Frontier Journal | Spring 2024

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Going Farther

Reaching New Frontiers in the Middle East


I could not be more excited about God’s leading and calling on me to be Frontier Fellowship’s new Executive Director. Here’s why: Frontier Fellowship knows itself. It has held a faithful and dogged grip (think Pit Bull Terrier!) on its focus on frontier mission. It’s who we are and what we do. For over 40 years, thanks be to God, Frontier Fellowship has stayed true to this calling from the Lord: to reach unreached peoples, wherever they live in our world, with the Good News of Jesus. This focus has led us deeply into work among Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Ethnic-religionists and other unreached peoples.

I am honored to follow in the footsteps of Ralph Winter, Harold Kurtz, Dave Hackett, Bill Young

and, for the past ten years, Richard Haney. I have been so blessed by my time of overlap with Richard these past few months (See page 14 for more on how we have sensed God’s timing and touch in this transition).

In this new season, Frontier Fellowship is communicating its focused vision with some new language: “Going Beyond: Wider, Deeper, Farther.” We share God’s heart for ALL peoples to know Him and to become part of the Revelation 7:9 reality, so we are going wider to cast frontier mission vision and deeper with our relationships so that we can stay focused on going farther together to reach people groups who are currently without access to the life-giving Gospel of Jesus Christ. I will write more about our Wider and Deeper visions in upcoming

publications and am excited to focus on Farther in this magazine.

As we look to the world’s 2+ billion people who have not yet heard the Gospel, Frontier Fellowship will remain doggedly focused on farther—going beyond the next hill to engage peoples who are currently unengaged. This is who we are, why we exist and who we will continue to be.

Pray with us: for new partnerships that will result in new Gospel engagements; for new churches planted where today they do not exist; for the global Church to rise up into her fullness and beauty, joining Christ on the world’s frontiers!




with members of Frontier Fellowship’s Middle East Mobilizing Team

God has given Frontier Fellowship a big vision for the next three years: to go wider and deeper in order to go farther with the Gospel. Through the Going Beyond Campaign, our team is expanding, existing partnerships are deepening, new relationships are forming and God is opening doors for the Gospel to expand into new-to-us frontier regions in Asia, North Africa and the Middle East. I recently sat down with some of Frontier Fellowship’s experts on the Middle East (names omitted for security reasons) to learn more about how God is moving in the Middle East, helping us go farther with the Gospel.

Here’s what they shared:

Mission Landscape

“ First, it is important to understand the bigger picture. The Middle East is one of the hardest areas in the world. Conflicts and challenges are everywhere. Weak economies, hardline politics, heavy restrictions and poor quality of life have caused most people, especially young people, to lose hope.”

“ Two thirds of the Middle East’s population is under the age of 35. As younger generations, who now have access to the internet, see how young people in other parts of the world are living, they want progress. They yearn for freedom from all the things that have oppressed individuals and communities and they are getting vocal about change. They have seen women dying in the streets of Iran and people are being jailed in countries where there’s a lack of religious freedom. The pathway from despair to hope is treacherous, but there’s a sense that there will be no turning back.”

“ In the midst of this context, we have Christians; we have the Church. The Middle East is where Christianity started, flourished and expanded to reach the whole world. In the seventh century, Islam came and the churches began to decline. Although Christianity seemed to die in some areas like North Africa, parts of Iran and the Arabian Peninsula, it has remained alive in areas like Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Iraq.”

“ The seeds of Protestant Christianity in the Middle East began with Baptist and Presbyterian missionaries in the 19th century. Those seeds have now taken serious root.”

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“ Today, there are at least one million evangelical Christians in Egypt alone, and the underground church in Iran is said to be one of the fastest-growing churches in the world. What was once a mission field is now becoming a mission force. As more and more Muslims question their beliefs, we have a lot of reasons to hope right now that followers of Christ in Egypt, Iran and other parts of the Middle East will be used by God to bring the Gospel to very fertile ground.”

