Frontdoors Magazine March 2019 Issue

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100 Years




Rob and Melani Walton Discuss Philanthropy and Partnerships, From Local to Global

Debbie Gaby is Beginning a New Chapter of Her Fairy-Tale Life





Andrea Tyler Evans EDITOR



ITʼS ARIZONA TAX CREDIT TIME! The Deadline is April 15 Donʼt forget to check out the Frontdoors Tax Credit Giving Guide for 2018-19. Find it on our website at




Lisa Mullavey, Judy Pearson, Carey Peña FASHION WRITER


On the Cover F.A.B.R.I.C. co-founders Angela Johnson and Sherri Barry. Angela’s skirt: Angela Johnson Design, Angela’s shoes: Evelyn Ford Luxury, Sherri’s blouse: Mahsa, (local designer manufactured at F.A.B.R.I.C.)

Credit: Thurlkill Studios





Thurlkill Studios

GENERAL INFORMATION & PRESS RELEASES 3104 E. Camelback Road #967, Phoenix, AZ 85016 480-622-4522 |

Frontdoors Magazine is dedicated to the memory of Mike Saucier.


100 Ye

TABLE OF CONTENTS {march 2019, volume 17, issue 3}

EDITOR’S NOTE......................... 05 Sew Chic! 10 QUESTIONS WITH............. 06 Cameron Jarman and Sean Huntington BOOKMARKED.......................... 10 What Local Nature Lovers Are Reading This Month OFFICE DOORS......................... 12 Andrea Katsenes of Cox Communications



CAREY’S CORNER................... 18 Knock Your Socks Off COVER STORY.......................... 20 Designing Women NEXT DOORS............................. 28 Playing Ball for Maryvale GIVING IN STYLE..................... 32 A Daily Dose of Glamour CHEERS TO THE CHAIRS..... 36 Kate Specter and Craig Bohmler CHARITY SPOTLIGHT........... 38 East Valley Womenʼs League KITCHEN DOORS..................... 42 Major League Eats A 2ND ACT..................................... 44 Hanging Out at Floʼs OPEN DOORS............................ 48 An Interview with Cheryl Burke


++ Keep Nature Wild

++ Arizona Opera

++ Keep Phoenix Beautiful

++ East Valley Women’s League

++ Japanese Friendship Garden of Phoenix

++ F.A.B.R.I.C.

++ LabelHorde

++ Florence Crittenton

++ Liberty Wildlife

++ Fresh Start Women’s Foundation

++ Voyce Threads

EDITOR’S NOTE {on the job}

SEW CHIC Bike shorts, fanny packs, stirrup pants … not high on the list of things I thought would make a fashion comeback. But I have it on good advice (Vogue magazine and my teenage son) that they are all in style again. Fashion is like that, of course. The pendulum swings. And you can either feel the thrill of gravity’s pull as you catch the latest wave, or opt to resist the current trend. Either way, it’s fun to appreciate the styles and seasons exerting their gravitational pull. Until recently, we had to perceive that pull coming from cities other than our own. That’s why I was so excited to meet Angela Johnson and Sherri Barry, the founders of F.A.B.R.I.C., a local fashion incubator that combines manufacturing resources, co-op workspace, events, industry training and a lot more so that emerging designers can launch a fashion business right here in the Valley. So what are the hallmarks of Arizona style? Not easy to pin down, according to F.A.B.R.I.C. co-founder Sherri Barry. “Of the 300-plus brands we’ve helped launch, nobody has come in here with even close to the same design,” she said. “We’re helping designers who are filling very niche markets for diverse clientele that are completely underserved by the mass fashion industry.” Economic development and cool threads? It’s

a game-changing combination for both the city of Tempe and Arizona’s fashion community. Keep Nature Wild is another local fashion business that’s wielding stylish duds for social good — in this case, removing trash from parks, trails and sidewalks. And then there’s Voyce Threads, an Arizona brand that brings awareness to important causes by creating mismatched socks that tell the stories of organizations working to make the world a better place. It’s all fresh, fun, inspiring stuff that we hope you’ll enjoy reading about. So inspiring that I’m keeping an open mind when it comes to the latest styles, resisting the urge to scoff at fanny packs rebranded as “waist bags” or a pair of jeans so high they’re dubbed “The Ribcrusher.” But I’m drawing the line at acid wash.

Karen Werner EDITOR




1. How did two Arizona guys start a fashion business? HUNTINGTON: At the end of the day, we ask ourselves this same question often! We don’t consider Keep Nature Wild a fashion business; 6  FRONTDOORS MEDIA | MARCH 2019

rather, a community of like-minded people who want to keep our wild places trash-free. The apparel and accessories help fund the effort and show a common support for the outdoors. We do our best to make products we feel people will love and that will resonate with our mission to Keep Nature Wild.

2. How does nature inspire your designs? JARMAN: Our designs are inspired by the Southwest, the Sonoran Desert and the pines of Northern Arizona. As co-owners of Keep Nature Wild, Sean and I take great pride in the fact that we are fourth- and fifth-generation Arizonans and proud to call Arizona home.

3. In the early days, you took products to a flea market. What was the reaction? JARMAN: We had been hosting group hikes and cleanup events prior to this event but when we sold out of merchandise after an hour, we knew there was a common desire to support our cause. Sean and I quickly called for backup (our wives) and we were able to restock and finish the event. Afterward, we gathered around the dinner table and created a plan to increase our line of clothing and accessories as well as plan more cleanup events.

4. What’s the mission behind the business? HUNTINGTON: In its simplest form, we create community through picking up trash outside. We

encourage people to take responsibility for their local wilderness areas and serve by example. We dedicate one pound of trash removed for every product sold. The difference between us and other socially responsible companies is that we work alongside our community to physically go out and pick up trash together. There is no third party or nonprofit that does the work for us.

5. What is a Wild Keeper? HUNTINGTON: A Wild Keeper is a person who has made the decision to take responsibility for their local wilderness areas and help keep them free from trash. Anyone, anywhere and at any time can be a Wild Keeper. The process is simple: Go outside, pick up trash and log your trash weight on our Impact Map online. This allows Wild Keepers to show their impact and connect with other like-minded people in their area.

6. Why is trash such a big problem? JARMAN: Trash is an ever-increasing problem as the outdoors becomes more popular. Trash is ugly and unpleasant. It smothers plant life and is harmful to wildlife. Trash gets into waterways and contaminates groundwater. Trash is also a monetary burden to public lands and park services.

Wild Keepers gather throughout the year to pitch in at community cleanups. MARCH 2019 | FRONTDOORS MEDIA  7


7. How much trash have you removed? JARMAN: To date, we’ve physically removed more than 185,000 pounds of trash from wilderness areas. Our goal is to remove a million pounds by 2023.

8. Wild Keepers has gone national. What does that feel like? HUNTINGTON: Our Wild Keeper community is amazing. Wild Keepers are now represented in all 50 states and in 13 countries. We could not be more proud of what this community is accomplishing! It’s insane to know that we are playing a small part in such a big movement to do good in the outdoors.

9. You two are brothers-in-law. How has running the business affected your relationship? HUNTINGTON: We are family as well as friends

and running a business together has provided some of the most fun and challenging times we’ve ever had. We are great complements to each other and are very different thinkers, which has been really beneficial at times. In three years of working together, we’re still family and we’re still friends so I consider that a win.

