Frontiers Vol. 34, Issue 17

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DEC. 10 - 23, 2015 | VOL. 34, NO. 17




The Trumpification of America: Circus Act or Legitimate Danger? (P. 20)





(P. 2 8)








NOVEMBER 25, 2015









DECEMBER 10 - 23, 2015



50 Local Shops for Gift-Giving


Let Dr. Christmas Decorate


Cirque du Soleil's Kurios

ON THE COVER Vitali Tomanov and Roman Tomanov, photographed exclusively for Frontiers on site by Ryan Forbes, Digitech by Andrew Johnston. Photo assistance by Kyle DiFulvio. Special thanks to the extremely talented cast and crew of Cirque Du Soleil's Kurios who participated in this project. DECEMBER 23, 2015



Download our interactive digital edition with videos, expanded editorial, behind-the-scenes photos and more. Search for Frontiers magazine on

DECEMBER 10 - 23, 2015


16 18 20 20 22

Republican Fear-Mongering Hurts the LGBT Community Flashbulb Watercooler Deadlines Loom for Covered California The Trumpification of America DateBook


26 28


Indochino Brings Made-to- Measure Menswear to L.A. Hotel Figueroa Liquidated 5 Reasons You Get Too Drunk Too Quick Round Hole Square Peg 2


32 32 33

15 35

The Importance of an Elevated Heart Rate Sexual Self-Confidence Fitness Q&A A Holiday Party Survival Guide

25 41

CALENDAR 35 37 39 39

APLA's Toy Box Party 2015 Our Lady J's Winter Solstice Show Kay Sedia's Feliz Navi-Diva The City's Best Brunch Options


42 43 44

Andrew Haigh Discusses Looking, Weekend and His New Film, 45 Years Film Reviews Music Reviews Coming to TV

COLUMNS 58 59 60 64

Billy Masters Gossip Gay Palm Springs Gaydar

31 60 Frontiers magazine is published by New Frontiers Media Holdings, LLC, 5657 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 470, Los Angeles, CA. 90036, and distributed throughout Southern California. Up to the first three copies of any single issue are free; additional copies are $10 each. Violators caught stealing or destroying issues will be prosecuted under California Penal Code 484. For magazine subscriptions, please call (323) 930- 3220. The contents of Frontiers may not be reproduced in any manner, either in whole or in part, without permission from the publisher. All rights reserved. Letters to the editor, artwork, photography, manuscripts and other correspondence may be submitted to Frontiers at the above address. We cannot acknowledge or return material unless accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Allow at least three months for processing. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles or advertising in Frontiers is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation or the HIV/AIDS status of such person or organization. Copyright Š 2015, New Frontiers Media Holdings, LLC.

PEOPLE INDEX Adele 44 Justin Bieber 33 RaĂşl Castillo 42 Nikka Costa 35 6


Macauley Culkin 36 Chuck Lorre 22 Michael Lucas 58 Ryan Murphy 35

Dolly Parton 37 RuPaul 44 Sting 41 Donald Trump 20

DECEMBER 23, 2015


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DECEMBER 23, 2015




Politicizing Terrorism In the wake of the recent San Bernardino shooting, Republican fear-mongering continues, and now it’s hurting LGBTs By Karen Ocamb

355 The number of mass shootings this year in the United States, more than one for every day of the year thus far


Just another day in the United States of America, another day of gunfire, panic and fear.” That’s how the BBC started its news report on the Dec. 2 mass shooting at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, a shooting that left 14 dead and 21 wounded. Indeed, ThinkProgress noted, “there have been 355 mass shootings this year in the United States, more than one for every day of the year that has passed so far.” But the Republican-controlled Congress still refuses to pass gun-control legislation, and even killed a bill that would prevent terror suspects on the No Fly list from buying weapons. The shooting, which took place at a holiday party, hit home. Among the dead was Daniel Kaufman, 42, a gay man who worked as a job trainer at the center, helping mentally disabled clients learn how to make drinks and use the cash register at a coffee cart, according to the Riverside Press Enterprise. For 16 years, Kaufman, a Rialto resident, was also a major player at the Renaissance Pleasure Faire in Irwindale Park, where his memorial was held. “Daniel would have absolutely loved it,” Ryan Reyes, 32, Kaufman’s boyfriend of three years, told the newspaper. “He would have wanted us laughing and telling stories. He was pretty much the life of the party.” After the massacre, Reyes waited many agonizing hours for news, hearing false reports and holding out hope that Kaufman might have survived. He was crushed when Kaufman did not come off the last bus bringing survivors to a holding center. But Reyes wanted Kaufman to be remembered for his life force. “I know it’s cliché to say his smile would light up a room, but that’s absolutely true about Daniel,” Reyes said. “It was infectious. You couldn’t help

but love him. ... He was just so carefree.” President Obama declared the shootings an act of terrorism after an ongoing FBI investigation established that the lone wolf “radicalized” Muslim couple showed support for the Islamic State. “The threat from terrorism is real, but we will overcome it. We will destroy ISIL and any other organization that tries to harm us. Our success won’t depend on tough talk, or abandoning our values, or giving into fear. That’s what groups like ISIL are hoping for. Instead, we will prevail by being strong and smart, resilient and relentless, and by drawing upon every aspect of American power,” Obama said in a Dec. 6 Oval Office address to the nation. Obama asked that Americans not succumb to discriminatory Islamophobia. “It’s our responsibility to reject proposals that Muslim Americans should somehow be treated differently,” Obama said. “Because when we travel down that road, we lose. That kind of divisiveness, that betrayal of our values plays into the hands of groups like ISIL. ... Let’s not forget that freedom is more powerful than fear.”

“I think we’re ridiculous in this country about it. Ridiculous.” Actress Holland Taylor, famed for stints on Two and a Half Men and in Legally Blonde, has revealed she’s in a same-sex relationship with American Horror Story vet Sarah Paulson

DECEMBER 23, 2015


FLASHBULB continued

TREVORLIVE LOS ANGELES, Hollywood Palladium, Dec. 6—The annual comedy, music and award show benefitting The Trevor Project was hosted this year by Joel McHale under the guidance of Special Guest Director Adam Shankman. Top, from left: Sarah Silverman, Jack Falahee, Kevin Zegers, Joel McHale, Niecy Nash, Greg Louganis with Johnny Chaillot. Bottom: Jason Landau with Cheyenne Jackson, Jazz Jennings, Guillermo Diaz.

6TH ANNUAL TREE LIGHTING, The Abbey, Dec. 1—West Hollywood’s most famous nightclub commemorated World AIDS Day by raising funds for the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation. Top, from left: Courtney Act, Abbey founder David Cooley (center) with Terry Dubrow and host Heather Dubrow, Danny Franzese. Bottom: Bai Ling, Frankie Grande (center) with The Abbey dancers.

SPEAK OUT “Please send me stamps and comics. I’m scared about tomorrow. Love, Andy.” Bravo exec Andy Cohen appeared on Stephen Colbert’s Late Show to promote his new book, Andy Cohen Diaries, by reading summer camp letters written as a pre-teen



BORN THIS WAY SCREENING, L.A. Public Library, Dec. 6—Frontiers Media sponsored a special KCET screening of the documentary Born This Way, along with a panel discussion moderated by News Editor Karen Ocamb. Top, from left: Derrick Shore with Ariel Carpenter, Sophie Westacott, Karen Ocamb, Ben Christopher Nganoah, Rep. Adam Schiff. Bottom: Tom and Janet Underman, Cedric Tchante with Shaun Kadlec, Frontiers publisher Michael Turner, Carol Gomez.


Reyes didn’t need coaxing. At the end of Kaufman’s memorial, four Muslim men arrived to express their condolences, and Reyes welcomed them. “I wanted to thank them for being here,” Reyes told the Press Enterprise. “I wanted to apologize. It must be hell what they are going through. I wanted to express my thanks to them for having the bravery to show up.” “I feel like this is my community,” said Faisal Abdullah, 22. “I’m from Fontana, my friend is from San Bernardino. It’s something that’s despicable. All of us felt a visceral sickness. Knowing that people that are so close to us were slaughtered in an inhumane way, it’s the least we could do.” But it’s a crazy campaign season, and while Obama called for “stronger screening for those who come to America without a visa” and ordered a review of the “fiancé” waiver program, grandstanding and politicizing terrorism seem to top the GOP agenda. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump responded to Obama by calling for a ban on all Muslims from entering the United States. “The truth is that the very refugee populations at issue, including LGBT, Christians and Muslims fleeing fanaticism in Syria, are fiercely loyal to American values,” Neil Grungras, executive director of the Organization for Refuge, Asylum & Migration (ORAM), wrote in The Hill on Nov. 30. LGBT refugees “were the first victims of the would-be [ISIS] caliphate’s brutal terrorism. Before fleeing their homeland, many witnessed loved-ones beheaded, daughters raped and beloved friends hurled from buildings. They will never forget the savagery that destroyed their world or the kindness of America opening its doors.” Four years ago, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told the world in a powerful speech to the United Nations in Geneva that “gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights.” But she’s a Democratic presidential candidate now, and those words may well be twisted into an attack ad. Meanwhile, of the 2 million Syrian refugees in Turkey, Grungras tells Frontiers in a phone interview, only about 100 are courageously out, living in immense fear of being killed by their refugee camp neighbors. LGBT Americans can only imagine such fear. And yet with GOP candidates threatening to roll back LGBT progress—and 21 transgender murders this year alone—a sense of fear is just another day in America. Which may explain why Ryan Reyes extended an empathetic hand in friendship to the Muslim condolence-wishers. If only the State Department would shirk political fear and do the same for LGBT refugees.

DECEMBER 23, 2015



Your cheat sheet for intelligent conversation — By Peter DelVecchio



Activists Push for More Pro-LGBT Party Platforms

LGBT activists are pushing both parties for more inclusive 2016 platforms. A campaign named simply “Platform Reform” seeks to excise provisions of the 2012 Republican platform, which, among other things, endorsed an anti-gay-marriage amendment. Jerri Ann Henry, Platform Reform’s manager, says she’s met with “overwhelming support” among “people in the states” for removal of “hateful” GOP platform language. On the Democratic side, sure to be an easier sell, activists want to be sure the platform endorses the proposed federal “Equality Act,” a sweeping LGBT anti-discrimination measure. Democratic National Committee spokesperson TJ Helmstetter says he’d be “surprised” if the platform did not endorse the bill given the support it has “from our three presidential candidates, and the president and the vice president and 80% of Democratic members of Congress.”



De Blasio, Cuomo Propose $100 Million HIV Services Expansion

“We believe that no New Yorker with HIV should have to choose between medication and food or medication and rent,” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio told a packed Apollo Theater in Harlem on Dec. 1. The mayor was endorsing proposed city legislation that would expand a wide range of benefits for people living with HIV/AIDS, including food stamps and rental assistance. The measure, called HASA for All, referring to the city’s HIV/AIDS Services Administration, would cost about $100 million, split between the city and state. “I’m very proud to say that the first state and the first governor to respond with an action plan [for HIV-AIDS] was the state of New York and Gov. Mario Cuomo,” New York’s Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Mario’s son, told the Apollo crowd. Cuomo announced that he would propose a $200 million “Plan to End AIDS” in the very next state budget.



NOM President Brian Brown



Gavin Grimm


Federal Appellate Continues NOM’s Losing Streak

A federal appellate court extended the National Organization for Marriage’s epic losing streak on Dec. 2, holding that the IRS need not pay NOM’s legal fees incurred in a lawsuit the courts had previously deemed essentially frivolous. NOM argued the IR S had improperly released the group’s 2008 tax return in 2012 as part of some political conspiracy. NOM lost in the lower court; the ruling included several harshly critical statements, including that “NOM has failed to produce a shred of proof,” and that “to find that NOM could prevail from this scintilla of evidence ... [would not be] appropriate.” Under the applicable principles, NOM might have been eligible to recover its attorney’s fees had it been the “prevailing party,” which the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals held it was not.



6 States Slam Trans Protections in Virginia Suit

The leaders of six states are using a Virginia transgender high school boy’s federal lawsuit seeking the right to use the boys’ restroom as a platform to spout their across-the-board opposition to accommodations for trans teens. South Carolina, West Virginia, Arizona, Mississippi and the governors of North Carolina and Maine have filed an amicus brief in Gavin Grimm’s appeal from a lower court’s refusal to order school authorities to accommodate him, arguing that Grimm’s biological sex trumps any “subjective or Indiana cultural constructions of gender or gender identity.” Gov. Pence The brief also argues that Grimm “disregards the feelings of and invasion of the privacy of the many more boys who would be forced to perform intimate bodily functions in the presence and possibly view of a biological female.”


Indiana Business Group Wants LGBT Protections

A group of 150 Indiana businesses, including AT&T, New York Anthem and Eli Lilly, is mounting a campaign argu- Gov. Cuomo ing the state’s lack of LGBT protections could harm Indiana’s economy by scaring off talented workers. Indiana’s legislature and Republican Gov. Mike Pence sparked national outrage earlier this year by adopting a “religious freedom” act many saw as a license to discriminate against gays. Pence and the legislature modified the law almost immediately. State Senate Republicans have since proposed a bill including both antidiscrimination provisions and certain religious carveouts, but neither Pence nor Republican House Speaker Brian Bosma have said yay or nay, The State reported Dec. 2.



Planned Parenthood WeHo to Offer HIV Meds

Planned Parenthood L.A. will offer HIV prevention drug Truvada and antiretroviral drugs for post-exposure prophylaxis next year at its new West Hollywood location. “We will be providing these services at our sites over time,” says Sue Dunlap, the out president and CEO of Planned Parenthood L.A. “We’re going to start with PrEP and PEP here in West Hollywood, because we know it’s the place where there is the most need.” Though the FDA approved Truvada in 2012 and it’s widely considered a “game-changer” in HIV prevention, a recent CDC survey found that one in three primary care doctors still haven’t heard of it, according to Sonali Kulkarni from the L.A. County Department of Public Health.

