. She loves her classes and enjoys learning again. For our daughter, the Fusion model is sort of like college: the teachers recognize that our daughter is responsible and treat her like an adult. She has more say in what research projects she does and how deep to go into certain topics. She also has more time outside of school to devote to being a kid, being with family and friends, and pursuing other interests. Our daughter is so mature and confident now, and I credit Fusion for providing a safe, happy, and peaceful high school experience for her to have while she navigates her way to adulthood.” Barbara Elashoff Fusion Parent


“ “Our family is thankful for our son’s academic success.”

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“With the assistance of the teachers and other staff, our son was able to graduate on time, achieve high grades, learn new skills— cooking and playing the piano—and be confident. The academic schedule, learning environment, and homework club set him up nicely to succeed in the university setting, including navigating Greek society! He is now a member of the Theta Chi fraternity and in a leadership position. We miss the Fusion teachers and their innovative approaches to teaching. For example, learning Spanish using the music he was listening to helped him retain what he was learning and gave us our own way to communicate since only two people in our family speak Spanish. Our family is thankful for our son’s academic success and the strengthened bond that came with his attending Fusion.” Rachel Grant Fusion Parent

“Our son had a challenging time in a mainstream school. Fusion has changed the way our son thinks about school and learning. He wants to go to school, and we are thrilled! We were worried about the social aspect of Fusion, but he has met a lot of wonderful kids who he refers to as his friends. It is amazing to see him more confident and enjoying learning again. The staff has also been amazing in terms of communicating with us every day, and they all seem to really like their jobs. Fusion has been a lifesaver, and we couldn’t be happier.” Kari Lantin Fusion Parent

“ “Our son had a challenging time in a mainstream school.”

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“ “They know how to celebrate and honor her strengths...”

“ 62

“My daughter’s teachers and your community have been an incredibly healing and inspiring and confidence-building force for her since she arrived at your campus. I can’t thank you all enough for being the people you are. Even in a virtual space, maybe especially in this virtual space, she really looks forward to her class time with each of her teachers. She thinks they are all so wonderful—every single one of them. They each really see her, understand her, and are able to reach and teach her exactly as she comes. They know how to celebrate and honor her strengths and challenges, and I know that is because they want to. What could possibly be better for any student?” Jenny Bernstein Fusion Parent

“We discovered Fusion when my son was struggling with math at his public high school. It quickly became clear that the large classroom setting was not going to work for him. He has now successfully completed two years of high school math with Fusion and has stepped back into his public high school for his third-year math class (he is only a sophomore) and he is doing great in the class! I attribute this tremendous improvement to the one-to-one teaching format of Fusion, as well as the amazing teachers who work at Fusion. We have also used Fusion for chemistry class and Spanish tutoring, and every experience has been a positive one. The staff has been extremely flexible and helpful with scheduling classes, and everyone at Fusion seems incredibly focused on student success. I cannot say enough about the difference Fusion has made in helping my son experience success in his academics.”

“ “...incredibly focused on student success.”

Susan Omens Fusion Parent


“ “...our son hated school, hated homework.”

“ 64

“Previously, our son hated school, hated homework. We had nightly struggles. His self-esteem was very low. Now, in his second semester at Fusion, he is confident, more open-minded, independent, and extremely happy with school. In fact, he loves school! It has made our family time a time to enjoy, not argue! Fusion is giving him the tools to succeed. There are many social opportunities in which he wants to participate. I’m impressed with the flexibility Fusion offers. When I mentioned I wanted our son to learn cursive, they created a class for him! Also, I love that he takes surf and yoga for physical education! I can’t say enough great things about Fusion!” Nancy Brigden Fusion Parent

“Fusion came at the right time and was a great fit for our child’s educational needs. The music and art programs accelerated his passion and skill level in a very short time. The teachers’ dedication and general caring for the individual student was seen and felt. Academic gaps were closed and confidence was built. If you are looking for a space because traditional schooling is no longer a fit for your child or you would like them to be in a space where they are listened to and encouraged to work from their strengths, I highly recommend Fusion.” Shannon Mahoney Fusion Parent

“ “Academic gaps were closed and confidence was built.”