10. What’s ahead for Keep Nature Wild? JARMAN: So many things. We’ve recently opened our business to strategic retail partners around the country. We are really excited to partner with other businesses to further our mission. And we welcome the community to get involved! Either pick up trash outside and log it on our Impact Map or join our Facebook group to find other Wild Keepers near you. To learn more, go to

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BOOKMARKED {what are you reading} Spring has sprung! We asked local nature lovers what they're reading.

MEGAN MOSBY Executive director of Liberty Wildlife, Inc.



H E R TA K E “Liberty Wildlife, while dedicated to rehabilitating and releasing wildlife, also emphasizes education of the public regarding both the beauty and benefits of wildlife. In a world where so much competes with the young person’s awareness, we feel exposing youth to the values of wildlife is preeminently important. With that in mind, I am suggesting that parents, teachers and others with children read with them ‘Wishtree’ by Newberry Medal-winning author Katherine Applegate. In this charming book

about Red, a long-lived northern red oak, and the wildlife that lives in the hollows of his trunk and the environs surrounding, young and old alike are exposed to accurate facts about wildlife, nature and how they interact. Every page has a life-learning opportunity for discussion of topics ranging from how nature works to the importance of diversity. This is fun, entertaining and poignant; a mustread for all. And, as the name implies, wishes are attached to the tree … and wishes can come true.”

KELLY VAUGHN Senior editor and books editor at Arizona Highways


“Do Not Sell at Any Price: The Wild, Obsessive Hunt for the World’s Rarest 78rpm Records” BY AMANDA PETRUSICH

H E R TA K E “Although I’ve just begun reading this book — a gift from Robert Stieve, Arizona Highways’ editor — I’m already hooked by its energy and style. The author weaves her own personal narrative with that of a number of audiophiles all on a quest


to find rare 78rpm records. It’s part history, part archaeology and part profile, all wrapped into one very witty package. What’s more, it’s already introduced me to a number of musicians and musical genres that I’d never considered before.”


Education director at Keep Phoenix Beautiful


“Litter-ology: Understanding Littering and the Secrets to Clean Public Spaces” BY KAREN SPEHR & ROB CURNOW


“‘What would entice someone to read a book on litter? Honestly, who’s studying to-go cups and plastic bags?’ Those were the type of thoughts I had prior to picking up ‘Litter-ology,’ and I was happily surprised and engaged by this wellresearched, enjoyable book on littering behaviors. For me, there’s the hook: Looking at the curious psychology and motivating factors that result in the behavior of littering is thought-provoking. The research done by this team is unique and surprising — ranging from secretly watching public spaces to

interviews to manipulating infrastructure to assess behavioral changes. While this book was written for public space environmental stewards, it’s also a practical guide in assisting in creating, maintaining or re-vamping anti-littering programs. Details from many successful campaigns (and a few unsuccessful ones) are shared to assist the reader in illustrating what to avoid or aim toward in their own projects. A must-read for anyone looking to improve and decrease the littering rate in their neighborhood!”


Executive director of the Japanese Friendship Garden of Phoenix


“QUIET BEAUTY: The Japanese Gardens of North America” BY KENDALL H. BROWN


“This book features an intimate look at 26 Japanese gardens of North America with numerous stunning color photographs of each that describe their style, history and special functions. It invites you to explore the originality and range of Japanese landscaping, including our own Japanese Friendship Garden of Phoenix,

which is truly an oasis and gem in the Sonoran Desert. I love seeing the various North American Japanese gardens and learning about their history, culture and designs. This book is recommended not only to enthusiasts of Japanese gardens, but also to any fan of culture and art.”


OFFICE DOORS {valley changemakers}

ANDREA KATSENES Director of media & public relations at Cox Communications Karen Werner | Editor

Growing up, Andrea Katsenes knew that when her father wasn’t home at night, it meant he was out volunteering somewhere. Over the years, John Katsenes, a Phoenix insurance executive, helped establish a local Big Brothers Big Sisters chapter, served on the Phoenix City Council, and was a Maricopa County Supervisor. He even talked Frank Lloyd Wright into designing a float, for free, for the 1957 Rose Bowl Parade. Dubbed “First in Sunshine,” the float was produced by the Phoenix Jaycees as a way to promote the city.


“Giving back has always been kind of our family thing,” Andrea said. “We all are expected to get involved in the community.” Today, in her role as director of media & public relations at Cox Communications, Andrea has a chance to do just that. Founded in 1898 by James M. Cox, Ohio’s first three-term governor, the family-run company strives to support the communities it serves. “The company expects all of us as leaders to be

out in the community, giving our talent and treasure,” Andrea said. Employees are encouraged to volunteer in ways that are meaningful to them, whether it’s serving on a board or volunteering for a child’s sports team. “Last year, our Arizona employees gave 37,000 hours to the community. We’re really proud of that,” she said. During her own 16 years with Cox, Andrea has kept the charitable legacy alive by giving back in a number of ways. She served on the City of Phoenix’s planning commission for seven years as well as on several animal welfare boards. She chaired the annual Willo Historic Neighborhood home tour twice and regularly takes shelter dogs for walks. But one charity she has championed for years is Fresh Start Women’s Foundation, a nonprofit that provides women with education, resources and support to positively transform their lives. It all started 20 years ago, when a friend who worked at Fresh Start invited Andrea to take a tour. “I was blown away by it,” she said. “I was watching women come and get counseling and legal advice. There are resources in our community but they didn’t know how to access them. It was like a refuge for women.” Andrea reached out and asked how she could get involved. She joined the auxiliary board, exhausted her term, and is now the event chair for this month’s Fresh Start Gala. She sees the work the organization does as having a ripple effect that extends far beyond the individual women Fresh Start serves. “So often, women are heads of households,” Andrea said. “So when you are giving a woman a hand, you’re lifting her whole family. And for that matter, you’re lifting the whole community. So it kind of helps lift the whole Valley that we live in.”

A rare photo of the prize-winning float Frank Lloyd Wright designed for the 1957 Rose Bowl Parade at the request of John Katsenes and other community leaders.

In addition to helping others, Andrea has found that her work with Fresh Start helps her as well. “I have gained so many friendships. There are so many people that I consider mentors and just impressive women that I probably would have never met but for my involvement with Fresh Start,” she said. It’s a message her father used to drive home: Philanthropy broadens your horizons. It’s why her mother served on the Heart Ball committee, and why Andrea is now doing that too. “Giving back really is in my gene pool,” she said, recalling an amusing story about another organization she serves. “Phoenix Day in South Phoenix is the longest continuously running child care facility in Phoenix,” she said. Its origins date back to 1915, when it was started to provide childcare for mothers who entered the workforce to support the war effort during World War I. Today it’s one of the few local childcare facilities for the working poor. “I was on the board for Phoenix Day,” Andrea said. “And then one day, my dad told me, ‘Oh yeah, I was on that board 40 years ago!’”


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New Application Process Features Unrestricted Funding and Will Allow Local Nonprofits to Submit Engaging Video Content to Demonstrate How Their Mission and Work Are Improving Our Community

PHOENIX – Phoenix Suns Charities announced a new grant application process that will afford local nonprofit organizations the opportunity to tell their story with a dynamic video submission to demonstrate the scope and impact of their organization’s work. Local nonprofit organizations are encouraged to apply for funding by submitting an engaging :90 video to demonstrate how they are improving the lives of Arizonans. The revamped grant application process will allow Phoenix Suns Charities to make a greater impact throughout the state by offering unrestricted funding for the first time ever, as philanthropic organizations will be able to apply for grants that will support their mission and programs to make a positive impact throughout Arizona. “In an effort to create an application process that allows local nonprofits to effortlessly illustrate how their mission impacts the lives of children and families in need throughout Arizona, Phoenix Suns Charities approached ten organizations

of varying sizes to determine how we could better support their work,” said Phoenix Suns Charities Executive Director Sarah Krahenbuhl. “The feedback we received from local nonprofits was instrumental in crafting a fresh application process centered upon an engaging video platform to share their story and offer unrestricted funding to help move their mission forward.”