Mission Strategy: Shifting to the Local Church

In his book A Wind in the House of Islam, David Garrison identifies more than 69 new Muslim movements toward Christ since the beginning of the 21st century. Our Middle East partners point to church growth and an important shift in mission strategy over the last 20 years as significant contributing factors to increased Gospel access:

“ Mission strategy in the Middle East depended upon Western missionaries until the mid-20th century. After that, it turned to remote strategies like radio broadcasts and Bible distribution. It wasn’t until the beginning of the 21st century that we saw a movement coming back to involve local churches in God’s mission. The concept of mission sending is expanding as new generations of young Christians become aware of God’s mission and are eager to get involved.”

“ It’s a really interesting time in the Middle East. Countries that have been historically closed to the Gospel are beginning to loosen restrictions. As we talk about the Gospel going farther in the Middle East, we must talk about the future of Muslim Background Believers (MBBs)—who are often ostracized and persecuted because of their faith in Jesus—and how they’re going to be able to form themselves and grow as leaders of the Church.”

“ There is a huge need now to train MBBs in discipleship, leadership and in theological education. It doesn’t go without a cost and without many challenges. People have courageously sacrificed their families, their jobs and even their countries to follow Jesus. Though some governments may be more open to religious freedom, many Muslim communities may not be. Our goal is to see a strong church in each community in the Middle East, and it is just the start, but we are optimistic of God’s move.”

(Continued on next page)

Going Beyond in the Middle East

For more than 40 years, Frontier Fellowship has been mobilizing churches and developing intercultural partnerships focused on Gospel access for frontier peoples. Our efforts in the Muslim world took a sharper focus following the events of 9/11. Today, by God’s grace and the Holy Spirit’s guidance, Frontier Fellowship has helped form deep partnerships between American churches and indigenous Christians sharing the Gospel throughout the Middle East and Muslim diasporic communities. These collaborative partnerships have provided resources like Bible translations, theological education, translation of Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, leadership and church planter training and counseling. Our Middle East Mobilizing Team senses a ripe harvest in the Middle East requiring more workers and greater collaboration through partnership. They reflect on what God has done and is doing:

“ We can’t go farther without first going wider with the frontier mission vision and deeper to strengthen our existing relationships. And we’re seeing God do this! Six new mobilizers have joined our team over the last few years and some of them are exploring partnerships in new-to-us regions of the Middle East and North Africa. One of our longtime Egyptian friends and partners has now come alongside us as a consultant and is on the ground mobilizing Egyptian churches for frontier mission. Our Middle East partners are exploring ways to gather for consultations where they can encourage one another, pray and collaborate together. Congregations and denominations in the US—some of whom have been with us for years and others who are new to us—recognize the fullness of this time and are eager to get involved.”

“ Frontier Fellowship has always believed that the most effective way to support what Christ is doing in the world is to help mission-minded churches come alongside indigenous Christians who are sharing the Gospel with other indigenous people. Because of our years-long efforts in the Middle East, we now have incredible partnerships in strategic regions. We are positioned extremely well to help our church partners and our global partners build deep and lasting relationships and respond together to this very significant moment in time.”

A congregation in Texas has faithfully partnered with us on the frontier for over 20 years. Their global outreach director recently shared why they are so passionate about engaging in the Middle East today:

“ We’re in a unique place in time. God has opened doors and given opportunities for the Gospel to thrive in some challenging places. We need to act while the doors are open and while we can. There’s a sense of urgency to ‘go and tell’ the Good News of Jesus.”

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Another congregation, in Minnesota, recently committed to coming alongside God’s work in the Middle East. They made Frontier Fellowship’s Egyptian partners the focus of their annual Easter offering (read more on pages 11-12). Their missions pastor shared,

“ We believe the Gospel of Jesus is moving for everyone, everywhere. Partnership with Frontier Fellowship is a key way we can be open to this Gospel movement, particularly in the Middle East. Through this partnership, we learn stories and pray for brothers and sisters who are taking risks, growing in joy and sharing their faith amidst difficulties. The witness of the Church in the Middle East speaks back to us, inviting us to live with boldness, sacrifice and greater delight in the Gospel for ourselves in our own places of influence, whether near or far.”

