2015 March Issue of FunktheFormula Magazine

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MARCH 2015


ARTIST: Shane Turner, Psy Chameleon

Street Art Save My Life



6.................. EDITOR’S NOTE

15................. A SPLASH OF POWER: Photo Spread

27................. PHENOMENAL WOMAN: Photo Spread

7................. OUTSPOKEN: True Poetess 9 ................. UNSUNG SHEROES

39................. SONGS OF A VINTAGE HEART: Interview w/ Lydia Rene

Image by Tim Black, www.timblackphoto.com

E EDITOR-IN-CHIEF C.E. LAWTON SENIOR EDITOR GENESE NICOLE CREATIVE DIRECTORS C.E. LAWTON & GENESE NICOLE FEBRUARY CONTRIBUTORS David Ochs, Eve Garcia, Tamaika Brown, Katherine S., Candyce A, Shani B., Moxie Knox, Paula Sow, True Poetess, Phil Hatten, Tim Black ADVERTISING info@funktheformulamag.com FUNKTHEFORMULAMAG.COM It’s the commentary of your life ... but better. Art. Culture. And Then some.


COVER: Artwork by Leon Tillman www.leontillman.com LEFT: Ray wearing clothing provided by Made In Brownsville Photo by David Ochs for Ochs Photography www.ochsphotography.com


EDITOR’S NOTE Only for the Phenomenal ... We’re back once again with our latest edition of the FTF Phenomenal Woman issue, in celebration of Women’s Month. This year’s spread showcases 4 special women who let us know what makes them phenomenal, while showcasing beautiful bouquets provided by Beauty Bouquets. Also I wanted to take a moment within this issue to give a special salute to the single mothers of the world. I felt it paramount to speak with a few women who are powerful, resilient, loving and courageous enough to live double and even triple lives for the sake of building up the little, special lives they have created; though they face not the normal standard definition of a “family,” designated on a base level as a 2-parent household, they still manage to show up, day in and day out, so that their children do not miss a beat to life’s rhythm. It particularly strikes a chord with me as a man who grew up a single parent home ... Though I had my grandmother as additional support, and my uncle as an available male figure where applicable, I grew up without my father. The beauty of the situation was that yet and still, my mother had the fortitude and wherewithal enough to not let that phase my childhood and young adult years in any negative light. I herald her as a true blessing to who I am to this day, even though she’s no longer with me. So, in celebration of Women’s Month, I felt it only right to highlight the power held within the heart of the single mothers of the world that are continually making a difference in the lives of youth fortunate enough to have them. As much as they love you, I love you and respect you as well ... And tip my hat to you. To all the phenomenal women of the world. It’s one of our shorter issues, but it’s flourishing with larger than life individuals. LIVE. -C.E. Have questions, suggests, comments? Feel free to contact us: info@funktheformulamag.com


OUTSPOKEN Your words. Your thoughts. Out loud.


ear girl, Remember that your arrival was bloody Your mother’s screams your birth song That you drowned into life

This life ain’t for the weak Never let your knees buckle Submission won’t be your repertoire



Dear girl, They will lick away your sentiments Grind away your resolve, cast aside your emotion But they’ll never find your heart

These hearts buried deep in memories Locked in mother’s womb Guarded by childhood tears

Dear girl, March proudly into battle Because this ain’t game they spitting This be civil war

They’ll use civility as a pawn They’ll call you pretty to disarm you They’ll throw love to harm you

Dear girl, Never battle yourself for love Don’t watch the joy dim from your eyes Why surrender your smile to arrive on their shore?

Remember your arrival here was bloody

True Poetess

These warriors scream your birth song They must take you as you are.


UNSUNG S A special FTF salute to the mothers who play super heroins on a regular basis to the little ones in their world.

Our children feel better when we feel better. You must take care of yourself in order to take care of others. Name: Shéba Michel Age: 31 Occupation: Elementary School Teacher What’s the most Phenomenal part of your motherhood? The bond and connection I have with each individual child has to be the best. There is absolutely no kind of love that compares to that of a mother and her sons/ children. I think being a single mother only enhances that bond and makes it stronger. Through trials we are there for each other and we only have each other. I mostly care for them, but they always try to look out for me as well…even when I don’t do a great job of it myself. I also feel that while it can be extremely challenging and sometimes discouraging being a single mother, the biggest trials you face help you to see that you truly can face anything. It is quite a feeling to recognize that. It gives you fuel, motivation, and strength to conquer any new challenges that life brings your way. What makes a Phenomenal mom in 2015? I think it’s all about doing what you must do, doing what you can do, and accepting the things that you can’t do. There is always so much to do as a mother that it is virtually impossible to do everything well all the time. You must find balance in your life - a feat which is difficult for anyone, but particularly a mother. We spend much of our lives sacrificing our own needs and wants in order to meet the needs and wants of our children. That is why you must find time to care for yourself… Do things that make you happy… And don’t feel guilty about it. Our children feel better when we feel better. You must take care of yourself in order to take care of others. 9

