July 2022 Kids Connection

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July 2022

The Kids Connection

monthly news, updates and resources from the children’s ministry at friendly hills church

The What & Why Behind Family Worship by Friendly Hills Children’s Ministry Committee

What is the chief end of parenting? According to the Westminster Shorter Catechism, question 1, the answer is: that by God’s grace, our children might be saved, glorify God and enjoy him forever. To achieve this chief end of parenting, to teach our children to glorify and enjoy God, they must know God. Dr. Joel Beeke states, “For where God is not known, He will never be glorified and enjoyed.” So how do we help our children know God? We teach them. We teach them the Bible, we sing hymns and Psalms, we pray. Family worship is one of the primary means by which our children can grow in their knowledge of God. What is family worship? Family worship is the daily, intentional, sustained use of Scripture, song, and prayer by a family unit. Why do family worship? The Bible clearly implies that God deserves to be worshiped daily in our homes by our families. Deuteronomy 6:4-9 states, “Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to

Children had a blast at our 2022 VBS Sports Camp the week of June 20-24.

your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” You cannot be a Christian family if you are not a disciple-making family, because your family can’t truly follow Christ if you are not doing what Christ commanded — trying to become more and more like him and leading others to do the same. Family

worship is a means of disciple-making. The purpose of family worship is to train one’s family day by day in the knowledge of the Lord so that you actually end up talking with your children about every subject under the sun. Every day, the family is speaking openly about the things of God. Dr. Joel Beeke made the following statement about family worship in a recent interview, “Thanks to this Holy Book [the Bible], I can’t think of anything I haven’t talked to my children about. Take Proverbs alone. It talks about every subject under the sun. Continued on pg. 5


Nursery C & Children’s June update................ 2

Family Worship resources................................... 5

Nursery A June update....................................... 2

July church-wide hymn....................................... 3

What’s happening in children’s ministry......... 6

Nursery B June update........................................ 2

Volunteer spotlights............................................. 4

VBS memories....................................................... 6

Nursery A Sunday School Big Truth: God is strong Memory Verse: The LORD is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation. Psalm 118:14, ESV Additional Verses: Psalm 73:26, 2 Cor. 12:9 Songs: “This Little Light of Mine,” “Jesus Loves Me,” “My God is So Big”

Nursery B Sunday School Big Truth: God’s Spirit helps us grow Memory Verse: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23, ESV July 3: Fruit of the spirit: peace; July 10: Fruit of the spirit: patience; July 17: Fruit of the spirit: kindness; July 24: Fruit of the spirit: goodness,; July 31: Fruit of the spirit: faithfulness Songs: “Jesus Loves Me,” “Nothing But the Blood”

Nursery C & K-5th grade Sunday School Unit: Into the Wilderness, focus on Moses Memory Verse: Come, let’s worship and bow down; let’s kneel before the Lord our Maker. For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, the sheep under his care.” Psalm 95:6-7, CSB (verse introduced July 10) Big picture question: What is worship? Answer: Worship is celebrating the greatness of God.

Nursery Worship Hour: Jesus’ Ministry The Gospel Storybook Bible stories 36-40 July 3: Zaccaeus Looks for Jesus; July 10: Jesus Loves Little Children; July 17: Jesus Wakes Lazarus from Death; July 31: Jesus Rides into Jerusalem

Children’s Church: Spiritual discipline, worship 2

JUNE 2022

The Kids Connection


Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy health and salvation! All ye who hear, now to His temple draw near, Join me in glad adoration.

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty By Joachim Neander Hymn History

Praise to the Lord, who o’er all things so wondrously reigneth, Shelters thee under His wings, yea, so gently sustaineth! Hast thou not seen how thy desires e’er have been Granted in what He ordaineth?

Joachim Neander, devastated during his teen years by his father’s death, decided he would give his life to pursing youthful pleasures. His teachers and classmates knew him as having a “wild lifestyle.”

Praise to the Lord, who doth prosper thy work and defend thee! Surely His goodness and mercy here daily attend thee; Ponder anew what the Almighty can do If with His love He befriend thee.

One day Neander and his friends heard that a famous preacher was coming to town. They excitedly headed to church, not to worship, but to make fun of the preacher. But that day, something amazing happened! As Neander sat and listened to the sermon, a strange conviction came to his heart and he was never the same. He asked God to forgive him, and asked Jesus to be his Savior.

Praise to the Lord, O let all that is in me adore Him! All that hath life and breath, come now with praises before Him! Let the amen sound from His people again; Gladly forever adore Him.

Several years after his conversion experience, Neander got a job as a director of the Latin School in Dusseldorf. While in this position, Neander experience much opposition. To help him deal with the stress of his job, he would take long walks. Seeing the nature around him would seem to refresh his mind, inspiring him to write hymns. One spot that attracted him was in a valley near Dussel River. He would go there to hold worship services, to relax, and of course, to write hymns. He spent so much time in that area that the locals started calling it Neander Valley. Neander knew that the best way to say thank you to God was to praise Him for being such an amazing, great and powerful friend. This is why he wrote “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty.”

The Kids Connection

JUNE 2022


Thank you to our amazing volunteers Learn some fun and interesting facts about volunteers who faithfully serve the children at Friendly Hills.

Christine Walters Years you’ve been a member at FHC and years served in Children’s Ministry: We’ve been members at FHC for 19 years. I’ve served in Sunday school and nursery for around 15 years.

Favorite thing about serving in Children’s Ministry: I just love loving on the children and sharing Jesus . Most likely to be caught snacking on: Anything chocolate!

Fun Fact about yourself: We’ve been to Disney over 20 times since 2009. Christine and her husband, Dave, on one of their trips to Disney.