DECEMBER 23, 2015


Deadlines Loom for Covered California



he deadline for obtaining coverage that will start Jan. 1, 2016, under California’s Affordable Care Act health insurance exchange, Covered California, is Dec. 15, 2015, unless a “qualifying life event” intervenes such as job loss, birth of a child, divorce or loss of insurance. (Open enrollment for a later effective date runs through Jan. 31, 2016.) Access Support Network, AIDS Project Los Angeles, the L.A. LGBT Center, Project Inform and San Francisco AIDS Foundation have produced an updated guide for those living with HIV, hepatitis C, hepatitis B and those considering PrEP, available at The guide is in two parts, the first addressing important considerations for choosing a plan and information about benefits that might help pay for the insurance. The second concerns the availability of medications under each of the 12 available plans. These considerations are critical. “A recent analysis by Avalere found that some 2015 Covered California plans provided limited coverage for prescription drugs and had high out-of-pocket costs,” the guide says, adding, “Our analysis of 2016 Covered California plans found that coverage and costsharing for HIV, HCV, HBV, and PrEP drugs varies significantly among insurers.” Because the plans can change at any time, the guide also recommends individuals “speak with a certified enrollment counselor or certified insurance agent who understands individual health needs before making a final decision.” —K.O.

The following are among the guide’s recommendations:


Bronze and Minimum Coverage plans might not be the best choice for people with chronic conditions and routine medication needs because, while the premiums are low, deductibles and out-of-pocket costs are high.

Those with incomes between 138% in 250% of the federal poverty level ($16,243-$29,425 for individuals) should consider Silver plans where they will be eligible for assistance with out-of-pocket expenses, except possibly for people living with HIV, who can obtain additional aid through the AIDS Drug Assistance Program and the Office of AIDS Health Insurance Premium Payment program.

For those seeking PrEP, there are several avenues for financial assistance, including Gilead Sciences, Patient Access Network Foundation and Patient Advocate Foundation.

All Covered California plans must offer a dedicated prescription drug customer service line available not only to members but those considering the plan to provide estimates of out-of-pocket costs for specific medications.

For 2016, Covered California enrollees will pay no more than $250 per month for a 30-day prescription drug supply under Silver, Gold and Platinum plans, and no more than $500 under Bronze plans.




THE TRUMPIFICATION OF AMERICA The ‘circus act’ that is Donald Trump has resulted in many people now OK with politically incorrect speech, no matter where it leads By Karen Ocamb

“I know why you’re not going to support me,” Trump told a crowd of wealthy Jewish conservatives at the Republican Jewish Coalition. “Because I don’t want your money. You want to control your own politician.” While the crowd seemed annoyed, they still laughed and applauded.


hile most of the country offered thoughts and prayers of support for the 14 killed and 21 wounded on Dec. 3 in America’s worst mass shooting since the massacre of 20 children and six adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gloated, “Whenever there’s a tragedy, everything goes up. My numbers go way up.” That such insensitive bloviating has become acceptable is but the latest strain on party loyalty for some Republicans. “I’m voting for the most moderate and experienced Republican in the race—Hillary Clinton,” says one gay Republican, half-jokingly. He’s not alone. Jimmy LaSalvia, co-founder of the now-defunct gay conservative group GOProud, left the GOP in 2014, and on Dec. 2, he, too, endorsed Clinton. “The ability to empathize with people who aren’t like they are is the most important trait a president can have in a country as diverse as ours,” LaSalvia wrote for the Huffington Post. “Clinton is the only major contender who has demonstrated that ability.” Trump would argue that he empathizes with minorities, exclaiming that Hispanics “love” him, despite his calling undocumented immigrants from Mexico rapists and criminals. He also claims the endorsement of several black pastors, despite suggesting that a black protester roughed up at one of his rallies might have “deserved it,”

36% The percentage of voters who thought Donald Trump was best suited to deal with the threat of terrorism, according to a Nov. 17 Reuters poll. “None” came in second at 17%.

and having created the anti-President Obama “birther” movement that he still touts at times. In 2011, Obama produced his official long-form birth certificate to prove he was born in Hawaii. “There’s something going on with him that we don’t know about,” Trump said with a “knowing” look to supporters after Obama refused to label the San Bernardino attack “radical Islamic terrorism” while the attacks were still under FBI investigation. But Trump supporters love his mocking of “the other,” including his excoriating Muslims. Last August, he used an Asian accent to make fun of Japanese and Chinese negotiators, and more recently he gyrated at a rally when mocking a New York Times reporter with a disability who challenged Trump’s factual accuracy about seeing “thousands and thousands” of Muslims in New Jersey “cheering” as the towers fell on 9/11. Indeed, a simple retweet by this reporter of a note from The Times’ Serge Kovaleski resulted in a response from a Trump troll saying, “Another LGBT Fail,” though nothing LGBT-related was at issue. Trump, who does not support marriage equality, has steered away from making LGBT jokes, and even once stood up for the right of a transgender contestant to enter a beauty pageant. It is unclear if his “joke” about Hillary Clinton’s “interesting friendship” with close personal aide Huma Abedin at the Republican Jewish Coalition was a slight on Abedin’s Muslim religion or a reference to an early 1990s right-wing-created, anti-Clinton slam about the former first lady’s sexual orientation. Either way, the real estate mogul used the GOP forum to patronize the room full of wealthy Jewish conservatives with a slew of stereotypes. “I’m a negotiator, like you folks,” Trump said. “You’re not going to support me even though you know I’m the best thing that could happen to Israel,” Trump added. “I know why you’re not going to support me— because I don’t want your money. You want to control your own politician.” But while the crowd was annoyed at some of his policy positions, they still laughed and applauded throughout. “He’s funny. And if I went to the Catskills for vacation, I’d love to see him,” New York attorney Eric Levine told Politico. “But as president, his lack of knowledge is disturbing to me. … He’s a circus act.” That “circus act” continues to out-poll his opponents in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. And while his comment about rising numbers after the San Bernardino shooting may be abhorrent, Trump was essentially correct, referring to a series of polls after the Nov. 13 murders in Paris by Islamic extremists that left 130 dead in what many described as France’s 9/11. Trump’s bluster and fear-mongering on terrorism has won him converts. A Nov. 17 Reuters poll, for instance, found that 36% of voters thought Trump was best suited to deal with the threat of terrorism. “None” came in second at 17%. A Nov. 23 Washington Post/ABC News poll reported that by 50% to 42%, more Americans said they trusted Clinton to handle the threat of terrorism than Trump. But, the Post reported, “Republicans fare better among registered voters, who typically tilt less

DECEMBER 23, 2015




Democratic. Clinton’s advantage slims or disappears against all Republicans but Trump,” who bested all other candidates in the GOP field. Part of his support resulted from Trump’s call for heightened surveillance of mosques and opposition to allowing any Syrian refugees to settle in the United States after a fake Syrian passport was found among the dead shooters in the Paris attacks. Another poll taken by CN N/ORC between Nov. 27 and Dec. 1 found Trump at the top of the heap with 36% of registered Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, with his nearest competitor, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, coming in at 16%. This poll started on the day Robert Lewis Dear brought several guns, ammunition and propane tanks to his shooting rampage after he holed up for hours inside a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic, killing three and wounding nine. Many wanted to call the assault domestic terrorism, especially after it was learned that Dear made an apparent reference to abortion. “There has long been some interest in defining acts of domestic terrorism as terrorism. It’s become quite a partisan issue,” William Yeomans, a former high-ranking official in the Justice Department’s civil rights division, told AP on Dec. 1. “Whether it’s domestic terrorism or not, it doesn’t really matter,” given existing federal laws. Trump was inexplicably recalcitrant on the Planned Parenthood shooting, finally telling Chuck Todd on NBC’s Meet the Press days later that the incident was “terrible” and describing Dear as a “maniac.” Asked if he thought the shooting happened in part because “the rhetoric got out of hand”—especially from Republican presidential candidates such as Carly Fiorina during the debates—about the organization that provides legal abortion and health care services for women, Trump said, “No. I think he’s a sick person. And I think he was probably a person ready to go.” Reminded that Dear had referenced “baby parts” during the attack, Trump pointed to a controversial video that featured edited video clips ostensibly showing Planned Parenthood workers “selling” fetal tissue, though no wrongdoing had been



found by investigators. “Well, I will tell you there is a tremendous group of people that think it’s terrible— all of the videos that they’ve seen with some of these people from Planned Parenthood talking about it like you’re selling parts to a car,” he said. “I mean, there are a lot of people that are very unhappy about that.” “Now, I know some of the tapes were perhaps not pertinent,” Trump continued. “I know that a couple of people that are running for office on the Republican side were commenting on tapes that weren’t appropriate. But there were many tapes that are appropriate in terms of commenting on. And there are people that are extremely upset about it. It looks like you’re talking about parts to some machine or something. And they’re not happy about it.” Todd pressed, “Does that mean you’re not surprised that someone might take an extreme reaction to it?” “Well, this was an extremist,” Trump replied. “And this was a man who they said prior to this was mentally disturbed. So, he’s a mentally disturbed person. There’s no question about that.” Todd then noted, “But it does sound like you understand why people might react this way.” “Well, there’s tremendous dislike,” Trump said. “I can say that. Because I go to rallies. And I have by far—and you will admit that, I think—the biggest crowds, nobody even close. ... But I see a lot of anxiety and I see a lot of dislike for Planned Parenthood. There’s no question about that.” The exchange is significant because while Trump understands how some people might react violently out of “tremendous dislike” for Planned Parenthood, he doesn’t make the same association with how people might react hearing anti-Muslim rhetoric after the San Bernardino murders conducted by a lone wolf couple gone mad with hatred inspired by terrorists. And yet the majority of Republican voters now believe Trump—who traffics in hatred for ratings—would make the best president on national security issues. The next Republican debate is set to air Dec. 15 on CNN.

“Talk about fearless in her home in Bel-Air. It was a safe house. A lot of the work that she did, it was illegal, but she was saving lives.” Kathy Ireland appeared on Entertainment Tonight on World AIDS Day and spoke of Elizabeth Taylor’s Dallas Buyers Club-esque underground network to help distribute HIV drugs





Learn to create a California-friendly garden using the latest materials and techniques. This free course at Beverly Hills Library covers native plants and edibles, water-efficient irrigation devices, rainwater capture and more. Registration is required.

SUN. | DEC. 13


This annual event highlighting the strengths of the trans community by promoting visibility will this year honor Marsha Aizumi, Caitlyn Jenner and Jazz Jennings for their contributions, in addition to the youth who have participated in a year-long ambassador program.

MON. | DEC. 14


The Hollywood Radio and Television Society hosts Dick Wolf and Chuck Lorre for a powerful conversation on creating some of TV’s most successful, iconic and long-running programming. Former NBC Entertainment President Warren Littlefield moderates at the Beverly Hilton.

TUE. | DEC. 15


Equality California brings together leaders from the LGBT community and California policymakers to speak on issues that matter to LGBTs in California and across the country. The all-day event will include lunch and a cocktail reception.

SAT. | JAN. 30


In an effort to brings arts and culture to SoCal, over 20 local museums will be participating in this 11th annual event, opening their doors and inviting visitors to attend their museums free of charge.

DECEMBER 23, 2015


HOLLYWOOD IS ON BOARD. With movies, TV and music in flight, time in the air will be time well spent. Delta has entertainment on more flights from LAX than any other airline, available on our screens or yours. See all the ways Delta is setting a new standard at LAX. LAXTOLUX.COM

Based on July 2015 schedule when including our Delta ConnectionŽ fleet and compared to other carriers’ aggregate mainline and regional fleets. Streaming service only works within North American Wi-Fi coverage zone. Entertainment options may vary by aircraft and route. 24




Made to Measure What could be sexier than sporting a tux to this season’s holiday parties? Donning an on-trend tuxedo that was custommade for you in Beverly Hills (naturally) By Stephan Horbelt


ndochino makes dressing to impress as effortless as rolling out of bed and into the boardroom. Well, almost. For the man who’d rather chew glass than go shopping for a suit or tuxedo, the company—which brought its inovative menswear revolution to Beverly Hills in August with its first SoCal showroom—is the most painless, practical option for obtaining menswear that fits like you know what you’re doing. For the man who relishes in bespoke finery and other customized luxuries, Indochino is more akin to a gift from god. Over the past year, the company—which began as a web-based atelier focusing on custom-made menswear—has opened showrooms in cities as far and wide as New York, San Francisco, Boston and Toronto. Indochino’s Beverly Hills outlet (pictured on the next page) on South Santa Monica Boulevard is its fifth in the United States, with hopes to reach 10 in the near future. Its move from a web-first retailer to brickand-mortar locations allowing customers to shop in person was the DECEMBER 23, 2015







hen your feet feel left out of the ‘custommade’ equation, know that they don’t have to be. The possibilities of unique, one-of-a-kind sneaks are now available to all, with several popular shoe lines offering completely customizable pieces of art for your feet. Here are some of our favorites. —S.H.

Vans Custom Sk8-Hi, $85,

Adidas mi Star Wars ZX Flux Shoes, $100,

result of popular Traveling Tailor pop-up shops held in 18 cities across North America back in 2013. “We received an extremely warm welcome in Los Angeles during last year’s Traveling Tailor pop-up shop,” says Indochino co-founder and CEO Kyle Vucko, “and it’s one of our strongest markets. We fell in love with the energy of the city.” Moving into one of the city’s—and the world’s—highfashion hubs and premier shopping destinations, Beverly Hills, was a no-brainer for a company tuned into the trends and innovations of the fashion industry. But Indochino is also contributing to ridding that neighborhood of its stuffy reputation, replacing staid, overpriced suits with modern, on-trend, affordable menswear that can easily deliver on the job or in the bar. Stepping into the Beverly Hills showroom is an experience that could turn any man into a fashion horse. The bright, ultra-modern space is meant to make it easy for men to build a custom suit, with the brand’s latest offerings—in suiting designs, shirts and accessories—on display. You’ll gladly get lost in the cuts of different twills and Glen Plaids, a welcomed onslaught of fabrics, colors and patterns. But how does one go about crafting that customized suit or tuxedo that will have bypassers gawking at its perfect fit? The process is four-fold. It all begins with your intial visit to the showroom, where

you’ll get measured by an Indochino style guide. Being a web-first pioneer, the company makes it just as easy to take this step online, where you’re invited to input measurements from the comfort of your own home (with help from easy-tofollow video demonstrations). For the man who has yet to have a custom suit built, though, we recommend you opt for the half-hour “personalized concierge service.” Live a little. The next step also takes place during your initial visit. With a style guide’s savoir-faire in your back pocket, you’ll build the suit that best represents you as an individual—30 customization options ranging from choice of lapel and lining color to monograms, pockets and button functionality. That’s the really fun part. The third step occurs four weeks after that initial consultation, when your made-to-order garment is delivered to the store and you stop in for your second fitting, where any necessary adjustments can then be made. Indochino offers up to $75 in alterations on your suit, which they’re happy to complete themselves or will put toward your own choice of tailor. A few short weeks later, the fourth step is a given—you sport your brand-new suit or custom tux out on the town, looking sexy as hell.

