Fundación Chile - english version

Page 35


ing the Futu uild re B d n a Visu a liz in MARINE RESOURCES

Farming Marine Fish White meat fish represents 10% of the international fish trade, or, US$45 billion, excluding China. This market poses an opportunity for Fundaci贸n Chile, opening up possibilities for developing breeding and production technologies of marine species juveniles for commercial farming or for restocking. With this in mind an experimental program for the production of southern hake was initiated in 1997 with support from Fondef and the participation of privately owned companies. At first the work focused on capturing live juveniles, in order to evaluate the rate of growth and survival under captive conditions and to implement a broodstock. The results led to the formation of a technology of farming under controlled conditions, which is now fully underway. The farming of corvina and sea bass was also undertaken. Techniques for spawning and juvenile production were developed in the Quillaipe Experiment Center. Studies are now in progress to define the future potential of these two species.

Chilean Flounder Restocking Fifty-three thousand, 10 g Chilean flounder juveniles have been released into the Bay of Tongoy in order to test the feasibility of restocking to boost the fishing of this resource. This FDI-Corfo project has been developed jointly with the Fundaci贸n subsidiary Granjamar and the Association of Artisenal Fishermen in the zone. The industrial production of Chilean flounder juveniles should help to reclaim an economically relevant productive activity for the zone, providing an alternative income for Tongoy's artisenal fishermen.

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