1508 museum matters

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Museum Matters August 2015

Newsletter of The Friends of The Canal Museum, Stoke Bruerne

Chairman's Jottings David Blagrove THE MUSEUM so far seems to have had one of its best seasons for a long time. There has been considerable footfall and Louise and her staff have had more than enough to do to keep up. This is cheering news and must go a long way towards making the Museum and our canalside a worthwhile destination for many. As well as our events the Museum has a pretty full calendar of its own, especially during the summer school holidays. On a sadder note we have lost the services of Mat Bradley, who has left CRT to work elsewhere. A replacement for Mat is due to be appointed as I write. There have been other important developments within CRT affecting the Museum recently. Firstly Vicky Martin has been appointed Waterway Manager for the South East, a role that was temporarily taken by Neil Owen following Jeff Whyatt’s move. Now that the responsibility for the

In this Issue Chairman's Jottings 2015 Family Festival The Midland Narrow Boat people and Decoration FoCM News Photos from recent events Sculptor update FoCM Diary 2015

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Vicky Martin - our new SE Waterway Manager (Photo: CRT)

Museum curtilege has been transferred to the SE Waterway, Vicky will have overall responsibility for the running of the Museum apart from curatorial matters, which remain the province of Ellesmere Port. Next, Sarah Brown has been appointed Development and Engagement Manager for the SE Waterway. This, according to the CRT Job Description, ‘includes developing and delivering a local strategy for community engagement alongside programmes instigated by national teams; supporting the Waterway Partnerships in delivering the strategic waterway plan; managing local political and wider community relationships; leading local marketing and promotion; and leading the relationships with local boating and other customers, and volunteer adoption groups.’ So it will readily be seen that Sarah will be playing an important role in the waterside affairs of Stoke Bruerne. Indeed, Sarah has already had

Cover picture: Part of the new display of Painted Ware in the Museum arranged by the Curatorial Team (Photo: KD)

© The Friends of The Canal Museum Registered Charity No 1121146

www.friendsofthecanalmuseum.org.uk Page 2

Chairman's Jottings David Blagrove considerable input to the Stoke Bruerne Canal Partnership. This year’s Family Festival looked as though it was literally going to be a washout, for the Saturday was one of the most miserable June days one could imagine. Indeed, had it not been for the sterling efforts of Bill Mann and his team on the burger stall it might have been a dreadful flop. However, they managed to keep going through the rain and provided an example to all the other stalls. True British grit saw everyone through and spirits remained good. The next day though turned out to be fine and the crowds certainly came, turning what looked like disaster into triumph. The final result was a profit of over £3,000, a good proportion of which was due to the teams manning the car parks. This is not the most glamorous of tasks, but it has to be done, so a very special ‘Thank you’ to all those stalwarts in particular, but not forgetting those who ran such things as the Face Painting, which proved to be very popular this year. All round Trevor Allum and his team made it all seem effortless, thus belying the hard work that goes into putting on such an event. Two weeks after the Festival, Sculptor represented us at the Braunston Historic Boat Gathering, taking part in all four of the parades and once more earning a generous donation to our funds from Braunston Marina Ltd. Since we now have a very full calendar for the rest of this year, it seems that it would be a good plan to look at what else has been © The Friends of The Canal Museum Registered Charity No 1121146

Face painting at the Family Festival in June was popular (Photo: LP)

happening and what we have in store in the order in which they will happen. At last work on the Interpretation Project has entered the world of visible physical progress rather than that of paperwork. Thanks particularly to Lynda Payton and Helen Westlake, the HLF Grant is at last becoming reality. It began in May with the delivery of large blocks of oak, which are going to form the main part of the panels, arriving and being loaded into Sculptor. These blocks are in fact recycled lock timbers from the Kennet & Avon Canal and are individually very heavy. They set the boat’s fore-end down quite considerably. The next stage was the setting out of the concrete bases for the panels, done during June by contractors. These have been left to cure before being drilled so as to accept the securing bolts that will hold each panel. The drilling should take place shortly. Meanwhile, the bases have been temporarily covered with earth or gravel so that they don’t present a safety hazard. Then in July Sculptor duly delivered the www.friendsofthecanalmuseum.org.uk Page 3

