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Brand Project Book Building upon Mayo Clinic’s distinctive brand promise. A health care evolution beings.

Overview 1.0

Section Subhead

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


extraordinary. empowering. harmonious. Primar y


Campaign Rebrand Process .Overview 1.0

Standards 4.0

Solutions 5.0

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9

Primary Logo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-41

Social Media. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60-61

Clear Space & Minimum Size. . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Print Media. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65-66

The LifeCare Story. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-13

Secondary Logo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Research 2.0

The Golden Mean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Brand Research. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 -19

Grids & Guides. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Key Tenets & Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Gradients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Target Market Demographics. . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Color Palette. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Competitive Analysis, SWOT. . . . . . . . . 22-23

Typography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-50

Development 3.0

Photography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Mood Boards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-28 Design Toolbox, Dynamic Mood Board. . . 29

.Logo & Tag Line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-31 Design Research. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Print Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Voice & Tone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Electronic Media. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62-64

Entertainment Media. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67-69

References 6.0 Citations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Image Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Textures & Graphical Elements. . . . . . . . . . 53 Motion, Animation & Sound . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Print Guidelines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Web Digital Guidelines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Interactive Media Guidelines. . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Web Digital Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Interactive Media Concepts. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Media Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Infographic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


Overview 1.0

Overview 1.0 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 The LifeCare Story. . . . . . . . . . 10-13

Overview 1.0


A Case for Rebranding Mayo Clinic Today, Mayo Clinic is an iconic leading brand in health care. Mayo excels in its ability to diagnose a problem that others have tried to solve and cannot. As an organization, Mayo Clinic has acknowledged it can no longer rest comfortably on its past reputation. This is because people increasingly want to stay closer to home for treatment and many local hospitals now also offer specialty care services.

their brand to improve the patient

In order to more effectively compete with both local, regional and national providers, it is important to increase prospect and former patient engagement with Mayo’s brand in an effort to increase brand relevancy. Mayo faces a saturated marketplace with a growing number of providers and rival competitors such as Johns Hopkins, Harvard Partners/ Massachusetts General, and Cleveland Clinic.

smaller rural communities through larger

To breath new life into Mayo’s brand, the institution must be committed to building upon their distinctive brand promise, the needs of the patient come first, and evolve

experience, strengthen brand relationships and ensure ongoing relevance.

The health care landscape has been

incredibly dynamic, with a record pace of changes occurring in health care

models, advancements in technology, and the role of health care coverage. Increased hospital acquisitions have brought more medical services and technology to hospital networks. Telemedicine

capabilities are growing reaching

national and international audiences to have access to medical expertise.

By 2030, there will be more than 72 million Baby Boomers in the U.S. eligible for

Medicare. Increased health care costs and

the Great Recession are affecting the global

among health care brands in the U.S., recent trends show declining brand preference and diminishing competitive advantage, which rise significant concerns about the sustainability of Mayo Clinic’s market position. While Mayo Clinic is at an inflection point, it still enjoys a premier reputation and will continue to broaden its reach and appeal, without losing its specialness. To increase relevance for younger audiences and engage future generations of patients, a new brand campaign has been developed. Sharing its knowledge and delivering care to the world, Mayo will become the premier global health brand. Patients looking for a lifelong partner in health will seek Mayo’s integrated care and expertise through LifeCare.

economy and consumer behavior.

Although Mayo Clinic appreciates a well-deserved, premier position

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


Overview 1.0

The LifeCare Story

An Individualized Approach to Care Today, the new reality of health care is shifting

all their needs —mind, body and spirit.

own home with medical programs like

about who Mayo is — they are humanitar-

to accessible cost effective care right in your

LifeCare stems directly from the truth

telemedicine, e-consultations, home testing

ians, physicians, scientists, and educators

and health monitoring. Driving innovation

to solve future health care challenges, Mayo

Clinic has developed LifeCare, an individual-

caring and serving humanity by leading the future of medicine.

ized, self-managed approach to care. Leading

Unknown risks and ineffective medica-

model and core values, Mayo’s mission is

health care. Doctors can predict diseases

the way with their rare integrated practice

“serving the best interest of the patient is the only interest to be considered.” With the partnership and reliance on the world’s best health care institution, patients are empowered to live healthy, extraordinary lives.

As costs keep dropping and technology improves, more and more people’s medical records include their genetic information. Research today will make it possible for doctors tomorrow to anticipate which treatments will work best for each person and deliver more effective less expensive care.

tions are two of the biggest challenges in you are likely to get long before they

appear in lab tests. Treatments can be tailored specifically to your genetic

makeup so that it’s all but certain to work

better. It is possible thanks to personalized

Mayo’s unique approach to care integrates

medicine and the belief that health care

the focus but also part of the team. This

patient-centric system. Pioneering the

health care one giant leap forward, closer to

system, Mayo is recognized for continu-

approach focusing on the whole patient,

the 21st century and beyond.

specialty care where the patient is not only

can move from a provider-centric to a

streamlined and open model of care takes

first and largest patient-centric integrated

personalized medicine and a more holistic

ously evolving the health care model for

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


T H E M AYO M O D E L O F CA R E This model is a prescription for providing patient care in concert with Mayo’s mission

— Mayo Clinic will provide the best care to every patient every day through integrated clinical practice, education and research.

Overview 1.0

The LifeCare Story

An Individualized Approach to Care Pharmaceutical companies are shifting to developing custom made drugs for specific genetic profiles. This could transform the approach to treating diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and heart disease. Adding genetic data to electronic medical records empowers patients too. When you can access your health profile from anywhere you won’t be bound to the doctor who has your files. Instead you will be able to search and select a provider with the best results for treating patients like you. One of the primary goals of LifeCare is to improve the value delivered to patients. Value in health care is measured in terms of patient outcomes achieved for every dollar spent. To properly manage value, both outcomes and cost must be measured and managed at the patient level. A powerful driver of value in care is that better outcomes often go hand in hand with lower total care cycle costs. Spending more on early-detection and better diagnosis of

disease, for example, spares patients suffering and often leads to less complex and less expensive care later. Reducing diagnostic and treatment delays limits deterioration of health and also lowers costs by reducing the resources required for care. The potential to improve outcomes while driving down costs is greater in health care than in any other field today. With these powerful tools in place, care providers can utilize medical staff, equipment, facilities and other resources in a far more efficiently, streamlining the path of patients through the system, and select treatment approaches that improve outcomes while eliminating services that do not. When providers understand the total costs of treating patients over the complete cycle of care, they can contemplate innovative approaches without fear of sacrificing their financial sustainability. Technology and insurance companies are already competing to launch tools that make

this possible. LifeCare accelerates the pace of innovation and value creation. The opportunities and possibilities can reduce the cost of health care delivery with no sacrifice in positive outcomes. More patient-centric systems would save patients and the health care industry billions of dollars a year and help us all get better care. And because medical spending accounts for more than 17% of U.S. consumer spending it could create huge new opportunities within the health care sector and throughout the economy. With a personalized, preventative and focused care model, Mayo strives to lead the world to solving the health care cost crisis through it’s LifeCare planned approach.