Looking Ahead: Hope and Promise

Looking toward the future of Gospel access in the Muslim world, our Middle East Mobilizing Team is moved by the hope and promise of this unprecedented season:

“ We’re now entering into a phenomenally fruitful time through partnerships in the Middle East. As we look ahead, we will be talking about how to maximize this moment. Do we need more partners? In what regions? The next 10 years could be really extraordinary. We’re only as effective as our partnerships are healthy, so we want to be wise and go carefully, while making the most of this time. I’m so proud to be a part of an organization that believes so much in partnership development.”

“ God is on the move and we are seeing a Gospel movement coming back in the Middle East. Thousands of people are coming to Christ. Churches are awakening, recognizing their role in God’s mission. I see a future where Middle Eastern Christians will be sent by local churches in cooperation and partnership with others. Frontier Fellowship is in the middle of that, serving as a catalyst to encourage, support and connect people together for this important work on the frontier.”

“ Through our efforts together, what once was a flourishing church in the Middle East will once again be a flourishing church in the Middle East!”

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Collaborative intercultural partnerships make an impact on the frontier. Here are some of the ways you and your congregation can participate in God’s work in the Middle East and beyond.


• • Stay informed about the region and pray on a regular basis. Gather other mission-minded Christians to intercede together for what God is doing among leastreached Arab and Persian peoples.


• Be a voice raising awareness for God’s work in the Middle East. Follow one or more of our partners, collect data and news stories, learn about the region, and help spread the word in your local church, network, family and community.


• • Vision trips give participants the opportunity to see up close what God is doing in the context of our global partners. It is also an opportunity to offer the ministry of presence to Middle Eastern Christians serving on the frontier. Our global partners share that your prayers, pastoral care, time and words of encouragement are critical to helping them thrive in ministry.



• Your network can be a catalyst to facilitate strategic connections between global partners and others engaged in ministry among Muslims, helping strengthen and expand partnerships among like-minded Christians.


• Global partners benefit from people willing to come for short- or long-term periods to offer their skills and help equip leaders to thrive. Some particular needs include technology training, curriculum development, website/app development, sports team outreaches and counseling.


• • Refugees and immigrants from the Middle East live in nearly every major city around the world. Many of them, like us, desire love, peace, mercy and authentic friendships. This is a golden opportunity for Christians to demonstrate Christ’s love to their least-reached neighbors.


• Weak economies in many Middle Eastern regions cannot keep pace with the passion of local Christians ready to be sent with the Gospel. Some financial support from outside the Middle East is needed to support Arabic-speaking and Persian-speaking church planters.

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CONNECTING MISSION LEADERS CONFERENCE A conference for people passionate about mission. Hope Church (EPC) in Cordova, TN To learn more and to register, visit: CONNECTINGMISSIONLEADERS.COM
OCTOBER 24-26, 2024


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A Golden Time in the Middle East

Egyptian and American Christians Working Together to Create Gospel Access

Frontier Fellowship mobilizes believing communities to engage with people groups that have not yet heard the Gospel. Today, one of the greatest movements toward Christ is happening among least-reached peoples in the Middle East. There, in a region where only one in ten people know a Christian, the receptivity and hunger for discipleship is quickly outpacing the availability of workers to meet the growing need. Christians in the region—particularly among the Egyptian Church—are rising up and committing to sharing the Gospel with those who have never heard it before.

Recently, one of our Egyptian partners shared,

“A friend in a nearby Middle Eastern nation told me, ‘We need somebody to come and serve the Christian community here.’ So I recruited a graduating Egyptian seminary student to go. After his initial visit, we sent him longer term from the Presbyterian Church of Egypt. He then became ordained as a pastor and started to serve many people and many came to faith. He told me this story about God’s movement in the hearts of people:

“A young man came to him and said, ‘I asked many Christians about the resurrection of Jesus.’ In this young man’s religion, the death and resurrection of Jesus is not believed. The young man continued, ‘I read my holy book to prove my faith is right. But when I read, I found no evidence of that. So I asked the Christians and found hundreds of evidences about the resurrection of Jesus. So, now I want to know more about Jesus. Please train me. Disciple me. I want to study the Bible with you.’”