Chairman's Jottings David Blagrove timber blocks to Bob Nightingale’s forge at the tunnel portal for fitting the ironwork. As I write Bob is working on these and, once the bases are drilled, placing the panels will commence. Behind the scenes a state-ofthe-art set of illustrations and phone apps has been devised which will make our Interpretation Project one of the best and most advanced in the country. Visitors will have noticed that this summer the very tired-looking picnic benches on Museum Green have been replaced by spanking new ones. This is a small project

Timber for the Interpretation Project being unloaded from Sculptor at the forge (Photo: KD)

to which we have been able to contribute, along with the Museum, Stoke Bruerne Parish Council, Stoke Bruerne Boat Company, Northampton IWA, and Northamptonshire County Council. Already the benches have received appreciative comments from visitors, and I have to say they are much easier to negotiate than the old ones for anyone with mobility problems. Along with these is the provision of a Defibrillator as a memorial to © The Friends of The Canal Museum Registered Charity No 1121146

David Henderson, the former Museum manager who, members will recall, died suddenly and tragically last year. Funding for this is now in place and the equipment will be installed before the autumn. There will also be training sessions for villagers, CRT staff and others provided by the makers of the equipment. During July, Lynda Payton and her husband Sam organised a Geocaching event as part of the Interpretation Project. This was a first off and Lynda tells me that 35 Geocachers signed the Event Cache Logbook (many non-geocachers also attended and didn’t sign the event log book!). She estimates the attendance as between fifty and sixty in all. Yet another activity for Stoke Bruerne hits the calendar, for Lynda to be sufficiently encouraged to repeat the exercise next year. At the end of August our close associates, the IWA Northampton Branch, are organising the Northampton Festival of Water in Becket's Park. We shall be assisting by lending tentage and other materials, transporting them by means of Sculptor, and manning a joint Friends and Museum stand in the Park. Volunteers to assist with any of these things will be gladly accepted. Sculptor will be leaving on Wednesday morning, 26th August, and is due at Becket's Park early afternoon. A new venture, initiated by the Stoke Bruerne Canal Partnership, of which we are members, is a form of Guided Walk involving a one-way trip through Blisworth Tunnel on the passenger boat Charlie. A www.friendsofthecanalmuseum.org.uk Page 4

Chairman's Jottings David Blagrove successful experimental walk involving local members, CRT staff and District and Parish Councillors took place in early July. To start with a public trial walk has been arranged for the weekend of 5th and 6th September next to coincide with Northamptonshire County Council's September health initiative '20 Million Steps'. The Walk is to be known as 'Over and Under the Hill'. The idea is to divide a party of walkers into two with half walking from Stoke Bruerne to Blisworth, using public rights of way, and returning by passenger boat Charlie, and the other half vice versa. It takes about 40/45 minutes to go through the tunnel by boat and a good hour plus to walk the given route, so the two parties will pass on foot somewhere just south of Blisworth. This event will not be suitable for the less able or push chairs etc but should be an attractive event to families with older children, able retired etc. We are presently looking at signage etc. There will be notes etc for leaders concerning heritage features to point out to walkers and yours truly is preparing a talk which I, or someone else on my behalf, will give on the boat, relating to features of note within the tunnel. The cost has yet to be confirmed but we believe it to be in the order of £8.00 per person. Because of the potential poor state of the paths over the hill that will be used, it is not proposed to repeat the walks during the winter, but they will recommence in late spring 2016 if there is sufficient interest. These walks are yet another spin-off from the Interpretation Project. Preparations are now well in had for this © The Friends of The Canal Museum Registered Charity No 1121146

year’s Village at War event over the weekend 12th-13th September. The usual suspects, in the shape of Winston Churchill, HM King George VI, General (not yet promoted to Field Marshal) Montgomery, Lola Lamour and George

'Over the Hill' - a different view of one of the air shafts (Photo: KD)

Formby have all indicated that they will be present. The Pitsford Home Guard will provide reassuring cover from invasion, instruction in 1940s dancing will be given in the Village Hall and the Lyons ‘nippies’ will be serving tea and buns in the School. This is to say nothing of tanks, fly-pasts and displays of vintage vehicles. This event is both unique on the canal system and becoming increasingly popular, even as www.friendsofthecanalmuseum.org.uk Page 5

Chairman's Jottings David Blagrove the generations that lived through the 1940s fade away. Entry of £6.00 (free for under-16s) includes car parking. Again we shall welcome volunteers with or without costume.