Phoenix Suns Charities has also introduced the “Devin Booker Starting Five,” an initiative in which five local nonprofit organizations will be granted $100,000 to continue improving the lives of youth and families in need throughout Arizona. This has been made possible thanks to a generous donation from Suns guard Devin Booker, who announced a $500,000 annual contribution to Phoenix Suns Charities over the next five year during their annual gala, THE JUMP BALL presented by Annexus, on Jan. 11. Since its inception in 1988, Phoenix Suns Charities has been focused on making our community a better place through its mission of supporting children and family services throughout Arizona and has distributed more than $21 million to local non-profits and organizations in need. The entire Suns organization has embedded itself locally by supporting community efforts through hundreds of playerappearances and thousands of volunteer hours by Suns players and staff.

To apply, visit

Suns guard Devin Booker, announces $500,000 annual contribution to Phoenix Suns Charities over the next five years.

CAREY’S CORNER {carey peña reports}

KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF Drew Shaw finds a common thread between footwear and philanthropy

Carey Peña | Contributing Writer

“Going on an entrepreneurial journey makes you realize things about yourself that you didn’t realize before.” Drew Shaw is a former teacher turned entrepreneur turned sock designer. Shaw created a socially conscious lifestyle brand called Voyce Threads that is bringing awareness to important causes through mismatched socks. “I wanted to see how these socks could affect the community and have a greater social impact,” Shaw told me when I interviewed him on my podcast, Carey Peña Reports. The idea came about a few years ago when Shaw released a children’s book called “Rosewood Circle: The First Day.” The main character in the book wears … mismatched socks. Shaw began to think about how to create a line of socks that could both make a fashion statement and have impact on the community. By creating two different socks, he felt he could tell a powerful story and highlight organizations that are doing good. 16  FRONTDOORS MEDIA | MARCH 2019

I AM MUCH MORE POWERFUL THAN I THOUGHT I WAS Formerly an elementary school teacher and employee at ASU, Shaw ventured into a whole new universe: fashion and social activism. When asked if he has always been a disruptor, Shaw laughed. “I learned over time that I have much more in me than I ever knew. I learned that I have layers and dimensions in myself,” he said. Voyce Threads launched in November 2018 with a compelling brand campaign featuring the first five organizations they teamed with to create stylish and socially conscious socks: Arizona Humane Society, Teach For America Phoenix, Million Dollar Teacher Project, Arizona Apparel Project, and Social Spin. The team at Voyce Threads creates a unique design specific to each organization. The organization is then featured on Voyce’s website, On the homepage, people can learn more about the organizations and click to donate to them directly

Drew Shaw (above) created Voyce Threads to be a lifestyle brand that empowers wearers to dress differently to promote causes they care about.



you have, but really it’s about who you know,” Shaw said. For each pair of socks, there is a special design that will hopefully spark a conversation. For Arizona Humane Society, for example, they did not feature dogs and cats. Rather, there’s a houndstooth pattern representing a dog on one sock and a ball of yarn representing the cat’s independence on another. And Shaw is proud to point out that all of their socks are made in the USA.

The design on these socks evokes the image of soapy water in honor of Social Spin, which embraces the potential of laundromats for community and sharing.

or buy socks. (The socks sell for about $16.) Shaw’s vision is to create cool socks and start a conversation about meaningful things going on all around us. LEARNING TO LEAD Many believe that leadership is the most influential and critical element of business. As a good leader, you understand the mission, objective and goals. Shaw was able to shape his leadership skills with the best of the best. He is a proud graduate of Valley Leadership, a prominent group that, according to its website, “empowers, leverages and mobilizes leaders to meaningfully impact the most pressing issues facing Arizona.” Valley Leadership has been around for 40 years and Shaw was among its 39th graduating class. So, fresh out of leadership training, he had one thing on his mind — make the socks! Shaw went to work leveraging his relationships and that’s how he was able to engage major Valley charities like Arizona Humane Society and Teach For America Phoenix. “A lot of people think when you are starting something it’s about how many resources 18  FRONTDOORS MEDIA | MARCH 2019

“When you are able to carve your own path, that’s super exciting,” he said. Shaw hopes his path expands in Arizona and beyond. Since they only work with and feature five organizations at a time — Shaw already has the next five lined up — there is a great amount of detail paid to every pair of socks and how the organizations are cross-promoted. He has identified Chicago and Seattle as socially conscious markets where he would love to expand. “Have a conversation. Tell someone about something great that’s going on … that’s how we change communities,” Shaw said. “Thoughts become words, words become actions, and actions become habits. So if we are constantly talking about things that matter, sooner or later we are going to put some action behind it.” Drew Shaw hopes his story empowers the audience to “pull hard at life’s loose threads until they find out where they lead.” To see Shaw’s podcast and other inspirational interviews with Carey Peña, visit




Angela Johnson (left) and Sherri Barry (right) are co-founders of F.A.B.R.I.C. — Fashion and Business Resource Innovation Center — a business incubator, production facility and education resource for Arizona’s burgeoning fashion industry.

COVER STORY {by karen werner and tyler butler}


Angela Johnson is an award-winning designer known for transforming recycled T-shirts into couture, washable ball gowns. Her work is currently on display at Tempe Center for the Arts. But before she was a player in Arizona’s fashion scene, she was another young designer trying to build her brand in Los Angeles. She faced a lot of challenges. Without the money to fund big manufacturing orders, she sold in batches of 50 or 100 and did the legwork herself. “I would go to a patternmaker; take the pattern to a grader, who makes it into different sizes; then take this template they create called a marker to a cutting service,” Johnson said. “Then I would go and pick up wholesale fabrics from different fabric vendors and deliver those to the cutter. They would cut them and I would deliver them to different sewing contractors, depending on what they specialized in.”

It was a time- and labor-intensive process, but one that allowed her company to turn a small profit. That changed when she moved to Arizona. “I couldn’t find those manufacturing resources here,” she said. “I had to close that business because of it.” Meanwhile, Sherri Barry was chasing her childhood dream. Barry grew up as an identical twin who hated to dress like her sister. Her grandmother had taught the girls how to sew, so they deconstructed their matching outfits to look different. Though she dreamed of becoming a designer, Barry considered it impractical and instead went into retail, where she worked 17 years to become an executive running 350 stores in 13 states. Burned out, she decided to take time off and launch her own line. “I had a really good idea. MARCH 2019 | FRONTDOORS MEDIA  21


I knew it was scalable. So I went to ASU to get my MBA so I could learn about investment structures and things I would need to know to successfully run a company,” Barry said.

campaign, hoping to purchase equipment from a Scottsdale denim designer that was going out of business. Barry immediately emailed her with an offer to help.

She got an A+ on her business plan, won an international business plan competition and got some funding. But her diligence didn’t ensure success.

“When my business failed I thought the only way I’m going to be able to pick it back up is if there’s a local resource so I can spend more time watching over it,” Barry said. “I knew it could be a shared resource because everybody had the same issue.”

