YFC Brochure

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Change you can be part of. In 1946 Billy Graham saw the huge need for young people in Britain to hear about Jesus. As a result, British Youth for Christ was created to innovate and pioneer new methods of youth evangelism. Almost 70 years on, our driving passion is still to see young people from every background and culture transformed by encountering Jesus Christ. Wherever young people are, you’ll find us relevantly engaging with them and communicating the message of Jesus today. But we’re not there yet. Millions of young people in Britain have still not heard the hope of the gospel. Our vision is to see a generation of young people changed by God, who in turn, are used by Him to transform others… but we can’t do it alone. We need you to stand with us and be part of the change.

Local Ministries and Projects Changing Communities Youth for Christ has over 70 affiliated local projects – each one is a unique community focused and managed local ministry seeking to share Good News with young people in their area and see change. These affiliated ministries work with their local churches doing a variety of ministry including schools work, street projects, drop-ins, sports outreach, chaplaincy, choirs, mentoring, youth clubs and a whole host of other activities that connect with young people. The Local Ministries team supports, pioneers and resources these local projects throughout England, Scotland and Wales to enable them to effectively reach more young people. To find out how you can get involved with YFC in your area, visit www.yfc.co.uk/local-centres or email liz.dumain@yfc.co.uk

The King and the Maiden Last year Bath Youth for Christ launched a film called 'Prodigal', which was watched and used in youth groups and churches around the country (it's still being viewed online an average of 3 or 4 times a day). The Bath YFC team regard film as an important way of sharing the gospel and so have again worked with Pete Gray, filmmaker, to produce a new piece entitled 'The King & The Maiden' which was used in Christmas assemblies. It is a short film based on Soren Kierkegaard's parable of the same name which tells the story of a King who gave up all that it means to be a King for the sake of winning the heart of the Maiden. This two minute film is a great tool for churches and youth workers looking to help people better understand what God did through Jesus to win the hearts of the people He created! 'The King & The Maiden' was launched online in March 2015, with the message, "Watch the latest Bath YFC film 'The King & The Maiden' and then share the gospel by sharing the film" with a link to it included. Bath YFC are also delighted to have just received news of funding from Westhill Endowment to produce more films, which is something they are very excited about. Visit yfc.co.uk to view the video where you can view the video and you will find more great stories from across the nation.

Church Resources There are 46,000 churches in Britain. 72% have no young people. This is just not good enough. The YFC Church Resource Team’s vision is to inspire and equip every church in Britain to reach every young person in their community. We believe the local church is the hope for the world and dream of communities full of young people living whole-heartedly for Jesus.

BIG Ministries are YFC's New National Children's Team, heading up the 7-11s department. Through regional ONE BiG DAY events and a wide range of excellent resources to help equip the church, they engage young people in God’s amazing plan to change the world.

Our YFC Resources website is a piece of cutting-edge technology packed full of thousands of sessions to resource a range of age groups and contexts from 11-25. Our material reaches out to those at early stages on their journey of faith, helps Christian young people grow deep roots and empowers them to reach their peers.

If you are a youth worker with a passion for reaching young people and seeing Christian young people grow visit yfcresources.co.uk or email churchresources@yfc.co.uk

Ethos is a ground-breaking series of films for young adults aiming to stir and encourage them to follow Jesus. Based on issues specifically relevant to this generation, it’s housed in social media and ideal to use with individuals, groups or churches. Find them at youtube.com/YFCYoungAdults

Many thanks for the excellent resources you provide. I use Rock Solid every week in school and I think (in 50 years of youth work!) it is the best I have come across for this purpose.

in this parish 4 years ago “withWenostarted young people… Your resources

have been such a help to us as we've reached out to many young people over these last few years! Thank you :o)

Schools Resources RE:quest is YFC’s fantastic free online resource for exploring and learning about the Christian faith within Religious Education and RME. Containing high quality films, images, interactive features and age appropriate text, RE:quest is accessible to pupils of all ages and abilities, from infants to GCSE and standard students. See for yourself at www.request.org.uk.

exploRE Residential The exploRE Residential is a fantastic schools residential that combines exhilarating outdoor activities with fun workshops exploring issues relevant to young people today. With a programme that works alongside both the RE and PSHE curriculums we aim to challenge students physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually as part of a unique 48 hour experience. For more info visit yfc.co.uk. If you would like further information please contact tom.spicer@yfc.co.uk

The exploRE Residential was an extremely effective and thought-provoking experience for our students.

Mr Ball - Nether Stowe School, Lichfield

Our national year out programme has seen over 800 young people take a year out to serve God since its launch in 1980. YFC One is the name of this project and brings volunteers aged 17-25 together to transform the young people of Britain.

Utilising different gifts in different teams enables YFC One to bring a unique and united approach to mission and evangelism. Whether your gifts lie in youth work, leading worship, sport, leadership, dance, arts, drama, communication or anything else, there could be a place for you in YFC One. Based in placements at our Centres around Britain our volunteers receive support and training throughout the year as they work in a variety of youth work settings alongside experienced youth workers who invest in them and help them to realise their full potential. Our heart at YFC One, above all, is to see volunteers go deeper in their relationship with God and grow though their year. Interested? Check out yfcone.co.uk to find out more or apply for a gap year with us.