The Volunteer Group of the Canal Partnership continues to meet regularly once a month, led by Rob Westlake. Pending a final decision on exactly what use is to be made of the Quarry field (and this will involve discussions with local Other events in the pipeline are an Autumn residents among others), some work is to Soiree and AGM, dates to be confirmed. take place on lowering the towpath hedge This follows from a most successful which has been allowed to grow to a height evening event organised a couple of years that prevents the public from viewing the ago by Denis Atkinson and Co and Council field, and an access is to be prepared. Other projects include the painting of fences and canalside features, general tidying and weeding, the clearance and planting of the Ash Box by Lock 15, cutting back of encroaching vegetation, and continued bulb planting in such places as the Woodland Walk. These tasks are well worth doing, but once again they are dependent upon volunteers to Bill Mann - extreme right - who has decided to retire carry them out. Dates of such from The Friends Council (Photo: KD) work parties are published on felt that it was well worth repeating. So far a our website, so if you fancy giving a hand, date has not been fixed, but it will be just turn up. towards the end of November. Also, commencing in October, we shall resume Finally, I cannot let this issue of Museum our normal monthly Thursday evening Matters pass without paying tribute to the meetings in the Learning Centre at the efforts of Bill Mann, who has decided to Museum. Finally we shall end the year with retire from Council. Bill has been a tower of our increasingly popular ‘Carols by the Cut’ strength over the years and we shall miss evening in December. So there is a pretty his input. He does however wish it to be full programme in store and we shall be known that he will still be having an input to delighted to see as many members as our events and will not be disappearing possible at these various events. entirely. Meanwhile, thanks Bill for everything you have done over the years. © The Friends of The Canal Museum Registered Charity No 1121146

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2015 Family Festival Lynda Payton reports on a lovely weekend almost spoilt by Saturday's weather DESPITE A VERY SOGGY start to the weekend, the 10th Stoke Bruerne Family Festival broke all records on Sunday when the sun finally came out and some village car parks reported being full by lunchtime. Extra children’s face painters were even called in to cope with the high demand for butterflies, spotty dogs and tigers!

The New Moon Morris side dancing alongside Top Lock (Photo: LP)

to have a go – from making wood whistles, tying rope dragonflies, building canal bridges, creating rag rugs and canal crochet to picking up a paintbrush and doing a bit of ‘Roses and Castles’ traditional canal decoration. We would like to thank all friends members, villagers, volunteers and businesses who ran car parks, fundraising stalls, cooked burgers, marshalled boats, dressed up as Vikings, entertained our visitors or generally helped out. We can’t name you all but we want you to know that we really appreciate all the effort that went in to make the festival a success. The event should have made a surplus of just over £3,000, a marvellous result given the poor weather on Saturday.

Highlight of the festival was a Viking longboat, with a dragon’s head billowing coloured smoke, arriving in the village along the canal. Watched by the assembled crowds, the longboat landed a Viking horde on the towpath outside the Canal Museum intent on pillaging and the invaders ordered the lowering of the Union Jack flag, replacing it with their own ‘hrafnsmerki’ or Norse Raven banner. Rampaging Vikings aside, visitors to the festival were able to enjoy a huge range of attractions including a wealth of live music, theatre, morris dancing, a real ale bar, boat trips, a bustling trade market, lots of exhibitors with everything from live parrots to a trans-Atlantic rowing boat and much more. There were also lots of opportunities © The Friends of The Canal Museum Registered Charity No 1121146

Kate Saffin introducing young people to a boating way of life (Photo: LP)

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The Midland Narrow Boat People and Decoration Louise Stockwin A huge amount of work has been accomplished between Louise Stockwin, Brian Collings and Brian Mayland with the support of Rodney Hardwick, Olive Minney and Lynda Payton over the last winter, working to make the interpretation of the painted ware display more easily understood. Louise put the work and the display in for an award at the Northamptonshire Museums and Historic Houses Awards 2015 - Best Volunteer Project. The following is Louise's submission.

was also important to nurture and guide the team, so they could share their knowledge and enthusiasm, increasing their personal well-being. Telling the interesting local stories through the objects while demonstrating the importance of our waterways communities in the past, the present and sparking visitors' interest for the future.

