1 minute read

a message from our senior pastor

Easter is a joyous day of celebration for Christians around the world. This is a day to proclaim the good news that Christ is risen! The Good Friday realities of suffering, death, and evil cannot ultimately defeat us. We have been given the eternal gift of Easter!

The good news of the resurrection of Christ was the central message of the early church, and it is our central message today. The evidence of Easter is in the lives of those who encountered the Risen Christ then and in those who still encounter him here and now. When we encounter the Risen Christ, our lives are transformed and renewed. We find a new boldness, a source of eternal hope, and a greater capacity to love and forgive. Because of the resurrection, you and I live as citizens of hope and, thus, in a spirit of constant gratitude.

What happens after Easter is as important as Easter itself. The challenge for us is to put that Easter faith into action in our lives. In our sermon series, Bouncing Back, we will look at stories from the Bible of those who lived that resurrection faith and bounced back from adversity through faith. I hope you will join us and invite a friend!

This is an exciting time in the life of our church. I continue to be amazed by the talented laity and staff in our church and the ways you are using your gifts for good in the world. So many people in our area need the community and strength the church offers. Let’s see through Easter eyes and be aware of opportunities to connect others to this life-changing power we have experienced.

In Christ,

Clayton Oliphint senior pastor