“They started studying the Bible, even though it was very dangerous for this young man to meet with the pastor. He soon declared his faith in Jesus and started to share the Gospel with his family and friends. They threatened him and put him into jail. But he kept telling his story and sharing his faith.”

(Continued on next page)

your church rise up to cultivate fruitful partnership in least-reached corners
the globe?
out at to take the first step.

“There is a hunger in the hearts of the people. They have many questions. When we have a mission worker or a pastor or somebody who is close, building relationships and friendships with least-reached people, they will be able to answer these questions.”

“This is the time for the Egyptian Church. God reserved the Egyptian Church for such a time. And this vision is increasing more and more. The American Church can help: to be aware, to pray, to come and visit, to support, to encourage the vision, to network us together and with other partners. Because we haven’t seen for centuries the doors that are open now for the Gospel. It’s a golden time for God’s work in the Middle East through the Egyptian Church.”

Partnership Multiplies Impact

When the Global Mission team at Christ Presbyterian Church (CPC) in Edina, Minnesota, discovered God’s work in the Middle East, they were keen to involve their congregation. CPC directed its 2024 Easter Offering to support the Gospel movement in Egypt through Frontier Fellowship. Through educational resources and events during Lent, members grew to understand and align with frontier mission. The funds raised will bolster capabilities of our Egyptian partners and dispatch additional church planters. Freshly inspired, CPC plans to deepen their collaboration and anticipates sending a vision trip to Egypt with Frontier Fellowship this fall.

One Egyptian leader shared, “The harvest is great, is plentiful, but it’s the workers that are not enough. God is opening many doors but we cannot do it alone. We need your encouragement and support; we need you to be with us.”

CPC is a beautiful example of what it means to be in partnership with the global Church—working together to expand Gospel access on the frontier.

Each of us has a unique role to play in making the Good News of Jesus known on the frontier. We would love to help you and your church cultivate similar fruitful relationships throughout unreached places of the world. Reach out at to take the first step.

deepen your connection to the frontier

We are committed to enriching your experience to strengthen your connection with the frontier. Be sure you’re subscribed to our email list, and watch for QR codes within our printed materials for exclusive bonus content.



19 countries

500 million people | 50% under the age of 24 | 68% unreached

the Middle East has approximately followers of Christ, 10-12 million of whom live in Egypt

1 5 - 2 0 ,000,000

MENA (Middle East and North Africa) is a geographical region comprising it is the birthplace of Judaism, Christianity and Islam

300 has more than EGYPT long-term missionaries


69+ since the beginning of the 21st century

(Read more about these Gospel movements in David Garrison’s, A Wind in the House of Islam)

11 across the Middle East Frontier Fellowship fosters relationships with MISSIONAL PARTNERS

Situated at the crossroads of three continents (Africa, Europe and Asia), one begins to imagine why the Middle East became widely known as the cradle of civilization

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Transition and Tribute Reflecting on Decades of Mission Leadership


As a seminary student, I recall hearing Gordon-Conwell President Harold Ockenga reflect on his 40 years of ministry. He served 10 years each as an associate pastor, senior pastor, at the historic Park Street Church and leading Gordon-Conwell. He seemed pleased with the symmetry of his career.

I sometimes think of my own ministry with that paradigm in mind. I served 11 years as an associate pastor, 13 as a church planter, ten as interim minister (while also writing a dissertation) and now ten years leading Frontier Fellowship. My numbers are not as neat as Dr. Ockenga’s, but my total reaches 44 years.

These last ten years have been extremely rewarding. I have served alongside a wonderful staff, an excellent Board, passionate congregations and remarkable global partners. I thank God for the many wonderful relationships that have formed during my tenure with Frontier Fellowship.

