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finance update

Summer has always been one of my favorite seasons at FUMCR. On any given day, I might walk by sidewalk artwork by HEROES campers, flags being captured at sports camp, or Read With Me participants selecting their favorite books. It certainly can be an energy-filled season.

Mid-summer typically brings a bit of a “summer slump” in giving, though, primarily attributed to people’s changing schedules and vacationing. While we budget knowing this summer slump will happen, we also keep a cautious eye on how we come

by Dianne Weideman, Director, Finance

out of summer. As of June 30, we are approximately $108,000 behind budgeted income. While not terribly concerning, it is not ideal either. Our wonderful Finance Committee will be meeting at the end of July and again in September to review our current financials and ensure we are appropriately positioned going into the end of the year. I continue to be grateful for these lay leaders, and their willingness to serve in this way. One thing we have noticed that helps with maintaining consistent giving during the summer is recurring giving.

With so many people setting up recurring gifts, it has made it much easier to make thoughtful and intentional decisions regarding our facilities and various ministry areas. There is no amount too small (or too large) to set up a recurring gift. Worried about the credit card fees? Choosing the bank draft/ ACH option is very inexpensive to the church. If this is something you may be interested in, please visit fumcr.com/give. As always, if you ever need anything from the Business Office, please connect with us, we are happy to help!


