Cezanne in the studio

Page 152

Jinishing Touches


n the side of the octagonal pitcher, where the handle begins

pitcher, toward the left, and the patch just to the right of the blue pot; and in a paler, more

its arc off the vessel's body, there lies a stroke

washed and transparent version of the color,

of green that strays onto the inner part of the handle (opposite). It is likely that that

in the patch of green left of the base of the pitcher and on the side of the white pot.

one long, tapering patch of emerald green

That strip of green on the pitcher's

was among those marks that came last, that were added as finishing touches in order to

handle complements the reds of the tapestry and the apples that lie around the pitcher—

satisfy Cezanne, somehow, that he was done,

like the bit of washed red that has escaped the leftmost apple to curve onto the pitcher's

that he could stop, that he should add no more. It is nothing like the top and final layer

base as a piece of colored shadow. It punctuates the preponderance of blues everywhere

of a traditional picture, either as it was taught at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts or as it was prac-

in the still life, congregating around the

ticed by other "new"painters, such as Monet or Degas. There a glaze, a bit of local color,

pitcher, loaded thickly and opaquely into the long ellipse of interstitial space opened up by

or a unifying layer of oil or pastel would

the pitcher's handle, particularly in the lower

complete, cover, or even out what had begun

curve, which it appears to fill up like liquid,

as an idea first sketched in pencil or painted

or like a bit of blue flame whose tapering

in roughly to establish the composition's

shape resembles that of the green patch. It

main lines. Here, instead, it is a long scrap

marks the white of the pitcher in a manner

of color that picks up the bits of green found

that clearly has nothing to do with the briefly

elsewhere, under and over other colors—

indicated faint blue design upon its surface.

in the tapestry, particularly the patch that

It lies atop several veils of blue and rose,

encroaches upon the pointed lip of the

a bit of opacity on top of their transparency


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