My name is Nicole and I am on the YFC’s street dance team, Stance. I’m from the U.S. and I chose to do YFC One because I wanted to spend a year with Christ and grow in my relationship with Him as I serve Him in another country. My hopes for this year include sharing the gospel with young people all over the UK and deepening my relationship with the Lord. I want to be open to everything that God has for me this year. So far I’ve really enjoyed getting to know everybody else on YFC One when we’ve received training and learning how to share the gospel with young people in this country. It’s great being in a team and encouraging each other as we remember that we’re all brothers and sisters in Christ and all here for the Lord.

Nicole Burnett, Stance Crew member

“ Last year I was on Nomad,

which is YFC’s touring cage football team and this year I’m based in Cheltenham with Cheltenham YFC. I was a little bit sceptical going into the year because when you’re on the Nomad team it’s high energy and you spend a lot of time with other people but one of the highlights was having an amazing group of people around me to spend the year with. This year I hope to continue to be stretched in new and different ways which will hopefully make me more like the person I want to be when it comes to an end. To anyone considering doing a gap year with Youth for Christ, my advice is don’t shut any doors and go into everything with an open mindset. You’ll be amazed at the opportunities that come your way and I’d encourage you to really make the most of them.

Mike Pusey, YFC One Academy Volunteer

Mission Teams and Artists Youth for Christ Missions Teams & Artists are a collective of young leaders that are passionately committed to taking Good News relevantly to every young person in Britain. The team is made up of Stance, YFC’s pioneering Street Dance Crew, Nomad, our energetic touring Cage Football Team, Chip K, a musician and gospel communicator, Happi, an up-and-coming gospel artist and rapper, Life Hacks, our school-based interactive workshop and a brand new touring band.

British Youth for Christ (BYFC) is part of Youth for Christ International - a Christian charity established in over 100 countries around the world. BYFC can be seen serving churches and the local community in sports arenas, secondary schools, inner-city urban Centres, skate parks, young offenders’ institutes and local church youth groups. Anywhere you find young people we’ll be there connecting with them on their level and communicating the Good News; every month we engage with over 250,000 young people across Britain. Our teams and artists are available to come to your school, youth club, church or conference for anything from a day up to a week. They all receive a high level of training in evangelism and youth work from Youth for Christ, as well as external organisations and are fully DBS checked. We are excited about the potential of joining you in your mission. To book a mission team email me at paul.kingsleysmith@yfc.co.uk

I love that we can worship God through playing football and set a good example to the young people we play with! We are so blessed to be in a position to share our faith through doing something we love and we pray that the relationships with each place we visit and each young person will continue to grow stronger.

Steve Bownds, Team Leader Nomad West Midlands

One lad who didn’t have any aspirations or dreams has now started a street dance course in which he is getting distinctions. He seems so enthusiastic, has a completely different outlook on life… and is now on a journey of exploring who God really is. Grace Tween, Stance Team Leader

We are excited to present a fantastic range of new weekends for 2015. We now offer residentials for children and young people aged 8-18, with a variety of emphases including sharing the gospel, engaging young people in mission and equipping them to share Jesus in their everyday lives! Our heart is for children and young people to have an amazing weekend full of fun that they will remember forever. Whether it's on a Rock Solid or BIG Academy Weekend, a Mettle Mission or a Lumen Survival camping residential, young people will enjoy exciting games, interactive sessions, exhilarating activities and dynamic youth communicators on an unforgettable weekend full of fun. In order for your group to share experience and build memories together YFC Residentials aim to create as much space as possible for you to spend valuable time with your children and young people. That’s why we will take the pressure off you and do all of the hard work and organising. For more info visit yfc.co.uk. If you would like to book or would like further information please contact us on 0121 502 9620 or email residentials@yfc.co.uk; for schools-specific residentials see info on the exploRE Residential on page 5.

We exist to help children and young people discover the truth of the gospel and just how much God loves them. Our desire is that everyone leaves the weekend closer to Jesus than when they arrived. YFC Residentials Team Leader, Sarah Hockley

Thanks to YFC Residentials I decided that I didn’t want to just go to church because my parents take me, but because I wanted my identity to be in God.

Young person who attended a YFC Residential

Our work with marginalised young people Young people have the highest re-conviction rate of all offenders: 7 out of 10 reoffend within one year. In England and Wales, there are around 10,000 young people in prison, aged 12 to 24. Most of these young offenders feel trapped. They not only have to convince others to give them a second chance, they also have to overcome their self-doubt and immense peer pressure. That's why YFC are busy training youth workers from churches and charities to become positive role models in prison; Reflex Outreach Workers. This is to raise the aspirations and self-esteem of these young people and empower them with the skills, confidence and character they need to realise their full potential. Once in prison, Reflex workers run youth clubs, Alpha, chaplaincy groups, accredited arts and life skills workshops and mentoring schemes linking young prison leavers with churches. Our vision is to place a Reflex Outreach Worker in every YOI (youth prison). We currently reach over 1,000 young people and young adults in custody every year and see countless lives transformed. If you'd like to pray for this work, volunteer as a mentor for a prison leaver or find out more about starting or supporting this ministry, simply email info@reflex.org

We believe in Jesus. We believe in young people. And we believe that together, they can be spectacular‌ * name changed

...taking GOOD NEWS relevantly to EVERY young person in Britain. If there is a way in which we can work together, we would love to hear from you; please speak to one of our team today.

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