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DIVA HOSTS FIRST FILM PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION IN CORRIDOIO FIORENTINO Students of the Intermediate Film Photography class at FUA had the opportunity to present their work on Thursday March 15th, during their debut exhibition ‘Silver Lining: Film Photography is Still Alive.’ Showcased in the Corridoio Fiorentino, the prints illustrated the often laborious process of fi lm photography as well as the many steps taken to shoot and develop often ‘imperfect’ yet incredibly compelling photographs.

by Blending Staff Photo by Gregg Casazza

refreshments courtesy of Apicius, lending to the relaxed and pleasant ambience of the evening.

In his opening speech at the exhibition, Marco Gualtieri, the. Intermediate Film Photography class instructor, pointed out that part of the beauty of fi lm photography is not knowing the outcome of a shot until after the developing process. He explained, “I encourage the students to call the unexpected photographs the unin-15th March 15th 2018 at 18:00 ‘accidents and not ‘mistakes,’, as often March Featuring the work of four students from the Intermeditentional product you get is something that’s actually quite Corridoio Fiorentino Corrido ate Film Photography class, Gregg Casazza, Jenna Johnson, cool.” Indeed the exhibition contained no mistakes, as every Lara Kraany, and Lauren Reheuser, the exhibition drew in photograph was gazed upon and admired for the beauty in a diverse crowd united by a singular appreciation of the art its imperfection, and the silver lining created when transshowcased. Visitors to the exhibition also enjoyed delicious forming negative fi lm into positive prints.



Photos by the author

Florence - In Florence, art from the Renaissance time period is omnipresent. The National Archaeological Museum provides visitors with Etruscan, Roman, Greek, and Egyptian art from various time periods. The National Archaeological Museum houses the Chimera of Arezzo, a bronze sculpture regarded as one of the most remarkable Etr uscan scu lptures in existence. T his important piece stands alone in a large room and can intrigue even those not typically interested in this kind of art. The Medici Riccardi Horse Head, believed to be used as a model for works by Donatello and Leonardo da Vinci, is another important work that can be found in the museum. The archaeological museum’s Egyptian collection is housed in the Egyptian Museum. It boasts pillars, door frames, and ceilings painted to resemble the architecture of an Egyptian tomb or temple. It features a garden area complete with Etruscan tombs. Perhaps even more unique than the museum’s collections is the building itself. Some parts of the museum are noticeably dated, showcasing original wooden display cabinets from the late 1800s, while other parts of the museum are more modern. The National Archaeological Museum offers artifacts and insight into time periods not often represented by Florence’s other museums; however, this museum is not considered a top attraction. This might not be the case for long. The Uffizi Gallery recently announced a five-year partnership with the National Museum of Archeology. The partnership will encourage museum-goers to visit the archaeological museum, with free admission within five days of a visit to the Uffizi. The National Archaeological Museum is open every day from 8:30am, until 2pm Saturday-Monday and until 7pm Tuesday-Friday. 2

One of the Egyptian rooms in the National Archaeological Museum of Florence

A display of Etruscan artifacts in the museum





The Chianti Lovers’ Wine Festival is an annual festival that is advertised on the website of The Florentine, an English news magazine about all things Florentine. For those of you who aren’t wine aficionados (like me), chianti is a type of grape that produces red wine, and it’s only produced here in Tuscany! The purpose of the festival is to try and choose your favorite Chianti wine to take home with you, all while talking to wine growers about their products. When we checked in, we were given a wine glass along with a small apron and a pouch to keep it in. Over a hundred Tuscan vineyards set up stands in the warehouse-like room for us to sample their wine. Each stand had several options to choose from, ranging from wine that had only been aged a few months to “Riserva,” the most expensive and potent type of wine, which wine growers age for several years. Photo courtesy of the author

There were mostly Italians in attendance at the event, making it a truly cultural experience. Even those who weren’t there to buy wine could have a fun, casual time simply sampling and getting to know the people behind the wine bottles. While Chianti isn’t for everyone, it’s definitely worth a try—or dozens of tries if you mark your calendar for next year’s festival!