SHEROES The most phenomenal part of my motherhood was hearing the heart beat of my little girl for the first time and feeling her move inside of me. I couldn’t believe that I was giving life to someone of my own. Name: Katie Rodriguez Age: 28 Occupation: NYPD What’s the most Phenomenal part of your motherhood? The most phenomenal part of my motherhood was hearing the heart beat of my little girl for the first time and feeling her move inside of me. I couldn’t believe that I was giving life to someone of my own. That there was a little person with a little heart living in my tummy. Every movement gave me a dose of energy and an ounce of closeness. I never thought it was even possible to love someone you’ve never met but the 9 month growing process made that possible. What makes a Phenomenal mom in 2015? What makes a phenomenal mom in 2015 is single moms. A strong woman that does every and anything to make sure that her child/children are well taken care of. Women that find the strength to spend time with their child/children even after a long exhausting day; single strong mothers that will always love their little ones for who they are.


A phenomenal mother in 2015, or any time, is simply a woman who is not perfect but is always giving her all to her children and making whatever sacrifices need to be made. With or without help, they make it happen because they understand this is the hardest and most important job you will ever have.

Name: Stephanie Whitaker Age: 26 Occupation: Retail Sales / Hair Stylist & Makeup Artist What’s the most Phenomenal part of your motherhood? I would have to say that the most phenomenal part of being a mother is all the little victories that add up to the warm fuzzy feeling inside that tell you you’re doing something right. It’s waking up and not having pissy sheets because you didn’t give into your toddler on that last glass of water. It’s those 2 days a week that you get homework done, dinner cooked, bath, and bed all on time (for once). It’s getting enormous hugs from tiny arms and big kisses from little lips that are the sweetest thing ever. It’s going to sporting events and playing sports even though you detest anything sporty. It’s trying to practice yoga and having your big baby repeating your movements. It’s carrying a sleeping toddler and 20 bags of groceries plus your oversized pocketbook up three long flights of stairs in one trip because two is out of the question. It’s all those seemingly simple things that people without children just can’t appreciate the same way. What makes a Phenomenal mom in 2015? A phenomenal mother in 2015 or any time is simply a woman who is not perfect but is always giving her all to her children and making whatever sacrifices need to be made. With or without help, they make it happen because they understand this is the hardest and most important job you will ever have.


A Phenomenal mom in 2015 is ... An agile shape shifter ... Balancing quality time with her children, constant hard work, finding the space to laugh until she can’t breathe, and generally spreading love wherever she goes.

Name: Mo Wordes Age: 29 Occupation: Program Manager What’s the most Phenomenal part of your motherhood? My resilience. Motherhood is a long road, with lots of twists and turns. There have been moments of tranquility and joy, of fear and frustration, of guilt and pride. My resilience and tenacity have helped me to navigate situations I never imagined, and I am shocked by my ability to overcome. But aside from that resilience, I have developed a sense of forgiveness. Forgiving those who have wronged me, and ultimately, showing myself a bit of grace. There is beauty in the struggle, and my children are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. What makes a Phenomenal mom in 2015? A Phenomenal mom in 2015 is constantly in flux. An agile shape shifter, she is able to adapt to any role, from mother to professional to lover and more. A Phenomenal mom in 2015 is a circus performer, with all the grace of a trapeze artist and the coordination of a juggler. Balancing quality time with her children, constant hard work, finding the space to laugh until she can’t breathe, and generally spreading love wherever she goes.


t u o k c e h C n o s e u s ! s i m t s o a c . p g a m a l u m r o f the


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London-based photographer Jaroslav Wieczorkiewicz, from Aurum Light Studio, created this 2015 calendar featuring pictures of beautiful superheroines wearing impossible liquid suits, including Captain Marvel, She-Hulk, or Catwoman.













Phenomen Woman Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size But when I start to tell them, They think I’m telling lies. I say, It’s in the reach of my arms, The span of my hips, The stride of my step, The curl of my lips. I’m a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That’s me. I walk into a room Just as cool as you please, And to a man, The fellows stand or Fall down on their knees. Then they swarm around me, A hive of honey bees. I say, It’s the fire in my eyes, And the flash of my teeth, The swing in my waist, And the joy in my feet. I’m a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That’s me. Men themselves have wondered 27

Flowers Supplied by: Beauty Bouquets Photos & Edits by: David Ochs, www.ochsphotography.com Makeup by: Tamaika Brown

nal What they see in me. They try so much But they can’t touch My inner mystery. When I try to show them, They say they still can’t see. I say, It’s in the arch of my back, The sun of my smile, The ride of my breasts, The grace of my style. I’m a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That’s me. Now you understand Just why my head’s not bowed. I don’t shout or jump about Or have to talk real loud. When you see me passing, It ought to make you proud. I say, It’s in the click of my heels, The bend of my hair, the palm of my hand, The need for my care. ’Cause I’m a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That’s me. - Dr. Maya Angelou


A phenonmenal woman is driven by her purpose and passion while being true to herself. Every day I make a decision to be a better me. I am a phenomenal woman because I am strong and proud of who I have become.