It’s been a delight serving with Frontier Fellowship’s new Executive Director, Ethan Collins, since January. Ethan is a humble, prayerful and faithful mission leader who will guide Frontier Fellowship well as we, together, take the Gospel wider, deeper and farther to new frontiers. (You can meet Ethan and hear more about his valuable experience at

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As I enter retirement, I remain excited for Frontier Fellowship’s future. In a significant way, we embrace two of the most significant facts in global mission today. First, we live in an age of unprecedented global Christianity—two out of every three Christians on earth live in the majority world. Secondly, one out of every three people on earth is still without access to the Gospel. These realities drive Frontier Fellowship’s partnership method as we mobilize churches to join with us and our global partners to proclaim Jesus among least-reached peoples.

What a privilege it has been to serve alongside you and so many others to help the Gospel flourish in frontier regions and see Jesus transform lives! May God’s favor continue to rest on us and establish the work of our hands (Psalm 90:17), so that all peoples will soon have an opportunity to hear and respond to the Good News of Jesus.


Help us honor Richard as he enters retirement with your reflections and gratitude. You can share them by scanning the QR code or visiting FRONTIERFELLOWSHIP.COM/HONOR-RICHARD

“ His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’”

Matthew 25:23

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EXPAND our team of frontier mobilizers

Foster vision in NEW churches + denominations

Develop NEXT -generation frontier leaders


LEARN together with our global partners

TRAIN churches for partnership effectiveness

DEEPEN relationships in our growing network

How We Work

Mission: Mobilization

Frontier Fellowship mobilizers share mission vision in order to multiply the number of churches who are passionately involved in God’s frontier mission, so that more unreached peoples have the opportunity to respond to the Good News of Jesus.

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Join us as we invite new churches, next-generation leaders and a more diverse community to join together to reach the ends of the earth where Jesus is not yet known.


Help current partners EXPAND to new frontiers Develop partnerships in NEW frontier regions


Method: Partnership

Frontier Fellowship fosters long-term partnerships between congregations and trusted frontier ministries, led by nationals.

Because of your generous gifts, together we currently resource over 35 global partners in the least-reached regions of the globe.

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Discipleship & Church Planter Training in Indonesia

Approximately 10% of Indonesia’s population identifies as Christian (more than 29 million people), but very few feel equipped to share about Jesus with their non-Christian neighbors. Light of the Islands (LOTI)'s new training program invites college-aged students to join LOTI field workers on the weekends to share the Gospel among least-reached communities. In addition, Indopartners recently launched an online, five-week discipleship course to help curious Indonesians learn more about Jesus and how to follow Him.

Holistic Resourcing for South Asian Network Leaders

Eastern Wind is always looking for ways to learn and grow holistically as a network. They recently offered marriage enrichment training to key leaders to support their team in cultivating healthy relationships while engaging in frontier work. Eastern Wind is also exploring self-sustaining businessas-mission projects to help least-reached communities hear and respond to the Good News of Jesus.



Educational Opportunities for Minority Children in Pakistan

As summer nears, Schools in the Sand is facilitating standardized exams for their students. For the ethnic minority students they serve, many of whom come from an economically poor region of Pakistan, these exams can often be a determining factor for future educational opportunities. Additionally, Schools in the Sand celebrates welcoming a trained pastor to their staff. This leader will provide pastoral care for students and their families, while coordinating outreach efforts to help least-reached peoples gain access to the Good News of Jesus.


Engaging Displaced Youth in Sudan

It’s been more than a year since the start of the crisis in Sudan that has now displaced more than eight million people. Triggered by political instability, economic hardships, and escalating conflicts, the situation is dire. In response to this crisis, Darfur Outreach has begun intentionally reaching out to the displaced youth and young adults that are now their neighbors, many of whom are from leastreached people groups.

Graduates for Ministry in Niger

Eglise Evangélique de la République du Niger (EERN) recently celebrated the graduation of seven individuals—three men and four women—from local Bible schools. These leaders will now enter various forms of ministry, carrying the hope of the Gospel to their least-reached neighbors.