“They completely screwed up the order,” she said. “Somehow everything was sized incorrectly.” The client refused the order, the manufacturer took no responsibility, and Barry’s company was through. It was disheartening. Even with their formidable experience, intelligence and talent, Johnson and Barry couldn’t succeed as an Arizonabased fashion line at the time. But rather than give up their dreams, Johnson and Barry doubled down. Barry pivoted to a position as vice president of marketing and sales at Arizona Science Center. And Johnson formed LabelHorde, a directory of Arizona fashion businesses.

In what she refers to as “a bungee jump off a bridge,” Barry wrote a large check to buy the equipment. Then, Johnson and Barry needed a place to put it. Barry had the idea of reaching out to the city of Tempe to see if they would be interested in supporting a latent fashion industry. She and Johnson met with Donna Kennedy, the economic development director for Tempe, and made their case. “It wasn’t hard because fashion industries are absolutely phenomenal for economic development,” Barry said.


Kennedy stopped them mid-pitch, picked up a ring of keys and walked them across the courtyard from City Hall to a 23,000-square-foot building that had sat vacant for years. “She opened the doors and it was like a ghost theater,” Barry said. “There were cobwebs; the lights were burned out. Bleachers and curtains and the stage and props were still here, but nobody else was.”

Some time later, Johnson posted a GoFundMe

Kennedy looked at the women and asked if

“We have a really big design community here,” Johnson said. “We all banded together and grew into this community of designers that needed these resources.”


the building — the previous home of the Tempe Performing Arts Center — would possibly work. “Angela and I just about fell on the ground,” Barry said. “We were in a performing-arts theater in an arts building in downtown Tempe. You could hit us with a feather and we would have fallen over.” Barry and Johnson knew that the massive building and central location would allow them to carry out their manufacturing vision and have a built-in revenue generator too. “How do we support manufacturing? Event space. And the building comes with events space! It is the thing that helps

us pull this off,” Johnson said. Tempe wanted to turn the three-story building into something that would benefit the community’s artistic-based businesses and entrepreneurial efforts. But nobody had been capable of renovating and opening the building while paying the expenses of running a business. “It’s a heavy lift to be in this building,” Barry said. “We pay utilities. We fix up the building. If something goes wrong, we pay for it. Air-conditioning breaks? That’s on us.” But in exchange for the risk, she and

Together, Johnson and Barry have compiled resources for designers and design entrepreneurs to go from idea all the way through production.



MAKEUP ERASER: Makeup Eraser was launched after its creator happened to use a robe that she noticed completely removed heavy eye makeup and foundation. Today, each eraser is handcrafted and made with a blend of polyester that’s cut by a special piece of machinery that results in super-fine fiber. While the company was launched with only this product, it has since created more than 25 products due in some part to the manufacturing made available at F.A.B.R.I.C. The company is focused on creating the most sustainable makeup-removal product in the world to eliminate the third most wasteful product in the world — makeup.

ETHÁR COLLECTION: This Muslim designer creates religiously inspired gowns because she herself struggled to find elegant pieces that fit the requirements of her beliefs. Thanks to F.A.B.R.I.C.’s help, Ethár Collection now offers modest evening wear that is wedding-dress quality. Believing that building strong, resilient women starts at a young age, Ethár Collection has partnered with Women’s Initiative for Self-Empowerment – WISE. Ten percent of each sale is donated to WISE.

LOVE OVER H8: Love Over H8 is an athleisure line that was able to leverage F.A.B.R.I.C. to create samples and work out tweaks until they outgrew the facility. The Love Over H8 brand features comfy shirts, hoodies, hats and joggers, some of which have words like “Truth,” “Love Hard” and “Fierce” displayed on them. With $5 of every purchase going to a cause, the brand is all about giving back and fighting for equality and tolerance. And the cause the money goes to is up to the customer; upon checkout, customers decide which cause resonates with them most.

OXDX: OXDX is on a mission to preserve culture by passing on stories through art, fashion and creative content. Their Native American statement graphics have changed the face of screen printing in Arizona. Initially a recipient of a F.A.B.R.I.C. scholarship, OXDX’s owner has continued his partnership by housing his offices at F.A.B.R.I.C. In fact, the company is now helping many creators in the F.A.B.R.I.C. facility that need screen printing. Having showcased work in the Smithsonian, OXDX is now selling products all over the United States.

PICKLEBALL REVOLUTION: Pickleball Revolution was born to fill a void in the fashion industry: pickleball attire. The designer, Brenda Aly, noticed that there were all kinds of design issues in the clothing available for pickleball players. So she dove into all of the educational programs provided at F.A.B.R.I.C. and created the perfect pickleball skort. Today, the company is barely able to keep up with orders and is licensing skorts to pickleball venues across the nation.

Host an Event

WANT TO SUPPORT THIS INNOVATIVE VALLEY RESOURCE? F.A.B.R.I.C. offers an artsy, industrial event space in downtown Tempe. Located on the ASU footprint, F.A.B.R.I.C.’s event space features seating, tables, A/V lighting and sound, garment racks, linens and more. Groups can host events in the indoor/outdoor space, bring in their own catering and host up to 380 guests. For information about hosting a fashion show, corporate event, wedding, banquet, party or celebration at F.A.B.R.I.C., visit


Johnson negotiated a unique deal. They give back $276,000 a year in free classes, events and services to counterbalance what they would have paid in rent. After two years, Johnson estimates the Fashion and Business Resource Innovation Center — better known as F.A.B.R.I.C. — has blown past that number and given back close to $1 million. THE F.A.B.R.I.C. OF OUR LIVES “We don’t think there’s a place quite like this in the United States,” Barry said. “I call it a public social enterprise. Public, because it has the support of the city.” The reason for the support is another creation of Johnson and Barry. The two co-founded a nonprofit called the Arizona Apparel Foundation whose mission is to help emerging designers and brands with small-batch manufacturing and strategic business resources so they can grow their brand sustainably in Arizona. And what do they offer at F.A.B.R.I.C.? An impressively deep and wide array of services and curriculum. Emerging designers can learn the basics, seasoned pros can fill their manufacturing orders, and entrepreneurs can hire experts to complete the job for them. Pattern making, sample sewing, industrial cutting and sewing, finishing techniques. Scholarship winners learn all of that and get an office on site and receive everything they need to take their product to market. It’s a program built on the pain of the past. Neither Barry nor Johnson can forget the sting of their early years in the fashion business and want to ease the way for emerging designers. “The whole reason we exist is because we both experienced that. We thought if we can’t do it with all of the right stuff in place, then who possibly can?” Johnson said. Inside F.A.B.R.I.C., students find apparel manufacturing, classes, consulting and design

services, a sourcing library, fabric store, photo and production studio, co-working offices, a sewing studio, event and runway space, classrooms, hair and makeup rooms, industrial equipment, industry experts — basically everything they’d need to launch a fashion career. In addition to helping the designers, F.A.B.R.I.C. is creating jobs for people with valuable skills. “I have 17 employees here,” Barry said. Between patternmakers, technical designers, a cutter, a production supervisor and sewers, the team boasts several fashion degrees and almost 300 years of production industry experience. “People move here and they have these amazing skills. We can literally pick the best of the best. So we can offer highest-class industry standards,” Barry said. “And it’s all under one roof, which is not the case in L.A.,” Johnson added. Since opening, more than 330 brands have utilized the manufacturing resources at F.A.B.R.I.C., making everything from wedding gowns to dog robes to patented medical devices. “All of those people now have those resources here,” Johnson said. “They can grow and stay in Arizona. To me, that is everything.” As Barry and Johnson continue to build an industry that hasn’t existed in the past, both women are energized and confident. “You shouldn’t have to live in L.A. or New York or Paris to succeed in the fashion business. You just need resources,” Barry said. Johnson nods, looking at the building and ticking off the new services and classes to come. “F.A.B.R.I.C. is the place you can come and create your fashion dreams,” she said. “What might have been an obstacle is not anymore. It’s right here in Arizona.”