Nike’s Kobe X ID, $225,

Design Your Own Chuck Taylor, $75,

Custom suits by Indochino start at $449. Visit them in-store at 9407 S. Santa Monica Blvd., Bev. Hills, or online at

EVERYTHING MUST GO! YOU’VE PROBABLY HEARD ABOUT the upcoming closure of Downtown L.A.’s Hotel Figueroa, but don’t get too upset, as your favorite Moroccan-inspired boutique property isn’t gone for good. A complete head-to-toe renovation is planned for the hotel, which sits on Figueroa Street near L.A. Live, but before that happens, its fans and regular staycationers are in for a real treat. Now through Dec. 31, you’re invited to help gut the legendary building. A huge liquidation sale is currently under way, inviting the public to buy “nearly every furnishing, fixture, artwork, architectural artifact, and piece of equipment.” The blowout takes place on three floors of the hotel, and all items are being sold on an “as is, where is” basis, meaning you’re personally responsible with figuring out how to move the item. Pay with cash, card or guaranteed bank check. The sale is open Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. 939 S. Figueroa St., DTLA, —S.H. 26


DECEMBER 23, 2015





Liquored Quicker


ith all the liquid merriment going on during the holiday season, it’s probably a good time to know which troublemakers can more rapidly take you from buzzed to blitzed.

Ailment + Alcohol It’s the season for sicknesses, too, and catching a cold can cause you to get more tipsy than usual. That’s because you’re likely to be dehydrated, which can cause your blood alcohol level to rise faster. Time Zone-Zonked Since traveling is on the holiday roster for many a man, it’s worth noting that just switching time zones can affect your body clock, making you drunker faster. “When your circadian rhythm is screwed up, your metabolic functions get thrown off too,” says Scott Swartzwelder, Ph.D. “As a result, your liver ends up processing alcohol less effectively.” A Lazy Liver Taking a holiday hiatus from the health club can make you less alcohol-tolerant, because waterfilled muscle tissue, ordinarily a great harbor for booze, is decreased, causing your adult beverage to go straight to your blood stream and other organs. Drunk on a Diet If you’re one of those rare birds who loses weight during this time of year, be aware that the result could be a more potent happy hour. Once you’ve dropped about 10% of your body weight, it takes less alcohol to hurl you over the intoxicated limit. Old Grand-Dad Simply becoming older can leave you more alcohol-sedated. Once you reach 25, your brain becomes more developed and thus more susceptible to the effects of alcohol. —Jim Larkins

G I R T H MATTERS WITH STDS ON the rise, a youth health clinic in Stockholm, Sweden, is addressing the problem by doling out special m e a s u rin g t a p e s to young men and asking them to take penis measurements. “A common reason for a condom slipping off or breaking during sex is that you’ve bought the wrong size,’’ a male nurse at the clinic, Eddie Sandstrom, says in a podcast on its website. “You have to measure the circumference of the penis when erect, not the length. On our measuring tape you get the measurement in millimetres and a few recommendations for condom types that are suitable.” With a reality check on the actual dim e n sio n s of their dicks, these lads can now purchase snugger and safer prophylactics. Take note. —J.L.

ART WITH A MANIFESTO Part of Photo L.A., Round Hole Square Peg seeks queer artists to represent a new aesthetic for the 21st century By Jim Larkins COME OUT, COME OUT, WHEREVER YOU ARE! Now is the time for all you creative queers to kick-start your artistic inspiration and contribute to the upcoming Round Hole Square Peg 2 art exhibition. Scheduled for Jan. 21–24, 2016, it’s part of the annual international photographic art exposition Photo L.A. show—the event’s very first LGBTQ staged show—and it’s a great opportunity for talented queer artists to display their wares. Photo L.A., the longest running fine art fair in California, is celebrating its 25th year next month. Last year’s event brought together nearly 50 exhibitors from across the globe, and attendance surpassed 10,000. Round Hole Square Peg 2 is an artistic testament to the struggles those in the LGBT community have endured when trying to fit in to the “round hole” of society. Queer identity is much more than a sexual one, and queer artists contribute a perspective to society that is unique and wholly their own. As a marginalized and alienated subculture, the gay community has developed a one-of-a-kind view of self-worth, self-image, spirituality and companionship. The show’s organizers are seeking to share art from the gay community that, rather than tied to their sexual identity, are part of the rich and worldly aspects of their contributions. During the exhibit’s debut at Photo L.A., 30 artists’ work will be presented in the Artist’s Corner booth at the fair. The exhibition will then move to the Artist’s Corner Gallery in Hollywood, with an opening night reception on Feb. 6. That reception will be a fundraising auction event for the Trevor Project, the leading nonprofit focused on suicide prevention efforts among LGBTs. Later in 2016, Round Hole Square Peg 2 will be placed on display at the L.A. LGBT Center’s Advocate & Gochis Galleries for a five-week exhibition. The deadline for submission into this year’s show is Dec. 15, and those selected to participate will be notified on Dec. 20. Artists will receive two full pages in the exhibition catalogue alongside their contact information. Artists might also be considered for a solo exhibition at the Artists Corner Gallery. Visit for submission guidelines.




5 reasons you might get too drunk too fast at your upcoming holiday parties

DECEMBER 23, 2015




health FOR YOUR

Listen to Your Heart If you have time to gawk and flirt at the gym, you’re doing it wrong! For real results, get down to business by elevating that heart rate By Seth Browning



ou enter the gym, turn and look right. You see people sitting on machines, their necks craned down, scrolling through Scruff and Instagram. You look left. A gaggle of gays surround an unused bench, laughing about their weekend. Heart rates are dropping at every turn. Sure, these men mean well. They slam caffeine, prepared to destroy the gym like Gerard Butler in 300, but they end up barely breaking a sweat. They wonder why they can’t see their abs and why their arms won’t grow. It’s quite simple. They aren’t moving fast enough. Elevating your heart rate during exercise is critical for results. You burn more calories and fat, making you leaner and more defined. Even if that’s not your goal, heart rate-based training can also increase stamina, mobility and strength. True breakthroughs come when you can feel your heart beating fast, your sweat is dripping and your entire body panting. As a holistic-based trainer, I don’t get hung up on numbers, so I won’t tell you what your heart rate should be. Instead, I’ll give you a format of training and some solid guidelines that will take you there.


Classic heart rate-based lifting is called circuit training. This type of workout is composed of two to six different circuits, each circuit containing two or more exercises. Each round of exercises is called a set. These sets

consist of dumbbells, body weight, some machines, plyometrics and more. My programs are three circuits, three exercises per circuit, two to three sets each. Almost every workout covers the total body. THE SET UP

Get everything you need for your circuit and create a cluster. For example, if I know I’m using dumbbells, a mat and a BOSU Ball for my circuit, I’ll grab them and put them near each other. This way I can quickly move from one exercise to the next without my heart rate dropping. Sometimes it’s not entirely possible, but do the best you can. TIMING

Between exercises, you want to quickly move onto the next one, allowing yourself no more than 15 seconds. Usually it’s the amount of time it takes to catch your breath and get into position for the next exercise. Between sets, take a maximum 1:30 rest and resume your next set. Between circuits, allow yourself a maximum 3:00 rest and begin your next circuit. Most circuit teardown and setup takes about that amount of time, so it’s best to just plan on getting straight to it. Carry this tempo for your entire workout and watch the change. TOOLS AND TIPS

While workout buddies are fun, they can often slow

you down. Instead, try and partner up with your timer. Your smartphone has a clock, so time each break to keep you on track. Tabata is a great app for timing. Gym conversations can also be heart rate hell. It’s good to be social, but aim to keep conversations brief. You don’t need to be a bitch about it, either. Simply pick up your weights and start (or tell them you’ve just read this article). Adjusting your training this way can transform your body like you never imagined. If you just can’t commit to moving this quickly on your own, consider hiring a trainer to keep you moving. The most important part of this type of training goes beyond looking good. It’s about living longer. Circuit training strengthens your heart, which is the most vital organ in your body. So go ahead and put your heart out there. You may fall in love with working out all over again. THE #SWEATYSELFIE CHALLENGE

Head to to find a sample circuit created just for our readers, meant to be done in under one hour. Tag a sweaty selfie of yourself with @frontiersmedia and @sethenator on Instagram when you meet the challenge, and good luck!

Contact Seth at and on Instagram @sethenator DECEMBER 23, 2015



health SEX ED

Off t

By Jim Larkins

Sexual Self-Confidence

A man’s self-image plays a part in crafting his overall sexual confidence, which can affect satisfaction and performance between the sheets


➸ Send your questions to aaronsavvy@



take a sharp turn south. One way to avoid a self-esteem trainwreck is to follow at least part of the same routine as those musclebound magazine Adonises. Those guys didn’t get where they are by accident, as their body goals were achieved after commitment to a consistent exercise and nutrition program, years of hard work and lots of patience. Any investment in bettering your physical wellbeing will pay off in the long run, but even the struggle to reach your goal has its benefits. Whether you’re pumping iron, swimming a few laps or walking for half an hour on a regular basis, exercise accelerates the release of endorphins and adrenaline, brain chemicals that are significant components in the chemistry of sexual arousal. But it is weightlifting in particular that can have direct sex-enhancing results, especially when you focus on the big muscles in the arms, chest, shoulders and back. Working these muscles not only increases self-esteem but can also boost your body’s testosterone production, which in turn can give your sex drive a serious injection. Just be practical about your target. The sense of dedication is as important as your results. Your goal should be to increase your own physical wellbeing to a point of personal satisfaction. Seeing and feeling the outcome of this will almost surely result in a positive domino effect that ends with better sex.

What is the best source of carbohydrates to eat after a workout? —Harry, Palm Springs

How do I know if I’m overtraining?

Refueling the body with a good source of carbohydrates that are enriched in both fiber and nutrients is vital. I suggest consuming sweet potatoes, quinoa, brown rice or oatmeal post-workout.

Your body will most definitely tell you if you are overtraining. Signs of this can include constant fatigue, aches in your joints (elbows, knees, forearms, shoulders), burning out early in your workout and a lack of concentration.

—Chett, Los Angeles



s you evolve into manhood, the way you feel you are perceived by others can have a pretty significant impact on your self-image— something that is typically further complicated when you try to live up to society’s unrealistic model of the perfect male. But did you know that reduced self-confidence can also have dangerous, detrimental effects on your sex life? Before they are old enough to unlock life’s mysteries about their own bodies, men are bombarded with images of the modern-day Adonis. Beefcake magazines are replete with guys whose Schwarzeneggerian proportions seem to bulge off of the page. For some young men, though, the real pressure to ‘man up’ doesn’t come just from beefy, bicep-wielding cover models. With overbearing fathers who insist they’ve sired the next gold medal Olympian, even the sanctity of home can offer little escape from such adolescent pressures. Falling short of the expectations of the most important man in a boy’s life can leave some pretty heavy psychologically emasculating bruises. Those expectations, as unrealistic as they may be, have followed many a man into adulthood—and, for some, into the bedroom. The way a man sees himself has a huge impact on his sexual confidence, which in turn can affect both satisfaction and performance between the sheets. Once a man has internalized the idea that he doesn’t measure up to the other stags in the herd, his libido—along with his sexual prowess—can


NEW FAVORITE Off the Couch


By Dr. Greg Cason

Christmas Castastrophes and Horrible Hanukkahs

By DJ Chris Bowen 1. “Rerotica (Original Mix)” Moscoman

2. “Culture Full Circle (Original Mix)” Alex Burkat

A Holiday Party Survival Guide

The most difficult part of the year’s end is that obligatory holiday party, so here are 5 sticky situations and how to navigate through them with ease

3. “Start From Beginning” Rigopolar

4.“Obscure Visions (Prins Thomas Diskomiks)” Krankbrother

5. “Strider (Original Mix)”

Kolombo, Sammy W, Alex E

6.“U Won’t C Me (Original Mix)” Mystic Bill

THE MOST DIFFICULT PART of the year’s end is that obligatory holiday party, so here are five sticky situations and how to navigate through them with ease. 1. YOU JUST RECEIVED A HORRIBLE GIFT. Did your Secret Santa put Justin Bieber’s Purpose in your stocking, but you’re not a “Belieber”? The Fix: Bad taste does not equal a bad heart. Squelch that convulsing in your throat and act like a queen (Queen Elizabeth). Take the gift in your hand and spend a few moments looking at it front and back (One Mississippi...Two Mississippi...) and make at least one positive comment, like, “His new hairstyle really suits him!” Then put it in your gift pile and give the giver a warm eye-to-eye “thank you.” Redistribute later.


