20240305_Early Music

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THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY College of Music presents

FSU Early Music Ensembles

Baroque Ensemble

Adrienne Tedjamulia Read, director

Early Vocal Ensemble

Sarah Eyerly, director

Renaissance Instrumental Ensemble

Rachel Shapiro, director

Tuesday, March 5, 2024 7:30 p.m. | Dohnányi Recital Hall

Gagliarda: La rocha el fuso Anonymous 16th century

Alice Frisch, Rachel Shapiro, Madison Drace, Lily Owens, Alex Lee, recorder

Fantasie: Il Doloroso Thomas Morley (1557–1602)

Lily Owens and Alice Frisch, shawm

Lamento della Ninfa, SV 163

Claudio Monteverdi (1467–1643)

Dawson Franzino, mezzo-soprano; Kaleb Ward, Sean Solomon, Logan Williams, baritone Jackie Yong, harpsichord

Sonata a quattro

Arcangelo Corelli

I. Adagio (1653–1713)

II. Allegro

III. Grave

IV. Allegretto

V. Allegro

Wayne Pearcy, natural trumpet; Tommaso Bruno & Maya Johnson, violin Thu Vo, cello; Rebecca Edmiston, harpsichord

Cantata: Gott ist die Liebe, GWV 1142/23

Christoph Graupner

I. Dictum (1683–1760)

II. Aria

III. Recitat

IV. Aria

VII. Choral

Leah Shewmaker, soprano; Carter Houston, bass

Tommaso Bruno & Madelyne Garnot, violin; Maya Johnson, viola; Liam Sabo, cello; Johnathan Couch, organ

Trio Sonata in E Minor, TWV 42: e6

Georg Philipp Telemann

I. Affectuoso (1681–1767)

Emma Cranford, traverso; Alice Frisch, oboe

Liam Sabo, cello; Minyoung Rho, harpsichord


Großer Herr, o starker König

Johann Sebastian Bach from Weihnachtsoratorium, BWV 248 (1685–1750)

Samuel Shipps, bass; Rebecca Edmiston, harpsichord

Il bianco e dolce cigno

Alice Frisch, Madison Drace, Lily Owens, Alex Lee, recorder

The Place I’ll Return to Someday

Alice Frisch, Rachel Shapiro, Madison Drace, Lily Owens, Alex Lee, recorder

Currite, populi, psallite timpanis, SV 297

Kelby Yoder, tenor; Jackie Yong, harpsichord

Jacob Arcadelt (1505–1560)

Nobuo Uematsu (b. 1959)

Claudio Monteverdi (1467–1643)

La Bruja Traditional Mexican folk song

Se l’aura spira tutta vezzosa, F 7.15

Ariel Rodriguez, soprano; Seth Hull, baroque guitar

Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583–1643)

Modo Hypodorico

Emily Eubanks, recorder; Maya Johnson, violin; Seth Hull, baroque guitar

Athanasius Kircher (1602–1680)

Gott soll allein mein Herze haben, BWV 169

Johann Sebastian Bach

II. Arioso (1685–1750)

Dawson Franzino, mezzo soprano; Johnathan Couch, organ

Brandenburg Concerto no. 5 in D Major, BWV 1050

Johann Sebastian Bach

I. Allegro (1685–1750)

Adrienne Tedjamulia Read, traverso; Maya Johnson, solo violin

Madelyne Garnot, violin; Tommaso Bruno, viola; Thu Vo, cello; Jackie Yong, solo harpsichord


Gott ist die Liebe

No. 1 Dictum

Gott ist die Liebe, und wer in der Liebe bleibet in Gott und Gott in ihm.

No. 2 Aria

Süsses Wort, Gott ist die Liebe

Seele nimm’s zum Vorteil an.

Solches kann tausendfachen Trost erwecken.

Alle Furcht und aller Schreken muß vergehen

Ja! das Herz kann freudig steh’n Denn Gott bleibt ihm zugetan.

No. 3 Recitative

So kann das Herz getrost und freudig sein, Wenn Gott sich selbst als Liebe offenbaret.

Der Sklavenfurcht vergelte Pein, Entweicht bei solcher Seligkeit, Die Gott vor seine Kinder sparet.

Selbst das Gericht, So hier als nach der Zeit, Bringt keinen Schreken nicht.

Des Richters Herz ist lauter Liebe.

Wer ihm sein Herz in gleichem Sinn ergibt, Und seinen Bruder redlich liebt, Den wird kein strenger Spruch verdammen.

Er fühlt zwar eine Glut, doch es sind Liebesflammen.

God is Love

God is love,

And they that dwell in love dwell in God

And God in them.

(1 John 4:16)

Sweetest word, God is love Soul, take this blessing.