th 36th Annual 36 Annual 36th Annual


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NEXT DOORS {ahead of the curve}

PLAYING BALL FOR MARYVALE The Milwaukee Brewers are changing the definition of ‛home teamʼ Tom Evans | Contributing Editor

Ah, snowbirds. The truly Arizona tradition of winter visitors coming here for our wonderful climate (except for, like, the entire month of February this year), clear skies and wide, open spaces. If you’ve been an Arizonan for long enough, you’ve learned that snowbirds are part of the fabric of the Valley, mostly for the best. And you’re also familiar with another uniquely Arizona (well, and Florida) tradition — spring training baseball. 28  FRONTDOORS MEDIA | MARCH 2019

In some ways, many of the visiting Major League Baseball teams are like snowbirds, coming in once a year for an extended stay to get out of the cold and enjoy some nice weather. Then the season starts, and it’s back to the colder northern climates. But the Milwaukee Brewers — based in the west Phoenix community of Maryvale for spring training — are turning that notion on its head.

American Family Fields of Phoenix, the spring training home of the Milwaukee Brewers, recently opened its doors after a $60 million renovation.

“We’re really looking at how we can drive economic impact within the business community in Maryvale and help with new housing development,” said Andrew Daugherty, general manager of American Family Fields of Phoenix, the spring training home of the Brewers. “There are a lot of projects we’re on the forefront of, including working with Grand Canyon University on a number of initiatives. We believe we can really help further Maryvale and make it an even better community.” This spring, the Brewers unveiled the results of a $60 million renovation to their Maryvale facilities, which include the sort of things you might expect — expanded seating, wider concourses, a new video board, new concession stands and more. But it also includes what’s called the Learning Lounge, which is being done in partnership with Grand Canyon University (GCU) as part of the team’s deal with the city of Phoenix.

The Learning Lounge is a six-day-per-week program for high school students where they are offered mentorship opportunities and a great place to study. The program has a “pay it forward” model where the students can receive scholarships to GCU as long as they come back and serve as mentors in the program. “It’s a cool idea that they’ve developed and implemented,” Daugherty said. “We think it’s so important that we can give back and provide that opportunity.” The Brewers are developing a strategic plan to fully engrain themselves in the Maryvale community, but a number of initiatives are already well underway. The team is focusing on education, recreation, health, fitness and basic needs, and is partnering with organizations that include city initiatives, the Cartwright School District, Valley of the Sun United Way, the Maryvale Community Garden and more. Thad McGrew, the team’s Maryvale director of



community affairs, works in Maryvale year-round. He said the team is committed to its community involvement for the long term.

have an investment here too. The more we can get involved and welcome folks in, the more it becomes a win-win for everyone.”

“The Brewers are committed business partners in the Maryvale Village community and have embraced the opportunity to grow relationships with its citizens through year-round support and engagement opportunities,” McGrew said.

So like the snowbirds, the Brewers will head back north, in their case at the beginning of April. This year, they’ll start the season with a pretty good team that’s coming off a playoff appearance and features last year’s National League MVP.

There’s a business reason for all this, of course. The Brewers want to present themselves to the Maryvale community as a family-friendly entertainment option — they’re a baseball team, and they want to attract more fans and get more kids playing the game. But they also have year-round baseball activities in Maryvale, and like any other business in the area, they have a vested interest in the community’s success.

But their impact on Maryvale will be a year-round thing for the foreseeable future. And while they may not be able to achieve the popularity of the Arizona Diamondbacks here in the Valley, they've given people of Maryvale something to root for.

“This is our home, so when you have something like this facility and you invest money in it, you want to have long-term sustainability,” Daugherty said. “Now that we do have this magnificent facility, we want the community to feel like they




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Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits & Arizona Grantmakers Forum

GIVING IN STYLE {fashion in the philanthropy lane}

A DAILY DOSE OF GLAMOUR Inspiration from local style icon Kimberly Jacobsen Tyler Butler | Fashion Writer

One standout moment at New York Fashion Week synthesizes Kimberly Jacobsen’s outlook on glamour. Her chance meeting with Georgie Badiel Liberty, who is a wife, activist, philanthropist and former Miss Africa, allowed her to glean a glance of a like-minded soul. The interaction with Liberty at a Zang Toi fashion show was a highlight for Jacobsen because Liberty is a champion for change, making it her mission to provide potable drinking water for those in her West African homeland.

revealing her love for vintage, modern trends and, most importantly, philanthropy. She often finds ways to combine her passions. Later this year, she will lead a one-day holiday showcase featuring the collections of Philipp Plein and Jack Bedirian with a percentage of sales benefiting Phoenix Children’s Hospital. Then in early 2020 she will be co-chairing Phoenix Children’s Hospital Dine with your Dog event, which helps children through the hospital’s pet therapy programs.

Like Liberty, Jacobsen mines fashion in ways that go further than skin deep. Through her Instagram account, @DailyDoseGlamour, Jacobsen is sharing her views on life, the wonder of helping others and the fun and generous role that style can have in it all. One picture, one video and one story at a time, she is expanding her reach by sharing her unique point of view.

Jacobsen is a longtime committee member of the Phoenix Heart Ball, one of the country’s most esteemed galas and one that raises record-breaking funds to aid in the battle against heart disease. Also important to Jacobsen are charities that support women’s issues such as Fresh Start Women’s Foundation and the Arizona Women’s Board.

Through @DailyDoseGlamour, Jacobsen is

Besides her warm presence in the community,


Fun, fashion and philanthropy collide in Kimberly Jacobsenʼs world.


Glamour Tips 1 “Always have a beautiful lip. Using a pretty lip pencil and filling in the lip with color and a bit of gloss is so lovely.” 2 “Start building your outfit each day with a piece that reflects your vision of the day. Maybe you have a favorite shoe that fits what your day will be like. Once you select this, create your outfit around that shoe.” 3 “A handbag and shoe always set the stage for glamour.” 4 “A great leather pant is fun to take from a day look with combat boots and a T-shirt to a night look with a pretty blouse and heels.” 5 "A messy bun is a glamorous look and so easy to do yourself.”

Photo credit: Jillian Rivera Photography

Jacobsen is known for having a keen eye for style and an eclectic flair all her own. She recognizes that, “fashion is creativity” and uses her Instagram account to showcase how philanthropy and fashion can seamlessly fit together. Her style can easily be seen through the content she shares. Even her use of the popular KiraKira filter has elevated her visibility as she leverages the app’s ability to add twinkle, color, shine and bling to her already glamourous posts. Through her social media interactions and persona, Jacobsen is providing a curated capsule of her fashion beliefs. “A philanthropist seeks to promote the welfare of others,” she said. “Fashion creators construct, make and build the same way a philanthropist creates — to build and make someone else’s life better.” Jacobsen engages socially to promote what

6 “Beautifully manicured nails are a must. Terés: A Nail Bar is my favorite. A sparkly nail accent is always a glamorous touch.” 7 “A vintage accessory adds that extraspecial chic look to any outfit. Vintage by Misty is my favorite stop for vintage scarfs, handbags, jewelry and jackets.” 8 “Adding a special piece to your wardrobe is always fun. Find a piece that can be worn both casual and dressy. Stephanie’s Boutique has the most exquisite pieces.” 9 “A scarf adds texture and interest to any outfit. And there are so many ways to wear a scarf — around your neck, tied on your wrist or on your handbag.” 10 “Sunglasses are so chic! The Saint Laurent Loulou Heart frames are my obsession.”