Walking through Piazza Duomo can be crowded on any given day, but on Easter Sunday people gather from all over to experience a unique Florentine tradition, Il Scoppio del Carro (the explosion of the cart). Easter in Italy differs in every city, all with their own specific flare on the religious holiday. In Rome, you can expect the crowds gathering at the Vatican and other religious pilgrimages, as it is the capital of the Catholic Church. I began to hear a chorus singing, then cheers from the crowd. I weaved my way through the crowd so I could see what was going on. All of a sudden I heard what sounded like fireworks and smoke filled the sky. The origin of Il Scoppio del Carro is partly historic and partly legendary, dating back to over 350 years ago. The legend tells a story about a young Florentine name Pazzino who took

part in the first crusade in 1099. Pazzino was the first to scale the walls of Jerusalem and raise the Christian banner. He brought back to Florence three flints from the Holy Sepulchre that he received for his act of courage. According to historians once the crusaders liberated Jerusalem, they gathered in the church of the resurrection to receive the holy fire, which symbolizes purification. The celebration today still holds a strong resemblance to this legend. Easter morning, a priest rubs Pazzino’s flints together until they spark to light the Easter candle. The candle is then used to light the coals which are placed in a container on the cart and a procession to the Duomo to deliver the holy fire to the Archbishop begins. Traditionally the procession began by bringing the holy fire to each house. Now the procession has become one of the most charismatic Easter events. Now, the cart loaded with fireworks waits in front of 3

Duomo. The piazza is filled with locals and tourists to see the traditional explosion. Once the Gloria begins to be sung, the Archbishop uses the three flints to fire the dove-shaped rocket, which symbolizes the holy spirit. The dove swings from a wire to collide with the cart setting off a massive display of fireworks lighting up the sky. After the fireworks, however, the celebration isn’t over. The crowd waits to see if the dove makes it back to the altar. If it does, it means a good year is coming. The explosion of the cart is more than an extravagant parade, rather a cultural experience that is rooted in the rich history of Florence.

Photo by Shaye Lynn DiPasquale

This month’s Italian language contributions feature FUA students who share their alternative guides to Florence. Alessandra takes us on a tour of the city piazza by piazza, while Giulia shares a stress-free guide to eating vegan in Florence.


By Advanced Italian Student, Alessandra Montesanto

In questo tour vedremo alcune delle piazze più famose di Firenze, a cominciare dalla piazza di Santa Maria Novella, dove c'è la bella chiesa di Santa Maria Novella, così come una grande farmacia. La chiesa è la prima grande basilica di

Firenze ed è la principale chiesa domenicana della città. La farmacia, e il suo negozio di cosmetici che ha quasi 600 anni, è una delle più antiche farmacie del mondo. Questa piazza dà il nome alla stazione principale di Firenze, la Stazione di Santa Photo of Piazza di San Lorenzo by Andrés Villeta




Maria Novella. Da qui, passiamo a piazza della Repubblica, solitamente identificata dalla giostra al centro della piazza e dal grande arco che ne segna l'ingresso. Durante i tempi antichi, questa era anche la sede del foro romano, ed era considerato il centro della città, dove si tenevano le riunioni cittadine e i mercati. La prossima visita è alla piazza di San Lorenzo. Questa piazza comprende la chiesa di San Lorenzo e il famoso monumento di Giovanni dalle Bande Nere, che fu il padre di Cosimo I, il primo granduca della famiglia Medici. Questa è anche la sede dell'Osservatorio Ximeniano del 1756. Qui si trova il mercatino di San Lorenzo, che è

un'opportunità per le aziende locali di presentare e vendere i loro prodotti fatti a mano. Infine, la nostra ultima visita è a Piazza della Santissima Annunziata. È molto nota per l'Ospedale degli Innocenti, originariamente un orfanotrofio per bambini, considerato un buon esempio dell'architettura del primo Rinascimento italiano. Un'altra grande attrazione in questa piazza è il museo archeologico nazionale. Mentre ogni piazza ha qualcosa di diverso da esplorare, tutte includono importanti monumenti storici che aiutano a raccontare la storia della bellissima città di Firenze.