Katherine S.

Makeup Artist/ Beauty Advisor/ Student/ Educator



I am a phenomenal woman because I believe that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I love me wholly and fiercely. I celebrate everything about me—the good, the bad and even the ugly— and I don’t apologize for it.

I am power. I am inspiration. I am courage. I am me!

-Candyce Adkins Actress & Educator


It’ for it’s the ba an


’s my service leadership. Being a leader does not always require you being in the refront or leading an organization, but you can lead by giving to others. Whether s me leading professional development workshops for women who’ve been out of e workforce for years or prepping homeless youth and men from disadvantaged ackgrounds for job interviews, I know that it’s important for me to share the power nd knowledge I have to help develop others to become great in their own way.

-Shani Bellegarde Global Project Portfolio & Metrics Manager, AVP



Street Art Save My Life




A Poetic Journey Volume I


Available Now on

SowPaula@gmail.com Paula Sow Ps1luvu

Songs of a

had been following Lydia Rene for quite some time on Twitter (when I actually regularly used it) but hadn’t taken the opportunity to really listen to her music until recently over the last year or so. Boy, was I doing myself a disservice by waiting as long as I did. Her rich, soulful voice is one that, in my opinion, R&B of recent years has desparately needed (and I’m sure is undoubtedly very much welcomed). So it was no doubt an extreme pleasure that she took the time to interview with FTF Mag for our celebratory Women’s Month issue. She’s a phenomenal woman with a phenomenal voice, and she’s bringing love out of the clubs and back into the parks, coffee shops, lounges, living rooms and of course, the bedrooms (in all respectfully intimate, connected and sensual senses of the phraseology). Image by Tim Black, www.timblackphoto.com



When was the first time you gave your vocal cords a melodic stretch? Was that the same point you realized singing was a career path? I think I always try to challenge and stretch myself vocally in each song i write and with each performance I do. However, a lot of the songs that I had written years ago, I was unable to sing them until more recently. I was able to expand my vocal range, control and power over the past few years and I am still doing that. I realized I wanted singing to be a career path after I graduated from college. I did a few internships in my major that weren’t really going anywhere so I decided on my own to develop my writing, singing and performing. My family encouraged me to create my first album with was recorded LIVE in 2009 and ever since then I’ve pursued music on a professional level. Who were some of your biggest influences, musically? Some of my biggest influences musically definitely vary through different genres. I love great singer-songwriters like James Taylor and Carole King to huge funk bands like Tower Of Power and Earth Wind and Fire. As I got older I really gravitated to Anita Baker and Sade because they were some of the only singers that would come on the Smooth Jazz radio stations. As I approached my teenage years I was introduced to neo-soul and the Philadelphia sound which also impacted my sound. From my experience, you have a very soulful sound, reminiscent of an earlier time in R&B music, circa mid to late 90s, even early 2000s. How would you, though, personally describe your sound? I would describe my sound as smooth vibrant soul or indie soul. Definitely a heavy acoustic guitar influence as well as piano mixed with a hard core groove and funk. I love using organic sounds, real drums, authentic guitar, acoustic piano etc. Its definitely rooted in soul but has folk elements as well. Most people keep saying I bring a fresh new sound to soul music.

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Where was your first official performance gig? What was the feeling like in the room and your feelings on the way home? One of my very first performances was in Philadelphia on South Street at a Greek restaurant and performance space. I was very nervous and both me and my band were very new to performing LIVE. At the time we thought we did a good job and I felt good about it30on the way home. However, I knew it wasn’t perfect. My drummer was good but used to slow some of the songs down throughout the songs and some other band members forgot certain things. We would video tape every single performance and look back on it to see everything we could improve upon and do better which has helped me along the way. Now those days are a distant memory, it’s al-

