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February 17, 2016

--Viewpoints Dear Editor, Silliness

Letters to the Editor do not necessarily reflect the views of the Freestone County Times Dear Editor:

Definition: Garage Sale; selling a garage. Yard Sale; selling your yard Sound silly don’t it? Especially when you’re not selling your garage or your yard, but that’s what the signs will say when you put them out. Now back in the day when you had a garage sale, all items you were selling were in your garage and in the yard sale, all items were out in your yard. So why is it if I see a sign that says Garage Sale, there is no garage? Shouldn’t that be a yard sale? If I see a sign that says Yard Sale but nothing’s there, it’s all in the garage; shouldn’t that be a Garage Sale? I wonder if there’s a sign that says: “Items for sale” if you’re doing both. Don’t confuse an old person. I’m just being silly.

and city to pray for the Fairfield Missionary Baptist Church family, that we can get rid of this situation, and that our former members will come back and help build up our church, and such should be saved. If you would take time to read, Revelations 2: 18-23, “And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write, ‘These things says the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and His feet like fine brass: 19 “I know your works, love, service, faith, [a] and your patience; and as for your works, the last are more than the first .20 Nevertheless Nanette Piotrowski, have a few things against you, Fairfield, Texas because you allow [b] that ______________________ woman [c] Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce [d] My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols. 21 I gave her time to repent her sexual immorality, and she did not repent. [e] 22 Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their [f] deeds. 23 I will kill her children with death, and all the churches shall know that I am He who searches the minds and Senior Citizens (65+)...$26 hearts. And I will give to each one of you according to your Within State of Texas...$30 works. It seems that Alisha is Out of State/Overseas..$32 trying to hold the church until Anthony Thibodeaux is released. 401 E. Commerce, Fairfield

About the Fairfield Missionary Baptist Church in Fairfield, Texas, located on Huckaby Street, a church that is 138 years old. I brother Troy Solomon have been in this church for 67 years, and I have never seen this church have a woman pastor especially a woman that was called by her husband, Anthony Thibodeaux. The bible says I will send you pastors after my own heart, and the deacons that are there are afraid to challenge her. This woman has violated soul winning by voting people out of the church when they challenge her, moving people off of different auxiliaries when they speak out against her. She believes that she has to have full control of everybody and everything at the church. She even signs the checks for the church. The deacons are not spiritual nor do they have the wisdom of God. She has her fatherin-law, her mother-in-law, Anthony Thibodeaux’ s first cousin that has children, and a few friends from Teague and Mexia that are keeping her at this church. There are over 50 former members that would love to come back to their home church but they refuse to return as long as Alisha Thibodeaux is performing as pastor. She have asked that one member leave the church because supposedly this member was hindering the growth of the Bro. Troy Solomon church, but it was okay for Fairfield, Texas that one member to assist ______________________ her in gaining the position as pastor of the church. 1 Timothy 3:2 says that a bishop (pastor) must be the husband of one wife. How can Alisha Thibodeaux (female) be husband of one wife? If you have an opportunity, drive by Freestone County Title Company has been providing title to see how the church building insurance, examinations, and closing services in East Central Texas for twenty years. Our office is conveniently and grounds look. Or, con on located in the Freestone County seat, allowing us to Sunday morning to see what provide customers with fast, reliable service in a friendly, kind of attendance we have, technologically advanced atmosphere. Call us today and let us handle your real estate transaction. less than 30. And, there are many pastors and churches that are supporting her. When Anthony Thibodeaux was sentenced for molesting a child in our community his wife should have exited, 121 E. Commerce, Fairfield 903.389.5357 but she is trying to stay to prove to the people that he is innocent. I am not the judge nor am I the jury but the jury did sentence him. I don’t know if it is true or not, but the evidence is proven guilty. And, I am asking the community


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Sanders & Trump: Magic Sells by Charles Krauthammer

The New Hampshire results have solidified the reigning cliche that the 2016 campaign is an anti-establishment revolt of both the left and the right. Largely overlooked, however, is the role played in setting the national mood by the seven-year legacy of the Obama presidency. Yes, you hear constant denunciations of institutions, parties, leaders, donors, lobbyists, influence peddlers. But the starting point of the bipartisan critique is the social, economic and geopolitical wreckage all around us. Bernie Sanders is careful never to blame Obama directly, but his description of the America Obama leaves behind is devastating -- a wasteland of stagnant wages, rising inequality, a sinking middle class, young people crushed by debt, the American Dream dying. Take away the Brooklyn accent and the Larry David mannerisms and you would have thought you were listening to a Republican candidate. After all, who’s been in charge for the last seven years? Donald Trump is even more colorful in describing the current “mess” and more direct in attributing it to the country’s leadership -most pungently, its stupidity and incompetence. Both candidates are not just antiestablishment but anti-status quo. The revolt is as much

