Youth against stereotypes

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publication created by participants of the project

This publication has been realized with the financial support of the European Commission (Erasmus + Programme). It reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission and the National Agency for Erasmus + Programme are not responsible for the information contained therein.

youth against stereotypes

Organizer: Fundacja Aktywni w Europie

Partner: Asociatia Tineri


Parteneri pentru




Societatii Civile

Countries: Poland Turkey Romania

about the project "Youth against stereotypes" was a project created

equality, respect, tolerance, and openness. All

by young people from Poland, Turkey, and

activities were carried out in English and based on

Romania. The project consisted of 3 phases:

non-formal education methods. Within the project,

- preparatory phase and APV;

participants organized a thematic session based

- the main activity - youth exchange, which took

on the methods of improvisational theatre. The

place in Poronin from 1st to 7th of October 2018;

workshop was devoted to the consequences of

- the phase of the dissemination of results and

stereotyping and involved young people from local

summary of activities;

school in Murzasichle. During the regional evening,

Within the project, 36 young people discussed

participants, hosting members of the Regle Band,

stereotypes, their sources, and consequences,

could admire the beautiful highlanders' costumes

which lead to negative behaviors, such as racism,

and dances and listen to Highlander music. Within

discrimination or xenophobia, as well as ways to

the project, participant organized a promotional

counteract stereotypes. The aim of the project

and informational campaign "Youth Against

was to gain new knowledge, attitudes, and

Stereotypes" in Zakopane.

competencies that made young people more

During the eight-day meeting, participants gained

tolerant, sensitive, and empathic, who take care of

new knowledge, competencies, learned about

others and treat them with respect, react to

their cultures and made many new international

negative phenomena and promote values such as


youth exchange Poronin, 1-7.10.2018

Let's create a positive atmosphere in here!

Participants during the integration and team building activities which were organized during the very first day. During that session, young people had the opportunity to get to know each other better and break down their shyness. Participants also broke down the barriers of speaking in English and created a friendly atmosphere that accompanied them during the next days of the international meeting.

regional evening get familiar with the local folklore

Regional evening during the youth exchange "Youth against stereotypes". Participants were hosting members of the Regle Band. Within the evening, participants could admire the beautiful Highlanders' costumes, dances, listen to traditional music and tasted the regional cuisine.

about the workshops new knowledge, new attitudes

The aim of the project was to gain new knowledge, attitudes, and competencies that made young people more tolerant, sensitive, and empathic, who take care of others and treat them with respect, react to negative phenomena and promote values such as equality, respect, tolerance, and openness.

Participants during the thematic sessions were discussing stereotypes, their origins, the consequences of stereotyping and possibilities to counteract stereotypes. Workshops and working methods based on non-formal education were very interesting. Common sessions taught participants to work in an international group, be independent and motivated to broaden their knowledge.

Together against stereotypes! improvised theater

Common workshops of participants of the project and youth from school in Murzasichle, based on methods of improvisational theatre and devoted to the consequences of stereotypes.

Get familiar with new cultures!

Participants of the project during national evenings. Within the "Youth against stereotypes" project, each team had an opportunity to present its country, culture, customs, costumes and traditional cuisine.

"youth against stereotypes" in Zakopane

A promotional and informational campaign "Youth against stereotypes" in Zakopane. As a part of the action, participants of the project carried out a series of activities on the streets of Zakopane, involving the local community in them. The aim of the campaign was to raise awareness of the local community about stereotypes and encourage people to counteract stereotypes.

what is a stereotype?

A stereotype is a fixed, overgeneralized belief about a particular group of people or a co-culture. No matter how accurate or inaccurate a stereotype is, it is mostly based on some reality, some truth, albeit just a kernel of truth or half-truth, something that actually happened.

Stereotyping, no matter

The stereotype is an excessive generalization,

how small or seemingly

cognitive pattern, which can be adopted by the

insignificant, can lead to

individual as a result of his or her own observations,

prejudice and ultimately

taking over the views of other people, patterns passed

discrimination. There have

on by society. It can also be the result of emotional

been a growing number

processes (for example the transfer of aggression).

of studies that show a link

Stereotypes can be negative, neutral or positive,

between hidden biases

although negative imagery is the most common ones.

and how they are transferred to your actual outward behavior. Our unconscious biases become our actions. These unconscious biases can be exacerbated when a person is under duress or in a stressful situation.

what is a stereotype?