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


Overview 1.0

Research 2.0 Brand Research. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-19 Target Market Demographics. . . . . . 20 Key Tenets & Attributes . . . . . . . . . . 21 Competitive Analysis, SWOT. . . 22-23

Research 2.0

Brand Research

Serving Humanity, Evolving Health Care Abstract

serving over 70 communities in Iowa,

Imagine a new market position where Mayo Clinic is the premier global health care leader impacting over 200 million patient’s a year. The connections of care lead to a lifetime of health relationships—to help empower people, their families and the world to live healthier lives. Perhaps Mayo’s impact will prevent or eradicate disease like Cancer, Diabetes, Heart disease or Alzheimer’s for patients. Picture a cohesive and seamless patient experience at all touch points, whether it’s through Mayo Clinic’s regional sites, Mayo Clinic Health System, Mayo Clinic Care Networks or Affiliated Care Networks.

The Mayo Clinic Care Network is a

Introduction to Mayo Clinic Mayo Clinic is a charitable, not-for-profit organization with clinics in Rochester, Minnesota, Jacksonville, Florida, and Scottsdale/Phoenix, Arizona. The Mayo Clinic Health System is a family of health care facilities and hospitals with 900 providers

Minnesota, Wisconsin and Georgia.

member-network of like-minded organizations, which share a common commitment to improving the delivery of health care

This project explores the ways in which Mayo Clinic can reverse the declining trend for brand preference and generate targeted demand, to strengthen and extend the power and reach of Mayo Clinics brand, maintain Mayo Clinic as

in their communities through eConsult, AskMayoExpert and evidence-based

medical consulting care. The practice specializes in treating difficult cases

through tertiary care. It devotes about

half of its resources, $500 million a year

to research. The founding Mayo brothers and the Sisters of Saint Francis inspired the integrated clinical practice by their

ethical, spiritual and humanitarian beliefs. The group practice would grow to be the foundation for the first and largest not-

for-profit integrated practice clinic in the

world (Capesattle, 1969). With over 3,800

physicians and scientists and 50,900 allied

health staff, Mayo Clinic’s practice specializes in treating the most difficult cases the world has seen for nearly 150 years.

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


Brand Research

Serving Humanity, Evolving Health Care

the visionary leader in health care, and generate lifelong demand for Mayo Clinic products and services. Proudly, Mayo is serving humanity with a mission to evolve and innovate their health care models to open new markets, create relevance for younger audiences and engage future generations. Sharing its knowledge and delivering care to the world, Mayo will become the premier global health brand. Patients looking for a lifelong partner in health will seek Mayo’s integrated care and expertise. Partnering with other leading global health care brands, Mayo is connecting 18

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic

the world’s best scientists, physicians and educators together, to bring the world one step closer to personalized medicine and possibly eradicating disease. The goal is to position Mayo Clinic’s brand in the mind of the consumer as one of, if not the, top authority in the health care industry, to be seen as a valued, sophisticated level of care resource rather than another service provider or last resort.

The Campaign Objectives Within the competitive health care landscape, Mayo has three close rivals. Comparatively, all four organizations are proven world-class leaders in integrated medical care, research and education. They all share a historic presence from 90 to over 200 years as not-for-profit organizations. Harvard/Partners/Massachusetts General’s state-of-the-art research facility and clinical medicine set them apart as world health care innovators advancing medicine for human health. Massachusetts

General is training and mentoring the next generation of science and medicine leaders. John Hopkins is setting the standards in the medicine and biomedical research discovery and innovation areas. As the largest integrated practice, Mayo Clinic relies on its Franciscan values of hope and compassion while serving patients and sharing future health care models. Patient-centric focus is above all,

Research 2.0

Brand Research

Serving Humanity, Evolving Health Care even profits. Mayo Clinic is considered the

national "gold standard in health care” based

on its sophisticated level of care, geographical location and ranking by specialties (Witt, 2012). Cleveland Clinic is committed to human rights, labor, environment, and

anti-corruption issues. While encouraging

invention and innovation, they are creating a vision for the 21st Century health care

model. Priding themselves as being a global

citizen, Cleveland Clinic is the first to become signatory to the United Nations Global Compact (Comarow, 2012).

Campaign Key Strategies & The Path Forward The Mayo brand stands for something unique,

an extraordinary kind of care. Mayo must continually evolve its brand to keep it fresh and

relevant. This evolution will take many forms from a rebranding to strengthen the power

and reach of the brand, to a vast multi-media experience to engage lifelong demand for

Mayo’s products and services. Mayo will engaging the world in a health care conversation and differentiate in the marketplace by offering individualized health care options. The reality is that sustaining Mayo’s brand is more important and can be more challenging than building it in the first place. It starts with a deep understanding of the target audiences’ perceptions, motivations and needs—with consumers searching for more control, dependability, support and value as well as access. Evolving each touch point, Mayo can reinforce its brand by an unwavering

purpose, to enhance patient experiences and deliver a clear and bold message of empowering people to live healthier lives. Mayo will regain its recognized position as the world’s most respected health care brand by evolving and sharing the Mayo Model of Care with the next generation of patients. By focusing on the key strategy solutions and executing them brilliantly and consistently, the road to the future is remarkably clear. Now, let the health care evolution begin.

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


Target Market Demographics Audience Personas Demographics:

3.5 trillion

Although the target market is broad, the goal for the campaign is to focus on engaging the next generation of patients. The most impactful target audience identified is female, ages 35 to 45. Born before 1980, they are considered to be Generation X and Y. They grew up in an analog world and then migrated to the digital world. Women are usually the primary influencer or decision maker in the household when it comes to making the health care decisions. 0.8% 4.4%

2.5 trillion

2.6 trillion

2.7 trillion






White American

American Indian & Alaskan Native Other Race



Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic






Writer 43

Teacher 36





Sarah 2010


African American


Ethnicity: Caucasian

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Age: 36

Age: 43

Education: AA

Education: B.S.