2. YOU CAN’T TAKE ANYMORE OFF-COLOR JOKES. Anti-gay humor coming your way? Someone make fun of your accent, past relationships or profession? All are in bad taste and yet favorite fodder of the fiendish at holiday fêtes. The Fix: No response is the best response for any fun poked at yourself or others, because nothing stops a comedian faster than silence. Now find someone else to play with. 3. YOU’RE RUNNING LATE TO A PARTY OR DEALING WITH LATE GUESTS YOURSELF. Lateness is a sign of disrespect to the host. After all, most holiday parties have specific start times because of meals, gift exchanges and other activities. The Fix for Guests: If you get caught in a jam, notify the host pronto. Then, rather than getting angry, put on some good music and get happy. No one likes a grumpy arrival. Humble apologies and a good wine go a long way toward redemption. The Fix for Hosts: This is not the time to punish or teach your late guest a lesson. Welcome him warmly, catch him

up on what’s happening and get him some food or a drink. (But I won’t fault you for pouring the cheap vodka.) 4. YOU’RE DEALING WITH ‘FOOD PUSHERS.’ These are the people who monitor your eating and insist you go through the buffet line to sample whatever happens to be dying on the table. No matter how polite they think they are by feeding you, it is their faux pas for not allowing you to choose what goes in your mouth. The Fix: Receive the food in question. Hold it in your hand and comment to your pusher, “It looks delicious.” If the pusher follows up or notes you haven’t touched it, simply say, “Thank you, it’s delicious” and talk to someone else. Repeat as necessary. 5. YOUR BOSS’S DRUNK SPOUSE IS HITTING ON YOU. What do you do when everything that could go wrong at the holiday party does? The Fix: Your only choice is to excuse yourself to the restroom and leave the party without notice. A smart guest always prepares to leave a party at the moment of his arrival. Take some advice from TV slacker Jim Halpert of The Office (played by John Krasinski), who offers up three tips: (1) “Have a picture taken.” Take a selfie with the party host and send it to him. (2) “Say some peculiar non-sequitur that people remember.” (3) “Note something unique; a talking point for later.” A flattering detail about the house, host or hors d’oeuvres is always a safe bet. As soon as you have all three, you can leave. Call it etiquette, political savvy or plain old self-preservation. Around the holidays, the key is really about helping those around you—even the rude ones—feel better. And that is possibly the most meaningful gift you can give to anyone. Contact Dr. Greg Cason by going to, or interact with him on Twitter @DrGregCason

7. “Grand Central (Original Mix)” Alek S

8. “Relate (The Black Madonna Remix)” Nick Hoepner

9. “Leo Draws” Nathan Melja

10. “Run Away From the Sun (Original Mix)” Matias Aguayo

On Saturday, Dec. 12, Bowen brings a new party to Faultline called Father Figure, alongside fellow residents Victor Rodriguez and James Cerne. The party will take place every second Saturday thereafter. Purchase Bowen’s mix at

DECEMBER 23, 2015








■ Thu. | Dec. 10 NIKKA COSTA & STRINGS Largo at the Coronet

After a two-year baby break, Nikka Costa is working on a new record. Her career took off after spending time in Australia when she released Butterfly Rocket, followed up with Everybody Got Their Something. ■ Fri. | Dec. 11 JACK AND JILL Santa Monica Playhouse ■ Through Jan. 3 IF/THEN Pantages Theatre

Tony Award-winner and Broadway superstar Idina Menzel stars in this contemporary musical following two storylines in the life of Elizabeth. When her carefully designed plans collide with the whims of fate, her life splits into two parallel paths.

Director Jack Heller reteams with stars Tanna Fredrick and Robert Standley in this modern romance. Audiences are taken on a journey between two people who have no real reason to fall in love but do, despite previous romantic baggage. Through Feb. 28.

APLA’s annual Toy Box Party celebrates two decades of much-needed charity for children By Mike Ciriaco

■ Thu. | Dec. 10 TOUCH THURSDAYS The Abbey

As the gay weekend starts on Thursday, Frontiers Media presents a night of dancing, drinking and all-around rabble-rousing before the weekend gets fully underway. Join us as we people-watch some of the city’s sexiest men and women ... and maybe ogle a go-go dancer or two.

■ Thu. | Dec. 10 HOLIDAY HAPPY HOUR L.A. Zoo & Botanical Gardens

L.A. Zoo Lights presents a VIP experience that was an instant hit last year when it debuted. Holiday Happy Hour features “skip-theline” express entry with a private lounge with hors d’oeuvres, beer, wine and hot and cold specialty cocktails.

The Gift of Giving

TOY BOX PARTY 2015 The Redbury Dec. 13

■ Sat. | Dec. 12 THE MAGIC FLUTE Local cinemas

Opera lovers from around the world have been enchanted by the whimsical humor and puppetry of Julie Taymor’s hit production, coming to local movie theaters for one night. Under the baton of James Levine, a winning ensemble cast brings fresh life to Mozart’s timeless fairy tale. ■ Sat. | Dec. 12 THE NUTCRACKER Long Beach Terrace Theater

Continuing its annual holiday tradition, six performances will take place by the Long Beach Ballet, with special guest performances and additional treats the entire family will love. The production boasts a full symphony orchestra, a flying sleigh, a real horse and a cast of over 200. Through Dec. 19.


rom Apple Watches to Fallout 4, the gay man-children of L.A. love their big boy toys, so it’s easy to empathize with the heartbreaking notion that many actual children in Southern California wake up to empty stockings on Christmas morning. AIDS Project Los Angeles will once again fill those holiday voids by hosting the 20th annual Toy Box Party at The Redbury in Hollywood this month. The price of admission is an unwrapped toy or gift card that will go to local families affected by HIV/AIDS. The event also holds an extra degree of sentimentality for the Frontiers family. “Former columnist Dana Miller will forever be recognized posthumously at this event. For the majority of the last 20 years, it was chaired by Dana, who unfortunately passed away last year, four days prior to the 19th Toy Box Party,” says Ryan Black, Miller’s former partner and one of the event’s coordinators. “Through all of his highprofile dealings throughout the year, this was always his favorite event. I saw firsthand how passionate he always was about Toy Box. I’m happy to carry on his legacy, and I think he’d be very proud of the incredible response we’ve gotten this year from everyone! This is gonna be a great year to be at Toy Box.” The concept behind the seasonal toy drive was adapted by Curt Sharp and Alan Friel from a similar event on the East Coast that took place

back in the ‘80s. “It originated in NYC in 1985 with Robby Browne. It’s called the Toys Party, and it still continues to this day as one of the most popular LGBT parties of the year, with over 2,500 people in attendance at the Chelsea Piers,” says Black. “It started as a way for gay men to meet new faces and do something good for the community.” Thirty years later, the tradition is still running strong on both coasts. Of course, the SoCal iteration of the event continues to evolve and utilize L.A.’s cornucopia of gay tastemakers. “We’ve revamped the look and feel of Toy Box for its 20th anniversary,” Black says. “We wanted to appeal to a new generation while still maintaining our loyal following to secure the future of Toy Box. We have an amazing committee whom we call ‘elves’ that I was able to wrangle, including American Horror Story creator Ryan Murphy, director and producer Alan Poul, philanthropist David Bohnett, NBC Universal executive Chip Sullivan, the Tonywinning writer of Hairspray Marc Shaiman, Abbey owner David Cooley and a list of over 40 of L.A.’s upstanding gay leaders.” The children whom the Toy Box Party benefits may be struggling, but their holidays will be made a bit brighter by the charity of L.A.’s local LGBT community. After all, who knows toys better than gay men? DECEMBER 23, 2015


■ ■ ■ ■

■ Mon. | Dec. 14 LIFE IN PIECES Paley Center for Media

This exclusive PaleyLive L.A. event features the stars and creators of the new TV comedy Life in Pieces followed by a live panel. Part of the 2015 PaleyFest Fall TV Previews, the show finds humor and heart in a family’s milestone moments as told by its various members.

■ Thu. | Dec. 17 TAKE IT OFF THURSDAYS Faultline

Shawn Morales hosts this ‘pants-off dance-off’ party every Thursday night, where guests can strip off their pants and enjoy cheap Absolut cocktails on the outdoor patio. Best of all, there’s never a cover.

■ Tue. | Dec. 15 TOTALLY ‘90S TUESDAYS The Abbey

■ Fri. | Dec. 18 MUSE: DRONES WORLD TOUR Staples Center

Head out to West Hollywood to hear all those amazing ‘90s hits you love and miss (as well as some films and TV shows). Local queen Mayhem Miller hosts, with special guest hosts and performances.

Known as a band that pushes boundaries in its live shows, this tour is no exception. The stage design and configuration gives fans a true 360-degree audio/ visual sensory experience. Through Dec. 19.


Rockwell gifts Los Angeles with a brand-new Home Alone musical

IN 1990, MACAULAY CULKIN embodied every child’s fantasy of ditching his parents and getting the run of his home over the holidays when he starred in John Hughes’ Home Alone. Twenty-five years later, millennial Angelenos can relive that pre-adolescent wish fulfillment when The Unauthorized Musical Parody of Home Alone is unwrapped on the boards of Rockwell: Table & Stage, running through Jan. 3. While the Los Feliz venue has hosted several Hughes-based shows in the past, parents will be pleased to know that Home Alone is more accessible to little ears than its predecessors. “This holiday production is a family-friendly show, suitable for all ages,” says Kate Pazakis, the show’s executive producer. “If you liked Home Alone the movie, you’ll be in stitches over our original production.” The lead role of Kevin, originally portrayed by Culkin, will be split between two actresses, Gwen Hollander and Caitlyn Gallogly. The choice to feature female performers to depict a young boy evokes another family favorite musical. “Like Mary Martin was cast to play Peter Pan in that original 1954 Broadway production, we also chose to cast a female for our lead as little Kevin,” says Pazakis. This Christmas, you and your gayby can experience the fantasy of ditching one’s parents together. Just keep an eye out for a gold-toothed Joe Pesci. —M.C.

COMMODORE | HOORAY HENRY'S Photos by Jeremy Lucido


‘Home’ for the Holidays







A WINTER SOLSTICE CELEBRATION The Wallis Center for the Performing Arts Dec. 18

Our Lady J plans to bless the masses with a celebratory, campy new winter show



ianist and singer-songwriter Our Lady J will perform what she calls “post-religious gospel melodies” at the Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts in Beverly Hills on Dec. 18. She describes her revue—which includes numbers from her popular Gospel of Dolly act, a collection of Dolly Partoninfluenced gospel songs—as an attempt to bring light into the darkest time of the year. “We’ve always tried to bring light into winter, with Christmas lights and menorahs,“ she says. “It goes back to when we added pagan rituals, like solstice celebrations, into our winter gatherings. Music is light, too.” Our Lady J is careful to describe her collection of songs as irreligious. While they are based on traditional gospel compositions, they are, as she puts it, “Gospel for the Godless.” “Christian-Judaic celebrations can be draining for queer people because there’s centuries of exclusion and repression represented in the music,” she says. “I want this to be celebratory, campy, fun and sincere. I don’t want signs of religious dogma.” One of music’s most successful trans artists, Our Lady J first fell in love with music when she was a kid in rural Pennsylvania. “We were in Amish country, so there wasn’t much to do. My parents got me a piano, and as the story goes, I never stopped playing it!” After attending Interlochen Center for the Arts in Michigan, she began her career as a songwriter in New York. Aside from her songwriting career, Our Lady J has performed as a classical pianist for institutions like the American Ballet Theatre, the Royal Danish Theatre and the Metropolitan Opera. Since moving to Los Angeles for, as she puts it, the “sunshine and silicone,” she has played numerous gigs around town, including successful past winter performances at Rockwell: Table & Stage in Los Feliz. She also made news last year after becoming the first transgender writer on Amazon’s hit show Transparent, joining the creative team in time for Season 2, which premieres Dec. 11. “I had never written for TV before, but I’ve done musicals,” she says. “I took a TV writing workshop for trans women, and [Transparent creator Jill Soloway] was there. She asked me if I wanted to join the staff. It was one of the best things ever. We spent about six months working on Season 2. We’re going to start on Season 3 pretty soon.” At the Wallis, Our Lady J will be joined by the Train-toKill Gospel Choir and Pink Champagne Orchestra. Tickets are on sale now. —Patrick Rosenquist DECEMBER 23, 2015


■ ■ ■ ■


DRAGULA | DRAGONFLY Photos by Jeremy Lucido

■ Fri. | Dec. 18 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS El Capitan Theatre

Hollywood’s legendary theater hosts a special engagement of the highly anticipated new Star Wars film. Guests are treated to an all-new Laser Lightsaber Curtain Show and can explore an exclusive display of costumes and props. Through Feb. 7.

Oregon Shakespeare Festival returns with this stunning production. The hilarious classic is directed by Tonywinner Mary Zimmerman. ■ Sun. | Dec. 20 SIZE Here Lounge

Tom Whitman’s infamous Sunday party is still kicking at WeHo hot spot Here Lounge, offering half-price drinks to guests before 6:30 p.m. and pop tracks that are sure to keep you on the dance floor til the early morning—or until the revelation hits that you have work tomorrow. ■ Through Jan. 9. PETER PAN AND TINKER BELL: A PIRATES CHRISTMAS The Pasadena Playhouse

For the fourth consecutive year, the acclaimed classical repertory company will present Charles Dickens’ time-honored tale of forgiveness. In this production, the poignant tale is matched by evocative original music by composer Ego Plum. ■ Sat. | Dec. 19 GMCLA HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR Alex Theatre

The Gay Men’s Chorus of L.A. once again brings its seasonal holiday musical celebration to the stage. Looking to invoke holiday spirit with a handbell choir and brass quintet, this year’s concert is dubbed Brassy, Classy & Sassy. ■ Through Dec. 20 GUYS AND DOLLS Bram Goldsmith Theater

From the company that brought you last season’s sensational Into the Woods, 38


■ Through Jan. 10 CHILL The Queen Mary

A deep freeze takes over the Queen Mary for the holidays, as the giant dome that was one home to the Spruce Goose is frozen over and transformed into a giant igloo with largerthan-life ice creations, an ice rink and live entertainment.


■ Through Dec. 23 A CHRISTMAS CAROL A Noise Within

It’s a quest to foil the pirates’ plot to kidnap Peter as Captain Hook’s Christmas present. This flying, singing, swashbuckling adventure includes comedy, magic, dancers from So You Think You Can Dance and music ranging from Taylor Swift to the Bee Gees.

EATINGOUT Clockwise: Eveleigh, Estrella, Le Petit Paris, smoke.oil.salt


KEY SEDIA’S FELIZ NAVI-DIVA The Lyric-Hyperion Theatre & Cafe Dec. 12, 18, 19

Kay Sedia spices up the holidays with her new show, Feliz Navi-Diva



his year, when you top off your Christmas tree with an angel, make it one of Chico’s Angels. Sassy stage sleuth Kay Sedia breaks away from her iconic drag trio this month to present the holiday-themed comedy show Feliz NaviDiva at Silver Lake’s Lyric-Hyperion Theatre for three nights. To Sedia, the production is a gift to all her fans. “Ju know, I thinked, Chrimmas is a time for gibbing, so I’m going to gib all my beauty to the world for los holidays,” she says in her trademark Spanglish accent. “My beauty might be too mush for some, that’s why the show runs over an hours and we will have Freddy Fender’s old nurse in the theater for those who pass out from my beauty. ... It could happen! Ju don’t know my life!” While we may not know her life, we do know that Kay Sedia forms a third of the comedic SoCal troika Chico’s Angels. This show, though, marks a rare occasion where she’ll perform outside the company of her colleagues Freida Laye and Chita Parol. Their absence perhaps presents a challenge for Sedia, though not an obvious one. “It a real shallenge to figure out how to fill the part of the stage where it starts to get dark. Ju know, where the darkness of el audience start, but there still enough light to see some stage. I usually put Chita and Frieda there. I might use some cardboard candy canes for that this tine.” Fans of Laye and Parol should be sure to catch the Dec. 12 performance for cameos by Kay Sedia’s cohorts, because as of now, this will be their only appearance. Longtime patrons of Chico’s Angels shows will also notice a change in venue. For years, the Angels have performed in the only space worthy of their unique talent—the basement of local Mexican restaurant Casita del Campo. For this production, though, Sedia has relocated up the street to the neighboring Lyric-Hyperion Theatre. Sedia readily admits the two venues differ. “El biggest difference es, it’s harder to get a taco! I jused to send Frieda upstairs to get a dozen or two en a instant, but now, I hab to send her with extra tine, ‘cause now, she gotta walk a few blocks!” Maybe if Kay Sedia is a good girl this year, Santa will gift her a stocking full of tacos. In the meantime, she’s gifting all of us with what’s sure to be a riotous new show. —M.C.