Jacobsenʼs closet is a testament to lovingly selected vintage and couture items.


Dressing to Impress Dressing for a Luncheon: “It’s all about the handbag. A lady’s box style handbag is so glamorous.” Dressing for a Gala: “It’s all about the sparkle. Gala nights are made to shine. Wear your fur, feathers and beaded gowns. Big glamorous earrings or a large cuff are so pretty. And a Judith Leiber treasure is always lovely for a gala night.” Mixing High and Low: “Mixing pieces makes it fun and affordable. Zara offers great pieces to add to your wardrobe.”

is important to her. “I think that social media is incredibly important to showcase events and causes. The more we are able to get the word out, the more successful we are at raising awareness and funds for our charities,” she said. Like Liberty, Jacobsen is using her influence to educate the public on important issues. Both exemplify the inspirational power of positivity. And ultimately, how social media can impact the world through the magic of sharing.



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Society of Chairs }

Frontdoors is proud to recognize those who volunteer their time, treasure and talents to support local organizations in a leadership role.

Kate Specter and Craig Bohmler Chairs of ¡La Feria!

A Spanish Carnaval benefiting Arizona Opera

How long have you been involved with Arizona Opera? Kate: Since my family and I moved here from Austin, Texas in 2016. It has been a homecoming for me personally, as I was born in Phoenix and lived here until I was 10. As a young woman, I studied classical voice and made a commitment to a life in opera. I told myself that when I was finished with everything I needed to learn from my experience as an artist in New York City, I would come back to my hometown and do what needs to be done to propel opera in my community. I’m very proud that I’m now able to fulfill that mission in my birthplace.

Craig: My relationship with Arizona Opera has been mutually beneficial. The opera did the world premiere of my opera “Riders of the Purple Sage” to record ticket sales, and I had the distinct privilege of the most astounding production I have ever had of one of my works. This relationship started in 2012, though I had been chorus master of the Arizona Opera Chorus in 1989-1990.

and silent, including a painting from our own Arizona artist, Ed Mell. With composer Craig Bohmler as my co-chair, it also means the entire event is filled with amazing music. He’s put together a program using Arizona Opera’s young artists that will hit every note.

Favorite movie: Kate: I am a Funny Girl, Breakfast at Tiffany’s type, but I also love

Why do you support the organization?

Night at the Opera, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the Jason Bourne movies, and Oceans 11. It’s an eclectic mix!

Kate: Too many opera companies have closed in this country

Craig: Too many to name, but they include Being There, Mary Poppins

in recent years. I believe our cities depend on a thriving arts community, including opera, which is so vital for education, tourism and our economy, not to mention our quality of life.

Craig: Arizona Opera is a forward-looking company, and in a very short period of time has modified their programming and venues to include operas from the last 25 years. They are fearless in their quest for originality and quality while still producing the established masterpieces. I would say that it is one of the most exciting opera companies in the country, and with Joe Specter at the helm, it is garnering national attention.

Describe this year’s event. Kate: It’s modeled after the wondrous Spanish carnival in Seville, la feria. I wanted our guests to have a fun, interactive experience. We will have photo opportunities with flamenco dancers, musicians and even beautiful horses. We have some extraordinary auction items, both live 36  FRONTDOORS MEDIA | MARCH 2019

and The Man Who Would Be King.

Favorite restaurant: Kate: Café Monarch, Mora Italian, Mastro’s Ocean Club Craig: FEZ. It’s a lovely, casual place to go after the theater and the hummus is amazing! I also like Sumomaya in Scottsdale because it is cuisine outside the box.

Favorite place to travel: Kate: I like to go where the people I love are. It could be Oregon, New York City or Gloucester, Massachusetts — cities where my family lives. But wherever we are, time spent with my husband and our girls is always the most fun for me.

Craig: France

Secret talent:

Fun fact about you:

Kate: I love to write, which very few people know!

Kate: I’ve had an incredible life despite, or perhaps because of, being

Craig: I am successful at growing desert plants and citrus; I enjoy cooking and make a mean huevos rancheros.

Talent I wish I had: Kate: As a singer, I wish I could play the piano and read music better.

Craig: I wish I spoke 10 languages fluently.

a survivor of two open-heart surgeries at a young age, and being very close to losing my life during my first surgery. That experience has allowed me to appreciate all I have in this world — my experiences in dance, opera, theater and, most especially, my amazing family.

Craig: I love to hike and when time permits I try to get away to Northern Arizona and Southern Utah, where the scenery is awesome and terrifying at the same time. It takes me out of myself and connects me with something quite spiritual. This summer, I rafted down the Grand Canyon for nine days.

Thank you to all of our February Cheers to the Chairs! nominees: Latasha Causey & Jennifer Holsman Tetreault: Florence Crittenton (Teaming Up for Girls Luncheon) Becca Clayton & Alexa Schneider: Phoenix Children’s Hospital (Beach Ball) Meghan Cox & Tyler Butler: Pujols Family Foundation (Ultimate Drive at TopGolf Scottsdale) Tiffanie Leyvas, Patty Sapp, Kathi Neal, Roseann Dunteman, Suzanne Dickey: Friends of Homeward Bound (RoofTop Inaugural Event) Ruby Farias & Lance Schley; Darlene Keller Price & John Price: Arizona Foundation for Women (2019 Awards Luncheon) Angie Ramage: Valley Leadership (Man and Woman of the Year Luncheon) Carol Seidberg: Jewish Family & Children’s Service (Brighter Tomorrow Luncheon) Ann Siner & Tess Loo: Arizona Humane Society (Compassion with Fashion)

To Nominate Your Event Chair, Co-Chairs, Honorary Chair or Board Chair, Contact

Society of Chairs 2019 The Celebration of Philanthropy in Our Community

Wednesday, May 8, 2019 | 6:00 pm | Honoring Nancy Hanley

Awards Sponsorships Now Available Contact for details Produced by


EAST VALLEY WOMEN’S LEAGUE Signature Cinderella Affair program makes girls feel like princesses

Tom Evans | Contributing Editor

THE STORY The East Valley Women’s League was started by sisters Tara Stainton and Tracy Worischeck in 2001, with the goal of creating a group through friendships that would work to inspire and aid women and children. The initial group had 40 members, and the group’s focus and size grew steadily over time. Since its inception, the League has distributed

more than 7,000 backpacks to students, comforted more than 2,000 cancer patients and given away more than $200,000 in scholarships. But its signature program is what the League is probably best known for — a unique way to boost the self-esteem of young people while preparing them for one of the most memorable nights of their lives.