Occupation: Asst. Teacher

Occupation: Writer

Income: $43,000

Income: $78,000

Status: Married

Status: Divorced

Family: 3 Children, 1 dog

Family: 2 Children, 1 cat



patriotic, cooking, religious,

self-help books, movies,

social networking, gamer,

swimming, running, concerts,

shopping, transportation for

social networking, country

children, coffee, smart phone,

music, travel to Italy, wine, art,

youth group, ebooks, classic

religious, policially active, PTA,

rock, musicals, TV, movies,

laptop, smart phone, tablet,

childrens sports, photography

nutrition, fitness

Research 2.0

Key Tenets & Attributes


nt me mit com


brand personality attributes




























we po em


brand values



th al he of to g n te ein rso u b rib ll pe nt we ole o c & h w


on si is m re n ca re ria te tu ita va f fu an no o m in el hu to od m

key brand differentiators


es g lu lin va ea an , h ion sc e s ci op as an e h p Fr pir com s in &

d te ra rld g te wo in in t es ce rg ti la rac p

rin g

Patient-Centric Brand

Primary Value Statement: The needs of the patient come first. Unique Selling Proposition (USP): The first and largest integrated practice and the only trusted medical, educational and research institution that provides hope, healing and compassion to all patients around the world. Mayo Clinic serves humanity with a mission to evolve and innovate the healthcare models of the future.


brand ideals



en uth







i ded


t ren

Mission: To inspire hope and contribute to health and well-being by providing the best care to every patient through integrated clinical practice, education and research.

e diff

To achieve our goals, the LifeCare image must mirror the attributes of Mayo Clinic's mission, vision, strategic objectives, brand promise as well as its products and services. The brand values and personality must also reflect the needs and aspirations of the target audience. Therefore, LifeCare's visual language emphasizes the commitment to a patient-centric brand.

mw ork

Brand: Ideals, Personality Attributes, Differentiators & Values



Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


Competitive Analysis & SWOT Top Rankings, Differentiators This campaign explores the ways in which Mayo Clinic can reverse the declining trend for brand preference and generate targeted demand, to strengthen and extend the power and reach of Mayo Clinics brand, maintain Mayo Clinic as the visionary leader in health and health care, and generate lifelong demand for Mayo Clinic products and services. The U.S. News Best Hospitals 2012-13: The Honor Roll ranks Mayo Clinic as the top third healthcare organization, with Harvard Partners and Johns Hopkins taking the lead, followed by Cleveland Clinic in fourth. And just recently, the 2013-14 Honor Roll rankings has Johns Hopkins switching spots with Harvard Partners. Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic remain in the same rankings.

1 Harvard / Partners / Massachusetts General • State-of-the-art facility • Global innovators advancing medicine • Teaching the next generation of medical leaders

2 Johns Hopkins • Setting standards in research and medicine • Intellectual discoveries to share with the world • Deliver accessible care



3 22




Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic • Franciscan values of hope and compassion • Serving humanity, evolve future care models • First and largest integrated practice

4 Cleveland Clinic • Healthcare model vision for 21st Century • Human rights, labor, environment • Global citizen

Research 2.0

Competitive Analysis & SWOT Landscape, SWOT, Key Strategies Positioning and Value Proposition: Mayo Clinic's unique value proposition is in its ability to evolve and reinvent radically different health care solutions, by encouraging all people, from world leaders, physicians and patients, to contribute to the healthcare reform conversation. Mayo differentiates by its humanitarian service to share future healthcare models with the world. Mayo strives to expand upon personalized medicine, products and services and to create relevance for younger audiences and future generations to come. Sustainable Competitive Advantage: Mayo represents the most trusted and preferred brand in healthcare. This position offers significant opportunity to deliver new value and build stronger relationships for consumers, external physicians and affiliates. Their collective knowledge and expertise are unparalleled. Successfully leveraging these assets to deliver new, meaningful products and services to consumers will yield new revenue streams, generate incremental ROI, and brand growth across sites, the health system and care networks. Leveraging Mayo's mission driven social, ethical and humanitarian activities will demonstrate value.


• Strong global brand

• Innovative Model of Care

• Depth of specialty expertise • Largest integrated practice • Franciscan values

• High positive patient outcomes

• Extend brand positioning

• Enhance patient experience, rapid technology innovations • Engage new markets

• Create awareness platform

• Lead powerful personalized care model to industry

market opportunities

• Lack of synergy across


• Differentiation from other

• Most preferred, consistently

as lifelong partner in health

nimble in responding to

business functions

• Salaried physicians

• Build products and services

• Too large, difficult being


health organizations

• Poor cost systems, slow process improvements

• Increased aging population with decreasing Medicare reimbursements

• Significant and aggressive


competition, acquisitions • Declining rankings

• Health & wellness becoming a commodity

• Recession & consumer behavior

Key Strategies to Promote the Brand: • Invest in a brand identity refresh and multi-media campaign • Share the new Mayo Clinic Model of Care • Create new open channels engaging the world in a health care conversation • Engaging the next generation of consumers in lifelong health care partnerships • Improve the overall patient experience, offer focused individualized care options Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


Overview 1.0

Development 3.0 Mood Boards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26- 28

Web Digital Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Design Toolbox. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Interactive Media Concepts. . . . . . . 35

Logo & Tag Line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-31

Media Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Design Research. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Infographic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Print Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Mood Boards

Possible Visual Themes for Campaign Several mood boards were developed and then narrowed to only three. The top three mood boards establish a visual direction for the overall brand theme approach. Color swatches, images, textures, graphical elements, typography and sound were included. Mayo Clinic's media project campaign theme, LifeCare, focuses on visual elements that communicate and support the audience's needs and aspirations and their journey to lead extraordinary lives of harmony and empowerment. With design elements such as a balanced color palette, open and clean typography, inspiring visual images and textures, and emotional music: the campaign will connect patients to Mayo's core value: serving the best interest of the patient is the only interest to be considered. The target audience is women, ages 35 to 45, who are usually the primary influencer or decision maker in the household when it comes to making health care decisions.


2 Mood Board 2 A holistic approach addressing the whole person—of mind, body and spirit for a lifetime journey of care.

Mood Board 1 A forward-looking approach acknowledging new technology as part of our everyday lives.

3 Mood Board 3 A new, young and upbeat approach to care for the next generation of patients, while still blossoming from its structured roots.


Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic

4 Mood Board 4 A natural and empowering approach to individualism and new possibilities of harmony in one's life purpose.