People are often judged or stereotyped according to their group membership(s). Group membership can include ethnicity, race, gender, age, and religious affiliation.

Stereotypes are the consequences of long-term prejudices and assumptions. Synonym of stereotypes are cliché or received the idea. They refer to everyone, but every specific group has their stereotypes. We can divide them into ethnic, race, sexual and sexual orientation stereotypes.

Stereotypes can lead to hatred motivated crimes because when you baselessly attribute negative features to someone, they get treated worse and with less respect.

A stereotype is a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or an idea of a particular type of person or thing.

what is a stereotype?

A stereotype is a kind of scheme Stereotypes are formed by gathering information obtained from others about a certain group. These attitudes lead to a pre-adjustment of the behavior against a member of that group. It is

representing a group of people distinct because of some easily noticeable feature determining their social

even more possible for people in the same

identities such as sex, sexual orientation,

society to influence each other. Especially young

nationality, religion or job.

people stand out more.

The most important feature A stereotype can be defined as '' pictures in our

of stereotype is its collective

minds '' about the members of other groups.

character as it refers to

A stereotype occurs from a national’s common

a large group of people,

traditional, history, belief.

even whole communities. It is common to treat stereotypes as something negative, as prejudice.

what is a stereotype?

Stereotypes have become very popular in recent times and there is a stereotype for almost every race. Stereotypes do a lot of harm and hurt people because it gives people false labels and their individuality gets overlooked. Today a person can be judged based on their race because of stereotypes.

Stereotypes are characteristics imposed upon groups of people because of their race, nationality, and sexual orientation, among others. But these characteristics tend to be oversimplifications of the groups involved. They are so wide-spread that it would be hard to come up with all the sources of stereotypes and list what consequences they could have.

Stereotypes can determine people to distort, misinterpret or to even ignore some realities which do not correspond to their preconceived ideas. These misconceptions can come from families by transmitting some values which seem, at first, innocent, but they are completely wrong.Â

what is a stereotype?

Stereotypes are characteristics imposed upon

A stereotype is a

groups of people because of

simplified, schematic

their race, nationality, and

image of people, groups,

sexual orientation, among

social relations, based on incomplete or false

others. But, these characteristics tend to be

Stereotypes are characteristics imposed upon groups of people because of their race, nationality, and sexual orientation, among others.

oversimplifications of the

But, these characteristics

groups involved. It is for sure

tend to be

world. The strength of

that there are common own

oversimplifications of the

stereotypes lies not only in

stereotyped sentenced or

groups involved. It is for sure

phrases in each country

that there are common own

knowledge about the

the fact that they are resistant to changes but above all in the fact that they influence the decision-making processes of a human being.Â


stereotyped sentenced or phrases in each country separately.

Sources and consequences of stereotypes

Stereotypes are the consequences of long-term prejudices and assumptions. Synonym of stereotypes are cliché or received the idea. They refer to everyone, but every specific group has their stereotypes. We can divide them into ethnic, race, sexual and sexual orientation stereotypes. As well we can separate from them, groups of individuals like punks, goths, skates, politicians, etc. They can define the way one behaves, looks or things they can or cannot do. Clichés had their beginning in ancient times. Sadly, most probably they exist and will always be, as they were. For example, women were told to stay at home, take care of their households and children. They weren’t able to take part in public matters, because they were seen as less intelligent than men. Men, at the same time, took care of this kind of things no matter what they were about.

Sources and consequences of stereotypes

On the other hand, men had to be strong and be able to ensure wellbeing for the whole family. More feminine men were oppressed because they weren’t fitting the stereotype of the ideal man. Looking at this from a more modern perspective, it is the sign of our brains' laziness. When we meet someone who is a part of a specific group, we are automatically remembering their characteristics, so when we meet other people from the same group we have some kind of picture what they can be like.Â

Sources and consequences of stereotypes

Stereotypes are still alive because many of us pass them over from generation to generation. Even young people use them with premeditation, they find them funny or just don’t want to know the truth.

If we are looking at the count there are mostly ethnical stereotypes, but if we are looking at which of the stereotypes are mostly in use, it’ll be definitely these about race. From the received ideas like white people are skillful and sociable, Asians are good at maths and black people are good at sports, specifically at basketball. Of course, there are more harmful stereotypes as well. They have the biggest reach and concern a lot of people. On a daily basis, we can see arguments on the Internet, between different races.