VEGANI A FIRENZE by Advanced Italian Student, Giulia Ensing

Benvenuto a Firenze! Firenze è una città molto bella, famosa soprattutto per la pasta, la carne - come il lampredotto e la bistecca alla fiorentina, i gustosi formaggi, e il gelato. Queste cose sono deliziose! Ma che cosa succede quando una persona vegana arriva in Italia? Non può mangiare niente? Certo che no! Oggi in Italia esiste un movimento vegan e per questo motivo ci sono molti negozi che offrono cibi vegani. In questo articolo ho fatto un piccolo tour di questi negozi. Cominciamo con la colazione: ad esempio Le Vespe Cafè, dove si può mangiare “The Dundas,” un “panino arrotolato con tofu strapazzato, patate, spinaci, funghi, cipolle caramellate, avocado, salsa chipotle vegana, e pomodoro.” Un altro posto si chiama Pappa Gioia, e questo è al 100% vegan: pertanto nel menù c’è più scelta. Infine, per una colazione più all’italiana puoi scegliere Sweethings, una pasticceria vegana, dove puoi mangiare un cornetto, o un’altra cosa così, con un tazza di caffè. Puoi scegliere questo posto anche per fare una merenda durante il giorno. Photos by Brooke Finkelstein

Dopo la colazione, il secondo pasto è il pranzo, e per il pranzo le due opzioni che ti propongo sono #RAW e Carduccio. #RAW ha un menù tutto vegan. Sul loro profilo Instagram puoi trovare le foto della piadina farcita, che sembra buona. Al secondo posto c’è Carduccio, il cui menù cambia ogni giorno. Carduccio usa spesso frutta e verdure di stagione, che prende da varie fattorie. A questo punto possiamo vedere che ci sono molti posti vegan anche per la cena: ci sono ristoranti come Konnubio e Le Fate. Le Fate offre un aperitivo vegan che loro chiamano AperitiVegan! Un aperitivo dedicato esclusivamente al cibo vegano non puoi trovarlo in molti altri posti. Il secondo, Konnubio, ha una bella atmosfera e offre un “seitan burger con lenticchie.” Hai ancora fame? L’ultima cosa è il dolce! Il mio posto preferito è la Gelateria Edoardo. Qui hanno gusti vegani e il mio preferito è la mandorla! Allora il tour è finito, e possiamo vedere che nessuno resta con la fame in Italia. Buon appetito! 5

A LABYRINTH IN LUCCA: THREE VIEWS Three Travel Writing students illustrate their different takes - historic, symbolic and mythical - on the labyrinth feature of San Martino Cathedral in Lucca.


by Shaye Lynn DiPasquale Tucked behind the white stone columns of Lucca Cathedral’s archways, an intricate circular design has been carved into a pillar. This unassuming symbol is one of the most important features of the Cathedral’s façade, the finger labyrinth. In Christianity, labyrinths symbolize a journey of spiritual awakening and of reaching salvation through faith. If you stand in front of the labyrinth, you can trace your finger along the raised path, feeling your way to the center. Lucca’s hidden gem has piqued the curiosity of tourists and citizens for hundreds of years. A Latin inscription is carved alongside the labyrinth, recalling an ancient myth: “This is the labyrinth built by Daedalus of Crete; all who entered therein were lost, save Theseus, thanks to Ariadne’s thread.” The center of Lucca’s labyrinth once contained images of Theseus and the Minotaur, the beast contained inside the labyrinth that Theseus was sent to kill. The images have since been rubbed away by the thousands of fingers that have traced over them. The placement of the labyrinth in Lucca remains a mystery. Some say the labyrinth was meant to serve as a warning to pilgrims as they rested here on their pilgrimage along the Via Francigena to Rome.