Development 3.0

Design Toolbox, Dynamic Mood Board Combined Mood Board Themes The design toolbox reflects the strengths of the elements from the top three mood boards. The photography is from all three mood boards. The color palette is from mood boards 1 and 2. Textures and graphical elements are pulled from mood boards 2 and 3. And finally, the typography is from all three mood boards. The end result is a balance of both the rich traditions of Mayo Clinic and the contemporary forward looking approach to self-managed care, thus creating a harmonious direction. This final mood board and tool box reflects an open and simplified theme that the audience can connect with. The direction depicts a very healthy and fresh sense of life. The results are a holistic approach addressing the needs of the whole person—of mind, body and spirit. With help from Mayo Clinic, patients are empowered to navigate their care journey, their families care and future generations to come. While focusing on the rich traditions and authenticity, the theme acknowledges the evolution of medicine and new technology as part of our everyday lives.


Inspiration Music: The Afters, Life is Beautiful

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


Logo & Tag line

Thumbnails, Digital Sketches, Refinements, Selection


Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic

Development 3.0

Logo & Tagline

Development, Refinements, Selection, Execution

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


Design Research

Brand Elements: Type, Color, Texture, Image, Sound, & Graphical Elements


Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic

Development 3.0

Print Concepts

Thumbnails, Digital Sketching, Refinements Print Ads

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


Web Digital Concepts

Site Navigation, Home Page Structure, Tiers 2 & 3


Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic

Development 3.0

Interactive Media Concepts

Sketches, Storyboards, Narration, Sound & Motion

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


Media Plan

Transmedia Storytelling, Media Mix

Social Media

Entertainment Media

Electronic Media

(Video & Music)

Print Media


Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic

Development 3.0

Infographic Vertical

An informational graphic was developed to tell the LifeCare brand story at a glance. It's a brief tour of the project, the process and solutions. Charts and graphs are surrounded by illustrative elements, visuals and data. The images and flow engage and lead the viewers with a smooth plan to unfold the sometimes complicated data and messages in a simple way. The creative design process is highlighted in the five main categories: research, development, style guide and assets. A large female human silhouette figure is positioned in the center. The logotype 'LifeCare' is reflected in the handwritten type font Helena's Hand. Concentric radiating circles highlight from the core to the whole person. Conceptually this is identifying the holistic approach the campaign will address the needs of the whole person—mind, body and spirit. The overview offers a very broad level view of the campaign purpose, solutions, results and overall company differentiation. The evolutionary design utilizes the campaign brand elements to provide a minimal, clean and fresh approach to differentiate in the dynamically changing yet rigidly conventional health care landscape.

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


Overview 1.0

Standards 4.0 Primary Logo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-41

Voice & Tone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Secondary Logo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Photography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Clear Space & Minimum Size. . . . . . . 43

Textures & Graphical Elements. . . . . . . 53

The Golden Mean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Motion, Animation & Sound . . . . . . . . 54

Grids & Guides. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Print Guidelines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Color Palette. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Web Digital Guidelines. . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Gradients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Interactive Media Guidelines . . . . . . . 57

Typography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48- 50

Primary Logo Horizontal

The LifeCare brand stands for something unique, an extraordinary kind of care. Mayo must continually evolve its brand to keep it fresh and relevant. This evolution will take many forms from a rebranding to strengthen the power and reach of the brand campaign to a multi-media experience to engage lifelong demand for Mayo’s products and services. 4-Color, 1-Color and reversed in White variation are shown. The trademark name “by mayoclinic” is added below the brandmark “LifeCare.” Please note that 'mayo' is bold and the words 'mayoclinic' are lowercase and have no space between them. A supporting tag line option is also shown below the logo that reads "Empowering people to live extraordinary lives."




1-Color, reverse

Empowering people to live extraordinary lives.


Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic

Standards 4.0

Primary Logo Horizontal

Blends of rich colors from the color palette may also be introduced as color gradations for backgrounds as shown. The rich colors and soft gradations give a warm, approachable and harmonious feel to the materials and also supports the essence of the branding campaign. The LifeCare logo should work across all media. The style you choose will depend on the environment in which the logo appears. To ensure the expression of the logo is right for its content, several variations were developed. So whether the LifeCare logo appears on packaging, the Web, TV, in print, on screen, or a product, there are flexible design options to adapt the logo to the appropriate design context.

4-Color Gradation, 1-Color Logo

Empowering people to live extraordinary lives.

4-Color Gradation, 1-Color Logo

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


Secondary Logo Vertical

The vertical LifeCare logo may be used on communication materials for extreme vertical or stacked situations where the horizontal logo will not work. For extreme space situations, a logotype or icon exception is available. The Brand Team can assist you with any brand exception requests for your unique situation.



4-Color Gradation, 1-Color Logo


Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


1-Color, reverse

Standards 4.0

Clear Space & Minimum Size Primary, Secondary Logos


1 unit


1 unit, tag line 1 unit 1.5”

1 unit


1 unit

1 unit

Observe size requirements for the logo to avoid poor reproduction quality or distortion. The most commonly used logo size is 1.3125 inches in height. Use the logo at 100 percent for publications 8.5 x 11 inches and wider. For extremely small brand space situations, the icon or logotype options may also be used as an exception. The Brand Team can assist you with any brand exception requests for your unique situation.

1 unit

1 unit

The logo may be presented in a 1-Color, or 4-Color version. It may also be reversed in all white when presented on top of a large color field or photograph. When reversing the logo out of a color, use a sufficiently contrasting color. In special circumstances, the logo may be embossed and/or foil stamped.

Minimum Size

1 unit

The logo should remain intact. Avoid placing other images, typography or graphics elements either within, or on top of the requisite clear space surrounding the logo. The only exceptions are trademark name “by mayoclinic” and the use of a tag line which distinguishes Mayo Clinic amount its marketplace competitors.

Clear Space

1 unit

The following logo mechanics were developed to ensure that the LifeCare logos are presented clearly and consistently in all communications. The letter ‘a’ is used as a guide for the minimum clear space around the logo.


1” Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


The Golden Mean The Rule of Thirds

The Golden Mean or also known as The Rule of Thirds is a graphical and design analysis that is based on the ancient Greek mathematical phi-equation. Since the Renaissance, artists and architects have proportioned their works to approximate the golden ration—believing this proportion to be aesthetically pleasing. The rule of thirds is a compositional rule of thumb in visual arts, painting, photography and design. The media templates reflect this phi-based proportion rule. This rule reinforces cohesiveness, visible impact and ensures brand recognition across all mediums. The placement of the LifeCare logo varies in position depending on the media application and scale of the project.


Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic

Standards 4.0

Grids & Guide Systems Media Grid Systems

To ensure consistent communication of the LifeCare brand, a comprehensive system of templates was designed. These are built from the ground up to ensure your maximum creative flexibility while still sharing the essential design elements that define the new LifeCare brand identity system. Media templates include print, video, web pages, presentations, and more. Grid systems provide an effective way of organizing text and images on a page, and standardize the size and position of the brand essentials. The layouts divide areas into varying numbers of columns and assist in determining the correct size and positioning for imagery, text and charts in order to create consistency. Each grid and guide system is derived from The Golden Grid System. The results offer a flexible and responsive design that can be proportioned to any media need.

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


Color Palette Primary, Secondary

Color gives a bright, inviting and contemporary visual sensibility to our print, electronic and dimensional applications. We encourage the consistent use of the LifeCare blues and greens throughout our visual communications to contribute to the cohesive and harmonious look of the brand identity across all relevant media. Secondary or accent colors have also been identified that compliment and highlight the primary colors. The colors translate into multiple mediums based on the business, strategic and audience objectives of the campaign. Gradations were created from the primary and secondary colors and their visual examples are shown on the Gradients page.

Note: Guidelines use the 1st Edition Pantone + Color Bridge color reference tool (2013) Select and specify Pantone Matching System colors.


Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic

Primary Colors PANTONE 279 RGB 54, 131 197 CYMK 77, 41, 0, 0 WEB #3683C5

PANTONE 325 RGB 64, 193, 197 CYMK 65, 0, 26, 0 WEB #45C1C5

PANTONE 7739 RGB 46, 180, 88 CYMK 76, 0, 90, 0 WEB #2EB458

PANTONE 368 RGB 154, 202, 58 CYMK 45, 0, 100, 0 WEB #9ACA3C

PANTONE 100 RGB 245, 231, 102 CYMK 6, 2, 73, 0 WEB #F5E766

PANTONE Black 2C RGB 0, 0, 0 CYMK 75, 68, 67, 90 WEB #O00000

PANTONE 720 RGB 242, 199, 153 CYMK 4, 23, 42, 0 WEB #F2C799

PANTONE 1375 RGB 249, 160, 27 CYMK 0, 43, 100, 0 WEB #F9A01B

PANTONE 158 RGB 243, 112, 33 CYMK 0, 70, 100, 0 WEB #F37021

PANTONE 191 RGB 247, 65, 100 CYMK 0, 89, 46, 0 WEB #F74164

PANTONE 2582 RGB 172, 72, 194 CYMK 44, 80, 0, 0 WEB #AC48C2

PANTONE 5635 RGB 149, 169 152 CYMK 44, 24 42, 1 WEB #95A998

Secondary Colors

Standards 4.0


Duotones, Tritones The same approach to color has been extended to the creation of gradients. Gradients emphasize energy, depth, and vibrancy. Used in conjunction with the LifeCare color palette, the gradients supplied can add dimension in almost any application­— from the logo to tradeshow banners. By choosing wisely from duotone or tritone treatments, a range of expressions— from calm to energetic can be created simply by increasing the intensity of the gradient.

Calm Gradations PANTONE 7739, PANTONE 325 PANTONE 279 tritone PANTONE 325, PANTONE 279 duotone PANTONE 100, PANTONE 325 duotone PANTONE 368, PANTONE 7739 duotone

Energetic Gradations PANTONE 158, PANTONE 1375, PANTONE 100 tritone PANTONE 1375, PANTONE 158 duotone PANTONE 1375, PANTONE 191 duotone PANTONE 720, PANTONE 2582 duotone

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic



Print Media

We offer a balanced selection of typography options for traditional to contemporary forms of print media as well as options for all of our digital, on screen media forms of communication that the LifeCare brand utilizes. The two primary font families, Helvetica Neue and Palatino, were selected not only for their clarity, readability, but also for accessibility and use across numerous media applications, platforms and scale of delivery channels. All patients and regulatory agencies as well as standard media considerations are supported with the cohesive brand standards typography selections. Helvetica Neue, Palatino and Palatino Sans Pro should be used for headlines, subheads and body copy. Because Helena's Hand is LifeCare's primary logotype font and should be reserved for the logo. Helena's Hand and Simply Glamourouse Regular have been selected for quotations, tag lines or brand value words used as graphical elements that reflect emotion and connection to the spirit of the brand. To protect the uniqueness of Helena's Hand, this is the only exception for the fonts use.



Aa Aa

Helvetica Neue LT St 45 Light

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 Helenas Hand Regular

ABCDEFGH I J K LM N OPQ R S T UVW X YZ abc d ef ghijk lmnop qr stu vw x y z 1 2 3 4567 89 0 Palatino Regular

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 Palatino Sans Pro Light

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 Simply Glamourouse Regular A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q RS T U VWX Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0


Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic

Standards 4.0


Digital Media

With a national and global reach, additional attention and consideration was given to the needs of the numerous channels and types of media applications the institution utilizes. Culture, language and rapidly changing media all play a part in the success of LifeCare’s messages being communicated to our various audiences. Typography alternatives that are still cohesive and reflect the essence of our core brand were selected. Arial, Helvetica and Georgia are the primary font families. Additional supporting fonts like Tahoma and Verdana were also selected among the World Wide Web Consortium (WC3) on screen and web standards as successful communication tools. The new guidelines also reflect the OpenType and Web Open Font Format (WOFF) standards (Aliño, 2010). The Arial Family should be used for all Microsoft® PowerPoint presentations to endure readability and compatibility on any computer system.

Aa Aa



ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 Helvetica

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 Georgia Regular

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890





AB CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic



Patient Words, Content Styles Here are a few phases and anonymous patient quotes below that help define the ‘invisibles’ that some patients have been able to put words to when talking about LifeCare by Mayo Clinic: • • • • • • • • • • •


“Importance of yourself.” “My family deserves the best and it’s right here.” “Fascinating journey. They found the answer to my prayers.” “You’re power of strength.” “I'm living healthier thanks to my LifeCare plan with Mayo Clinic.” “God bless Mayo's LifeCare. It means so much to me.” “LifeCare is awesome. We are in Max. Mayo now!” “I had heart surgery done at Mayo Clinic last year. I’m traveling and hiking again. I am continuing my care there. My team is the best.” (texting from top of mountain) “I am forever grateful for every day that I’m alive and I owe a lot to the great doctors and my Core Care Team at Mayo Clinic.” “The unusual is usual at Mayo.” “They specialize in a different kind of care there. It’s all about you.”