Let’s Go for Brunch The city’s best weekend dining options, from WeHo and DTLA to the city’s East Side By Eric Rosen


s the days get shorter and the nights colder, winter weekends are the perfect time to settle in over a long, boozy brunch and while the hours away over brioche French toast, frittatas and mimosas and Bloody Marys. Luckily, restaurants all over Los Angeles have launched new or revamped brunch menus to make your weekends even more enjoyable. The only thing better than brunch? Brunch with a view of the city. Everyone’s favorite Sunset spot, Eveleigh, has released new winter menus, including a bevy of weekend brunch options. Among the new dishes created by executive chef Jared Levy are a chia pudding bowl with flaxseeds, almond milk and berries; a friedegg sandwich with ham, gruyere, Dijon mayo, harissa and ketchup on a poppy-seed bialy; and smoked trout over apple-potato salad and arugula. 8752 Sunset Blvd., WeHo, Estrella has also started to shine on Sunset under the aegis of chef Dakota Weiss, with all-day service that includes weekend brunch. Among the items on her menu are orange ricotta pancakes with almonds and toasted coconut, chai-spiced French toast with whipped mascarpone and chia seed and a scrambled egg white wrap with spinach, quinoa and salsa verde. 8800 Sunset Blvd., WeHo, Award-winning Ricardo Zarate is now the executive chef at smoke.oil.salt, and for the restaurant’s new brunch (available Sundays), he’s created a roster of new Spanish-themed tapas and pintxos. The new menu items include pan tomate con huevo del mar—a tomato toast with soft-scrambled eggs and Santa Barbara uni—and churrasco y huevos, a seared

flat-iron steak with egg vinaigrette and fresh greens, among other treats. 7274 Melrose Ave., L.A., Over on West 3rd St., Mexican mainstay Toca Madera has launched a weekend brunch service that includes specialties like chipotle chicken and churro waffles made with churro batter, dipped in cinnamon and sugar and served with mixed berries, maple syrup, hot sauce, Chantilly cream and honey butter. On the savory side, the cilantro-jalapeno-marinated carne asada with a fried egg served with cilantro onion and Diablo salsa is a spicy serving. Wash it down with a Mexican 69, made with Avión Silver tequila, pomegranate, prosecco and lime. 8450 W. 3rd. St., L.A., Le Petit Paris is L.A.’s newest French brasserie, taking up residence in a stunning 1913 building downtown. Though you can sneak in there for escargots and steak frites in the evening, come for Sunday brunch for genteel gourmandises such as a smoked salmon club sandwich with housemade fries and mixed-green salad, lobster eggs Benedict and crêpes with housemade chocolate or jam. Bon appetit! 418 S. Spring St., DTLA, Why should brunch be reserved just for weekends? Over on the East Side, trio Ludo Lefebvre, Jon Shook and Vinny Dotolo have opened up a new daytime Mexican-French joint called Trois Familia serving brunch every day of the week from 10 a.m.–3 p.m. There are no reservations, so show up early on weekends for a spot. Recent menu items have included tantalizing treats like potato mousseline with poached egg and chorizo jam; chicken Milanese with Maggi (soy saucelike) ranch and cucumbers; and stewed rabbit tacos. 3510 Sunset Blvd., Silver Lake, DECEMBER 23, 2015





The best in TV, film, music and more

Golden Years Director Andrew Haigh discusses his new feature, 45 Years, HBO’s upcoming Looking finale and a sequel to his acclaimed 2011 film Weekend By Lawrence Ferber


n 2011, openly gay writer/director Andrew Haigh made a splash with Weekend, his instant LGBT film classic about a pair of gay men, Russell and Glen, who meet, fuck and connect deeply over the titular time frame, yet must part by the end. The film and its characters resonated so strongly that many fans have hoped for (and stirred rumors about) a sequel. “I’m convinced that 45 Years is the sequel to Weekend,” Haigh says, referring to his long-awaited follow-up feature, which hits theaters on Dec. 23. Dressed in a flannel shirt, bearded, having coffee at NYC’s hip Marlton Hotel, the 42-year-old personable British filmmaker blends in easily with the crowd from his HBO series, Looking, which will wrap up its two-season run with a special finale in April. Based on a story by David Constantine titled “In Another Country,” 45 Years stars Charlotte Rampling and Tom Courtenay as Kate and Geoff Mercer, a childless couple in their 70s. The pair is about to celebrate their 45th anniversary when a letter arrives, informing Geoff that the body of his previous lover, Katya, has been found in Switzerland, where she went missing decades back. With this news, Geoff becomes possessed by her memory, while Kate makes a discovery or two about the man she thought she knew that threatens to undermine the very foundation of their relationship. “In a weird sense, Weekend and 45 Years are similar films dealing with similar issues and themes,” Haigh elaborates, “just in a very different context. Certainly Glen might not tell Russell about his past, because when they met he was trying to redefine himself. Every time you forge a relationship, you say, ‘I get to start again and show you the person I want to be.’ If there’s




usician Eliot Sumner, the third child of Sting and Trudie Styler's four kids, recently revealed a lack of identification with either gender, and that Sumner has been in a relationship with a woman for the last two years. Sumner, 25, tells Evening Standard magazine that they don’t believe in gender labels, refuses to identify with a particular gender and prefers to dress down, eschewing the glamour and fashion that has become commonplace with today's musicians. The singer also revealed a two-year relationship with Austrian model Lucie Von Alten, adding that there’d never been a big 'coming out' to friends and family because “no one had ever asked.” “They knew already,” Sumner adds. “So I didn’t need

to. I’ve never come out to anyone. My friends always knew, and I always knew.” Sumner plans to release a second album, Information, early next year, a follow-up to 2010’s The Constant, released under the band name I Blame Coco. “I think forever I was trying to figure out maybe … what I am,” the singer explains of their gender identity. “But I don’t think anyone should feel pressured to have any kind of label or tag on them. ... We should treat everybody the same. Me, I don’t like to be put down to a specific thing. We’re all human beings.” Next month Sumner will become the face of a not-yetnamed major international fashion brand. —Dominic Preston DECEMBER 23, 2015


In 45 Years, Tom Courtenay and Charlotte Rampling star as Kate and Geoff Mercer, a childless couple in their 70s

film 45 YEARS Opens Dec. 23


The title of 45 Years doesn’t refer to its running time, though the leisurely pace may feel like that to some viewers. I was riveted. Starring a luminous Charlotte Rampling in the performance of her life, and with strong supporting work from Tom Courtenay, the film spends a few days with a couple leading to their anniversary party, an emergent secret from the past and the ramifications of this revelation. That makes the film sound melodramatic, which it resolutely is not. Andrew Haigh, as he proved with Weekend, knows, intimately, the contours of the human heart; not the gay one, not the straight one—the human one. And he’s made one of the most piercing films about the delicate balance of marriage ever.

When it comes to holiday movies about evil Christmas spirits, the bar was set by Finland’s Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale (stream it now). That said, Michael Dougher ty ’s Krampus, written by the director with Todd Casey and Zach Shields, is a dark and funny fairy tale that’s wildly inappropriate (especially if you hold the Christmas season in high regard) and deeply subversive. It’s also a hoot—mildly satirical, crazy inventive, beautifully lighted and acted with straight faces by a superlative cast including Toni Collette and Adam Scott, with the perfect dose of anti-sentimentality to warm your cold, dead heart. Tonally, it’s reminiscent of Gremlins, and if it doesn’t hit the high points of that earlier, much-loved movie, it’s not for lack of trying.



Michael Moore’s latest documentary—or “comedy,” as it’s being billed— follows the provocateur on an overseas tour as he cherry-picks the best ideas to bring home for U.S. implementation. Conservatives will hate it; liberals will lap it up. Yet regardless of your political stripe there is plenty to debate, from free college and debt-free students (Slovenia) to the redefinition of the middle class (Germany) and the hassle-free work environment (Germany again, where it’s against the law to contact employees via email or telephone after work hours or on weekends/vacations) to equality, by law, for women (believe it or not, the Muslim country of Tunisia). It’s all simple stuff that shows how far we’ve strayed from our own American ideals. Let the grousing begin. —Dan Loughry 42




>> theatres December 11


Bleeding Heart


In the Heart of the Sea

The Danish Girl

December 18




Star Wars: The Force Awakens





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something in your past you want to put behind you, there’s a chance you might not discuss or talk about those things, and suddenly 15, 20, 30 years have gone by. The tragedy of 45 Years is this couple does love each other, but this thing has come up and made the ground incredibly unstable and made it fall away. And it doesn’t need to. Relationships, no matter how long, are always fragile, because it’s still two individuals trying to make something work together.” Happily married to author Andrew Morwood (they’ve been together for a decade), Haigh first came across “In Another Country” thanks to its publisher, who also sent him the story upon which Haigh’s 2009 short film, Five Miles Out, was based. Haigh made his feature debut that same year with a documentary, Greek Pete, about a London rent boy, but only got around to reading Constantine’s story while making Weekend. “It lodged itself in my brain,” he recalls. “I was like, this is the film I want to make next, and even though people tried to convince me not to do it, to make another LGBT-themed film, I decided to do 45 Years.” (Haigh is currently at work on another non-gay project, Lean on Pete, an Oregon-set coming-of-age story adapted from a 2010 Willy Valutin novel.) Like Haigh’s previous works, 45 Years is distinguished by long takes, naturalistic dialogue and even a sex scene—although nothing quite so explicit as the blowjob famously depicted in Looking’s first season between Jonathan Groff’s Patrick and Raúl Castillo’s Richie. “There’s a very good trick to make a blowjob look real, but I’m not going to tell you what it is because everyone will steal it!” Haigh laughs. “But the thing is—and I know this sounds pretentious—I don’t think of sex scenes for the sake of sex scenes. There has to be some fundamental story point, something happening between these two characters or changing something.” As for Haigh’s signature long takes—he doesn’t shoot cutaways, or


music BLOODHOUND GANG Hard Off (Self Released)



Well, here’s something surprising. Bloodhound Gang still exists. Even more surprising? They’re actually kind of awesome. Maybe it’s because a decade has gone by between albums, or maybe in this PC climate of 2015, the group suddenly seems ... relevant? Regardless, Jimmy Pop and company have made an album PRIME CUTS: of new wave synthpop that will probably “Chew Toy” alienate its core audience. But being idi“American Bitches” otically subversive is sort of the point of Bloodhound “Dimes” Gang (if there is one), and Hard Off is surprisingly competent. “American Bitches” tangles up terrorism and boobies in the best way possible; “Uncool As Me” features Joey Fatone (?!) and a Cars-like tune. “Clean Up in Aisle Sexy” is classic Bloodhound Gang but with a modern twist. I don’t know who they made this album for, but I’m glad they did. —Dominik Rothbard coverage as it’s known in industry-speak—he explains that “it gives the actors more freedom and lets them realize what they do in that moment is actually going to end up being in the film and not cut to pieces.” Indeed, 45 Years’ most talked about scene is its final shot, a sublime tour de force for Rampling that plays out during the entirety of The Platters’ “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes.” “You’re supposed to feel this enormity of something happening, without really knowing fully what it is,” Haigh says, without spoilers. “It allows you to throw yourself in as an audience member and come up with your own interpretation based on the kind of person you are.” For Haigh, HBO’s cancellation of Looking last March due to disappointing ratings could only be interpreted as a painful development. Yet he maintains that the network offered a chance to wrap up the show with a 2016 special from the get-go. While Haigh doesn’t share specifics about what transpires in the April finale, he does admit that had the show continued for more seasons, he would have entertained a crossover with HBO’s Girls, and for that matter, an actual Weekend sequel of sorts. “I always thought that would be quite fun if we got to season five and had nothing else to talk about!” he muses. “Like [Girls’ Lena Dunham character] Hannah turns up in San Francisco and hangs out with Patrick for a while, or Patrick goes to New York and bumps into [Allison Williams’] Marnie or something. I also might have got Weekend’s Russell and Glen to be in the background of a shot, like sitting in a bar somewhere in the Mission. Nobody would have spoken to them, but you’d have been like, ‘Look, they met up again!’ If for some reason we have a Looking Christmas special 10 years from now, maybe I can put Weekend in there at the same time.” 45 Years, directed by Andrew Haigh and starring Tom Courtenay and Charlotte Rampling, comes to theaters Dec. 23




>> music

Out Now

December 11

December 18

Babyface Return of the Tender Lover

Grimes Art Angels

Cage the Elephant Tell Me I’m Pretty

Coldplay A Head Full of Dreams

R. Kelly The Buffet

Chris Brown Royalty

Rick Ross Black Market

Monica Code Red

THE EGYPTIAN LOVER 1984 (Egyptian Empire)


If 1984 seems like a throwback to the mechanical grooves and robotic vocals of rap and funk when that was the sound of the future, that’s because it is. Greg Broussard, an L.A. multi-talent, has been doing this since the ‘80s, when it was in vogue, and has weathered the cycle of PRIME CUTS: fashion to see its time come around again. As the “She’s So Freaky” title suggests, he may be peddling nostalgia or sim“Killin’ It” ply returning to the well, but why mess with a solid blueprint? I wish the sexual attitude of the otherwise entertaining “She’s So Freaky” wasn’t mired in the past (“She has sex for fun” is reductive moralizing regardless of the ménage a trois that precedes it), but 1984 is still a good time for the here and now. —D.L.