It can awaken comfort by a thousandfold. All fear and terror must pass away Yes, the heart can stand joyfully

Because God remains devoted to him.

So the heart can be joyful and confident, when God himself reveals himself as Love.

Let the pains of the fear of slavery

Escape with such bliss

Which God for his children saves.

Even the judgment, Both now and at time’s end, Brings no terror.

The judge’s heart is pure love. Whoever in his heart feels the same, and truly loves his brother, no sentence shall damn him.

He instead feels a glow, but they are flames of love.

No. 4 Aria

Wirkt in mir ihr Liebeskräfte, Dass mein Denken und Geschäfte Gott im Lieben, ähnlich sei.

Schaffe mich, Höchste Kraft! in meinen Sinn ganz wie dich.

Nur in dir, du Liebeswesen, Kann mein Geist dahin genesen, Dass ich frohes Herzens bin.

No. 7 Chorale

Gib’ mir nach dein’r Barmherzigkeit den wahren Christen Glauben, auf dass ich deine Süßigkeit, mög inniglich anschauen.

Für allen Dingen lieben Dich, und meinen Nächsten gleich als mich, am letzten End dein Hülf mir send, Damit behend das Teufels List sich von mir wend.

Work in me, your love’s powers, So that my thoughts and actions Show that I am like the loving God.

Create in me, great God, a heart that is just like yours.

Only in you, you loving being, Can my spirit recover, So that I have a happy heart.

Give me according to your mercy the true Christian faith, So that I can be with you in your sincere Sweetness.

Fill all my life with love for you, and my neighbors as well, At my end, send me your help, So that the devil’s cunning is turned away by your aid.

Se l’aura spira tutta vezzosa

Se l’aura spira tutta vezzosa, la fresca rosa ridente sta, la siepe ombrosa di bei smeraldi d’estivi caldi timor non ha.

A balli, a balli, liete venite, ninfe gradite, fior di beltà.

Or, che sì chiaro il vago fonte dall’alto monte al mar sen’ va. Suoi dolci versi spiega l’augello, e l’arboscello fiorito sta. Un volto bello al l’ombra accanto sol si dia vanto d’haver pieta. Al canto, al canto, ninfe ridenti, Scacciate i venti di crudeltà.

When the breeze sighs so charmingly

When the breeze sighs so charmingly

The fresh rose smiles

The shady hedge of fine emerald green

Fears not the summer’s heat.

To dance, to dance, come gladly

Charming nymphs, flowers of beauty.

Now that the delightful spring so clear

Descends from the high mountain to the sea

The bird presents its sweet poetry

And the sapling is blooming

A fair face in the shadow nearby

Must boast only of its compassion.

Sing, sing laughing nymphs, Drive away the cruel winds.

La Bruja

Ay qué bonito es volar

A las dos de la mañana

Ay qué bonito es volar ay mama.

Subir y dejarse caer

En los brazos de una dama

Subir y dejarse caer ay mama.

Me agarra la bruja y me lleva su casa

Me vuelve maceta y una calabaza

Me agarra la bruja y me lleva al cerrito

Me vuelve maceta y un calabacito

Dígame, dígame, dígame usted,

¿Cuántas criaturitas se han chupado ayer?

Ninguna, ninguna, ninguna no sé

Ando en pretensiones de chuparme usted.

Ay me espantó una mujer

En medio del mar salado

Ay me espantó una mujer, ay mama.

Porque no quería creer

Lo que me habían contado:

Lo de arriba era mujer

y lo de abajo pescado, ay mama.

Currite, populi, psallite timpanis

Currite, currite, populi, currite Psallite, psallite tympanis, psallite, Vocibus dicite alleluia.

Quia hodie celebremus diem festum Sancti Stephani cuius animam paradisum possidet.

Currite, currite, populi, currite, psallite, psallite tympanis, psallite, vocibus dicite alleluia, o sancte Stephane, sancte prudentissime, tibi laus, tibi gloria, tibi amor, tibi victoria. Alleluia.

Ora pro nobis Deum, o sancte Stephane ut nostris precibus mereamur introire in regnum caelorum.

Currite, currite, populi, currite, psallite, psallite tympanis, psallite, vocibus dicite alleluia.

The Witch

Oh, how beautiful it is to fly

At two o’clock in the morning

Oh, how beautiful it is to fly, oh mother.

To rise and to let yourself fall

In the arms of a lady

To rise and to let yourself fall, oh mother.

The witch grabs me and takes me to her house

She turns me into a pot and a pumpkin

The witch grabs me and takes me to the little hill

She turns me into a pot and a gourd

Tell me, tell me, tell me,

How many children did you gobble up yesterday?