“ 65

“I truly cannot imagine a better school experience for our son than what he has had at Fusion! We had been through some very disappointing private school experiences and came to Fusion after several years of homeschooling and world travel to give our son a more full education. We have been so pleased with the entire experience at Fusion—from first visiting the school, to enrolling, to completing two years and graduating soon. Every teacher and class has been fantastic and he’s learned so very much. His confidence, maturity, and work/study skills are greatly improved. He’s so much happier and satisfied. He’s well prepared for the future thanks to his terrific teachers. We know our son is with great teachers and in an environment where he can blossom and grow into the man he’s meant to be. We truly cannot recommend Fusion enough. Finding it has changed all our lives for the better and we will always, always be grateful for the wonderful teachers and staff at Fusion!” Laura Desmarais Fusion Parent


“We had been through some very disappointing private school experiences...”


“ “He came into the school an awkward, shy, insecure kid...”

“ 68

“This is my son’s 4th year at Fusion, and I can honestly say it has changed his life. He came into the school an awkward, shy, insecure kid who had no confidence, no friends, and the feeling of not belonging anywhere. Fusion gave him a HOME where he felt accepted, included, supported, and loved. For the first time in his life, he is “hanging out” with friends at school, he has joined an after-school club, and he feels connected to a community of his own. In addition, he is fully supported by the amazing adults at Fusion who have his back whenever he needs advice, a life lesson, or just someone to talk to. I am extremely grateful!” Caren Larkey Fusion Parent

“We always knew our son had the talent to succeed in school, but his results were spotty. Sometimes he would excel in difficult classes and perform poorly in easy classes. Teacher feedback ranged from ‘very bright’ to ‘possible learning impairment.’ We finally realized that the one-sizefits-all approach his public school offered didn’t fit. He learns differently and needs to be taught differently. That’s when we found Fusion. From the first meeting, he was excited about the school, the teachers, and learning. He loves Fusion, is gaining confidence in his ability to learn, and is setting systematically higher goals. We, and more importantly he, is thrilled with the change from the public school to Fusion.” Steve Van Wart Fusion Parent

“ “He learns differently and needs to be taught differently.”

“ 69

“ “Fusion changed everything.”

“We couldn’t be happier with our family’s choice to enroll our son at Fusion Academy. Without Fusion, he would certainly not be having the spectacular experience he is having at college right now. Not only did he get into his first-choice college, but he is getting great grades there and is involved in extra-curricular activities. We decided not to have our son keep going to his previous high school—he was not thriving and we could not support the experience any longer. Fusion changed everything. Our son was able to learn much better in the one-to-one environment. He also made friends and learned about his leadership ability. He connected with his teachers and improved his physical fitness in his Fusion courses on health. When he had a break from college, the first thing he wanted to do was visit Fusion and say hello to everyone who had helped him on his way. He also stays in close contact with his Fusion friends.” Lisa Krissof Boehm Fusion Parent


“From the moment my daughter and I walked through the doors at Fusion Academy, we knew we had discovered something very special. My daughter started as a struggling, apprehensive student. She blossomed into a strong, successful, and confident young woman with the support and guidance of the wonderful team at Fusion. She is now enjoying and thriving in college and is considering studying abroad in the fall. Fusion helped to change our daughter’s life in so many positive ways.” Chris Speck Fusion Parent

“ “She is now enjoying and thriving in college...”

“ 71

“ “ needs are now being met...”

“ 72

“Our daughter’s social-emotional needs are now being met in the classroom by her teachers—something that wasn’t happening at the large high school she was attending. The pace of each class is tailored to her learning style—something that also wasn’t happening at her prior high school. She also loves learning again! We couldn’t be happier to be a Fusion family!” Christine and John Peschier Fusion Parents

“We enrolled our son in Fusion to catch up on some classes, then realized that Fusion’s academic approach is exactly what he needs to succeed full-time. Learning has gone from a daily source of anxiety to one of enthusiasm. Each day, our child is eager to tell us about what he studied at school. Those conversations are key to our nightly family dinners. On days when his age-appropriate teenage grunts convey very little, the daily updates from his teachers about each day’s progress sparks positive conversations at home. The teachers are highly skilled, and the school makes extra efforts to connect all of the kids in a variety of ways. While the oneto-one education is key, opportunities for socialization also is a priority among the school’s leaders. We are so happy to be a Fusion family.”