Photos by Shaye Lynn DiPasquale

SYMBOLIC by John Cola The ancient symbol of a labyrinth has been seen over and over in multiple cultures, and a variety of locations. One thing though remains the same, the message in which the labyrinth delivers. It is a symbolic image of being lost, or in a tough situation that requires effort and knowledge to conquer. Amongst many cultures, this symbol is used to represent a coming of age story, where figuring out the struggles of the maze will allow you to come out changed on the other side. The labyrinth itself can represent feeling lost or alone; not sure which turn to take or which path will lead you in the right direction. It forces the subject in isolation to find a solution through whatever means necessary. The maze on the wall, as opposed to something you can actually walk through, holds a deeper meaning in the sense of symbolism. Being able to see the whole outline and figure out the best path through shows the ability we have to solve these problems, and how challenging and barren it would be to find yourself inside of one. As for most things in life, conquering obstacles and facing challenges brings out the best in some, and worst in other. But it’s about overcoming and making progress, that is what separates the strong from the weak. Life is a circle and the labyrinth is a representation of that symbol, but faith in yourself is the only way to escape.




by Victoria Giordano I trace my fingers along the raised lines of the Labyrinth. I’m trying to find my way out, but quickly become frustrated by the constant twists and turns obscuring my path to freedom. The monster is in the center, however this center is barren. The story goes like this: Minos called upon Daedalus, and his son Icarus, to build a maze that trapped the half-man and half-bull monster, the Minotaur. When Daedalus designed a maze so complicated that even he could not escape, Minos trapped the father-son duo in a high tower to stop them from revealing what hid in the center of the

maze. Daedalus and Icarus managed to escape by flying out of the tower on wings they created. This symbolizes the soul raising above the difficulty of the maze, or the difficulty of life. Personally, I can still not find my way out, and I am getting frustrated after countless restarts. Yet, I must not be like Icarus, who was so eager to escape, and so sure he left behind the troubles of the maze, that he flew too close to the sun. I think about this story as I take a deep breath; I trace my finger along the lines of the maze that will lead me to freedom.

IMAGINED HISTORIES OF VILLA GRABAU These two creative writing pieces were inspired by the Travel Writing class' trip to Villa Grabau in Lucca. Both students imagines fictional stories of love and family, using the beauty of Villa Gravau as the backdrop.

WHAT MAKES A HOME by Margaret Rabon

It is a warm day at Villa Grabau. Rodolfo is plucking ripe lemons from the trees kept in the rather large outhouse behind the villa. It was tedious work, and he knew he could have his help do it for him. For some reason, the mind-numbing activity appealed to him today. He brought a lemon to his nose, inhaling deeply before dropping it into the bucket at his feet. His wife’s laughter drifted through the yard, and he could hear the clinking of wooden sticks on balls, as they played outdoor games, enjoying the sun. He shook his head. The one thing missing was the laughter of children. He longed for the chance to raise a son into a man, or even listen to the pretty music that his daughter could have played. His wife found distractions in the company of people. Carolina would spend an hour tonight telling him of all the fun she had today, and asking him why he never joined them, not even for a game of billiards. He could not understand how she filled such a monumental empty space in her life with something as trivial as games. He loved his wife, but he felt as if their life together would always be missing a piece. 7