Bible Translation Brings Hope Amid Dispair in Ethiopia

In the face of civil war where fear and pain are abundant, God continues to use Light of Hope Ministry Ethiopia (LOHME) to shine a bright light of hope in Jesus. The recently translated Arsi Oromo Bible is in high demand among Arsi Oromo communities in Ethiopia and the US. In recent months, LOHME has hosted multiple dedication ceremonies for this translation, and many people have expressed an eagerness to interact with God’s Word in a language that they can easily understand and share.



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Equipping Leaders for the Persian-Speaking World

Two years ago, Pars Theological Centre (Pars) received accreditation from the European Council of Theological Education. Last fall, they proudly hosted their first graduation, where 15 graduates received diplomas or certifications for ministry. Pars is now facilitating an initiative to train 80 Iranian Christians who are part of underground church networks throughout the country!

Mission-Minded Christians in Egypt

Earlier this year, the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo (ETSC) launched a new Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course, available to seminary students and local Egyptians who are interested in learning more about God’s heart for the world. Additionally, this course is being broadcast to four other cities, opening up many opportunities for Middle Eastern Christians to discern their role in making the Good News of Jesus available in their least-reached context.

Network Gatherings on the Arabian Peninsula

Late last year, ministry workers from Middle Eastern nations gathered on the Arabian Peninsula for a series of meetings designed to help further equip them to participate in God’s work throughout the region. These meetings were facilitated by some of Frontier Fellowship’s global partners and provided a great foundation for future collaboration between ministry leaders throughout the Arabic-speaking world.



Collaboration for Frontier Mission

In March, indigenous mission workers across Central Asia met in a nearby country to worship, learn from God's Word, share updates, encourage each other and collaborate on strategies to proclaim the Gospel among the least-reached Central Asian peoples. This annual event offers our partners a much-needed respite from their work and helps to re-energize them to serve their communities.

Home Bible Studies for At-Risk Women in Central Asia

Women's Shelter: City (WSC) faithfully cares for women and children from their region who are at risk of violence or have been victims of abuse. While it can be dangerous to share publicly about Jesus in their context, WSC staff members often have the opportunity to tell the women in their care about God’s love for them and share about the hope He offers. Recently, they began offering home Bible studies for their staff and some of the women who have expressed a desire to learn more about Jesus!



Sports Outreach to Afghan Refugees in Central Asia

Millions of Afghans have been displaced in recent years, including many who fled to nearby nations. Rise Development (Rise) and Central Asian Youth Outreach (CAYO) collaborated to launch a soccer program for Afghan refugee youth who recently moved into their communities. Although each ministry has worked with refugee communities before, this new initiative emerged after members of each organization were introduced to one another and discovered their shared passion for serving marginalized communities with the love of Christ.


“ My husband and I made connections with brothers and sisters in Christ who are doing amazing things as they obediently follow God’s calling for their lives. It was truly a blessing to see and hear what God is doing in other parts of the world!”

–Brandi, Frontier Fellowship intern + vision trip participant



In March, Frontier Fellowship Associate Directors George and Pamela Pendergrass facilitated a vision trip to the Middle East. This trip provided the five other participants a unique opportunity to see God at work through our indigenous partners, and particularly how the Egyptian Church is leading frontier mission movements throughout the region.

They spent time with three of our global partners in Egypt—Bible Society of Egypt, Jossour and Synod of the Nile’s Pastoral, Outreach and Missions Council (POMC)—then traveled to a nearby nation to spend time with POMC workers serving among refugees and other unreached peoples from across the region.

We will share more stories and insights from this trip in the coming months. We are so excited to see the ways God is working through the global Church to make His Kingdom known among members of every tribe, nation, people and language (Revelation 7:9). For information on upcoming trips, visit FRONTIERFELLOWSHIP.COM /GO

multi-generational individuals participated in the 12-day trip

one participant’s fluency in the Arabic language allowed the team to foster deeper connection with the people they encountered

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