Sources and consequences of stereotypes People without thinking write many bad things, that offend others. Especially on social media like Facebook, Twitter or Reddit. There are many stereotypes about people with different sexual orientation. In April Polish politician Pawel Urbanski wrote a tweet about homosexuals

„Why speak to

lesbians? The place of lesbians and fags is in prison.” Today he does not have an account. This kind of received ideas is as hurting as these about race. Next enormous sort of people affected by stereotypes is ethnical groups. There are quite a lot of differences in the mentality of Slavs and people from western countries, that cause discussions. They interpose many stereotypes as points in their opinions. That leads us to the next kind of stereotypes – these about different countries and nations. These ones had their beginnings in the past as well. Wars, unions, conflicts, friendships, and understatements. For example, Polish people have aversion to Russians and Germans, mostly caused by historical events such as many military conflicts and partitions of Poland. It is common to think that people from Scandinavian countries look the same – blonde hair, pale skin and blue eyes. It’s similar to the situation with Asians. Latinos are seen as very noisy, often making disturbances and troubles.

Sources and consequences of stereotypes

Stereotypes have their consequences, that are serious problems nowadays. It can be mild at its beginnings. British people have a distaste for Poles because they are still immigrating to Great Britain. There was a situation when Briton had a conversation with a Polish girl, not knowing she was Polish. When he noticed she was lacking some words, he totally lost his respect for her and ended their conversation. Just because she was from Poland.

But it could be even worse. ClichĂŠs toward Afro Americans can be controversial and cause racism. Unfortunately, it made black people hypocrites and racists against other races, especially white people. Racism is one of the worst consequence of stereotyping. It makes people hate each other without knowing their true selves. Our ignorance makes us stay at a dead point of our civilization because prejudices disallow us to make the world better.Â

Sources and consequences of stereotypes Another big problem is caused by stereotypes about women and men. Sexism makes us have troubles with having healthy relationships and equal pay. Men treat women like their maids or things, treating them without respect. On the other hand, women are humiliating men, covering it by saying they are feminists, which is disfigurement for the term of feminism in the world. There are people so convinced in stereotypes about different countries and nations, they see their country in same superlatives. It can turn into chauvinism. But it is an extreme case. Stereotypes are an awful thing and we should fight against them. Sadly, it is nearly impossible to annihilate them completely. But we should try. We can educate youth since the kindergarten, do social projects, make happenings and stay open-minded. Do everything to make our future brighter and the world a better place.

Sources and consequences of stereotypes Family. Even if it’s hard to admit, we easily get influenced by what we hear from the ones whom we share a house with. It’s not always the case, but must children share the same belief with their parents or grandparents. Here is a little story of mine just to illustrate how this works. When I was little, like in kindergarten, I used to live with my grandparents. Back then, Romania was not that economically developed and for some poor people (or how it’s actually correct to call them, Roma people) their main job was collecting scraps of metals and then sorting and selling it. They could be often seen in their carriages led by horses across Bucharest searching for clients, always yelling and wearing shabby clothes. “Oh, be careful cause the gypsies are passing by!!” or “They [the gypsies] should be coming, should be coming to collect these scraps sooner or later!” was what my grandparents said when gypsies were around. So basically, for a long period of time, sometimes even now, when I think of Roma people, I simply just have an image of people yelling collecting scraps of metal.

Sources and consequences of stereotypes Politics & history-related events. Maybe not known by many people who live outside Romania, but, here, in my country, as a result of matters concerning territory, Hungarians and Romanians are permanently in some kind of “Cold War”- like conflict. Or at least that’s what it’s said. A couple of years ago, I went on a trip to this region in Romania where the vast majority of people speak Hungarian as their mother tongue. The thing is that I was quite skeptical because of what I saw on TV or what is often said and thought that maybe they won’t answer me or hate me because I speak no Hungarian. I was definitely wrong and to be honest the people there had an even friendlier attitude than many fellow Romanians.

Sources and consequences of stereotypes

Social groups. It is widely agreed that people, especially teenagers, have a tendency to change their points of view and adopt new principles in order to fit a certain social group, the main aims being to become cool or just to be accepted. Stereotype threat occurs when individuals whose group is targeted by negative stereotypes try to excel at tasks that are related to the stereotype.