IN LOVE WITH HER by Grayson Baird

If I tell you about her you will laugh. I have kept her a secret because I know what people will say and before I tell you how it all came to be please know I never intended for it to happen this way. Her name is Vigèe Le Brun and she is a painting. When aunt Carolina passed down the Villa to me, I was presumed to be on the hunt for a wife. Carolina, not bearing any children herself, had no choice but to leave me her beautiful Tuscan estate, the perfect place to raise a family. Trees lined the long gravel way that led up to the faded yellow villa. In the front, a quaint English garden welcomed you as the scent from lemon trees out back swung their way to meet you as you arrived. The chirping of small birds created a symphony out of the woods that enclosed the property. When I first entered my new home I enjoyed admiring all that came with it, the frescos, the furniture, the books, and most importantly the artwork. Vigèe hangs on the wall of the back parlor, the most secluded area of the house. She holds a paintbrush in one hand as she sits waiting patiently for inspiration. The painting is a self portrait and captures her perfect, angelic features that make up her youthful face. Her eyes have a way of following you around the room as if she is studying you for her personal painting. After days and days of thinking about nothing but Vigèe, I ran to the parlor to admire her more deeply. In the parlor I was surprised to find my uncle Grabau sitting on the couch in the corner of the room, half reading, half dozing off. And when I turn to face the one in which my mind can not stop thinking about, I see that she is looking at uncle Grabau, the same way she looks at me.



Photos courtesy of FLY

From architect to fashion designer, Stephanie Conta h its t he st reet with her urban line, Modo Design. This clothing line incorporates her background i n architecture, featuring geometric patterns worn by Freda Feng. The combination of high-waisted slack bottoms and cropped jacket -both by Modo Design- work together perfectly, creating a fun look. The eye is drawn to the patterns on the Modo Design shirt and fanny pack, making this outfit anything but boring. Freda compliments the Modo Design fashion line with bright makeup from ColourPop and Mac. T he cropped jacket is paired with a beige Kiostri coat which brings the layered outfit together. To top this outfit off, Freda is wearing a pair of Manolo Blahnik leather pointed heels, giving this elegant look a professional edge. 8





After being kicked out of his apartment Umberto is faced with a difficult life on the street. He no longer wants to live, but he must make sure that his dog, Flike, is taken care of. This is the plot of the Italian Neorealist film, “Umberto D,” named one of TIME’s “All-Time 100 Movies.” This movie typifies the love Italian’s have for their dogs, and by the end of the film it is Flike that saves Umberto’s life, by encouraging him to continue living.

Dogs are in the display cases of some of the luxury fashion brands, and some handmade Italian brands, such as Anada, use dogs in their fashion shows as well. Anada says that with their brand they hope to “create an emotional connection between the human and pet.” Dogs are well taken care of in a multitude of other ways. There are many offerings for

Dogs are an absolutely integral part of life in Italy, and in Florence their footprints–or paw prints, are seen throughout the history of the city. The myth of Romulus and Remus may play into Italian’s love of dogs, and the two founders of Rome are seen being nursed by their she-wolf mother in mosaics, paintings, and stained glass throughout the major cities of Italy and in Florence. More than that however, the people of Florence have made their city highly accessible to man's-best-friend, and have numerous accommodations citywide for dogs. It is not uncommon for dogs to be seated with their owners at restaurants, and in cafe’s. Dogs go everywhere with their owners, from the grocery store to the post office. In fact, some cafes are made specially to host dogs. Every Sunday ''Al Bar, '' in Albereta park, offers snacks based on biscuits and other dogfriendly desserts for dogs. There are numerous “dog bars” peppered throughout the city, with water bowls and some snacks laid outside of stores for dogs. At many restaurants dogs frequently get fed as well, and sometimes the chef will give the dog a bowl of meat or something for the dog to eat alongside its owner.

Puppy Preschool and Day-care, such as Florence Pet Sitting, which walks dogs throughout the city while their owners are at work. There are also many dog grooming and speciality stores in Florence. Piero Toilette is especially notable, as it flaunts an elegant and professional spa experience for pets, and its grooming practices and large supply of pet products are unmatched.