“ “...our child is eager to tell us about what he studied at school.”

The Moores Fusion Parents



notes from our

Alumni & Students 75

“ “I dreaded getting up in the morning...”

“ 76

“Before Fusion, I hated school. I dreaded getting up in the morning; I didn’t care. My old school gave up on me, so why should I put any effort into learning? Finally, I realized I am so much more than what my old school had made me believe I was, which was nothing, and I worked up the courage to tell my parents I wanted to leave. We talked it over and decided I’d leave my school to come to Fusion. My grades skyrocketed, and I was so happy to all of a sudden be able to imagine myself graduating. Fusion gave me hope of a better future.” Tu Morrow Fusion Alumna


“ “...I never would have gotten into my dream school...”

“ 78

“The one-to-one classes allowed me to work at my own pace and learn about things I was truly interested in. Every teacher I had at Fusion was incredible. They were all so experienced in the topics they taught and incredibly enthusiastic, which made learning fun. Without Fusion Academy, I never would have gotten into my dream school that I now attend, Fordham University in New York City. A lot of people wonder if I had difficulty making friends when I tell them I went to such a unique and small school, but for me, that was not the case; I made lifelong friends. Overall, Fusion Academy was absolutely the right choice for me and I am so grateful for the time I spent there.” Olivia Valkenburg Fusion Alumna

“I started at Fusion in August of 2015 and I’ve loved it ever since! I graduated from Fusion in 2016, but have continued taking additional courses at Fusion because I love coming here so much! The teachers are super fun to talk to. The students are awesome! I was unhappy at my old school because the teachers were very strict. The experience was not pretty. Teachers were very hard on me and they didn’t seem to know what they were even doing. I didn’t have confidence in them. But, at Fusion the teachers are so nice and very helpful and they’re also fun to socialize with. It’s fantastic to have the one-to-one classes rather than being in a classroom full of kids, all of us confused. I’ve grown to be a pretty awesome man because Fusion allowed me the space and time to learn at my pace and guided me into a positive future.” Tanner E. Fusion Alumnus

“ “I was unhappy at my old school...”

“ 79


“Fusion was the perfect high school experience for me. It allowed me to move at a faster speed than my previous school and also allowed me to go far more in-depth into my studies. The classes were personalized for me and what I was interested in. I have also made life-long friendships with my teachers. My calculus teacher and I still talk while I’m at college. The teachers at Fusion are genuinely interested in what they are teaching and they inspire you to be excited about it as well. I would recommend Fusion to anyone. It is like nothing else. I currently go to Johns Hopkins University and am majoring in chemistry. Fusion has prepared me so well for this very high-stress and difficult academic environment. I am excelling in my studies and I owe so much of that to Fusion. Fusion taught me how to advocate for myself, which has helped me land a prestigious research position in an inorganic chemistry lab in my first semester at Johns Hopkins. I am so grateful for what Fusion has allowed me to accomplish, like graduating high school in three years and attending my dream university.” Rebecca Penner Fusion Alumna


“ “School is way more fun than any other school...”

“ 82

“I love Fusion because it allows me to really enjoy my time on Broadway! Fusion helps me manage all of my school work as well as having a full-time job. This school is way more fun than any other school because of the one-to-one teaching, which makes it easier and not stressful!” Cory L. Fusion Student

“Traditional schools, private or public, will let you get by with no effort or motivation. They will let you fail without worrying and even may punish you for it, further compounding the problem. Fusion’s one-toone experience enables students to build relationships with teachers, which dissolves the issues of being the worst in class or having anxiety about advocating for yourself about issues you may be having. Fusion will even help with questions around continuing your education and moving on to college, which is a big leap for someone like me, who before coming to Fusion didn’t even have the motivation to push through high school. The things I was able to accomplish in that unique learning environment helped me realize that I could really do whatever I wanted. I would not be where I am today without the kind teachers I had at Fusion.” Harrison M. Fusion Student

“Traditional schools, private or public, will let you get by with no effort or motivation.”

“ 83

“ “I haven’t always been a ‘school person’...”