TROYE SIVAN Blue Neighbourhood (Universal)


If you’ve not heard of Troye Sivan yet, you might be living under a rock. The upstart Aussie prodigy is a bonafide YouTube star, his music has topped the charts in over 40 countries, and Time magazine named him one of the most influential PRIME CUTS: teenagers of 2014. Oh, and he also pub“Wild” licly came out online. So what’s in store on “Ease” his official debut? No less than a musical “Talk Me Down” trip full of wistful twists and turns, electronic bedroom beats, intoxicating melodies and some beautiful modern poetry. Sivan keeps it all a little brooding and exotic, letting his blue-eyed soul vocals permeate the tracks with anxious, aching and joyful nuances. It’s an album inspired by the experiences of a young person entrenched in the digital age of pop music, painted with a queer brushstroke. —Paul V. Vitagliano DECEMBER 23, 2015


tv By Dominic Rothbard

The Soup Series Finale Dec. 18, E!

We finally say goodbye, after 11 years, to E!’s iconic clip show. Where am I gonna dunk my dooballs now? Who is gonna feed me Chat Stew? The series, which has been taping live the past year, will go out strong with a onehour episode. E! is promising special guests, classic clips and surprises. Hey Mankini, if you need a place to crash after this, look me up.

RUPAUL’S DRAG RACE: GREEN SCREEN CHRISTMAS Dec. 13, Logo Spend the holidays with your favorite queens as RuPaul rocks aroud the Christmas tree performing duets with Big Freedia, Michelle Visage, Markaholic and more while subtly trying to convince you to buy her new holiday-themed album, Slay, Belles. You’ll also witness the premiere of Ru’s latest video, “Mery Christmas, Mary,” which features 20 queens from past Drag Race seasons! If that’s not enough to get your mistletoes curling, Logo will keep the holiday cheer going through the new year with a Drag Race marathon culminating in RuPaul’s own “ruvolations.” TELEVISION LONG DIVISION

SET YOUR Friday, Dec. 11 The Pfeffermans are back for more action in Transparent, joined by Anjelica Huston, Tig Notaro and more as things pick up at Sarah and Tammy’s wedding. The show’s already been renewed for Season 3, so what are you waiting for? (Amazon) Sunday, Dec. 13 Andy Cohen continues his domination of the gay TV landscape with his latest show, Then and Now, which looks back on culturally impactful years and how they’ve shaped today in unexpected ways. Topics will include the O.J. Simpson murders and the premiere of Friends. (10 p.m., Bravo)

RuPaul’s Drag Race

Rudolf the RedNosed Reindeer

Infomercial for a Harry Connick Jr. Christmas album

RuPaul’s Green Screen Christmas

Sunday, Dec. 13 Prepare to say goodbye as Getting On gets ready to flatline. The Laurie Metcalf, Niecy Nash, Alex Borstein series never quite found its footing, but HBO was kind enough to give it a proper sendoff. (10 p.m., HBO) Monday, Dec. 14 Adele played her first U.S. concert since 2011 on Nov. 17, and you weren’t there! But no worries, NBC’s got you covered with a special broadcast of Adele: Live in New York City. (10 p.m., NBC) Friday, Dec. 18 Whether you love anime or have been dying for the next Jem-like cartoon after the movie broke your heart, you’ll love Glitter Force. Join tiny pixie Candy as she recruits teen girls to save Earth. (Netflix) Sunday, Dec. 20 Undercover Boss is still on the air? We hadn’t realized. Probably because it’s been disguised in a terrible wig. The seventh season premieres tonight. (8:30 p.m., CBS)

iHEARTRADIO JINGLE BALL Dec. 17, The CW The season’s biggest music event (their words, not ours),the annual Jingle Ball concert, returns. This year’s lineup includes The Weeknd, Demi Lovato, Calvin Harris, Selena Gomez, Fetty Wap, Nick Jonas and a host of other artists your niece is probably obsessed with. Filmed Dec. 11 at Madison Square Garden in Manhattan, the proceeds of this year’s concert go to Ryan Seacrest’s foundation (so there’s that).

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DECEMBER 23, 2015


50 of our favorite local stores and boutiques, all perfect for gift-buying this holiday season


By Mike Ciriaco, Drew Mackie & Stephan Horbelt



4 46





t’s impossible to overemphasize the importance of supporting local businesses, especially during the holidays. Spend your money in ways that have it come back to you, we like to say! Fortunately, with its myriad boutiques and specialty stores, it’s easy to shop local in Los Angeles, where you can purchase a new pair of Nikes, a dozen gluten-free cupcakes and a designer jockstrap before your meter expires. This year, when you’re shopping for the perfect presents, hit up this exciting crop of local businesses before selling your soul to a big box retailer. 1 101 SMOKE SHOP Most gay ganja-philes might prefer a new bong to stuff instead of a stocking hung on the chimney. Hit up this helpful head shop to purchase a new smoking apparatus from its extensive collection of glassware. 3266 Cahuenga Blvd. W., Hlywd. Hills 2 AMOEBA MUSIC Even for the younger generation that relies on illegal downloading as their primary source for music, Amoeba provides a unique shopping experience. From vintage vinyl and rare tour posters to kitschy lunchboxes and irony-laden action figures, this music store defies piracy. 6400 Sunset Blvd., Hlywd, 3 ANDREW CHRISTIAN This local label has become the leading name in underwear for gay dudes, thanks to its use of flattering and outlandish cuts (take a look at the Xpose Boxer and the Hero Jock— they aren’t for prudes) and colors that pop. Give a pair of sexy briefs to the guy you wanna see naked. 8943 Santa Monica Blvd., WeHo, 4 ARCANA BOOKSTORE We’re lucky enough to have a few solid indie bookstores in the

26 L.A. area—Book Soup (no. 8), Vroman’s and Chevallier’s among them—but Culver City’s Arcana Bookstore specializes in books about the arts. Know someone who has a favorite artist? Give that artist to them in printed form. 8675 Washington Blvd., Culver City, 5 BARRY’S BOOTCAMP With New Year’s resolutions right around the corner, help your chubby hubby kick off 2016 the healthy way by giving the gift of fitness. You can find gift cards ranging from $20-$500 for hour-long sessions of cardio and strength training. 1106 N. La Cienega Blvd., WeHo, 6 BEST FRIENDS ANIMAL SOCIETY The worst thing you could do is gift a rescue pet to someone unprepared or not interested in taking on the responsibility, but if you and your partner have decided it’s time to increase your family size, there’s no better way to save a life! 15321 Brand Blvd., Mission Hills, 7 BIG KID COLLECTIBLES This retro toy shop offers an ex te nsive colle c tion of fun things you probably remember from your childhood—or, more likely, don’t remember but need in your life anyway. Know someone who’d love a Lite Brite for Christmas? Stop here. 14109 Burbank Blvd., Sherman Oaks, 8 BOOK SOUP Step into this favorite West Hollywood shop when you’re seeking out not just a great read for your favorite bibliophile but a signed copy, which Book Soup sometimes carries after its high-profile celebrity appearances and signings. 8818 Sunset Blvd., WeHo, 9 BRICK AND MORTAR Having styled the guys of Boystown since 2006, this place has a hand in creating the WeHo wardrobe.

It recently split into two spaces and has expanded its offerings to shoes, upscale basics and accessories for both sexies, plus home goods. 8705 & 8713 Santa Monica Blvd., WeHo, 10 COMPARTES CHOCOLATIER Yes, you could give the standard box of See’s, but this chocolatie r ’s t wo lo catio n s of fe r gourmet chocolates that skew more adventurous than purely swe et . Flavo r s like mango saffron, raspberry-pink pepper and cactus will please even the most desser t-averse . 912 S . Barrington Ave. and 8428 Melrose Pl., 11 DECADES This holiday season, select something suave for your sartorialist. Considered a world leader in luxe vintage clothing, Decades’ authentic inventory spans from the ‘20s to the present, which is why its loyal clientele includes Julianne Moore and Charlize Theron. 8214 Melrose Ave., WeHo, 12 DOUGHBOYS If you’re shopping for someone with visions of sugarplums dancing in their head, swing by this decadent bakery known for its signature red velvet cakes. Luckily they’re big enough for two to share. 8136 W. 3rd St., L.A., 13 FREEDOM REIGNS UNDERWEAR This local man-panty purveyor proves that less is indeed more. Freedom Reigns’ sexy selection of skimpy skivvies make great stocking stuffers for the stud in your life. 5770 Melrose Ave. #201, L.A., 14 GALCO’S SODA POP STOP It’s a shop Huell Howser himself helped make famous, and for good reason—there’s nowhere quite like Galco’s for speciality sodas. It features exotic drinks from around the world that make a great gift for pop fans— or anyone in search of specialty mixers. 5702 York Blvd., L.A.,

15 — 19 GEEK CHIC SHOPPING L . A . is a veritable cornucopia when it comes to shopping for your favorite queer nerd. M e l t down Com ics of fe r s a diverse selection of all things geeky, from graphic novels and action figures to apparel and even classes on how to create your own comics. (7522 Sunset Blvd., Hlywd, For more focused purchases, head down to Melrose for a comic book shop crawl. Start at Golden Apple, our “Best of Gay L.A.” comic shop choice, and head straight for the LGBT shelf. (7018 Melrose Ave., L.A., Down the road, Mega City One offers 10% off on new issues all week long, but it’s the glut of games like Magic: The Gathering that make ideal gifts for your favorite gaymer. (7301 Melrose Ave., L.A., If your boy-toy is strictly a toy-boy, hit up Puzzle Zoo for its ample selection of action figures, collectables and Lego sets. (7547 Melrose Ave., L.A., Westsiders can shop locally at the newly renovated Hi De Ho Comics, which offers not only new comics but an impressive selection of back issues for those patient enough to treasure hunt through their cache of cardboard boxes. (1431 Lincoln Blvd., SaMo,

DECEMBER 23, 2015




20 GOORIN BROS HAT SHOP Make your hat-loving hipster happy by hitting up this haberdashery to top his noggin with a fedora, baseball cap, bowler or any of their other varieties of headware. 141 1/2 N. Larchmont Blvd., Larchmont, 21 HIVE GALLERY If your amore is an aesthete with an abundance of empty wall space, head downtown to a gallery some have dubbed the best stop on the DTLA Artwalk. Pieces are currently available from J Salvadore, Cynthia Rogers and Christopher Olson. 729 S. Spring St., DTLA, 22 HUNTEES While it doesn’t have its own brick-and-mortar presence just yet, this local company is a great place to hunt for fun tees, mugs and other merch showcasing talented artists, like L.A.’s own Glen Hanson. It’s also ground zero for your favorite Drag Race queens’ official merch! 23 IAM8BIT GALLERY Famed for its annual showcase of video game-inspired art, the space is open year-round, and you can still buy prints of many of the pieces displayed in previous shows. Help your gamer friends celebrate their pastime in style. 2147 Sunset Blvd., Echo Park, 24 JUNK FOOD CLOTHING If you’re shopping for a lover with laid-back style, browse this store’s casual T-shirt selection. Graphic tees range from Grateful Dead to The Who and a cotton-blend galaxy of Star Wars options. 5770 W. Jefferson Blvd., Culver City, 25 KYLE CHAN DESIGN A rising SoCal jewelry designer, Chan specializes in exotic precious and semi-precious stones set in gold and silver, making his jewelry 48


the perfect gift for any special someone. His men’s pieces include bracelets, earrings, necklaces and rings. 26 LASC A staple of WeHo shopping for stylish gays, this is the place to find on-trend denim and fashion from labels as diverse as Diesel, G-Star, Zanerobe, 2(x)ist and LASC’s own line of activewear. The well-versed staff here is able to style you (and your giftee) for the gym or the club. Just ask. 8592 Santa Monica Blvd., WeHo, 27 LOS ANGELES COUNTY STORE In case you have anyone on your list who prizes local goods, either for L.A. pride reasons or otherwise, this spot offers art, food, housewares and doodads that are certified as being created in the City of Angels. 4333 Sunset Blvd., Silver Lake, 28 MICKEY HARGITAY PLANTS Nothing says “I love you” like a tropical plant. No, really. This West Hollywood shop offers exotic plants for both indoors and outdoors, and has a staff able to advise the person you’re giving them to how not to kill them. 1255 N. Sycamore Ave., WeHo, 29 MINDFULNEST This shop’s two locations specialize in a range of gifts but will be particularly handy if you’re shopping for a special lady in your life—maybe the kind of cool aunt you’d give a small gift to in addition to that bottle of wine. 3319 W. Magnolia Blvd. and 2711 Main St., 30 MODSHOP Perfect the new homeowner or anyone who doesn’t have a knack for decorating their own spaces, ModShop is a


must-stop for creative throwpillows, statement lighting pieces and custom furniture, all with a ‘60s and ‘70s-tinged Brady Bunch feel. 5901 W. 3rd St., L.A., 31 MONSIEUR MARCEL Shopping for a Francophile foodie? Grab them some treats as well as ingredients for preparing their next feast. Bonus points: Grab a bite for yourself while passing through this Farmer’s Market stop. 6333 W. 3rd St., 32 PHILIPPE’S It’s not advisable to wrap up a French dip sandwich, though that decision is up to you. What might be a tidier way of giving a bit of Philippe’s as a gift is a bottle of the eatery’s famous hot mustard. 1001 N. Alameda St., DTLA, 33 PLEASURE CHEST With over four decades of experience under its chastity belt (kinky!), the iconic adult merchandise bazaar can help pick out the perfect item to make yo u r X X X- m a s m e m o ra b l e . 7733 Santa Monica Blvd., WeHo, 34 POKETO Collected with idea of injecting art into everyday life, the wares at Poketo include housewares, accessories, books and more. The store’s website even arranges items into gifting categories—for him, for her and for kids—to facilitate gift-buying. 820 E. 3rd St. and 3515 Wilshire Blvd., 35 POPKILLER If you’re having a hard time finding the perfect gift for a fashionista that favors Harajuku style, head to this Japanese-owned retail store that specializes in vintage clothing, quirky accessories and its own line of J-pop-style tees. 343 E. 2nd St., DTLA,