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic

Styles for Content

Headline Palatino Regular

Palatino Sans Pro Light

Palatino Regular


Palatino Regular

Body Text

Palatino Sans Pro Regular

Headline Helvetica Neue LT Std 45 Light

Palatino Sans Pro Light

Simply Glamourouse Regular

Special Quotes Helenas Hand Regular

Helvetica Neue LT Std 45 Medium


Helvetica Neue LT Std 45 Light

Body Text

Standards 4.0

Voice & Tone


LifeCare's brand image represents a new personalized approach to care with a balance of both new technology and access as well as the sophisticated Mayo level of care that patients cannot get anywhere else. The Mayo model of care is a team of specialists that are unhurried and focused on you and your well being. This creates the best patient experience no other institution offers. The healthcare industry is a complex sea to navigate and patients are looking for compassion and answers. The LifeCare brand stands for something, a big idea, they will not compromise their values or patients health. Whenever a patient experiences their brand it feels strong, familiar and hopeful. Mayo is simply unique. The messaging for my campaign project will speak to the patient audiences through emotional connections. The trends that will power the success of the campaign are simplicity, openness and investing in the future. The copy will offer smaller more focused affordable services with big impactful value and customer experience.


Direct, clear, active, transparent, accurate, answers, strength, specialized, open, balanced


Concise, accurate, consistent, easy to understand, reflects global, cultural perspectives


Warm, welcoming, sincere, individually focused, personal, highlight feelings and emotions, compassion, well-being of whole, extraordinary


Engaging, energetic, crisp, conversational, contemporary, timely, nurture, security, empowering

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


Photography Brand Stock Images

Images transcend language barriers to tell a story, make an emotional connection or promote peace of mind. Brand standards for photography and video ensure consistent as well as creative presentations that meet the expectations of all our audiences. We use these images to communicate our values. They emphasize patient care and the relationships between patients and staff. They also convey our focus on medical invention, innovation and scientific discoveries. The photos have been selected to represent the characteristics, brand attributes, and key messages of LifeCare's brand and may be used on any form of communication. We shoot our own photography and maintain an extensive image library. So no matter what type of image is needed, whether it's lifestyle, portraiture, environmental, or technology interaction, you should be able to find the visual assets needed. We employ different cameras, lighting, and lenses to extend our range, and keep imagery fresh, human, and inviting. Throughout, our aim is to convey a photo-journalistic approach, create a true sense of place, and depict real-life interaction between people, technology and lifestyles. Just a few examples are shared from the brand stock images library to represent the style and tone.


Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic

Standards 4.0

Textures & Graphical Elements

Brand Elements

Textures and graphical elements also play an important supportive role in the overall visual brand experience for our audiences. Photographs, illustrations and graphics can be combined with any of the brand elements to support the overall brand essence. A few examples are included to show colorful icons of patients, silhouettes, healthy foods, exercise, interaction with technology and self-managing of patients and their own health. From simple elements like concentric circles and dots to transparent colorful layers or a hand interacting with a touch screen can relate, reflect or connect audiences to the core messages and emotional essence of the brand.

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


Motion, Animation & Sound Motion Graphics, Inspirational Music Examples of campaign theme, motion, animation of LifeCare logo and sound to support the campaign brand. From logo, position, color, imagery, sound, typography and motion, all the brand elements from the toolbox come together to highlight the core brand promise and messages.

Inspiration Music: The Afters, Life is Beautiful


Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic

Inspiration Music: Iz Kamakawiwo'ole, Over The Rainbow/ What A Wonderful World

Standards 4.0

Print Guidelines

Brochures, Print Ads & Books “I can manage my own health with a little help.”

“I have choices in managing my own health.” “I can manage my own health with help from my care team.”

Sarah Olson wife & mother

“I can manage my own health with the LifeCare program.”

Investing in her daily health, she deserves the best care to reach her goals in life. That’s the way health care should be. To see how our care team can help you manage your health care choices, visit

Sarah Olsen, 36

teahcer & mother of 3

Investing in her daily health, she deserves the best care to reach her goals in life. That’s the way health care should be. To see how our care team is working for you, visit

Examples of print collateral that support the campaign brand and theme. Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


Web Digital Guidelines

Dynamic & Interactive Modular Design A flexible, dynamic and interactive modular design was developed for web and other digital on screen media and mobile device formats. The design must evolve and flex with the changing needs of the target audience and current technology. All corresponding media modules must be designed with both a horizontal and vertical format as well as a full-length and highlights version in mind. The guides allow for a broad range of circumstances of development. Contact Brand Team with any questions or for media specific templates needs.


Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic

Standards 4.0

Interactive Media Guidelines Motion, Animation & Sound

There are endless possibilities in interactive media. All forms of the brand elements can be shared in a dynamic, creative and powerful way. Video with animation and music can be truly inspirational in delivering the LifeCare message as well as the breathtaking motion and artistry of the elements. Each interactive concept must visually and emotionally explain the LifeCare theme of empowerment, harmony and extraordinary. Each interactive experience should reflect the needs of the patient, the whole person–of mind, body and spirit with hints of personalized and preventative medicine for a lifetime journey of care.

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


Overview 1.0

Solutions 5.0 Social Media. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60-61 Electronic Media. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62-64 Print Media. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65-66 Entertainment Media. . . . . . . . . . 67-69

Social Media

Social Networking Assets: Facebook, Twitter

To engage the target audience, social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter will be utilized to create a social presence for LifeCare. This will allow for a two-way conversation as well as engage the demographic to co-create, share links and posts with friends and family. Daily health tips and promotional opportunities will drive more traffic to other media channels for content like Twitter and social news sites. 60

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic

Solutions 5.0

Social Media

Social Networking Assets: Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr

YouTube videos and photos on Instagram, Pinterest and Flickr allow users to participate in another level of the brand by photo sharing, manage theme-based image collections of events, interests or health related topics. Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


Electronic Media

Web site & Mobile Web site Assets: Home Page, Variations

Knowing that the target audience is bombarded with health messages, an inspiring and dynamic interactive modular site will be developed to help the audience turn knowledge into action. Because health is a very personal issue, the experience will be unique to each individual. 62

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic

An optimized mobile site will also be developed. An overview of the products and services will help further define LifeCare. A simple self-assessment will reveal unique and personalized solutions, tips, goals and informational graphics based on their results.

Users can compare their risks; set goals, record a video time capsule as a promise to their future self. They can download personalized infographics highlighting the Mayo Model of Care and sign-up for tailored etool streams.