“ 84

“Fusion makes learning enjoyable and fun! I haven’t always been a ‘school person’, but Fusion makes it so that I can learn and understand by tending to my specific learning needs. No matter if you are a hands-on, visual, or auditory learner, Fusion has made it their mission to help me reach my educational goals. The teachers understand and love you as if you were their own children. No matter what type of teacher I have had at Fusion, they have always treated me with respect, kindness, and tough love! I am happy to be a part of a school that I can call a family!” Ajanay L. Fusion Student

“As a student at Fusion, I found that most everyone has come for a purpose, and I did too. Normal school wasn’t helping me at all, and I was going down the wrong path. Now that I have found Fusion, I am on the right path again. I have also made some of my closest friends there, and I am ever so grateful for it.” Sarah L. Fusion Student

“ “...I am on the right path again.”

“ 85

“ “I was accepted for who I was.”

“ 86

“Before my family and I found Fusion, I was an isolated homeschooler. I struggled with being behind on core academic subjects as well as social anxiety. However, we found Fusion and were immediately warmly welcomed by every staff member as if we were joining a new family. They understood my academic and personal background and the goals I had. They were incredibly flexible during our scheduling, making sure the classes, teachers, and times we were choosing were not only going to work, but were also going to take me far in life in a fun and safe environment. Like every other student who attends Fusion, I was accepted for who I was, not for what society wants me to be. Fusion truly cares about its students and teachers. I have found Fusion to be a safe and trusting school and environment where I can truly be myself without fear and evolve greatly in my education.” Christina P. Fusion Student

“With its unique format, I have been able to work with my teachers at Fusion independently to fully reach my learning potential. Fusion has also allowed me to expand creatively in many areas, preparing me for my upcoming college experience.” Christian C. Fusion Student

“ “Fusion has allowed me to expand creatively.”

“ 87

“I came to Fusion after a year of not consistently being in school and two to three years of high anxiety and depression in response to a traditional school environment. Initially, the intention of coming to Fusion was to complete my freshman credits over the summer and then see what happened from there. The individualized learning environment at Fusion, as well as the school’s flexibility in scheduling and deadlines, proved to be exactly what I needed. The teachers are extraordinarily attentive to student needs and are endlessly supportive. The one-to-one classroom environment allows for a better student-teacher relationship and allows me to learn more efficiently. The way classes are taught at Fusion makes me feel that I am learning valuable information and skills in order to meet my goals, rather than just fulfilling state requirements for graduation. Fusion has helped me to get my education back on track and feel better about what I’m doing in the process, and I believe the Fusion learning model is extremely successful. Anyone can succeed at Fusion, and anyone’s needs can be met.” Abigail C. Fusion Student


“ “Fusion has helped me to get my education back on track.”


“ “I actually wake up excited to go to school.”

“ 90

“Fusion has helped me learn to love learning. I actually wake up excited to go to school. If it weren’t for Fusion, I would be failing out of school.” Sami J. Fusion Student

“Fusion is really great and I benefit from the one-to-one teaching approach. Classes offer me the ability to move at my own pace. The teachers are very understanding of any life issues that arise and are willing to work with you through struggles. The social Homework Café offers me the opportunity to make friends. Since Fusion is smaller, it is easier to create relationships with students and staff. I enjoy that all teachers have a unique background. I love the scheduling options so that I am able to have flexibility. I have learned a lot and enjoy being at Fusion!!!” Matt O. Fusion Student

“ “I enjoy that all teachers have a unique background.”

“ 91

“ “I got into my top college because of Fusion!”

“ 92

“I spent my previous years with horrible grades, no friends, and I was just all-around sad. The minute I came to Fusion, I knew I wanted to be here. I have better grades, I met my best friend, and all of the teachers are super sweet. I don’t think I would be able to graduate without going to Fusion, and I got into my top college because of Fusion!” Winter H. Fusion Student

“I absolutely love and adore the way I’m taught. I have never been able to learn in any environment besides Fusion. At public schools and private schools, I got D’s and F’s on my report card. Here my intelligence is recognized and I’m taught to my strengths, allowing me to achieve straight A’s. Fusion is simply the best alternative to having an education inserted directly into my mind.” Lorenzo B. Fusion Student

“ “Here my intelligence is recognized.”

“ 93

“ “I am able to move at my pace.”