Dogs are often referred to as “man’s best friend,” and this is especially true of people in Florence. From cafes, to salons, to display windows, dogs are everywhere in the city, and the love owners have for their furry friends is just as evident. Photos courtesy of author



In Florence, separating your waste is fashionable. Seriously,

scraps, such as fruit pits, vegetable peels, meat bones and

it has been reported that Italy is one of Europe’s strongest

other things. Taking a little bit of time to separate my waste

leaders in the movement towards separate waste collection

has made me more mindful, because I realize how small

systems. As a new student abroad in Florence, I came well-

efforts done on an individual level can collectively create a

equipped with cultural guides on where to shop, eat, drink

bigger change when everyone takes part.

and go out like a local. But a guide for dealing with garbage in my apartment? There was nothing. Though I didn’t realize

Now, once you’ve separated your three types of recycling from

at first, it’s an everyday intangible social practice that

the rest of the waste, it’s got to get disposed of somewhere

represents Italian culture just as much as eating pizza or

Italians can take their waste to large containers of different

drinking espresso.

colors found on almost every main street or square. The

So for all of the curious minds, here’s a breakdown of not only how waste management works in Florence, but also how it has become ingrained into the local intangible heritage. The waste you collect in your home not only can be recycled, but has to be recycled. This practice is mandatory. It’s also a simple way to respect the beautiful city of Florence, and on a bigger scale, our entire environment. Recycling in Florence

different colors represent what goes in each container, and once the waste is placed inside, it is out of sight. These waste disposal areas are easily accessible (my closest one is less than a minute walk from my apartment!), and typically wellmaintained. Such a practice make for a more environmentally-friendly city and keeps locals aware of the cleanliness of their community.

is called “raccolta differenziata,” because it must be sorted

Of course, the first few things that come to mind when

into three main groups: paper, plastics, or organics. Plastics

thinking about Italian heritage is family, food, and wine.

include bottles, cans, and containers made out of - yup, you

However, living like a local here in Florence has shown me

guessed it - plastic. Papers consist of cardboard, boxes, paper

that there are other ways - like separating waste! - to discover

bags, tissues, and more. Organics are your everyday food

the city’s intangible heritage. Photo by Bailey Surowiec




DIGGING DEEPER by Brielle Diskin

Photo by Allison Utz

Spending my mornings jogging along the Arno river I am

and jewelers. Now it’s still one of the best places in the world

always enamored by the beauty of the Ponte Vecchio.

to find handcrafted jewelry. I thought about I was running on the same ground that

I heard once that it was the only bridge that survived the

artists like Michelangelo or Brunelleschi had walked long

bombing in WWII. Jogging one morning I found myself out

before my time. The Ponte Vecchio has been here for centuries

of breath and stuck in my own thoughts. Running in my own

of culture and history.

head about all of life’s burdens. I suddenly stopped to stare at this breathtaking landmark. It was a survivor. My infatuation with this historic bridge inspired some thorough research and I found out that the Ponte Vecchio was the only bridge along the Arno until 1218. Later in 1333, the bridge was destroyed in a disastrous flood. Then again in 1966 the bridge persevere through the tyrannical waters of the flooding arno and massive debri crashing against it. It’s extremely difficult to job along the Ponte Vecchio itself because you’ll find yourself weaving through throngs of tourist groups. You might get caught up listening to the

This bridge that I passed every morning knowing little about it had been destroyed, rebuilt again, spared from bombing, faced world wars, and dealt with endless cycles of transformations. When you decide to study abroad you are choosing to immerse yourself in a new culture. A culture that comes with its own set of customs, history, people, language, food you name it. I came to Italy because I wanted to marvel at something that was bigger than myself. To quite literally stop in my tracks and experience the beauty of the present.

live music. You also might get distracted by the fine jeweler sparkling through the windows.

The Ponte Vecchio is a symbol for life’s constant expectations of our readiness to transform. To survive and endure all the

It was originally a meat market during the Medici reign. After

endless chaos of life itself is a gift. The Ponte Vecchio is a

the rancid smells fumed from the market disturbing the

gift and to be living her in Florence jogging across it each

people the Medici family sold the shop spaces to goldsmiths

morning is the ultimate gift. 11


Photo by the author


Musicians make art, but artists embody the art. Levante, the Italian singer-songwriter known for her 2013 hit "Alfonso," perfectly exemplifies this by manifesting the many different emotions of her songs into her stage performance. Anger, sadness, happiness, and seriousness are all portrayed by Levante at her February concert at Teatro Verdi in Florence, and show her range as a performer and as a artist.

