1 minute read

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land Holy Land

By Rev. Sarah Marsalis-Luginbill Adult Faith Formation & Young Adults

Will you join me on a journey to experience moments that will forever change your faith?

When I stepped off the bus at the Mount of Beatitudes, my life changed. I am different after sitting on the same hillside as thousands did that day Jesus preached. I sat there, reading those same words, but reading them differently than ever before.

Something awoke within my soul when I took a sip from Jacob’s well, the same well that Jesus drank from when he asked the Samaritan woman for a drink. That day, I almost audibly heard her words inviting me, “Come and see!”

Standing in the Jordan River, surrounded by water, similar to how Jesus would have been on the day he was baptized by John… well, words just cannot adequately describe the emotional and physical response I experienced in that moment. But I better understand John’s testimony of the “Spirit descending like a dove….”

And I will never forget the first time I stopped at the falafel guy’s cart outside my hotel in Bethlehem before I spent an afternoon wandering. I am not sure what was more transformative, chatting with him or the delicious falafel-in-a-pita. Taste and see that the Lord is good!

I have the opportunity to be part of the FUMCR leadership team on a pilgrimage (not a tour or a trip) to the Holy Land December 27, 2023, through January 7, 2024. Fr. Richard Rohr defines pilgrimage as an interior journey enacted exteriorly. This journey will help you deepen your faith and know God in a more personal way. These ten days will help you better know Jesus the Christ who offers you life.

Will you join me on this pilgrimage? Will you come and see?

If you are interested, come to one of our information meetings or connect with me for coffee or a phone call! (And don’t forget to ask me about how riding a camel for five minutes helps you better understand the kingdom of God!)

Contact me: 972.996.0110 // sarah@fumcr.com

Details & Registration: fumcr.com/HolyLand

Information Sessions: Sun, Apr 16, 11 am - 12 pm Mon, Apr 17, 7-8 pm