Solutions 5.0

Electronic Media

Web site & Mobile Web site Assets: Second-Tier Page, Variations

Copy to come

Individuals can learn how to self-manage their own care and start making changes to their health behavior. Simple movements and animation will be incorporated to bring the concept to life. A subtle progression and buildup will payoff with the delivered message, the answer is LifeCare for

your personalized needs and a focus on how LifeCare services are customized to your individual needs over your lifetime of evolving care needs. There will be great emphasis on this media, as it is one of the most highly visible applications to the target audience.

Storytelling and testimonials will tread from the website content to other channels of media bringing different perspectives and stories for broader, greater content and interest to our multiple channel users.

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


Electronic Media

eBook Asset: Cover, Interactive Layout, Bookshelf Icon, Order Landing Page

eBook: An Evolution of Care: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic The book will be written to tell the compelling LifeCare story. This will be a collection of inspirational, heartwarming stories of patients who have built a lifetime relationship for themselves and their families with Mayo Clinic. Some of the 64

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic

stories will focus on great empowerment, life’s journey and purpose, inspiration. There will also be great discussion and challenges to the audience with critical questions about having enough of the right care or that you deserve the best care for your life by making

the right care choices and approaches today. It will touch on personalized and preventive medicine. The foundation of the LifeCare story will solidify the structure and synergy of the channels. It will be radically differentiated in the market place.

Solutions 5.0

Print Media

Print Advertisements Asset: Mobile App, Digital Watermark Talking Ad To bridge the print and mobile world and bring to life the patient stories, a mobile call-to-action will be utilized. The users may download a free Digimarc速 Discover mobile app. This activates the mobile features of their mobile device about size inches above the printed page using a special digital watermark. The content is informative and also entertaining. Print, audio, QR code and smart phone gives the user the ability to see, hear and engage with all forms of media.

Digimarc速 Discover mobile app can be downloaded then the audience can interact with the informational and entertaining videos, sounds and music. A mobile device can be held a few inches from a hidden digital watermark to activate the experience.

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


Print Media

Merchandise Assets: iWatch Vital Signs Device, Mobile App Icon

An iWatch mobile LifeCare application will also be developed to incorporate with the new vital signs technology in the device. The mobile app works with the iWatch device as well as your iPhone to manage your vital signs right into the MyHealth portal. This portal tracks your goals and develops on-demand personalized reports and medical statistics to help you reach your health goals.


Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic

Solutions 5.0

Entertainment Media: Video & Music

Educational Conference Assets: TED Talk Event, Stage Design, Presentation This educational conference event, a TED Talk presentation will be the speaking platform event, to launch the LifeCare campaign. The presentation will be highlighting the new Mayo Model of Care, the LifeCare story and infographic. The speakers will be mayo physicians and patients sharing their personal experiences with the LifeCare plan. Utilizing a platform like TED for exposure to stories and messaging you need to convey to target audiences at a national level is extremely powerful. By positioning the organization and staff as experts, industry leaders as well as intriguing and inspiring presenters, these seminars influence and persuade the world’s leading thinkers and achievers. What a perfect venue to announce a bold new way of approaching care. Meaningful campaigns incorporate engagement channels such as this and they offer impactful and persuasive messaging.

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


Entertainment Media: Video & Music

Video & Channel Assets: Script, Stor yboards, Landing Pages, YouTube, Vimeo

Unique videos have the potential of reaching large audiences quickly. Video channels will increase the company’s digital media presence and can be used in conjunction with the website and social media sites. 68

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic

Solutions 5.0

Entertainment Media: Video & Music Video & Channel Assets: Channel Page, Animation, Animatic

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


Overview 1.0

References 6.0 Citations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Image Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73


Citations & Image References Cited Works: Aliño, Aaron, A. (2010). Advancements in Web Typography (WebFonts and WOFF). Graphic Communications Department. California Polytechnic State University. Retrieved May 3, 2013 from cgi?article=1037&context=grcsp American Business Law Journal, 49(2), 369-417. doi:10.1111/j.17441714.2012.01135.x. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Carpenter, C. E. (2012). The Affordable Care Act after the Supreme Court Decision. Journal Of Financial Service Professionals, 66(6), 27-29. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Clapesattle, Helen. (1969). The Doctors Mayo. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education & Research, 1990. Rochester, Minnesota. Comarow, A. (2012, July 16). U.S. News Best Hospitals 2012-13: The Honor Roll. U.S. News & World Report. Retrieved February 12, 2013 from best-hospitals/articles/2012/07/16/best-hospitals-2012-13-thehonor-roll Garfield, S., DrPH (n.d.) Issue Brief: Advancing Access to Personalized Medicine: A Comparative Assessment of European Reimbursement Systems. Personalized Medicine Coalition. Washington, DC. Retrieved February 13, 2013 from http:// pdf&ei=VeYbUYrqDOGfyAH8-oGIBg&usg=AFQjCNH2X-lJstS9KGw_JIVXAyzAhY-gYg&sig2=cuzMBCZakEy3PI0mlZFJ5Q&bvm=bv.42261806,d.aWc Kaplan, Robert S. and Porter, Michael E. (September, 2011). How to Solve The Cost Crisis in Health Care. Harvard Business Review. [article]. Pages 49-51. HBR Press. Boston, Massachusetts. Kulkarni, A., McGreevy, N. (11/2012) Winter 2012, Issue 69. A Strategist’s Guide to Personalized Medicine. Strategy+business [electronic article] Booz & Company, Inc. Retrieved February 20, 2013 from


Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic

Kutscher, B., Ban, P., & Zigmond, J. (2012). Payday for payers. (cover story). Modern Healthcare, 42(33), 6-16. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Leonard, Kimberly. (July, 2013). Best Hospitals 2013-14: Overview and Honor Roll. U.S. News & World Report Best Hospitals 2014 Edition. Retrieved from http://health.usnews. com/health-news/best-hospitals/articles/2013/07/16/ best-hospitals-2013-14-overview-and-honor-roll Mayo, W.J. (2013). Retrieved from Perry, J. E. (2012). Physician-Owned Specialty Hospitals and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Health Care Reform at the Intersection of Law and Ethics. American Business Law Journal, 49(2), 369-417. doi:10.1111/j.17441714.2012.01135.x. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Sade, R. M. (2012). Introduction: The Graying of America: Challenges and Controversies. Journal Of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 40(1), 6-9. doi:10.1111/j.1748-720X.2012.00639.x. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Schafer, I. (2012). Why it's time your brand invested in a creative newsroom. Advertising Age, 83(33), 58. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Shay, P. D., & Mick, S. S. (2013). Post-Acute Care and Vertical Integration After the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Journal Of Healthcare Management, 58(1), 15-27. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Shrestha, L. B., & Heisler, E. J. (2011, March 31). The Changing Demographic Profile of the United States. Congressional Research Service. Retrieved from sgp/crs/misc/RL32701.pdf Siegel, Sue. (May, 2013). Online Mothers Groups: Powerful, Unheralded Influencers of Family Healthcare Decisions. [article]. Forbes. Retrieved from http://www.forbes. com/sites/davidshaywitz/2013/05/22/online-mothers-groups-powerful-unheralded-influencers-of-family-healthcare-decisions/