As project leader I facilitated links with the Canal & River Trust's professionals, assisted with researching the digital archive and our catalogues. There was a lot of planning ensuring everyone had realistic expectations and a positive outcome would be achieved for the project. This work brought together a small team of interesting and knowledgeable individuals who had, or have close links to our waterways through work and boating. They now volunteer for the Museum and have collectively completed a successful project, Brian Collings attending to the painted ware in communicating an essential local the Museum (Photo: LS) waterway story about local waterway people and their craft. THIS PROJECT STEMMED from discussions at the pre winter clean, Initially the greatest challenge was to volunteers curatorial meeting. The rationalise just under 200 pieces of painted importance of local story telling through ware to 48 objects for public display. After objects was discussed and how we could lengthy debate and discussion the pieces utilise one important element of the were selected and the interpretation writing collection, bringing together our existing ensued. This work has enriched the lives of and past volunteers with a common vision. the volunteer team by giving them the opportunity to tell the story of the Roses and So whilst the winter annual checks and Castles painting along the canals and clean were important to the collection, it similarly this story will inform and enrich the Š The Friends of The Canal Museum Registered Charity No 1121146

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The Midland Narrow Boat People and Decoration Louise Stockwin lives of our customers. In turn this has improved a part of the Museum and transformed the place for the better. There are always lessons to be learned, especially from new projects. In this case,

knowledge and passion has turned a display of painted ware into a fascinating story of the talented and interesting pioneers who first lived and worked on our canals right up into the 21st century. This colourful timeline story is designed to educate and inspire all our customers, some may want to learn to paint, some may want to get involved and volunteer to work and some maybe just glad to have their questions answered.

Brian Mayland making some adjustments to the painted ware display (Photo: LS)

as with most tasks, it was time that proved precious. Over eight hundred hours of volunteer time were tallied on this mission alone. This project strived to appear simple in its presentation to meet all our customers' needs. It excels because the team's passion and knowledge has given this ‘people and decoration’ project a fascinating and colourful timeline, an important element of our waterway history and what makes it special today. It answers one of our most asked questions by visitors; how did the canal art begin and what is the story behind its images and the people who painted them? The team’s expert © The Friends of The Canal Museum Registered Charity No 1121146

This work will also help with the scheduling of future projects in the Museum galleries. Its success has already gained the interest of other people who have shown an interest in our work, with a view to volunteer in the future.

This project demonstrated that the most important element to our work is the people; the volunteers who share their knowledge and skills and give their time to work in the team.

The start of the timeline (L) to the present (R) (Photo: LS) www.friendsofthecanalmuseum.org.uk Page 9

Then and Now Stoke Bruerne top lock circa 1914 and now

Stoke Bruerne Top Lock during or before 1914 (the chimney on the mill is in position), there's a horse being led over the entrance bridge to the dock, and possibly a bale of jute (for rope making) by the lock. The image is from a postcard purchased via eBay

Still very much recognisable as the same place. If anyone has old images that we can reproduce and place with current images of the same scene, please contact the editor (Photo: KD) Š The Friends of The Canal Museum Registered Charity No 1121146

www.friendsofthecanalmuseum.org.uk Page 10

Braunston Historic Gathering 2015

David Blagrove, Kathryn Dodington and Steve Dean (right) receiving a cheque for ÂŁ1,000 from Tim Coghlan, owner of Braunston Marina Ltd. (Photo: Braunston Marina)

Sculptor with Jim and Sue Hutchinson's FMC Owl breasted up to descend the Buckby Flight on the return from Braunston (Photo: KD) Š The Friends of The Canal Museum Registered Charity No 1121146

www.friendsofthecanalmuseum.org.uk Page 11

Family Festival 2015

Phil Underwood singing for The Friends supper alongside Sculptor at this year's Family Festival (Photo: LP)

The ladies from The Friends of Gloucester Museum in the craft tent (Photo: LP) Š The Friends of The Canal Museum Registered Charity No 1121146

