Freelancer Magazine | Issue 6 | The Let's Get Together Edition

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Ask Twitter

Chris Guiton @WealdWordsmith A self-employed friend of mine knew I was casting around for a change of direction. Realised my love of language sat welI with his need to raise the profile of his business. And asked me to revamp his website and sort out his social media. The rest is history, as they say!

What’s the kindest thing anyone has ever done for you in your freelance career?

Ness Cooper @TheLadyNess I got sent a notebook from the US, as well a colouring book for my son, plus a tip, all from one of my copywriting clients. It really made my week.

Vikki Ross @VikkiRossWrites Recommended me to potential clients. Word of mouth works wonders.

Matt Callanan @CoachCallanan My wife @andrea_callanan got me my 1st freelance gig and then told me to hand in my notice. She gave me the kick up the bum that I needed to make the jump.

Michelle O’Connor @SpeckyScribbler VERY early on in my career, I went for a coffee with @Keith_Farrell and told him about tone of voice and how one day I’d love to do it for a brand. The next day, he asked me to develop the TOV for his brand even though I’d no experience. That coffee changed my freelance path.

Craig Wright @straygoat Not really a work thing, but someone from the twitter content world sent me a letter and a couple of poignant kids books about coping with grief. It was a nice surprise, completely out of the blue, and the books did help. 94

André Spiteri @Andre_Spiteri I appreciate every single referral I get from other copywriters. It’s the biggest compliment anyone can give me.

Amy Nolan @inkypix4u People are endlessly kind and supportive to me and it’s hard to choose! But a cool moment about 20 years ago was when someone cheer-leaded and paid me to paint a mural for their kids nursery and it planted the seed that maybe one day I could have my own creative business.

Ruth Sedar @ruthsedarwrites @EdCallowWrites supported my fiction on Ko-Fi and gave me the reins of his account for the day on #IWD2022 Super grateful.

Emma Cownley @EJCownley @DropCapCopy showed up to watch my YouTube videos every week when I was starting out. His ongoing support made such a difference to my confidence.

Artimus Piledriver @apiledriver A pal transferred as many of his clients to me as he could when the firm he worked for closed down… gifted me the whole foundation of my current freelance career. That and word of mouth recommendations, by clients to prospective clients.

Katy Hope Katy Hope Connections (via email) The kindest thing someone ever did for me as a freelancer was to travel three hours to meet me in The Lake District, stay for two nights in a B&B (at their expense) and spend the whole time helping me with plans for my business. For no other reason than they believed in what I was doing I was blown away by their kindness and their belief in me It actually sparked a business partnership between us on a new business venture launching later this year Freelancer Magazine

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