about the Obama legacy as it is about institutions. Look at New Hampshire. Hillary Clinton had made a strategic decision, as highlighted in the debates, to wrap herself in the mantle of the Obama presidency. Big mistake. She lost New Hampshire by three touchdowns. Beyond railing against the wreckage, the other commonality between the two big New Hampshire winners is in the nature of the cure they offer. Let the others propose carefully budgeted five-point plans. Sanders and Trump offer magic. Take Sanders’ New Hampshire victory speech. It promised the moon: college education, free; universal health care, free; world peace, also free because we won’t be “the policeman of the world” (mythical Sunni armies will presumably be doing that for us). Plus a guaranteed $15 minimum wage. All to beachieved by taxing the rich. Who can be against a “speculation” tax (whatever that means)? So with Trump. Leave it to him. Jobs will flow back in a rush from China, from Japan, from Mexico, from everywhere. Universal health care, with Obamacare replaced by “something terrific.” Veterans finally taken care of. Drugs stopped cold at the border. Indeed, an end to drug addiction itself. Victory upon victory of every kind.


FREESTONE COUNTY TIMES, INC. 401 East Commerce St. Fairfield, Texas 75840 (903) 389-NEWS

Publisher: Scott Watson Marsters, Sr. Editor: Karen Elizabeth Leidy Ad /Page Design: Megan Hempel Reporter: Nicole Schaefer Sports Reporter: Scott Batts Sports Photographer: Melissa Lee Sports Photographer: Jennifer Lansford Sports Photographer: Monte Calame Sales Executive: Sherry Schoeneberg Office Manager: Natalia V. Marsters Distribution: Spencer Hancock

SUBSCRIPTION RATES PER YEAR Senior Citizens (65 or older)................$26.00 In State of Texas...................................$30.00 Out of State & Overseas.......................$32.00 Single Copy.............................................$1.00 Freestone County Times (USPS 020302) is published each Wednesday by Freestone County Times, Inc. at 401 East Commerce Street. POSTMASTER send address changes to Freestone County Times, 401 East Commerce Street, Fairfield, Texas 75840 Any error or erroneous reflection upon the character, standing, or reputation of persons, firms, or corporations which may appear in Freestone County Times will be corrected in the next issue once the publisher is notified. The decision to print any photo and/or article is left to the editor’s discretion. Freestone County Times is not liable for, nor does it endorse any content in any advertisement. The views expressed in articles are not necessarily those held by Freestone County Times or its employees. Freestone County Times encourages submission of letters to the Editor, articles and/or photographs from our readers. Letters to the Editor must be signed. Deadline for News and Advertising is Monday at 12:00 noon of each week. ACCEPTING ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS. TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATION MEMBER 2016

How? That question never comes up anymore. No one expects an answer. His will be done, on earth if not yet in heaven. Yes, people love Trump’s contempt for the “establishment” -- which as far as I can tell means anything not Trump -- but what is truly thrilling is the promise of a near-biblical restoration. As painless as Sanders’. In truth, Trump and Sanders are soaring not just by defying the establishment, but by defying logic and history. Sanders’ magic potion is socialism; Trump’s is Trump. The young Democrats swooning for Sanders appear unfamiliar with socialism’s century-long career, a dismal tale of ruination from Russia to Cuba to Venezuela. Indeed, are they even aware that China’s greatest reduction in poverty in human history correlates precisely with the degree to which it has (BEG ITAL)given up(END ITAL) socialism? Trump’s magic is toughness -- toughness in a world of losers. The power and will of the caudillo will make everything right. Apart from the fact that strongman rule contradicts the American constitutional tradition of limited and constrained government, caudillo populism simply doesn’t work. It accounts in a large part for the relative backwardness of Africa and Latin America. In 1900, Argentina had a per capita income fully 70 percent of ours. After a 20th century wallowing in Peronism and its imitators, Argentina is a basket case, its per capita income now 23 percent of ours. There certainly is a crisis of confidence in the country’s institutions. But that’s hardly new. The current run of endemic distrust began with Vietnam and Watergate. Yet not in our lifetimes have the left and right populism of the Sanders and Trump variety enjoyed such massive support. The added factor is the Obama effect, the depressed and anxious mood of a nation experiencing its worst economic recovery since World War II and watching its power and influence abroad decline amid a willed global retreat. The result is a politics of high fantasy. Things can’t get any worse, we hear, so why not shake things up to their foundation? Anyone who thinks things can’t get any worse knows nothing. And risks everything.

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