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Family Festival 2015

Sickle, with smoke billowing and Vikings aboard, approaching the lock waiting area (Photo: JR)

Joey, the Museum horse, off to to be repaired and help out at the Hillmorton Festival, not to mention adding one horsepower to Nick Wolfe's Aldgate (Photo: KD) Š The Friends of The Canal Museum Registered Charity No 1121146

www.friendsofthecanalmuseum.org.uk Page 13

Bridge 53 repairs

Stoke Bruerne road bridge (Bridge 53) being dismantled by CRT and contractors Keir following damage by a vehicle (Photo: KD)

At a cost of £30,000, expertise from CRT, their Heritage team and Keir, the bridge was ready in time for the Family Festival (Photo: KD) Š The Friends of The Canal Museum Registered Charity No 1121146

www.friendsofthecanalmuseum.org.uk Page 14

Then and Now The southern portal of Blisworth Tunnel in September 1968 and now

Left, Castle Rose, a predecessor of Indian Chief, leaving the southern portal of the tunnel in September 1968 (courtesy David Blagrove's brother), and as it is now (Photo: KD)

In conjunction with the Museum, The Friends of The Canal Museum are producing some Christmas cards which we hope to have available by the time of the IWA Festival of Water at Northampton over August Bank Holiday weekend and of course at, the Village at War. The images are courtesy Brian Collings and Bill Mann's grandson - thank you to both of you. Stoke Bruerne Canal Partnership are also producing a 2016 calendar which will also be on sale alongside the Christmas cards. The cards will be in packs of five with one each of the images as shown below in each pack.

Š The Friends of The Canal Museum Registered Charity No 1121146

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Sculptor Update Kathryn Dodington SCULPTOR HAS REPRESENTED The Canal Museum and The Friends of The Canal Museum at Braunston Historic Rally and Canal Festival recently. Sculptor took part in all four parades - two on each day and the opportunity was taken to make sure that everyone present knew about the Village at War Weekend.

been down to the A508 to wind - I am sure she could do that trip without any crew - and a short trip to the blacksmith's forge to unload the 3½ tons of timber for the Stoke Bruerne Interpretation Project that Sculptor seems to have aboard for some time. Sculptor is booked to go to the IWA event in Northampton and, at at the time of writing, is due to leave Stoke Bruerne on Wednesday 26th August and will return on or about 2nd September.

We have spent some time recently repainting the fore and stern ends and will spend more time, once she returns from Northampton, getting her ready for the Village at War. We have now received the tools in order to carry out further David Blagrove, Bob Nightingale and Bill Mann work on the inside on the hold and unloading the timber at the forge (Photo: KD) the roof and later the inside of the There was a very enjoyable nine hour trip to back cabin. Braunston on the Friday and a lovely trip home, in wonderful weather, with Jim and Sue Hutchinson with their historic narrow boat, FMC Owl. We breasted up to go up Braunston and then again to go down Buckby which meant we had four people for locking and just one looking after the two boats. Recently



Rob Westlake on the tiller of Sculptor, with FMC Owl, in one of the longer Buckby pounds (Photo: KD)

Š The Friends of The Canal Museum Registered Charity No 1121146

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FoCM News

Financial Update THE FAMILY FESTIVAL held in June was a huge success and raised over £3,000 for the Museum. Our thanks go to all those who gave so much time and effort to make it so successful. Sculptor took part in Braunston Historic Rally and Canal Festival at which we received a £1,000 donation. All of this means that we have combined assets of around £50,000 in the Friends of The Canal Museum accounts.

Support for Village at War WE URGENTLY REQUIRE your support for the following activities at the Village at War weekend in September. If you can help, please contact Mick Butler (01604 473756):

• Volunteers to assist, no matter for how long • Help with car parking

Brian Everest, Treasurer

Change of Date for Carols on the Cut

Autumn Event

A NOTE FOR YOUR DIARIES: the Council of The Friends of The Canal Museum has decided to move the date for this year's Carols on the Cut to Saturday 12th December starting, as usual, at approximately 16:30.