36 SHOPCLASS L.A. A great place to browse for beautiful vintage furniture. You may not spring for coffee tables for everyone on your list, but Shopclass boasts a great array of smaller items that should please even the hippest of loved ones. 5215 York Blvd., Highland Park, 37 SKYLIGHT BOOKS Head to the East Side if you’re buying for a bookworm this season, especially if they verge on the nerdy. The store is comprised of two sections—one filled with graphic novels and art books, the other housing everything else. 1818 N. Vermont Ave., Los Feliz, 38 SPICE STATION Perfect for cooks who prefer hardto-find spices and salts, this place has one of the city’s most extensive selection. Amchoor? Yep. Epazote? They’ve got it. Bolivian Rose Salt? Yes, that’s a thing, and yes, Spice Station carries it. 3819 Sunset Blvd., Silver Lake, 39 SPITFIRE GIRL This boutique offers a wide variety of wooden goods, including imminently giftable postcards printed on cherrywood, but that description doesn’t quite cover the breadth of handmade items on sale. They’re one-of-a-kind in the literal sense. 1939 1/2 Hillhurst Ave. and 7401 Melrose Ave., 40 SURFAS CULINARY DISTRICT While this spot specializes in wares for those who cook commercially, any food-lover can make an afternoon of strolling through the aisles and marveling at the products, edible or not. You’re sure to find a cooking utensil so specific you didn’t imagine it even existed. 8777 Washington Blvd., Culver City,


41 TIME TRAVEL MART This place doesn’t just sell time travel supplies. They also offer dinosaur eggs, canned mammoth chunks and something called “robot milk.” All of it makes for good one-of-a-kind gifts that benefit the awesome 826LA afterschool tutoring program. 1714 W. Sunset Blvd. and 12515 Venice Blvd., 42 TWEAK ON BEVERLY On the hunt for a hard-to-find gift or a couple well-curated items? Opt for “the original giftery.” In addition to stylish home goods, Tweak offers a gift concierge service that aims to please even the hardest-to-please people on your list. 8384 Beverly Blvd., L.A.,


43 UNIS The focus of this shop, curated by owner Eunice Lee, is clean, modern, sophisticated menswear. Perfect for men’s pants, a simple crewneck, belts and bags, it’s a great option for that fashionable friend who’s notoriously difficult to shop for. 138 S. La Brea Ave., L.A. 44 VACATION VINYL The adjacent sister store of comics shop Secret Headquarters, Vacation Vinyl specializes in treats for the music fiend in your life, obviously. These guys are so cool that they still sell cassettes, including a batch of “Metal Tapes” going for a cool $666. 3815 Sunset Blvd., Silver Lake.


45 WACKO Along with the associated Soap Plant Shop and the Luz de Jesus Gallery, Wacko is one of the city’s premier destinations for novelties and pop culture paraphernalia. If “weird” is the keyword for anyone on your list, Wacko is well worth a stop. 4633 Hollywood Blvd., Los Feliz, 46 WACKY WACKO One of the city’s most outlandish shopping experiences, this boutique, helmed by Seth Bogart, is like stepping directly into Pee-wee’s Playhouse. The fashions themselves—from art-covered tees to socks to underwear—are just as out there. 1361 Sunset Blvd., Echo Park, 47 THE WALKING COMPANY Find your fella something festive for his feet this year by stepping into this one-stop shoe outlet. From sneakers and sandals to boots and dress shoes, this shop




has something perfect for your man to park his little piggies. 10250 Santa Monica Blvd., Century City, 48 WORLD-8 A ny schlub can roll into a GameStop and get the most recent, overpriced video game for their geeky gaymer. If you want to tug at those nostalgic heart stings, hit up this retro 8-bit haven and invest in his childhood obsessions. 1057 S. Vermont Ave., Koreatown, 49 WING HOP FUNG Simply put, it’s one of the best places to buy tea in Southern California, though the shop also sells Chinese herbs, speciality items, alcohol and even gift boxes that are wrapping paper-ready. 727 N. Broadway, Chinatown,


50 WONDERLAND L.A. Those with a taste for the eccentric will love this goth-flavored boutique, opened by L.A. tattoo goddess Kat Von D (and housed next door to her High Voltage parlour). You’ll find tees, jewelry and other accessories and home décor your Midwest mother might call “creepy.” 1257 N. La Brea Ave., WeHo, DECEMBER 23, 2015


e h t k c e D

s l l a H Faced with a holiday décor conundrum? Need a majestic centerpiece for your upcoming fête? That’s when you call in the expert, Bob Pranga. You can call him Dr. Christmas By Drew Mackie


f you need your house to look festive in a flash, call Dr. Christmas. No, really—that’s a thing you can do. Should you choose to make that call, you’ll be in company with an impressive roster of famous folks who have summoned Bob Pranga and his business partner, Debi Staron, to transform their homes into winter wonderlands. Speaking to Frontiers, Pranga recalls how his path to becoming the Christmas décor whiz was aided by three famous women. It all began in New York, when Pranga was working as an actor but also arranging Christmas decorations inside Macy’s. “One day Mia Farrow walked in and said, ‘Wow, that’s beautiful. I wish someone could do that in my house,’” Pranga says. “I was 21 at the time, and I said, ‘Well, I can help you,’ like a good Midwestern boy.” Eventually, Pranga relocated to Los Angeles, where he worked for Kathy Hilton. “She liked what I did, and being a Hilton, she introduced me to a whole group of people. She opened a lot of doors for me in this town,” he says. Soon, Pranga was eyeing bigger things for Dr. Christmas. “I realized that if you wanted to make a good living at this, you had to get yourself onto television. And once again, because I didn’t know any better, I called Leeza Gibbons’ show. The receptionist thought I





? a.

Bob Pranga, affectionately referred to as Dr. Christmas (right); one of the many trees designed by Pranga and business partner Debi Staron

Christmas Doesn’t Grow on Trees HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS? Here are Pranga’s tips for better-designed Christmas décor at home.

➸ There’s a reason you’re inclined toward a certain style of décor, Pranga says. “Christmas is really about the past, and people are always trying to recreate something from the past in the present. There’s always a lot of emotion attached to what you want.”

➸ If you theme a given year’s decorations, don’t go overboard. “Design the tree the way you want it and then add one or two accessories that make it into something really special each year,” he says. “Don’t decorate trendy—unless you have a lot of money.”

You can actually create a themed installation with a small handful of additions. “Let’s say you decorate your tree all in red. All you’d have to do is place a picture of Judy Garland on it—a photo, a piece of memorabilia, something related to Wizard of Oz. All it takes is a single item and the mind goes to the focal point. ‘Oh, it’s a Judy tree.’”

Tread carefully with the minimalism, however. “Pottery Barn kind of ruined the market for true Christmas people. They teach you to put five silver balls in a bowl with a sprig of green and you’re done. That’s fine, in some respects. But it kind of takes away the magic of Christmas.” was actually a real doctor, and the next thing I know, I’m telling Leeza Gibbons herself about how I should be on her show.” It worked. More TV appearances followed, and as a result, Dr. Christmas’s services have been employed by big names like Steven Spielberg, Ryan Seacrest, Carrie Fisher, Christina Applegate and Kirstie Alley. “I decided it was just going to be a big game—to see how many famous people I could work for and how many TV shows I get on, and I’d just keep doing it until I got caught. Lo and behold, 25 years later, we’re still doing it,” he says, before joking, “I tell everyone I’m the biggest 30-year overnight sensation.” Pranga hasn’t been caught so far, and he’s willing to share stories about clients who go particularly big for the holidays. “Christina Aguilera is fun,” he says. “She’s a Christmas-aholic. She wants Christmas everywhere—inside, outside. And she does a lot of it herself. She’s an artist, but there’s a playful side to her.” He notes that another client, Heidi Klum, strove to balance Christmas décor so that it befits a fashion icon but is still fun for her kids. “Love her,” he says of Klum. “I seem to work for all these perfectionist, design-oriented people, and for Heidi, it has to look elegant but it also has to be family-friendly.” Pranga’s work isn’t just limited to homes. Dr. Christmas devised the album art for a Barbra Streisand Christmas album, for example, as well helping on the set of American Horror Story— both the charming first season décor and the less traditional trappings of the Asylum season. “The set decorator came to me saying she doesn’t like to do Christmas,” he says. “The direction was ‘We’re not doing this as a traditional christmas. The asylum is out of control. We will be decorating with dead hands and diapers and dentures and everything associated with old people who have gone nuts,” he recalls, laughing. That’s quite a jump from the guy who can still recall family-focused, Wonder Years-style Christmases back home, but Pranga is the first to note that his line of work has evolved into an industry he never would have anticipated. “I knew I was finally onto something when I got a call from the company that does that scholastic test they make us all take in school to determine what your career should be,” he says. “They called and asked if they could add my career to the list of things kids can do now.” If anyone should get that call, it’s Pranga, who talks about Christmas decorations with the passion of someone who truly understands the transformative nature of the holiday. “It’s the one time of year when people are allowed to decorate their homes for a month in some fantasy-type situation, in any way they want. It’s almost like you get to be a kid again, and you get to play. You get to deconstruct the normal everyday stuff, and no one’s going to judge you about it,” Pranga says before correcting himself. “Well, most people won’t care.”

➸ If you live in a midcentury or modern home, don’t force a cozy Christmas on it. “It’s like decorating a bank building. Those homes are not designed for cozy and warm; they’re designed for minimalist-style decorations—clean, lots of symmetry, maybe monochromatic.”

➸ If you’re looking for new items, stay away from chains and department stores. “Generally I find the most interesting ornaments in smaller boutique stores. That’s where you’ll find the more interesting things until you can find an official Christmas shop.”

➸ If you want to predict what’s on-trend in a given

year, look at the previous season’s key colors. “A lot of the materials used in making clothing and furniture are left over and end up in the gift market, and they’re turned into ornaments and other things. Blue was popular last year. Blue is now the color that’s in this year.”

➸ Eclectic mixes can fall apart if you’re mixing the

wrong media. “If you have something very plasticlooking, maybe from the ’60s, and then you decide to add something woodsy with birds on it—there are some things that maybe just don’t go together. But, hey, if you like it and it makes you happy, who am I to judge?”

➸ Also, read the news. “Christmas trends follow

politics and economics. Because it’s Frontiers, I can say this: If the Republicans are in the White House, the country is a tad more conservative. People hunker down and go with what they know—very traditional. If the Democrats are in the White House, the trends and the colors and everything tends to come out. It’s just a whole different energy. Neither one is right or wrong, but it does all come from the top down.” Book Pranga’s services for your own home this holiday season at

DECEMBER 23, 2015





Photography by Ryan Forbes

As Cirque du Soleil’s latest big top production, Kurios, rolls into Los Angeles this month, its director aims to ensure you question the world around you By Patrick Rosenquist


M ic h e l L a p ri s e

he first time Michel Laprise encountered a Cirque du Soleil show, he was a young boy in Québec City. Exploring a Downtown market with his father, Laprise was tempted by, as he puts it, “a strange kind of music.” “I was a kid following a pied piper,” he says. Laprise stumbled across one of the performance troupe’s early shows. “Back then, there weren’t any security or guards. I went right up to the canvas tent and lifted it up.” What he saw changed his world. Québec City, as Laprise describes it, is a place where “Everyone wears the same shoes; a very suburban place,” but the show’s diversity—and excitement—spoke to him. “I told my dad I wanted to see the show that same night. I saw it again the next night,” he says. “I went off to boarding school after that, but if it were up to me, I would’ve seen that show six times in a row.”

DECEMBER 23, 2015


he memory of Laprise’s first Cirque encounter faded— “Life happens,” as he puts it. But shortly after completing drama school in London and Milan, he was given an opportunity. The Montréal-based performance group was looking for a talent scout, and Laprise, with his intimate contacts in the world of theater, fit the bill. “I thought I’d do it for a few months and see the world,” he says. A decade and a half later, he is one of Cirque’s rising stars. Laprise is now helming his first full-throated Cirque du Soleil show. One of its “Big Tent” productions, which travel 54


from town to town, Kurios will be stationed at Dodger Stadium from now through Feb. 7. While the style of Cirque has become ubiquitous—even the subject of parody—Laprise sees this production as a return to form for the revolutionary performance enterprise. “I want to get back to what made Cirque original. We were street performers at first,” he says. Acts working the streets have a different—and usually more demanding—set of goals. Unlike a traditional show, your audience does not expect that you’re coming, they do not have to pay attention, and you

DECEMBER 23, 2015


must alter the course of their day—get them to stop and enjoy your art—before you get any compensation. At its soul, street performance is about surprising and delighting an audience, because, as Laprise puts it, “Your livelihood depends on it.” irque du Soleil, which was founded in 1984, has very much outgrown its spontaneous roots. With residencies dotting Las Vegas, and a cavalcade of performers awing audiences on almost every continent, it’s one of theater’s most successful ventures. How does a group so familiar surprise the jaded? “I drew from the unusual,” says Laprise, adding that the new show’s twist on a Steampunk aesthetic—a mix of Victorian works and sci-fi whimsy—was inspired by turn-of-the-century optimism. “The late 19th century was a time of wonder, when people were becoming more in touch with their humanity,” says Laprise. “Suddenly, with the gramophone, music could travel. Electricity seemed magical. I see our time as a parallel of the Victorian age,” he explains. The story of Kurios, like most Cirque shows, was long in development. Laprise says that a typical show takes two years of planning—never mind the actual rehearsals—before it comes into form. The story of Kurios follows an inventor who has amassed an impressive amount of trinkets, most of which he does not understand. In an attempt to unravel their meaning, he opens a portal between our world and another dimension. But instead of traveling elsewhere, the inventor is greeted by a string of otherworldly creatures, each of which embodies a facet of discovery—wonder, joy, trepidation and imagination. “I want the audience to leave the show questioning their reality,” says Laprise. “At one point we have a number involving 56


chairs, and they’re used as props in a dance. I want the audience to come away and look at something that ordinary, and think about it in a different way.” Laprise, who currently lives in Montréal, represents a renaissance in Cirque du Soleil. With its ever-expanding list of residencies, drawing upon a list of musical influences as diverse—and profitable—as Michael Jackson and The Beatles, the company has become a staple of North American Theater. As its Vegas roster grows, the company is investing in off-thewall shows like Kurios, whose main influence, as Laprise puts it, is “French Steampunk”—an aesthetic that doesn’t even return relevant results on a google search. aprise, who is openly gay, began working at Cirque as a talent scout, reorganizing the interview process to highlight the best and most spirited performers. Laprise thought the gig would only last a few months, but he stayed with the company for a few years. After becoming familiar with the inner workings of the company, Laprise asked Guy Laliberté, the founder and creative director of Cirque du Soleil, for the chance to direct his own show.