In these situations, simply knowing that there is a stereotype against them (a stereotype that says they should perform poorly on a particular task) can lead individuals to actually perform more poorly on the task than they otherwise would. If I were to resume this in one word, I would say high school. People changing as time passes, just to have certain friends and it’s simply done by borrowing stereotypes.

Sources and consequences of stereotypes Movies and Television. Because of the talent of people in the area of cinematics, we are made to believe that what we see in a film, it can actually be real, which often leads to false assumptions. For example, if someone was to ask some of my peers belonging to the millennial generation about the American people, some of them will probably answer that “schools in the US are heaven on earth” or “all Americans have money and live in big houses”, because that was often shown on Disney Channel. Other than that, some Hollywoodian productions even accentuate the discrimination of women.

Sources and consequences of stereotypes Personal Assumptions. There is a tendency to over-estimate the extent to which people do what they want to do and to underestimate the extent to which people do things that are prescribed by their social roles. Therefore, when we see people in a particular role, we tend to assume that they are well-suited for it and, by extension, not so well suited for other roles. For example, women are more likely to have responsibilities for rearing children, so on average, they spend more time than men nurturing others. Seeing that, we come to believe that women are naturally nurturing, downplaying the extent to which they may simply be carrying out their responsibilities. Race, like gender, determines many of the roles people hold in this country. People of color are over-represented in low-skill jobs and therefore can seem to white people to be somehow destined for them. To the extent, then, that we are more likely to see members of particular groups in some roles, and less likely to see them in other roles.

The world without stereotypes Is it possible? Is it possible to live without stereotypes? This is a very important question. In today's world, there are many stereotypes and every stereotype is different. Unfortunately, many of them are very unfair and untrue, which causes that the people they concern are thought of by others in a very hostile way. What is more, people who are targets of stereotypes are often victims of very aggressive behaviors directed at them. Often stereotypes are wrong and untrue. People hearing stereotypes about a given social group identify them with the whole group and not with individuals through which these stereotypes were created. It often leads to misunderstandings, quarrels, fights, and even wars. Stereotypes could also contribute to the desire to produce weapons that would help to fight against those who have a bad opinion developed on the basis of stereotypes.

If people judged others by their nature and longer observation, stereotypes might not have been created and people would be better than others. It would help to avoid wars and various arguments, even against the political background. We think that if people understood others more, so many wars wouldn't have happened and there would never have been bloodsheds. Unfortunately, people cannot judge others by their character because they make their opinion about them at the first contact and they do not try to get to know them more. Stereotypes are not the biggest problem here; the biggest one is misunderstanding and unacceptance. Stereotypes have always existed and will exist. There is nothing to do to get rid of them completely. However, what can be done is to minimize them by being more open to the unknown and different from us. If people could accept half of them or somehow understand them, most disputes would have never taken place; maybe even wars could have been avoided. Unfortunately, it seems to be unachievable because people cannot accept certain things, which often leads to arguments.

The world without stereotypes Is it possible? So what do we need to do? There are several ways and steps to follow. One of them are integration meetings of groups from different countries. They can help you to get to know other people from culturally different countries who will help you to learn about their culture. Such meetings can help us to understand some of the stereotypes that have arisen because some people do not want to get to know other people and their habits.

Here, ERASMUS+ comes in to help, organizing such meetings and projects. It is very important because if more people learn the truth and find out how stereotypes have been created and that they are not a representation of the truth, the more people will look differently at people from other countries, which will allow for a greater understanding and reduction of conflicts that currently prevent cooperation.

In our opinion, there should be more such meetings because in a few years people could come to an agreement that is the key to good cooperation. If people lived in harmony, advances in technology, medicine, etc would have been larger. It would contribute to better lives of people, even those from the poorest parts of the world. Everyone would live better and everyone would be more friendly towards others. All these things would help to reduce the level of racism that exists in every country.

The world without stereotypes Is it possible? Unfortunately, there are not enough meetings of this type to reach a general agreement that would lead to peace in a reasonably short period of time. It is a goal that is hard to achieve and for a long time, it will be a very distant goal. Although after many years people may come to such an agreement that they will begin to understand and accept certain things that are unacceptable at the moment. In my opinion, states should organize such meetings as often as possible in order to reach an overall agreement in the shortest possible time. Thanks to them people will be able to live peacefully without fear of conflicts, wars or other disturbing situations. Everyone has the right to live in peace and abundance, which is often unreal to them because other people take it away from them. We hope that in a few years people will see how important agreement is and will lead to consent and refrain from creating conflicts that are often unfounded.

