Beat 1666

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Arts Guide


Hotel Mumbai

Rone’s Empire

Takes over Sherbrooke’s Burnham Beeches Mansion Australian artist Rone has transformed the walls of a decaying manor in the Dandenong Ranges into a multi-room masterpiece with his latest work, Empire. The massive artwork combines sound design, virtual reality and augmented reality experiences. Rooms of the building are centred around seasons, and have been decked out with more than 500 individual antique pieces. The exhibition runs between Wednesday March 6 and Monday April 22. For more information, head to the artist’s website.

International Women’s Day at ACMI

People Suck: A Musical Airing of Grievances

In celebration of International Women’s Day on Friday March 8, ACMI has put together an evening of listening, thinking, dancing and discovering. Kicking off at 7pm is a panel discussion, reflecting on one year of the #MeToo movement and what feminism has achieved, while also considering where we go from here. The panel is followed by a vogue dance performance and workshop, and a lineup of DJs to take you into the next day. For more information, head to ACMI’s website.

If you’ve ever needed to express your anger towards humankind, this is the comedy show for you. People Suck: A Musical Airing of Grievances is exactly that ± a musical celebration of the people who annoy the hell out of you. In addition to shaming others, the show is a not-very-subtle way of reminding the audience to not be dickheads. The musical runs between Monday March 11 and Saturday March 16 at the Butterfly Club. Tickets through their website.

Serious talks, serious dancing



Come have a whine at The Butterfly Club

Most will remember the attacks that occurred in Mumbai back in 2008. A group of terrorists carried out 12 coordinated shootings and bombings across the city, leaving 174 people dead and over 300 wounded. Among the locations targeted was the luxurious Taj Mahal Palace Hotel. Normally a retreat for the wealthy, the lavish hotel was transformed into a battleground as terrorists ripped through the building, executing guests and staff while police and officials scrambled to organise a raid. Based on the 2009 documentary Surviving Mumbai, firsttime feature director Anthony Maras (along with co-writer John Collee) have brought the harrowing tale of heroism and terror to life with Hotel Mumbai. The film focuses, for the most part, on the hotel staff as they risk their lives to keep the guests safe from the attackers. Boasting a massive cast, Maras attempts to show as many points of view as possible, shifting his focus from the wealthier guests to the poorer Aussie backpackers, to the heroic staff, and the terrorists themselves. The film manages to always keep fear at the forefront, giving us a glimpse into people’s rationale and how they deal with what’s happening around them. The main driving force behind the film is Dev Patel’s waiter Arjun, a Sikh, who risks his life to help keep the guests safe. This narrative helps the film avoid being nothing more than a twohour long bloodbath, presenting an inspiring tale of heroism, honour and an overwhelming sense of duty. The supporting cast help pad out the film, bolstering the underlying message with individual instances of bravery and compassion. The always solid Armie Hammer gives a somewhat out of place performance as an American engineer, married to a local woman (Nazanin Boniadi), risking his life to keep his newborn baby safe. Jason Isaacs plays an over-the-top Russian sleazeball who transitions from coked up businessman to grounded hero once the attacks begin. While these Hollywood story tropes might feel a little tacky, they come as a welcome reprieve from the stream of violence presented on screen. Maras doesn’t shy away from the atrocities committed, instead allowing them to exist in an almost matterof-fact manner. While Hotel Mumbai does have a few missteps along the way, its message is ultimately an inspiring one, brought to life with vivid direction and well-rounded performances. The film is an engaging, albeit confronting at times, depicting of the bravery people exhibit when faced with extraordinary circumstances. Hotel Mumbai is out in Australian cinemas on Thursday March 14. BY CHRIS SWAN

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