“He told me, ‘Are you crazy?’ which of course was a great vote of confidence,” says Laprise. Laliberté made him the Special Events Designer, which covered Cirque’s more commercial venues—unveilings at Microsoft, integrations with Québec City’s 400th anniversary—before assigning him a touring show. Laprise also served as a creative director for Madonna’s 2012 Super Bowl halftime show, and directed her MDNA Tour. “Madonna is hysterical. When my accent was bigger,” says Laprise, whose way of speaking very much pins him as a French Canadian, “she would crack up when I spoke. She sends me flowers on my birthday. She’s a very smart performer.” This is the first of several shows he has planned for Cirque du Soleil, and its run so far has been a success. Though it’s not customary for a director to travel with a show, Laprise makes a point to show up to as many performances as possible. “More than anything I’ve been involved with, this show recharges my batteries,” says Laprise. When asked what he wants audiences to take away from the show, he’s concise. “I want them to feel as if anything is possible. I want them to feel joy.” With a show as breathtaking and unique as Kurios, Laprise is sure to succeed.

Cirque du Soleil’s Kurios: Cabinet of Curiosities will be at Los Angeles’ Dodger Stadium through February. For tickets and more info, go to

“These two models are real-life boyfriends,” says Stokes. “I was surprised how many gay models are willing to pose nude with a woman but not with a man.” DECEMBER 23, 2015



From left: Lucien Laviscount, Charlie Sheen, Reid Ewing, Michael Lucas


More Sheen Scandal Just when you thought you’d heard it all, the Charlie Sheen HIV story takes an unexpected turn. According to RadarOnline, there is what is being touted as a “gay sex video” starring Sheen. A reporter for that media outlet claims to have personally seen three different video clips, totaling roughly 90 seconds. It supposedly shows him smoking crack in a hotel room, looking right into the camera and then sucking the dick of an unidentified guy. That’s an awful lot of action for 90 seconds! We hear the video was leaked because the guy being serviced says Sheen gave him herpes! If this scenario sounds familiar, that’s because it was part of an anonymous lawsuit against an A-list celebrity worth in excess of $100 million who was spreading herpes. The Plaintiff claims these events took place in Las Vegas in 2011. The suit claims Sheen “entered into a nefarious plot designed to lure Plaintiff into his luxurious hotel room to serve his prurient desires.” Who wrote this lawsuit, Dame Barbara Cartland? Nefarious? Prurient? We’re talking about Las Vegas, where you can give a blow job to hotel employees in an elevator! After Sheen assured the guy he didn’t have any diseases, the guy says they partook of the following activities: “mutual oral copulation, mutual self-gratification, rubbing and massaging each other, play-wrestling, licking and (unprotected) intercourse.” Where the hell is that video, because all of that should take more than 90 seconds! To make matters more complicated, other parties 58


claim the suit was settled out of court (for millions, allegedly), and the only copy of the video was destroyed. Hmm. Coming Out (Again) Everyone seems to be talking about Modern Family star Reid Ewing coming out as gay. I find it odd that this is being called news, especially since we reported it several years ago. Even Ewing thinks the hoopla is strange. When asked on Twitter if he came out, he responded, “I was never in.” What he definitely was in is the 2013 film 10 Rules For Sleeping Around, where he not only shows all (yes, I do mean all) but is even mounted by a particularly amorous border collie! You can check him out on my site. Porn Bigwig Fights Airbnb Extortion Award-winning porn director Michael Lucas has been slapped with a lawsuit by a woman whose house he rented via Airbnb. According to Kristina Knapic, she rented out her mansion in Ojai (where I believe the Bionic Woman lived) to a woman named Anna who said she would be staying there with two friends. Knapic alleges that Lucas showed up claiming to be Anna’s brother-in-law. According to the complaint, the house was trashed during their stay, and she found “urine, semen and fecal matter on the linens, carpets, upholstery, walls, ceilings and in the hot tub.” It sounds like she went through the place with one of those special blue flashlights! She also claimed “enema kits were found throughout the house—on the floors, in the beds, in nightstand drawers and in the trash.” How many enemas do three people need? She also states the hot tub was “brownish in color.” Let us take a moment to digest that, shall we? Lucas responded by saying the lawsuit is without merit, calling Knapic a “professional

extortionist.” He says that while he was in the mansion, she was in the guest house on the property and could see anything and everything going on. He produced text messages indicating that the owner’s representative did a final walkthrough and found the house in good order. Being a smart cookie, Lucas also took photos and videos of the property before and after his stay, which substantiate his claim. He also reveals one little factoid not listed in the lawsuit—the mansion contains a “fairly wellequipped sex dungeon in the basement, complete with a sex swing, whips, chains and miscellaneous bondage paraphernalia.” I didn’t know Sondheim owned a house in Ojai! Ask Billy: A British Big Deal We have time for a quick “Ask Billy” question. Charles in London writes, “We just got Scream Queens. I didn’t know Lucien Laviscount was in it. He’s a big deal in the UK. I think there are some nude photos of him out there.” Laviscount is best known for roles on the UK shows Coronation Street, Waterloo Road and Celebrity Big Brother. On Scream Queens, he plays the ironically named Earl Grey. The very impressive photos allegedly come from a nude Skype call. (Been there, done that.) You can see the pics (of him, not me) on my site. When Reid Ewing is bringing new meaning to the term “doggy style,” we’ve definitely come to the end of yet another column. While I try to avoid eating my weight in peppermint bark, you can check out, the site that’ll never hang you up. If you’ve got a question for me, send it along to, and I promise to get back to you before Charlie Sheen appears in a gay porn version of Two and a Half Men (directed by Michael Lucas, naturally). So, until next time, remember, one man’s filth is another man’s bible.


IT’S FINALLY HERE, the time of year I long for and yet dread—stores are once again stocking peppermint bark. I’d like to say I have self-control, but I’d also like to say I can still fit into my size-31 jeans. I gain an inch around the waist each time I walk by a Ghirardelli store. By Christmas, I’ll only be able to get into the house via the garage door!





here’s perhaps nothing more Hollywood than a baby gay who pretends he’s a Tinseltown bigshot before you realize he’s just another temp for the HR department. Not all men handing out a VistaPrint business card at The Abbey have a corner office on Sunset Boulevard! That said, one such temp in disguise may be losing his $13-per-hour gig after sending out a company-wide email with the subject line “Anal Flu Shots Now Available for ALL, Free of Charge!” From this email, we can assume one of two things. Either he didn’t proofread the annual flu shot announcement or this management company is about to (literally) stick it to their employees.



e’ve all been here before: You see a man, tall, dark and devastatingly handsome. Your body swells with anticipation, and you instinctively flirt. Then you realize you’re waiting in line for a prescription at a WeHo free clinic (don’t ask!), a place where you keep your head down and don’t make eye contact. You also realize that this hottie is a bag of crazy. But you’ve already engaged his insanity and have no choice but to weather his ramblings. He tells you about his headache, runny nose, noisy breathing, discomfort and phlegmy spit-up. WebMD tells him that these are the indications of either Herpes Zoster of the Brain, Simple Partial Epileptic Seizures, Nasal Polyps, Whooping Cough or a Facial Hematoma. You suggest it could just be the flu, then he exclaims, “Does the flu make your bones rattle like a peacock on parade?! Does it?! Does it?!” You’re confused, but you ask him on a date anyway. Hey, it’s the holidays, and you’re lonely.



received an email from a regular reader seeking “some reach-around advice on man-on-man mores.” This dear reader, Paul K. of Hollywood, asks, “My boyfriend’s ex just started working in my office. He’s made it clear he’s super into my [reference to a man’s genitals here.] Is it cool if I sleep with him? He’s hotter and funnier than my boyfriend, but my boyfriend has more money. Little help?” Well, Mr. K, you’ve locked me into a queer conundrum. Often when I wrestle with men (literally and metaphorically), I create a pro and con list for each potential beau. In your case, it seems one has the hotness and the other has the money. For me, it always comes down to dimples versus dollars. Everything else (like a “good personality,” whatever that means) is little white noise. Before making my decision, I have a few more questions. When you say “hot,” do you mean L.A.-10 or I guess if I was super drunk at Fubar and my friends would never find out hot? When we’re talking money, are we talking David Geffen money or I bought this BMW at Carmax money? Compare and contrast your numerological responses; whichever one ranks higher tells you which dumpty you should humpty. Or just call it a day and make it a threeway!



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For more Gossip Gay, go to Drop me your dirty little secrets at, and don’t worry, I never give up my deep throat! DECEMBER 23, 2015




PSGMC HOLIDAY CONCERT Jewish Community Center Palm Springs Dec. 12-13



erforming its most ambitious work ever, and alongside two area youth choirs, the Palm Springs Gay Men’s Chorus returns to the desert with its always anticipated holiday concerts this month at the Jewish Community Center. Among its planned numbers, the 85-member-strong chorus will perform a rendition of British composer John Rutter’s large-scale masterpiece, “Gloria.” “It’s a beautiful piece sung in Latin, accompanied by an organ,” says board president David Sanchez, who calls “Gloria” the most challenging piece the chorus has ever performed. “The piece also has brass, trombones and a tuba. It’s a very complex piece and is really spectacular. It’s a piece that members wouldn’t normally learn in a community-based chorus.” Sanchez, who joined the chorus five years ago and became board president four years ago, says, “Our artistic director, Douglas C. Wilson, was very interested in teaching some challenging music. Many of our members have strong musical backgrounds and are used to performing some pretty significant works, so they were eager to learn it. We’re really excited about doing it.” Other songs on the program include holiday favorites like “I’ll Be Home for Christmas,” “’Twas the Night Before Christmas” and Hanukkah song “Light the Legend.” The group will also feature a funny song, “Coming Out for Christmas,” sung to the tune of “Hark the Herald Angels Sing.” “It’s a cute song. It talks about being on the fence and finally coming out of the closet and making your Christmas gay and fun,” says Sanchez. The show’s finale will be memorable, as the choruses from Raymond Cree Middle School in Palm Springs and Cathedral City High School will join the gay men for a special rendition of “Silver Bells.” “I don’t know how we’ll fit all those people onstage,” laughs Sanchez. “There are probably 70 members of the two youth choirs, plus our 85. It will be crowded, but should really be

special. We’ve been rehearsing since August. They’ve been rehearsing since the school year began. Now we’ll all be coming together to perform.” This joint performance with the two school choirs came about thanks to connections made at the schools after the choir began donating to anti-bullying efforts. “For the past two years, we’ve been donating money for anti-bullying efforts to the gay-straight alliances in schools across the Coachella Valley,” says Sanchez. “We’ve given $500 to each of the schools, probably for a total of about $10,000.” The donations came from a grant from the Palm Springsbased Grace Helen Spearman Charitable Foundation, which gives grants for educational purposes, cultural arts, medical research and improving impoverished lives. Part of the choir’s mission is community involvement, and they specifically wanted to help gay-straight student alliances, so they applied for the Spearman grant to funnel the money to the schools. The gay-straight alliances then applied to the chorus to get the money for their individual schools, and the anti-bullying efforts are already having an impact. “I work as a substitute teacher, and you can definitely see the difference as far as promoting anti-bullying,” Sanchez says. “And not just for being gay, but anti-bullying for anything. Students are bullied for their size, the way they dress, the way they speak, whatever it is. It’s dealing with bullying in general, and you can see it in our local school systems. I walk around the campus and see how students react to each other and it’s changed in the past two years.” Formed in 1999 under the name Caballeros, the Palm Spring Gay Men’s Chorus will hold auditions for new members in early January. No previous singing experience is necessary, though you must be available for rehearsals on Tuesday nights. Two more concerts will be held later this season—a February concert featuring some of its small ensembles, and an April concert dubbed “Fascinatin’ Rhythm.”


The Palm Springs Gay Men’s Chorus squeezes more than 150 talented singers on a stage with this year’s annual holiday spectacular By James F. Mills

Sat. | Dec. 12 MAUREEN MCGOVERN Annenberg Theatre

Wed. | Dec. 16 THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER Camelot Theatre

Best known for the Oscar-winning songs “The Morning After” and “We May Never Love Like This Again,” the singer’s sumptuous voice never fails to delight.

Robert Mitchum and Shelley Winters are mesmerizing in director Charles Laughton’s 1955 film noir classic, screening at 8 p.m. as part of the theater’s Classic Hollywood film series.

Wed. | Dec. 16 PAWS ‘N’ CLAUS HOLIDAY SOCIAL Eight4Nine Restaurant

This holiday mixer for LGBT Center friends and volunteers starts at 5 p.m. Bring your four-legged friend plus unopened cans of pet food to help feed hungry pets.

Fri. | Dec. 18 JASON STUART Purple Room

The actor-comic is hysterical in his “I’m Only Gay on the Weekends” show, joined by rising comic Gloria Bigelow. Sun. | Dec. 20 LEANN RIMES McCallum Theatre

The “How Do I Live?” songstress sings her hits and holiday favorites, joined by up-and-coming Nashville star Ellee Duke, starting at 3 p.m. Sat. | Dec. 26 JUDY TENUTA Copa Room

The comedienne offers tons of laughs to chase away your post-holiday blues. Shows Dec. 26 at 8 p.m. and Dec. 27 at 7:30.


SKIVVIES FOR SANTA COME SUNDAY, DEC. 13, dozens of men will be dashing down Palm Canyon Drive in their skivvies and Speedos. On first glance, you might think they’re sprinting between bars on a Sunday afternoon of day-drinking, and you’d be right. But they’re also making that chilly run for charity. The Santa Fun Run is a 1.5 mile run (or walk) raising money for the youth programs and community food bank at the LGBT Center and the Kill Meth Foundation. The festivities kick off at Toucans Tiki Lounge (2100 N. Palm Canyon) at 12:30 p.m. with snacks and drinks. At 2:30, the party moves, via the Santa Fun Run, to Three Sixty North bar and grill (360 N. Palm Canyon) for a buffet lunch, drinks and prizes. “Don your favorite skimpy holiday attire, throw modesty to the winter wind and join the dash across town on an easy 1.5 mile route!” says organizer Michael Westman. Those who can’t run are encouraged to cheer on the runners and take in the spectacular undies-clad sights. More info at —J.F.M. DECEMBER 23, 2015



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