The world without stereotypes Is it possible? Stereotyping, no matter how small or insignificant, can lead to prejudice and discrimination. But is it possible to avoid stereotyping? Stereotyping, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, can lead to prejudice and ultimately discrimination. There have been a growing number of studies that show a link between hidden biases and how they are transferred to your actual outward behavior. Our unconscious biases become our actions. These unconscious biases can be exacerbated when a person is under duress or in a stressful situation. Studies have found that school teachers clearly apply prejudices to their students. Students of different ethnicities or sex actually receive different educations. There are also studies on how doctors treat their patients based on a variety of cultural factors from being less educated, poor, or of a certain race. Some findings suggest that physicians make less enthusiastic efforts to save alcoholics, attempted suicides, drug addicts, prostitutes, vagrants, and other groups. Even patients of color are given different medicines than white patients. This obviously needs to change. But - given our brain's tendency to do this- is it even possible?Â

The world would be a better place if the mentality we have been embraced with towards judging others did not exist. What if stereotypes were not there to influence us how we process information about others? Stereotypes have prevented people from reaching their full potential and doing things that could have changed their lives for the better. They have made people hide behind who they really are because society tells them to act a certain way due to their sex, skin color, size and much more. Beautiful is stereotyped as thin, healthy, youthful so honestly just to sum it up the typical Barbie dolls, it seems we have given the word a limit when in reality there was never one, to begin with. Magazines and ads have encouraged the negative behavior when it comes to developing beliefs of what beautiful is. This has turned a lot of people to start dissecting their flaws and making it a focus when we should all be content in our own skin and be happy with what we are so blessed to have. Everyone was created differently for a reason, and if we all looked the same how boring would that be?

The world without stereotypes Is it possible? Why do we continue to entertain negative misconceptions, when we do not have to? Imagine a world where the athletic kids of your school aren't glorified for their skills or the academic people weren't called "geeks" or "nerds." Imagine a world where cheerleaders weren't the most popular girls. Now, that is a world that won't exist - at least, not in our lifetime. In every generation, to some degree, people will be labeled. It's bound to happen and there's no stopping it. But if we all take part in treating each other as equals, can we lessen the severity of it? Can we diminish the harsh results of labeling?

Stereotypes are all over the world, no matter where you go they will be there. Stereotyping is not limited to those who are biased. We all use stereotypes all the time. They are a kind of mental shortcut.

“We all use stereotypes, all the time, without knowing it. We have met the enemy of equality, and the enemy is us.“ (Annie Murphy Paul, 1998)

The world without stereotypes Is it possible? Is it possible to be a society without stereotypes? One would definitely wish for that, but I don't think it’s plausible. Human beings construct and emulate behaviors which they consider to be fit, and have a certain kind of commonality in their particular identities. Identities themselves are constructed and assigned to people, again and again, thus reinforcing their ways of acting in certain ways. Stereotypes take shape due to the basic process of differentiation in the mind of human beings. They are always trying to create a binary between the 'self' and the 'other', where the self can be one person or one particular group, and the other is the opposite or different person or group in relation to the self. The behavior of the two different entities are essentially different, and the power struggle between them gives rise to the stereotypes assigned to them.

Stereotypes are based on judgements so if stereotypes didn't exist then either would judgement. We wouldn't love or hate anyone or anything. We love and hate people by the way they look, the way they talk, the way they act, etc. You wouldn't have a favorite food because you would have no judgment or opinion on it. What about your favorite song? Or your favorite movie? We would all be like emotionless machines that don't have an opinion on anything.

The world without stereotypes Is it possible?

A lot of the events on the news today are fights and wars caused by peoples judgement and their disagreements. So if there's no judgement then there are no disagreements which mean no fights or wars. We all probably think this is a good thing, which it is because there have been enough wars between countries in this world. If there's no disagreement then there's no agreement either. We get along with people because we agree with some of the same things. Like maybe you guys are in the same sport, you guys both like the same band or you guys both like the same type of movies, etc. If people don't have a judgment on anything then what is supposed to talk about with people? A world without stereotypes would consist of many things that wouldn't normally happen in our society today. A world without stereotypes would basically be the complete opposite of our society today. Society always talks about how judgement, stereotypes, discrimination is wrong yet we do all of those things in society today. Imagine a world without stereotypes. What will we have left to identify with people or things that we do not understand?