most night and day, haha. We’ve all grown so much but we’ve worked hard. i’ve always been blessed to work with extremely talented and hardworking musicians. What’s the full gamut of instruments that you play? Are you classically trained? Which is your favorite? Piano is my first instrument and yes I am classically trained. I also played the drums, xylophone and marimba in high school. Sometimes I play around on guitar but not enough to showcase in front of anyone. Naturally my favorite instrument is the piano because I feel at home when I’m sitting at the piano playing my songs. The piano is almost an extension of myself these days. It comes very naturally to me almost easier than me standing and singing. Tell us about your latest project, Vintage Heart. The concept behind Vintage Heart was that many people especially as they get older find themselves unworthy or undeserving of real love. Possibly their heart has been broken too many times or they feel it doesn’t exist or just isn’t for them. Having a Vintage Heart means that although your heart might be used it still can be in good condition and very deserving of someone who will really take care of it. Vintage Heart is a love story thats just beginning from track 1 until the bonus track number 10. All of the good things and bad things that go a long with a relationship. Relationships aren’t perfect even the best ones and having a realistic view of relationships and intimacy is the key to finding a true everlasting love. What was your biggest challenge and and also greatest moment during the creative process for VH? Most of the biggest challenges with the album came days before it was supposed to be released. Certain people were hard to contact and certain tasks needed to be completed and people were being unresponsive. I was starting to panic because I realized I couldn’t do it all on my own (which I’m used to doing). But thank God everything got done in time for the release date. The greatest moment was the day I released the album and the reaction from the fans. It let me know that all of our handwork and our stress was not in vain. Do you have a favorite track? If so, which and what makes it so? I think I have a favorite track on the album every week, haha. So I think my original favorite song was Only In Time because it was the first song that basically set the tone for the album. Now my new favorite is Feels So Nice (Wasting Time) which was produced by Steven Martin of the Eclectic Beings. I like this song because It’s one of the only songs on the album about my current boyfriend. It’s literally how we spend our Saturdays when we arent both busy, which is such a rare occasion. So that time is precious to both of us. 42

show. I don’t know if I’d have an opener or not, maybe a double headline. But I’d absolutely love to do a show with Avery Sunshine or even open for her. A large venue with with seats or dining tables (because people love to eat) that has a capacity of 500 - 1,000 people. It doesn’t matter what city, but Philadelphia would be nice because that’s where I started. What’s next for the course of 2015 and beyond? There’s definitely a lot in store and a lot to be done in 2015. There is a possible tour in the works as well as a music video. I’m definitely going to head back east to do some shows and promote the album a bit over there as well as some summer festivals. WE hope to get a video done this year as well as some licensing opportunities for my music being in a few TV shows and some Movies. So a lot is happening right now. I’ve also begun to mentor young artists who are just starting out in the industry as well as artist development which is so cool because that is something that I’ve always wanted to do. What are some encouraging words you’d like to provide to our readers and those aspiring to be artists? I would say to any aspiring artist that consistency is key. Choose one thing to focus on and work on achieving that goal and do not stop. There are so

“True Love” is one of my personal favorites, due to the passion in which you sing it and realness in the words. What would be your definition of a win/win Love? What would that look like, in your eyes? A “win/win” love is when each person in the relationship is thinking about the other person. You’re concerned with them and their happiness. Both people are not only giving 50% but 100%. I think the 2 people have real expectations that Love takes hard work and that it’s not a fairytale. But when 2 people love each other that much they want to work hard for something special.


What would be the ideal concert setup for Lydia René? Who would open for you, what city/venue would it be in, how many in attendance, etc.? I’d love to have a killer horn section for my funkier songs and possibly a string section for some of my acoustic songs. I’d love a great 2nd piano player to fill up my sound while I take the stage and walk around a bit; it would give me some more freedom. Even though I Love being on the piano, I’d love to have to option of standing up and singing. A great light show and possibly 1 or 2 background singers. I don’t typically use background vocalists but again It would be something new that I had never tried before that would add something special to the

many times where I thought it was too hard and i felt like stopping or quitting and i didn’t. You never know who you will meet or accomplish when you remain consistent. Whether it’s a song, an album, or just your web presence, focus on that one thing until you achieve it. It can happen. Be nice to people and maintain your relationships well. You never know who you are talking to or who you are meeting that can change your life. Where can our readers find more of your work and get in contact with you? You can purchase my album “Vintage Heart” exclusively on lydiarene.bandcamp.com and there is more music on www.soundcloud.com/lydiarene. To learn more about me and what I’m doing you can visit my website for all updates at www.lydiarene.com and join my mailing list to stay updated. Also feel free to follow me on twitter at @lydia_rene and instagram at @lydiarenes. What does it mean to you to be a Phenomenal Woman? To be a phenomenal woman to me means to be a woman of integrity. A woman who does what she says she will do and who is serious about her business but has a kind gentle heart. A woman that has goals but isn’t intimidated by her competitors and selfless enough to help others along the way.

The concept behind Vintage Heart was that many people especially as they get older find themselves unworthy or undeserving of real love. Possibly their heart has been broken too many times or they feel it doesn’t exist or just isn’t for them. Having a Vintage Heart means that although your heart might be used it still can be in good condition and ver y deser ving of someone who will really take care of it.






FunktheFormula, Inc. 2015

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