“ 94

“The teachers at Fusion are great. The one-to-one model helps me a lot because I am able to stop and ask questions. I am able to move at my pace. The teachers teach me in the best way that works for me. The Homework Café is great too because it’s a designated time to do my homework and there’s help when you need it. I also like the fact that we can be trusted to go off campus for lunch. It makes me feel more independent.” Molly K. Fusion Student

“Before I came to Fusion, I felt defeated and drained of trying in school. Nothing was working, and I was depressed and unmotivated constantly. When I came to Fusion, I found both an academically and emotionally supportive environment for the first time in my life. I was in 10th grade, and for the first time, I felt what it was like to thrive and be proud of who I had become. I give a large part of that credit to Fusion for fostering that strength and journey.” Ginger O. Fusion Student

“ “...I felt defeated and drained of trying in school.”

“ 95


“I’m writing this testimonial in only my second week here at Fusion, but my experience in just a week and a half has been incredibly positive. Here at Fusion, the teachers have all been enthusiastic and open-minded. It has allowed me to learn more information and ask more questions than in any normal classroom ever before. Everyone here at Fusion has helped me out in some way in light of my recently broken femur; I never have any problems with getting around or getting what I need. The classrooms are filled with a focus on learning and are a safe space for students to dive into the material without hesitation or embarrassment. Fusion has allowed me the freedom to do my physical therapy without losing any educational rigor in my classrooms.” Kendall M. Fusion Student

“ experience in just a week and a half has been incredibly positive.”

“ 97

“ “I feel comfortable and happy...”

“ 98

“Fusion has helped me achieve my academic goals as well as personal goals. Fusion’s teachers have been an excellent support for me and have made me feel capable. Fusion goes above and beyond on meeting me where I am at with personalizing my curriculum. I feel comfortable and happy coming to Fusion. All the kids are welcoming as well as the staff and teachers. Having a Life Skills class is incredibly important for me in my life. Overall Fusion has made me feel safe, loved, confident, and prepared.” Katharine H. Fusion Student

“I went to Fusion because my previous high school left me overworked, cynical, extremely angry, and depressed. At Fusion, I feel listened to by the staff, the community feels closer and more genuine, and I feel so much less social pressure to do everything perfectly. I feel like I have time to be myself and that the other students here get to express themselves and all their unique quirks; it makes socializing so much more appealing and easier to do for me. Overall, while I still have issues left over from my previous high school experience, I think Fusion made it easier for me to heal and to develop into a more capable, happier person.” Cole K. Fusion Student

“ previous high school left me overworked, cynical, extremely angry, and depressed.”


“...never felt like I was moving forward in learning or being challenged...”

“ 100

“I’ve always had a difficult time learning in a school environment. I did well, got straight As, and helped out in various clubs at my old school, but things never felt right. In class, I zoned out easily and never felt like I was moving forward in learning, or being challenged. Finding Fusion was one of the best things that happened to me. Being in a one-to-one environment with a teacher allows me to be challenged, but also learn at my own pace, maximizing the efficiency of the curriculum. Despite the one-to-one classes, the school still holds a strong community environment. Hanging out in the Homework Café feels like being surrounded by family, and it’s one of the places I feel most comfortable. It’s truly a school like no other.” Salome H. Fusion Student

“Fusion Academy has changed my personal experience of school socially and academically. I have progressed in every aspect academically and have developed a plan for my future ever since I transferred to Fusion. The courses offered at Fusion are fit for every student and the teachers here make the curriculum more fun and really give students a knack for learning. I have even had thoughts about becoming a teacher after attending Fusion and seeing how a teacher’s influence can change a student’s life. I always liked teaching myself things at public school, and transferring to Fusion allowed me to do that with guidance and helped me continue to develop.” Josh B. Fusion Student

“ “I have progressed in every aspect academically.”

“ 101

“ “I have felt comfortable being the person I am.”

“ 102

“Fusion has given me the opportunity to grow as a student and a person. The staff here has made me feel comfortable with expressing my thoughts and has given me a safe environment to be in. I have felt comfortable being the person I am without feeling judged, unlike how I felt at my old school. I have been able to learn subjects and topics more clearly. Fusion has been an amazing place to be.” Skylar B. Fusion Student

“Fusion Academy has worked with me through many personal issues to help me reach my fullest potential in terms of both academics and my everyday life. Being at Fusion has allowed me to enjoy school again, and I can honestly say that I have never done better in school. All of my instructors, and even those I don’t have for class, are amazing people who are always willing to help. Both my fellow students and the staff are all friendly and easy to get along with. Even someone who can be uncomfortable with socializing, such as myself, can quickly feel comfortable here. I remember distinctly during my first week at Fusion how welcoming everyone was. I had feared attending a new school, but within my first hour at the school, my worries were immediately settled. Attending Fusion has been one of the best decisions of my high school career. My only regret is that I didn’t hear about it sooner.”