THE CAUSE The Cinderella Affair is the League’s way of impacting the lives of young women by providing them with access to formal wear, jewelry and accessories for their junior and senior proms and other key events. It distributes both new and gently used formal wear. “We really try to work on the self-esteem for the children that come through,” said Traci Estenson, chief fairy godmother (or event chair) for the Cinderella Affair. “We accept all junior and senior 38  FRONTDOORS MEDIA | MARCH 2019

high school students with valid IDs. We give away dresses, shoes, purses, bras and jewelry to everyone who comes in, no matter what your background is or your economic status. It’s all free.” To date, the Cinderella Affair has given away more than 16,000 dresses to young people, and the joy that the program creates is palpable. Estenson and co-chair Tammy Fielding shared the story of a girl who was a self-described tomboy who came

Thanks to the tireless work of volunteers and the donation of thousands of gowns, the Cinderella Affair gives girls an opportunity to find a formal look they love — at no charge.


in recently and lit up as she saw herself transform while wearing a new gown — the first dress she said she had ever worn.

“Our goal is for anyone who walks through to make them feel amazing, because everyone is amazing in their own way,” Estenson said.

THE FUTURE This year’s Cinderella Affair will be held on April 6 and 13 at the Cinderella Affair “castle” in Mesa. The boutique has been expanded over the past year, with the shoe and jewelry areas doubling in size. In addition, the League has added a program called SUITS — Setting Up Incredible Teens for Success — which is providing suits and accessories to male high school students. The program, which is done in partnership with the Mesa Men’s Warehouse, is now in its third year but is growing at a steady pace. Students are selected based on applications and recommendations from school administrators.

“We’ve given away more than 60 suits per year,” Fielding said. “It’s so that a young man can have a suit and tie and accessories for dances or interviews. We work with the high schools to see what deserving young men could use a suit for those kinds of purposes.” The 16th annual Cinderella Affair, open to juniors and seniors with valid IDs from high schools statewide, is 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 6 and 13, at the Cinderella Castle at 411 N. McKemy Ave. in Chandler. For more information, visit

CONNECTING WOMEN WHERE THEY WORK, LIVE OR PLAY Join us where you live, work or play to connect with like-minded women to share information, ideas, contacts and opportunities. Learn more at: | |


BEHIND THE DOOR {the caniglia group}


Steve Caniglia

Shelley Caniglia

215 W. Palmaire Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85021

8051 N. 15th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85021

True 4 bedroom plus office/den, 4.5 bathroom, 3086 sq ft, classic ranch style beauty on one of the most prime streets of the North Central Corridor. All 4 spacious bedrooms are en-suite! Guest room and office/den are split from the other three bedrooms. Two fireplaces and multiple sets of doors leading out to gorgeous backyard. Family Room includes a wall of windows looking out to backyard, providing tons of natural light. The fabulous backyard sports a sparkling diving pool, grass for play and a separate storage room with concrete pad, electric and water. Huge, grassy front yard with brick walkway and welcoming patio. Prime 15,503 sq ft, North/South lot in A+ North Central Corridor location. Madison schools and down the street from the Murphy’s Bridle Path, Uptown Farmer’s Market, popular restaurants, stores and boutiques!

One of a kind property renovated and expanded to meet today’s style of living. Only the 2nd owner since 1953. Red brick ranch style home with great curb appeal and gated front patio. 5 bedrooms, 4 baths and 3583 sq ft on 27,161 sq ft lot. Extraordinary lush landscaping with majestic trees. Large family room with lots of natural light, several French doors leading outside, fireplace and wet bar. Wood frame double pane Anderson windows. 422 sq ft workshop in backyard, architecturally matching the main residence. 16’X40’ diving pool and huge deck area. Down the street from Royal Palm (Butler) Park with biking and walking paths on the street. Enjoy this tight-knit community that provides fun activities throughout the year including movies in the park and seasonal festivals. Close to all the great new restaurants that North Central Phoenix has to offer.

The Caniglia Group

Shelley Caniglia: 602-292-6862 | Steve Caniglia: 602-301-2402 |

KITCHEN DOORS {major league eats} Lisa Mullavey | Contributing Writer

MAJERLE’S SPORTS GRILL Goodyear | In 1994, former Phoenix Sun “Thunder” Dan Majerle opened the first of five Majerle’s Sports Grill locations in Arizona, family-friendly eateries with plenty of televisions to watch your favorite sports teams. My husband and I stopped in on a recent Saturday for lunch. We started with two of our favorite appetizers, Gorilla Wings and Madison’s Skins. Ten hearty bone-in wings are breaded, fried and tossed in one of Majerle’s sauces — we had medium. Their skins are traditional but what makes them especially good is the generous amount of bacon on each potato wedge. For lunch I had a Mama Majerle’s Burger, a juicy beef patty topped with mozzarella cheese, grilled onions and sautéed mushrooms. It’s so delicious, I order it almost every time I visit. My husband chose Jared Dudley’s Grilled Chicken sandwich with thick bacon, sliced avocado, tomatoes and crisp bean sprouts. Both sandwiches are served with golden shoestring french fries. This location is closest to Camelback Ranch - Glendale, Goodyear Ballpark and American Family Fields in Maryvale.

O.H.S.O. BREWERY & DISTILLERY North Scottsdale | O.H.S.O. is a local nano-brewery, distillery and restaurant serving an array of their own craft brews, spirits and good food. O.H.S.O.’s atmosphere is fun and social, making it a good spot for couples or large groups. Sit inside or enjoy the beautiful spring training weather on their large patio, which is exactly what a friend and I did one Friday afternoon. We each had cocktails and ordered an appetizer. I chose The Mule made with O.H.S.O.’s Arcadia cucumber vodka, while she had a glass of their homemade white sangria. Both were refreshing and perfect for sipping while we noshed on an order of Steak & Fries. Just when you thought garlic fries couldn’t get any better, they top theirs with tender skirt steak, poblano chili aioli and cheese. Nearly full, we shared The Pilgrim roasted turkey sandwich. Served on a butter croissant along with bacon, tomato, sprouts, gouda cheese and a touch of cranberry aioli, it was delicious. Enjoy a brunch menu on Saturday and Sunday and a late-night happy hour until midnight seven days a week. This location is closest to Salt River Fields and Scottsdale Stadium.

SPINATO’S PIZZERIA & FAMILY KITCHEN Tempe | As their name implies, Spinato’s is a good place to bring the family. The Spinato family has crafted rich Italian tastes with artisan ingredients for more than 40 years. Their Tempe location is their fifth restaurant, which is central to several spring training facilities. On my most recent visit, my family and I ordered an appetizer and two small pizzas. We started with their garlic bread covered in melted mozzarella cheese and served with their delicious marinara sauce. For our first pizza, we chose a traditional pie topped with Spinato’s house-made Italian sausage and pepperoni. For our second pizza, we ordered the Chicken Presto Pesto. This one starts with a basil pesto sauce topped with feta and mozzarella cheeses and then topped with grilled chicken, red onion, artichoke hearts and sundried tomatoes. Both were super tasty, especially the pesto pizza. In addition to pizza, Spinato’s menu boasts pasta, sandwich and salad selections. This location is closest to Tempe Diablo, Phoenix Municipal and Scottsdale stadiums as well as Salt River Fields.