The National Health Expenditures. (2011). National Health Expenditures 2011-2012 Highlights. Retrieved from: United States Department of Labor. (n.d.). General Facts on Women and Job Based Health. [fact sheet]. Retrieved from Witt III, F. (2012). Hospital Centers of Excellence Defy Geographic Trends. Physician Executive, 38(3), 16-20. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Image References & Sources: BETC Paris. (April, 2013). Evian Water: "Lisette & Ambre" [print ad]. Retrieved May 13, 2013 from http://www. Erickson Stock. (2013). Babies Collection. People & Lifestyle Stock Photography.[images]. Retrieved from people/collection/babies Golden Number. (2013). The Creation of Adam. Phi and the Golden Ration in Art. [images]. Retrieved from http:// Haastrecht, J., Bell, C.P., Interbrand, McCann Erickson. (2013). Royal DSM. The Netherlands. Retrieved May 14, 2013 from Henriques, Alexandre. (February, 2013). Hesal. University of Health in Lausanne. Switzerland. [screen capture]. Behance. Retrieved May 14, 2013 from gallery/HESAL/3401615 Hilton Corporate. (March, 2013). Hilton Hotels & Resorts: “China” [print ad]. Retrieved May 13, 2013 from http://

References 6.0

Note: These images are solely to be used for composition purposes during the proposal process. If the client accepts the proposal, then the client must purchase the license(s) for the images referenced.


Image, Video, Music Sources Horov, Andrew. (February, 2013). Bupa. [screen capture]. Behance. Retrieved May 14, 2013 from gallery/bupa/7057741 Hussey, Tom. (2013). Tom Hussey Photography. Reflections Series. [images]. Retrieved from http://www.tomhussey. com/#/SERIES%20%20/Reflections/5 Interbrand & Cundari. (2013). CML Healthcare. Canada. [Rebrand, screen capture]. Canada . Retrieved May 14, 2013 from Lehman, Matt. (2013). Healthways Well-Being Summit. Well Being Effect [illustration]. Retrieved from Pfizer, Siegel+Gale, Re Showcases brand. (2012). 2012 Rebrand 100 Global Awards - Pfizer. Retrieved May 12, 2013 from Taylor, Curtis. (2013). The Apple iWatch: Learning Cool from The Fresh Prince.[image]. RepairLabs. Retrieved from http:// The Golden Section. (2013). Fibonacci Numbers and The Golden Section in Art, Architecture and Music. [images]. Retrieved from 106446137 125755778 135004248 141255974 144169659 148795479 149410318 149416412 149416509 151513837 151645646 153041167 153065333

Stretching before Fitness & Exercise Portrait of multi-ethnic medical staff Touchpad woman showing tablet PC Tablet PC Woman runner jogger jumping victorious Woman runner jogger jumping Paper table on white background Woman runner jogger Woman runner jogger jumping Successful business woman Woman runner jogger Woman silhouettes Woman runner jogger jumping

153719815 Woman using tablet pc 153978240 Squared spiral notebook 156339457 Happy blobd [blond] woman holding steering wheel 158002949 woman runner jogger jumping powerful 158562295 Happy Woman With Digital Tablet 158758774 Six colors circles layout 161146411 Doctor showing tablet pc with his team 166128955 Woman silhouette and mountain sunset 167430454 Young female presenting ipad tablet device screen 168793951 Notepad 175005486 Woman runner running jumping shouting silhouette 178487321 Beautiful teenage girl with arms raised 200212867 Woman with arms raised 77005621 Young woman smiling, close-up, portrait 78293081 Smiling woman outdoor 83812897 Young woman, eyes closed portrait 86496436 Smiling woman 86501328 Portrait of smiling woman 97482569 Modern Aluminum Laptop Computer White Screen 10123458 10244253 10440646 11048552 12008766 12751823 13677283 15390536 15601397 15692947 16075286 16561787 16880372 17471429 19063630 19203324 19207432 19635385 19740336 19774073 19839121

Businesswoman juggling globes Portrait of multi-ethnic medical staff Fitness woman showing fresh energy flexing biceps Hand pressing a button on a touch screen interface Mother with the daughter go on rails Spring nature background with grass and bokeh lights Baby foot Pretty woman with laptop sitting on the stone Various Modern People Group of healthcare workers thumbs up Knowledge empowers you symbol Happy Asian family holding hands walking Picture of happy woman with green leaf Three women sitting and embracing Young woman hugging with her mother Rejoicing happy woman in flying motion smiling Middle aged doctor standing Infographic template business vector illustration Beautiful Mother And Baby outdoors Nature Silhouettes of happy parents having good time Grunge blue turquoise butterfly

19857117 4269825 5668836 6631138 6631559 7683086 8054076 9968991

Close up of woman giving her hand to man Child is going to the new better future. Bright picture of young businesswoman in office Blue eye Beautiful young woman jumping on the beach Happy Mother with Kids over blue sky Silhouette person Happy Kids. Sister and Brother outdoor

Music Sources: The Afters. (2013). Life is Beautiful. Retrieved June 21, 2013 from,, cdreviews/covers/theafterslifeisbeautiful.jpg, http:// Israel Kamakawiwo’ole (2013). Over The Rainbow/What A Wonderful World [instrumental modified]. Karaoke Version. Recisio-MP3 Karaoke. Retrieved June 21, 2013 from, http://www., Video Sources:
 Gettyimages. (2013). Business Freedom. [video clip 163725736]. Royalty-free iStockfootage Collection. Retrieved June 12, 2013 from Gettyimages. (2013). Young female looking at ipad and drinking tea in kitchen. [video clip 169495917]. Royalty-free iStockfootage Collection. Retrieved June 12, 2013 from aspx?p=169495917&family=footage&contractUrl=1&b=ISF

Brand Project Book: LifeCare by Mayo Clinic


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