“ “My only regret is that I didn’t hear about it sooner.”

Chloe P. Fusion Student



“Before Fusion, I was an unorganized kid who struggled with math and had trouble focusing. Fusion has helped me conquer all these aspects and more. The help I have received has been tremendous. All the math principles I have learned are taught to me in-depth, and if I need help with anything, there is always a teacher to help. My issues with focusing are gone due to classes such as executive functioning. This class also helps with organization as well. The one-to-one aspect with the teachers is very helpful in all regards. You can ask any questions or get help with every problem in class. I believe students learn better this way.” Jason O. Fusion Student

“ “I was an unorganized kid who struggled with math...”

“ 105

“I left my old high school with zero confidence in my scholastic abilities...”

“ 106

“I left my old high school with zero confidence in my scholastic abilities and no desire to go to school. My grades were horrible, I neglected to do any work, my chances of getting into any colleges were slowly slipping away, and I couldn’t have cared less. I am in my second semester of 12th grade now, and I have recently just received my first college acceptance letter—something I thought I would never see. Fusion has shown me the importance of education, but most importantly, it has shaped me into the person I am today and the man I will be in the future. I would strongly recommend Fusion to anyone who is struggling to find an interest in high school or anyone who thinks that they are in need of an alternate style of learning.” Evan H. Fusion Student

“The teachers are very welcoming and are set on creating healthy teacher/student relationships. The system that Fusion has organized is pretty much perfect for what they are trying to achieve, which is unlocking each student’s potential for success and real-world activities.” Collin S. Fusion Student

“The system that Fusion has organized is pretty much perfect...”

“ 107

“ “...immediately saw a change in my grades, focus, and attitude...”

“ 108

“I struggled through most of middle school and the start of my freshman year at my old schools. Nothing made sense to me, I wasn’t understanding the material, and I was failing most of my classes...until I went to Fusion! I was not the one-size-fits-all kid. I have dyslexia, dysgraphia, and pretty much anything else. I was a square peg in a round hole, and it just didn’t work for me. I was an F student. I went to Fusion and immediately saw a change in my grades, focus, and attitude towards school. I am now an A, B student.” Tyler B. Fusion Student

“The Fusion experience is more than just school. It gives you the confidence to excel and a family-like community to support you through it. Everyone is so accepting and welcoming. The teachers actually care about what they are teaching and the students’ understanding of the material. You can cultivate the material to fit your needs and interests. Fusion has reminded me that school isn’t just about grades. It helps you realize that there are still wholesome schools and students out there.” Dalia N. Fusion Student

“ “Fusion has reminded me that school isn’t just about grades.”

“ 109

“ “I’ve turned my school life around.”

“ 110

“My old public school was too big. There was even a separate school for only the freshman class. I was an F student, failed tests and assignments, and didn’t want to do any school work. I even failed choir. Now that I am a full-time student at Fusion, I’ve turned my school life around. Passing with all A’s in all my classes, I even managed to build relationships with students and teachers. With my current GPA, I could get into really great colleges. The teachers at Fusion are a lot more supportive and helpful with each student and will provide them with the skills they need and/or desire. I see Fusion as a family more than a school, and I can look forward to stepping on campus every week.” Paetyn T. Fusion Student

“It is amazing how much the teachers and administrators care about each and every student. Students at Fusion actually feel comfortable speaking to them, whereas at other schools, it can be quite intimidating to speak to the Head of School about a personal or social problem. They will always listen and do their absolute best to support you in every way possible. The environment at Fusion Academy encourages learning at your own pace, in a way that works best for you. To me, Fusion Academy is not just an amazing school experience, it is also a place to meet awesome people, to learn things you have always wanted to learn, and to actually love what you are doing. But most of all, it is a place where you can feel at home. Being a part of the Fusion Family has been an extremely rewarding experience, thanks to the amazing people there.” Hannah H. Fusion Student

“ “ extremely rewarding experience...”