Shakes & Cones Scottsdale | Craving something sweet after the game? Visit Shakes & Cones to try their homemade soft-serve ice cream. It’s truly something special. Created using their own recipe, their soft serve is gluten- and egg-free and made with 100 percent organic and non-GMO ingredients. Shakes & Cones is located in the heart of Old Town Scottsdale and their shop has a charming walk-up window and several chairs and tables outside so you can kick back while enjoying

your frozen treat. Choose from a simple soft-serve cone or cup without toppings or try one of their signature sundaes, bowls or shakes. I had a traditional hot fudge sundae with extra nuts. The soft serve was creamy and tasted great. They also have soda floats or freezes (blended floats) made with vanilla soft serve and your choice of soda. Shakes & Cones is located closest to Phoenix Municipal Stadium and Salt River Fields.

A 2ND ACT {survivors giving back}

HANGING OUT AT FLO’S Thrift store offers secondhand support Judy Pearson | Contributing Writer

In 1882, affluent New York businessman Charles Crittenton’s heart was broken when his beautiful daughter Florence died of scarlet fever at the age of 4. Crittenton turned his grief into a lifelong commitment to provide safe haven for young women in need. Founded in 1896, Florence Crittenton, a grieving father’s promise, has become Arizona’s second-oldest social service agency. Over the years, the agency has gone from being a refuge for sick and destitute women to an early provider of daycare for working women and then as a home for unwed mothers and their babies. Today, Florence Crittenton provides emergency shelter, residential housing, healthcare, education, counseling and social support to girls and young women, ages 10 to 25. “Our primary goal,” said Dr. Kellie Warren, executive director, “is to break the cycles of abuse and neglect.” The agency accomplishes its mission by providing a therapeutic group home, individual cottages, a 44  FRONTDOORS MEDIA | MARCH 2019

Girls Ranch in Scottsdale, and transition housing for young women ready to enter the world on their own. In addition, FloCrit’s all-girls Leadership Academy of Arizona is open to all young women (grades 9-12), empowering them to become enthusiastic and influential contributors to their world. Dr. Warren summed it up perfectly when she said, “These girls make meaningful connections, often for the first time in their lives.” These vital services change the lives of more than 700 girls and young women in any given year. Doing that, and doing it well, takes money. Enter this story’s second second act. On 7th Avenue, just north of Indian School Road, lies a gem everyone needs to take note of: Flo’s on 7th. This is not your mother’s thrift shop — although it was originally founded in 1961 by the Florence Crittenton Women’s Auxiliary. It’s an adventure in giving clothing and home goods a second spin. Looking for a gently used evening gown? Flo’s

Clothing, dishware, furniture, home goods — Floʟs has it all, neatly organized and beautifully displayed.


is a must-stop. Searching for the perfect vase for your dining table? They’ve got an impressive selection. Hoping to infuse your holiday décor with something new to you? Flo’s team creates beautiful displays for every holiday. But you’d better shop early because the secret is out on that one. Of course being in the upscale retail business brings with it some interesting stories. One day, the staff took in an all-leather, high-end two-piece sectional. The next day it sold for less than half of its original $4,000 price tag. And then there was the rubbery-teal-funnel-thing, the story for which the Flo’s team pondered. The mystery was finally solved: It was a portable silicone speaker to amplify the sound from an iPad without batteries or cords. Brilliant! Flo’s shoe racks look as though they came straight out of Imelda Marcos’s closet. (The former first lady of the Philippines was famous for her love of shoes.) So 10 years ago, a group of creative minds at FloCrit debuted Heels for Healing, a hilarious fundraiser to really put those shoes to good use. During this beloved event, women and men don heels and participate in a variety of skill challenges. The event is topped off with the famous Diva Dash, a “high-energy, high heel relay race,” as they describe it. The event occurs in the fall each year, and if a picture is worth a thousand words, Diva Dash pictures are worth a million. Between the shopping and the dashing, Flo’s on 7th is responsible for more than $400,000 going straight into the Florence Crittenton coffers. “One hundred per cent of the money Flo’s makes goes to our programs,” Dr. Warren said. “That allows me the honor and privilege of seeing hope in action every day.” To learn more, go to



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AN INTERVIEW WITH CHERYL BURKE — A FRONTDOORS MAGAZINE EXCLUSIVE ’Dancing with the Stars’ pro and crusader against child abuse Andrea Evans | Publisher

You may have heard that the beautiful and talented Cheryl Burke will be in Arizona for Teaming Up for Girls, the annual spring luncheon to benefit the work of Florence Crittenton. But, if you’re like me, you probably don’t know the why behind Burke’s “yes” to support local services that empower girls and young women to reach their full potential. Here’s the story, in Burke’s own words. “I feel like I relate to a lot of girls and young women because of the stuff that happened to me as a kid. I was able to overcome the trauma that happened when I was a little girl. It’s important to feel safe and feel like nothing is holding you back. It can be a scary world out there, but it can also be an amazing world if you have that safety and security. “When I was a little girl, my mom was always working and she was very proactive in being able


to provide. My mom and dad divorced when I was 2 years old and my mom was raising me on her own until she met my amazing stepdad. They were working parents, so my stepsister and I had babysitters and a live-in nanny. Our nanny wasn’t able to drive, so our parents hired a man to pick us up from school, and he molested us. It took me a long time to be able to understand what was happening and know what he was doing was wrong and to go to my parents. “It was really tough. I still remember it like it was yesterday. I testified against him when I was 9 years old and he went to jail. I thought he took care of us and loved us. I’ve been in therapy my whole life but my stepsister hasn’t been able to deal with it. “It was difficult, especially during those years as a little girl going into her teens. It’s so important

to be able to have open communication with your family. Even when you’re scared, that’s when you need to be able to run to your mom, run to your dad. “It’s been part of my life, but I am moving forward. I am a work in progress, and it’s important for me to continue with my therapy because I don’t want what happened to me to shape who I am today.” Burke started dance lessons at 4 as part of a mix of activities she tried as a child: horseback riding, soccer, volleyball and basketball. When asked why she continued, she said, “It was the one activity I never complained about when I got up early in the morning.” Her autobiography “Dancing Lessons” was published in 2011 as a way to share how dancing shaped her life on her road to becoming a twotime champion on Dancing with the Stars. “Dance was very therapeutic for me when I was a little girl,” she said. “I started with ballet from ages 4 to 11. I was very quiet. I didn’t talk a lot; I had no opinions. I was very self-conscious, but dance was my escape.” While we don’t know if she will be back on the next season of Dancing with the Stars, Burke said she’d love to continue with the show and maybe be a judge some day. “For me, dance is my passion. Everyone has something that they love or wish to be able to do. Just take the ‘wish’ out and do it,” she said. “Don’t let anything hold you back. I like helping young girls, and giving them hope and making sure they know that you can always continue to grow and work on yourself and that nothing should hold you back. Every time I do a speaking engagement, I come out stronger.” I hope we continue to see Burke presented as a leader and mentor for young women everywhere.

Cheryl and 2018 celebrity partner Jaun Pablo Di Pace. Photos courtesy of ABC Television Network

Her experience, understanding and passion to share her story are inspiring and can help so many. Thank you for sharing, Cheryl …

Andrea Andrea Evans PUBLISHER



GIVING GUIDE 2018-19 Arizona Tax Credit

A TAX SEASON GIVING GUIDE FOR ARIZONA It’s finally here, just in time for tax season! It’s our 2018–19 Tax Credit Giving Guide, providing a key resource for Arizona residents looking to receive a dollar-for-dollar credit on their state income taxes while helping a broad spectrum of nonprofits. This special publication provides an overview of tax credits, how they work and why they are important, and includes listings from dozens of organizations across the tax credit categories.


Visit or look for the Tax Credit Giving Guide on our magazine stands throughout the Valley.

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