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A Little About Me ...

by Rev. Julia Castleman

Why ministry?

I first felt my call to ministry at church camp the summer after 7th grade, but I was a part of a tradition that does not support women in ministry. I ran from my call until I was a senior in high school. Once again, I was at church camp when I knew that God was calling me to vocational ministry, and even though I didn’t know how it would work out, I had to trust that God knew more than I did and would lead me. And God did! I’ve now served five years in full-time ministry.

Why the UMC?

I was introduced to the UMC by accident: a friend of mine working in UM youth ministry needed someone to fill in for her at her church. I fell in love with the history of the UMC and it’s connection to the social gospel movement. I love United Methodism’s commitment to social justice and faith lived out in action. I think our understanding of the sacraments and willingness to embrace mystery is so beautiful. But the most wonderful thing to me is our connectionalism and commitment to living out the Body of Christ together.

Why youth ministry?

Teenagers are at a pivotal place in their lives, building their identities and deciding how they’re going to exist in the world while also wrestling with some of the most significant issues humans have to deal with: grief, growth, autonomy, stress, anxiety, responsibility, and so much more. By being in their lives for these moments, youth pastors have the opportunity to embody Christ’s presence in the lives of teenagers in ways that will shape their faith forever. My hope is that my relationship with the youth at FUMCR will set them up with a faith that sustains them no matter what may come.

My Favorites

Color - Pink! (All shades)

Bible verse - Romans 8:28-29

Bible story - Jacob wrestling with God has always felt like a story about my own faith as I’ve struggled to understand who God is and how God moves in the world. Jacob’s story gives me great comfort that, if I just keep trusting in God’s goodness, I will find blessing.

Drink - Dr. Pepper (I’m convinced 23 is the newest holy number.)

Singer / Song - Taylor Swift / “The Lakes (Original Version)”

Movie - My Big Fat Greek Wedding (I love all romance movies and books.)

Religious book other than the BibleSoul Feast has been hugely impactful on my spiritual life. And it doesn’t make you feel bad for not being perfect at spiritual disciplines.