The world without stereotypes Is it possible? The world without stereotypes – is it possible? For a long time, we've heard things like Muslims are only here to kill everybody, but actions of few don't stand with the Muslim nation as a whole. For example, a famous singer-songwriter Zayn Malik had some rumors spreading around the UK about him that he had been seen with a gun in his school years prior and fighting that came out right after the tragedy in Paris, France. Was it true? No, but people believed it because he is a Muslim. In our world stereotypes could be gone, but it's hard to kill them down because most parents teach their children the things that they know or the things they were told by their parents, they don't allow their kids to learn on their own and that ends with the children going along with the stereotypes. It is an awful thing to do. Stereotypes are spread around just like rumors in school and it should definitely not be a thing. Grown-ups should be teaching us kids that everyone can have an opinion of their own instead of making us all believe the ridiculousness that most stereotypes are. Some of the things that are believed are just hilarious just like a quote from the movie

„Mean Girls” - "So if you're from Africa,

then why are you white?"

It's not only offensive but it shows the lack of knowledge that quite a few people in this world have, it's kind of sad to think about what young kids are taught these days. Anywhere we go we always feel like we know each nation because we've heard in the news what one or two people from that part of the world have done. We don't consider even trying to talk to them and get to know them because we get judgmental. Our world could be stereotypefree if we only tried. We believe that we all as a bigger group could help each other and teach the ones that need help that we could make this world a better place for everyone.

The world without stereotypes Is it possible? The world without stereotypes would be such a nice place it would make everything much more easier because people would actually start talking to people of different nations instead of being scared of them. We feel that Erasmus+ is a perfect place to kill the stereotypes because we are being able to meet others from different countries, different nations, different religions and that helps us learn about one another. If everyone could spend a day at one of the events it would help them see that stereotypes are only an image made by people who are scared of going out and meeting others. A stereotype is a simplified, schematic image of people, groups, social relations, based on incomplete or false knowledge about the world. The strength of stereotypes lies not only in the fact that they are resistant to changes but above all in the fact that they influence the decisionmaking processes of a human being. Let's look at fairy tales told to a child by parents or grandparents. They are full of stereotypes that we subconsciously instill in the child. For example, Baba Yaga is a woman with a big nose and a broom. Why are stepmothers always evil and despicable? It's enough to mention "Snow White". They are undoubtedly beautiful fairy tales, but unfortunately, they bring with them a stereotype. There are also exceptions, but there are very few and can be counted on fingers. Maybe fairy tales have to be stereotypical because then they seem closer to the reality of a small child. However, is it possible to tell children fairy tales without unnecessary stereotypes ?! Well, it would be possible if there were such fairy tales. Maybe someday the time will come when such stories for children will be created which will change their perception of the world in adulthood.

The world without stereotypes Is it possible? Myths related to gender are very much alive in the world. They are passed down from generation to generation, known in customs and culture, shown in fairy tales, films, and comics. Men from the earliest years are taught to avoid behaviors, interests and personal qualities considered feminine. They should be independent. It is expected that the man will keep cool and emotional control even in the most difficult situations, solve problems without help, cover his feelings and show no weakness. Aggressiveness and not showing off feelings are other historical foundations of masculinity. Women, on the other hand, are accustomed to femininity and, consequently, a woman must know how to cook and clean. Women were meant to do the housework and raise children.

This is another stereotype that the world should get rid of. If this stereotype did not exist, the world with technology would go further than now, because we would have more opportunities to combine the forces of man and woman. Muslims are not always stereotypical Muslims, fathers stereotypical fathers, mothers stereotypical moms, men stereotypical men and women stereotypical women, but they go beyond the stereotype, beyond a certain framework that, after better knowledge, do not turn out to be true. Stereotypes are not only related to gender or appearance. However, to find out if the stereotype is true or not, you need to know the reality that surrounds us. A world without stereotypes is possible, but it depends on people if stereotypes disappear or at least change their meaning.

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