None, none, none, I do not know

I just want to gobble you up.

Oh, I was frightened by a woman,

In the middle of the salty sea

Oh, I was frightened by a woman, oh mother.

Because I did not want to believe what they told me:

Above she was a woman,

And below she was a fish, mother!

Run, people, beat the drum

Run, run, people, run

Beat, beat the drum, beat,

With your voices, say alleluia.

Today, let us celebrate the festival of Saint Stephen, Whose soul will possess paradise.

Run, run, people, run, Beat, beat the drum, beat , With your voices, say alleluia, O Saint Stephen, most holy and wise. Praise and glory to you, Love and victory to you, Alleluia.

Pray for us before God, O Saint Stephen, That we may, through our prayers, enter into the kingdom of Heaven. Run, run, people, run, Beat, beat the drum, beat, With your voices, say alleluia.

Lamento della Ninfa

Prima parte

Non havea Febo ancora recato al mondo il di, ch’una donzella fuora del proprio albergo uscì. Sul pallidetto volto scorgease il suo dolor, spesso gli venia sciolto un gran sospir dal cor. Sì calpestando fiori, errava or qua, or là, i suoi perduti amori così piangendo va.

Seconda parte

Amor, dicea, il ciel mirando il piè fermò dove, dov’è la fé che ‘l traditor giurò?


Fa che ritorni il mio amor com’ei pur fu, O tu m’ancidi, ch’io non mi tormenti più.

Miserella, ah più no, tanto gel soffrir non può.

Non vo’ più ch’ei sospiri se non lontan da me, no, no, che i suoi martiri più non dirammi, affé.

Perché di lui mi struggo tutt’orgoglioso sta, che sì, che sì se ‘l fuggo ancor mi pregherà?

Se ciglio ha più sereno colei che ‘l mio non è, già non rinchiude in seno Amor si bella fé.

Né mai si dolci baci da quella bocca havrai, né più soavi; ah, taci, taci, che troppo il sai.

Terza Parte

Sì tra sdegnosi pianti spargea le voci al ciel; così ne’ cori amanti mesce Amor fiamma e gel.

Lament of the Nymph

First part

Phoebus had not yet brought day to the world when a maiden left her room. On her pale face grief could be seen, Often from her heart a deep sigh was drawn. Now treading upon the flowers, she wanders here and there, lamenting for her lost love, crying as she goes.

Second part

“Oh love!” she cries, as she stands gazing at the sky, “Where is the faith the traitor swore to me?”

O poor girl.

“Let my love return like as he used to be, or kill me, so that I may be tormented no more.”

O poor girl, o no more! She cannot bear such coldness!

“I wish he would not sigh if he is far from me, no, no, he will not make me suffer anymore, I swear.

Because I languish for him, he’s proud, Perhaps if I fly away from him, he will return to me?

Even if her eyes are more serene than mine, O love, she does not hold in her heart a fidelity so pure as mine. He will not receive from those lips kisses as sweet as mine, Nor softer; ah, quiet, quiet, he knows it only too well.”

Third part

Between haughty weeping she scatters her voice to the sky; Thus, in the hearts of all lovers is a mixture of fire and ice.

Großer Herr, o starker König

Großer Herr, o starker König, Liebster Heiland, o wie wenig Achtest du der Erden Pracht!

Der die ganze Welt erhält, Ihre Pracht und Zier erschaffen, Muss in harten Krippen schlafen.

Great Lord, O mighty king Great Lord, O mighty king, dearest saviour, O how little you regard earthly splendour He who maintains the whole world and created its glory and adornment must sleep in a hard crib.

Gott soll allein mein Herze haben

Gott soll allein mein Herze haben.

Zwar merk ich an der Welt, Die ihren Kot unschätzbar hält, Weil sie so freundlich mit mir tut, Sie wollte gern allein

Das Liebste meiner Seele sein.

Doch nein; Gott soll allein mein Herze haben: Ich find in ihm das höchste Gut.

Wir sehen zwar

Auf Erden hier und dar

Ein Bächlein der Zufriedenheit,

Das von des Höchsten Güte quillet;

Gott aber ist der Quell, mit Strömen angefüllet, Da schöpf ich, was mich allezeit

Kann sattsam und wahrhaftig laben: Gott soll allein mein Herze haben.

God alone shall have my heart God alone shall have my heart. But I am aware that the world, which holds its filth in high regard, since it treats me so kindly, wishes to be alone what my soul loves best.

But no, God alone shall have my heart: In Him, I find the highest good. Though we may see, here and there on earth, A small stream of contentment, that flows from the goodness of the Almighty; But God is the source, overflowing with streams, from which I can draw for eternity what can truly and sufficiently nourish me: God alone shall have my heart.

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