C + C = The Innovasion Issue

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Fr en ch B K Pr es en t s

The Innovasion Issu e

«If at first the idea is not absurd, then there will be no hope for it» Albert Einstein

innovation . a corporate slogan, overused. a hopeful wink. a shadow of doubt. a leap of faith. crazy enough to be crazy. right enough to be true.

here, in our time of confluence and change, innovation takes on a new cur ve--- a collective march towards per vasive better ness. singular innovation becomes now a mass

«innov asi on.»

ours is a playing field of experimental optimism, an adventurous tension between what is and what can be.

ja c lyn@thereis nos ub jec t. c om

a lis a @f renc hb k. c om b enja m in@f renc hb k. c om


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