Koinonia Summer 2021

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Thank You!

Fr. Luke Melackrinos Beloved in Christ, Allow me to use this space to say, “Thank you!” Since our last issue of the Koinonia we have had so many events, activities, and church services that are detailed quite well by our wonderful Parish Council President, Maria Schultz in this issue. But I would be remiss if I didn’t say thank you to all of you for all of your hard work the last few months and as always. Metropolitan Nathanael, during his visit expressed that Holy Trinity is a dynamic, connected and vibrant parish. He expressed his amazement at the percentage of active, invested parishioners that would be the envy of many larger parishes throughout the Metropolis and in the Archdiocese. So, as we continue our journey back to our pre-pandemic parish life my gratitude is not just for the things we have done in the past, but for the incredible offerings that you will be making as well. First, and foremost on my mind, is our upcoming Festival. The decision to have an outdoor festival, was not an easy one. Even though so many people, who supported us through our drive-up festivals, clamored for our “regular” festival because they missed their favorite foods, experiences, and atmosphere, how could we possibly pull this off? The restrictions around us here in Siouxland were slowly lifted, and the decision to hold another drive-up festival or a version of our regular festival had to made. So, incredibly late in the game, our Parish Council made the right decision to hold our festival. We need you to make this work, though. The festival that we normally have a full year to prepare for, is already upon us NEXT MONTH. Please consider reaching out to Leah Brockway and Andrea Konidas, our hard working festival chairs and offering more time to volunteer than you normally would. The only way our Festival will be a success is if each one of us helps “pull the rope” so to speak. I pray that all of you have a blessed, Christ filledremainder of your summer. Please do not neglect the sacramental element of your spiritual lives. Christ’s Holy Church offers the perfect medicine for all of our struggles in this life. See you in church!! Summer 2021

Congratulations to Alex Karras on receiving the Servant Leadership Award from His Eminence Metropolitan Nathanael! Page 4

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