Levante gazes down while preparing herself for her next song, a small smile traces across her face. Levante, the italian indie-pop star, who was seen as a judge on the Italian version of X-factor.




Grasping her chest, Levante performs a powerful and emotive song, she wears a slouchy off-the-shoulder sweater. Passion erupts through her body as Levante sings with anger and aggression. Her fingers are tensed.


A STROLL IN THE NIGHT by Bailey Surowiec

Florence is a wonderful city to be in at any time of day, but walking around at night gave it a whole new look. From the illuminated streets and soft glow of the Arno to the still bustling piazzas, I was in awe of how the city was able to transform not long after the sun had set.

Borgo degli View of Duomo from Via dell’Oriuolo Albizi

Borgo degli Albizi Photo by the author

View of the Arno from Ponte Vecchio

Piazza della Repubblica

Piazza Di S. Pier Maggiore

View of the Arno from Ponte All Grazie

Piazza della Repubblica





INTERVIEW WITH KATIE ETTER Katie Etter was a student at FUA in the summer of 2009. She came from Suffolk County, Long Island to spend a semester in Florence, choosing to focus her studies mostly on the Culinary Arts at Apicius. Nearly a decade later, Katie returned to Florence for FUA’s first ever Alumni Week and looked back upon her life-changing experience in Italy. FUA: What have you been up to since you left Florence? When I got back from Florence I worked in a few different restaurants, as coming to FUA gave me more opportunity to expand my professional network. I worked with the front chef in Vermont at The Wilburton which was a great experience. I worked as a sous chef in Saratoga and also did a lot of work in managing front of the house. Now I groom dogs because I love animals and completely fell in love with the job. FUA: Why did you choose to study at FUA? The opportunity was presented to me at school and I thought of it as a opportunity to be on my own and find myself. I was always surrounded by people that I knew and this experience was really going to force me outside of my comfort zone. I remember being in class at Apicius and something needed to be butchered which no one else wanted to do. I raised my hand and volunteered to do it anyway, because I wanted to use the experience of studying abroad at FUA to do things that I wouldn’t normally do. I felt much more confident returning home after my semester in Florence, because I knew if I could succeed in another country by myself, anything was possible. FUA: Did you do any internships when you were at FUA? I had an internship at Ganzo. I worked both in the kitchen and front of the house. It was great, I absolutely loved it. It’s such a nice place to work, it has a really beautiful atmosphere. It was the first time I got to experience bartending, and I enjoyed it so much I even took a few bartending jobs once I got back. FUA: What would you say to any future students looking into FUA? I would say go for it. Don’t second guess yourself; it’s scary to be in a new place but it is so worth the new experience and it will become something that you can look back on for the rest of your life. FUA: What are your plans for the future? I’m having a baby now. My plan was to go back into the restaurant business, but for now I’m happy to continue working with dogs, and perhaps pick up some bartending shifts in the evening to keep my foot in the door. 15


Supplemento di / Supplement to Blending Magazine

REDAZIONE / MASTHEAD Direttore Responsabile / Editor in chief Matteo Brogi

Reg. Trib. di Firenze n° 5844 del 29 luglio 2011 Anno 8 - Numero 2 | Marzo - Aprile 2018 Year 8 - Issue 2 | March - April 2018 Editore / Publisher Florence Campus per INGORDA Editore Via Alfonso Lamarmora, 39 50121 Firenze Sede editoriale /Editorial Headquarters Blending is a newsletter created

via dell'Oriuolo, 43

with and for students of Florence

50122 Firenze

University of the Arts, the academic

Tel. 055 2633 182/183

member of Palazzi FAIE. The newsletter collaborates with

Stampato in proprio /

the Student Life Department and

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