THE COUNCIL OF THE FRIENDS of The Canal Museum is planning an autumn event to be held in late November which will coincide with the 80th anniversary of Sculptor being delivered to the Grand Union Canal Carrying Co - the exact date was 28th November 1935.

Help with Sculptor WE ARE ALWAYS LOOKING for new people to become involved with keeping Sculptor in good order and taking her to events. If you would like to help, please contact David Blagrove in the first instance (01604 862174). © The Friends of The Canal Museum Registered Charity No 1121146

Sculptor will be 80 on the 28th November 2015 (Photo: KD) www.friendsofthecanalmuseum.org.uk Page 17

Village at War 2015

Š The Friends of The Canal Museum Registered Charity No 1121146

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FoCM Diary 2015 August 2015 Every Thursday in August

16th 24th/25th 24th/25th 29th/30th/31st


Terrific Thursdays Free children's activities with Explorer volunteers Summer Fun on The Green Pirate Weekend Pirate Weekend Festival of Water (Northampton)


Over and Under the Hill Over and Under the Hill Village at War

17:00 09:30 10:00

Winter Talks Children's Halloween Activities

20:00 10:00

10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00

September 2015 5th 6th 12th/13th


October 2015 15th 31st


November 2015 28th


Sculptor's 80th Birthday

December 2015 12th 17th


Carols on the Cut Winter Talks

16:30 * 20:00

* Please note change of date for Carols on the Cut

Care on the Cut Dr Della Sadler-Moore, Lorna York and Christopher M Jones have written and illustrated an authoritative biography on the life of Sister Mary Ward BEM. Sister Mary lived, for many years, in the house that is now the Spice of Bruerne. The book will be launched, appropriately, alongside the house where Sister Mary and her parents lived, during the Village at War weekend. Please do come along, purchase your copy and have it signed by the authors and illustrators. The Friends of The Canal Museum at Stoke Bruerne may not agree with the opinions expressed in this newsletter, but encourages publication as a matter of interest. Nothing printed may be construed as policy or an official statement unless so stated. The Friends of The Canal Museum accept no liability for any matter, errors or omissions contained within this newsletter. We will however gladly publish corrections if notified. The Editor reserves the right to shorten or modify articles published in the interests of space or clarity. Š The Friends of The Canal Museum Registered Charity No 1121146

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FoCM Council Chairman David Blagrove, MBE 01604 862174 - also member of the Curatorial Group and a Trustee Vice-Chairman Lorna York - also member of the Curatorial Group and a Trustee Treasurer Brian Everest (treasurer@friendsofcanalmuseum.org.uk) Minutes Secretary Roger Hasdell Membership Secretary Linda Clarke (membership@friendsofcanalmuseum.org.uk) Publicity & Website, Grant Funding & Awards Lynda Payton 01604 861205 (publicity@friendsofcanalmuseum.org.uk) and a Trustee Newsletter Kathryn Dodington (editor@friendsofcanalmuseum.org.uk) Museums & Attractions Partnership John Alderson Volunteer Co-ordinator Trevor Allum

Photographic Credits KD LP LS JR

Kathryn Dodington Lynda Payton Louise Stockwin James Rudd

FoCM FoCM CRT Towcester News

Other Museum Manager (ex-officio seat) Michael Butler (Village at War) and a Trustee Events Sub-Committees Trevor Allum, Michael Butler, Jenny Copeland, David Daines, Roger Hasdell, Bill Mann, Sandie Morton, Mike Partridge, Lynda Payton, Victoria Powell, Terry Richardson, Graeme Buses to Northampton for Scothern, Louise Stockwin, Laura Sturrock (also a IWA Festival of Water Trustee), Helen Westlake and Liam Whitby. Non-Council Posts Roger Hasdell Asst Newsletter Editor Terry Richardson Asst Publicity Officer Brian Collings Curatorial Group Rose Granaghan Winter Talks Organiser

Mon-Sat depart Stoke Bruerne at 10:08, 12:08, 14:08 17:08. Alight at stop at Carlsberg Brewery. Return from stop by Morrisons at 09:02, 11:02, 13:02, 16:02, 18:02. Sundays please use X4 service.

Š The Friends of The Canal Museum Registered Charity No 1121146

www.friendsofthecanalmuseum.org.uk Page 20

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