Full Blossom Magazine Issue 41

Page 21

Besides these measures, the ultimate preventative treatment would be to have acquired immunity. We do this by getting a vaccine. Unfortunately, the vaccine is approximately 1 year away. Another way to become immune is to build antibodies for this virus after you become infected; this is using the “Adaptive immune system”. Eventually many individuals who become infected may develop antibodies, and eventually this will make a large amount of people immune. This type of immunity takes time, and as a form of prevention, it relies on you becoming infected, and surviving the infection. If enough individuals have this immunity by “herd immunity”, it may protect others that did not get the virus (like a herd protecting their young). Unfortunately, our communities are considered at risk (diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, obesity, sickle cell, cancer, elderly, HIV, smoking), making us more likely to die from this infection. Prevention is the most important form of treatment for us. So, you started to have symptoms of the “Rona”, what next. The types of treatment you can do at home are palliative treatments. While beginning to start these treatments,you should get access to a health care provider. Since most emergency rooms and clinics must deal with many patients, it is advisable to use telephone and videoconferences to speak to your doctor. This practice is not just for patients with COVID-19, but for all other nonurgent medical issues.




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