“ 111

“...a place to maximize an individual’s potential...”

“ 112

“I am having an amazing experience. Fusion is helping me find success, and being at Fusion is the best among all of my learning experiences. Every faculty member is very friendly and really focused on each individual. I’m attending college next year and Fusion has helped me to get a lot of college acceptances, including Virginia Tech, NC State, Temple University, University of Denver, and many more, all with scholarships. No matter if it is for domestic or international students, no matter if it is for college preparation or good college acceptance, Fusion is a fantastic place to be—a place to maximize an individual’s potential and to help one to find success in life!” Wei W. Fusion Student

“One of the things I appreciate about Fusion is the environment—I’ve never felt such a welcoming place before. It feels like they actually care, and it feels like I am actually learning. And I feel independent. So I vouch to say they are very helpful, both as a community and as a learning center.” William O. Fusion Student

“ “I’ve never felt such a welcoming place before.”

“ 113

“Before I discovered Fusion, I was a tad bit difficult to be around since I was at a harsh private school environment that made me feel like I wasn’t trying hard enough. Fusion allowed me to find who I truly am and to discover that even more than I could ever imagine. I remember the first time I walked into Fusion I knew that I had found my home away from home. With supportive, fun, and super awesome teachers and faculty and the others always having my back and helping me out, I don’t ever think I can go back to a school where I was suffering every day, nor do I want to. Here I am a part of the Improve Club, the Women Empowerment Club, and VP/Secretary/Treasurer for our Charity Club. These are just some of the many diverse and entertaining activities that this school has to offer. If you are considering Fusion, come and take a tour! You will be confident that Fusion is the right place for you after you see an amazing dynamic throughout the entire campus.” Stella C. Fusion Student


“...I was a tad bit difficult to be around...”


“Fusion has helped me learn things in a more creative and independent way.”

“ 116

“Fusion has helped me have a better understanding of myself and my ability to learn. At my previous school, I was never taught how to go about different assignments and situations. Fusion has helped me learn things in a more creative and independent way. The teachers and staff have helped me become a more confident person. If I hadn’t transferred to Fusion, I don’t think I would be in the place I am today, and I couldn’t be more thankful.” Eric M. Fusion Student

“Fusion has made me a much more understanding and tolerant person. At my old school, I had little motivation and was barely making it to my classes, and now I feel more excited about learning than I ever have. I have learned people have their own stories that should be heard and respected. Fusion has a way of bringing people together for a common cause. I am so happy I came to Fusion and will never look back.” Kenan P. Fusion Student

“ “...I feel more excited about learning than I ever have.”

“ 117

Last year’s

College Acceptances This is just a short list of college acceptances. The list of acceptances for Fusion students who pursue post-secondary schooling is impressive and diverse. They include top national universities, gap year programs, community colleges, art schools, international programs, and more.

Top National Universities* Stanford University Northwestern University Vanderbilt University University of California Los Angeles University of Southern California Georgetown University Wake Forest University New York University Tufts University University of California San Diego Whitman College Lehigh University Pepperdine University Syracuse University Pennsylvania State University University of Washington

To see more information about college acceptances visit:


Loyola Marymount University University of Maryland Southern Methodist University

University of Connecticut

Earlham College

George Washington University

Bennington College

American University

Southwestern University

Brigham Young University

St. John’s University

Binghamton University Gonzaga University

Visual & Performing Arts Schools

Indiana University

Berklee College of Music

Michigan State University

Savannah College of Art and Design Parson’s School of Art and Design

Top Liberal Arts Colleges*

Pratt Institute

Colby College

New School for Performing Arts

Kenyon College

Boston Conservatory

Mount Holyoke College

School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Occidental College

School of Visual Arts (NYC)

Union College Bard College

Specialized Programs/Schools

Reed College

Embry Riddle Aeronautical University

Sarah Lawrence College

Stevens Institute of Technology

Willamette University

Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising

St. John’s College

Los Angeles Recording School *in order of U.S. News & World Report Ranking



Check out our

Video testimonials, too! Along with all these written quotes, we also have video stories available on our website. To hear from students, parents, and staff, visit

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