Jacob's Pillow & Saul to Paul

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Paul is arguably one of the most well-known figures in the New Testament. His story of anger and reconciliation is repeated over and over again as more of us recognize God’s presence in this day and age. Paul was originally known as Saul. In his early years, Saul was raised in all the right ways. He had the best education, and he worked hard to maintain the Jewish tradition as he grew up in the faith. Before long, Saul became engrossed in spreading their way of life, even to the point of violently persecuting those who followed Jesus. In the thick of Saul’s mission to destroy Christianity, there was a faithful follower named Stephen. He was put on trial against the Sanhedrian, a council of Jewish leaders, for blasphemy against Moses and God when he claimed that

Jesus had made a new way - the only way - to eternal life. Stephen’s verdict at this trial was one that led to his death: he was found guilty and stoned for his offences. The street was filled with onlookers,

“and Saul approved of their killing him.” Acts 7:1 (NIV)

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