Thank you, Christine, for so faithfully loving on our little ones. You have such a heart for the babies, believing that even the tinest members of our FHC congregation need the gospel! We can’t imagine nursery A without you!

Brian Skinner Years you’ve been a member at FHC and years served in Children’s Ministry: We’ve been members for 10 years. I’ve been serving for 9 of those years.

Favorite thing about serving in Children’s Ministry: I enjoy encountering those “tough questions” kids sometimes have. It often makes me do some research and fill in gaps in my own knowledge I didn’t even know I had. Most likely to be caught snacking on: I do love a spoonful of peanut butter. Fun Fact about yourself: I have perfect pitch. I can immediately tell what pitch someone is playing, and I can sing any requested pitch with no outside reference! Most memorable moment from Children’s Ministry: Some of my most memorable moments are the small-group music performances during Summer Music & Arts Camp. You sometimes think the kids are goofing around in class and learning nothing, then they get on stage and nail it!

Brian, every Sunday when we arrive, there you are preparing to share the good news of Jesus with all the children who enter your Sunday school room. Thank you for your diligence, your creativity and your heart for the gospel.


JUNE 2022

The Kids Connection

Brian with his wife, Alice, and their three children (L-R) Joel, Elijah and Rebekah.

All the temptations, the sorrows, the joys of life. You end up talking with your children about all these things.

family worship RESOURCES Resources to learn about the theology of family worship:

Family worship is a huge tool to help you live out your responsibility to train your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. In every way, shape and form.”

“Family Discipleship” by Chandler & Griffin

“Family Worship” by Joel Beeke

“The Family Worship Book” by Terry Johnson

Dr. Beeke urges families to adopt this holy habit.

“Family Worship” By Donald S. Whitney

“Foundations: 12 Biblical truths to shape family” by Ruth & Troy Simons

What are some family worship basics? Read. Read daily from the Bible. Discuss what you read. Sing. Sing hymns and psalms. It is inescapable: God’s people sing! The 150 psalms reference singing around 150 times. Pray. Prayer is the chief way in which we show thankfulness to God. Teach your children how to pray. Matt Chandler, co-author of “Family Discipleship” states, “To disciple your family as Jesus discipled his twelve, think less of your children as students in your homeuniversity and more as apprentices invited to study and exercise the way of God they see in and hear about from you. When your kids ask questions, think of ways that you might give them an invitation for an answer just like Christ did: ‘Come and you will see’ (John 1:39).” Resources: Beeke, Joel. Thompson, Nick. “Beginning: Family Worship in Genesis.” Beeke, Joel. “Family Worship 101.” Ligonier. https://www.ligonier.org/posts/family-worship-101 Chandler, Matt. “What Family Worship Is (and Is not).” Crossway. https://www. crossway.org/articles/what-family-worshipis-and-is-not-2/

Resources to use during family worship: Recommendations for children 4 and under: •

“The Beginner’s Gospel Story Bible” by Jared Kennedy. Read the excerpts from the Bible listed with each story, then read the story.

“The Biggest Story Bible Storybook” by Kevin DeYoung. Read the excerpts from the bible listed with each story, then read the story.

Recommendations for 5-14 years old (questions can be scaffolded up and down to be usable across an even wider age range):

Family Worship Bible Guide” by Joel Beeke. Daily family devotions through all 1,189 chapters of the bible.

“Beginning” by Joel Beeke & Nick Thompson. Family worship through Genesis.

“Old Story New” by Marty Machowski. Ten minute devotions to draw your family to God.

“Long Story Short” by Marty Machowski. Ten minute devotions to draw your family to God.

“Listen Up” by Marty Machowski. Ten minute family devotions on the parables.

“Wise Up” by Marty Machowski. Ten minute family devotions on the proverbs.

“Big Beliefs!” by David Helm. Small devotionals introducing your family to big truths.

“Training Hearts, Teaching Minds” by Starr Meade. Family devotions based on the short catechism.

Recommendations for 15 and up:

Family Worship Bible Guide” by Joel Beeke. Daily family devotions through all 1,189 chapters of the Bible.

Bible reading plans

The Kids Connection

JUNE 2022


What’s happening in the Children’s Ministry? Monthly Church-wide Hymns

Each month, we will be focusing on teaching our children at Friendly Hills a new hymn. We love that hymns are so full of foundational scriptural truth and it is our prayer that our children will remember these beautiful lyrics about God for years to come. On July 24, our children will join the worship team on stage and sing the hymn with our congregation in the worship service.

Family Worship Night - July 10, 6:30-8pm

Please join us for a very fun, family-centered evening of families worshiping together. Come at 6:30pm to enjoy dessert and fellowship. At 6:45pm we will head over to the sanctuary for games, music, and to learn more about family worship and have opportunities to practice family worship together! All ages and life stages are welcome!

Sermon Sheet

At the parent resource station, check out our sermon sheet available as a learning tool for teaching children and youth about the worship service at Friendly Hills and how to take notes during the service.

announcements SUMMER BREAK!

NO Kids’ Connection or Community Groups

FAMILY WORSHIP NIGHT July 10, 6:30pm Join us for dessert and then a night of worship and fun!

KID’S KOOL DOWN August 20, 6pm

Come for ice cream and fun with friends as we celebrate the end of summer.

2022 VBS Memories


Interested in working with the children at Friendly Hills? We would love to talk with you about our needs and what area might be a good fit for you.

Children’s Ministry Committee

Nursery Volunteers: Kelli Jessup, nursery@friendlyhillschurch.org Nursery Curriculum: Sarah Rimert, nursery@friendlyhillschurch.org Nursery Special Events: Morgan Peterson, nursery@friendlyhillschurch.org Children’s Ministry Director: Cindy Beck, children@friendlyhillschurch.org


JUNE 2022

The Kids Connection

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