三个小孩子 - The Three Children

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有个美丽的故事从 来无人传讲, 古时的智者也许耳 熟能详:

There’s a beautiful legend that’s never been told, It may have been known to the wise men of old,

有三个伤心的 孩子,黎明时 早早来到耶稣 诞生的地方。

How three little children came early at dawn, With hearts that were sad, to where Jesus was born.

一个孩子看不见,一个孩子腿脚不方便, 还有一个是哑巴,嘴里不说一句话。 One could not see, one was too lame to play, While the other, a mute, not a word could he say.

他们追随那颗星,来到郊 外小马棚, 看到小小主耶稣,安详沉 睡恬梦中。

Yet led by His star, they came there to peep At the little Lord Jesus, with eyes closed in sleep.

小婴孩基督,如此美丽可爱, 没醒也没笑,却听到他们内 心祷告: 盼望他来,相信他生, 赞美他把上帝的平安带给世 上万姓。

But how could the Christ Child, so lovely and fair, Not waken and smile when He heard the glad prayer Of hope at His coming, of faith at His birth, Of praise at His bringing God’s peace to the earth?

And then as the light softly came through the door, The lad that was lame stood upright once more; The boy that was mute started sweetly to sing, While the child that was blind looked with joy on the King!

有光温柔地从门缝穿过, 瘸腿的孩子可以站起来了, 哑巴孩子开始轻轻地吟唱, 那个眼瞎的孩子,也满心欢喜, 因为他看见了万王之王!

Legend – 传说 Wise men – 智者 Children – 孩子们 Dawn – 黎明时 Sad – 个伤心 Blind – 眼瞎 Mute – 哑巴 Lame – 瘸腿

Star – 星 Smile – 笑 Peace – 平安 Earth – 世上 Light - 光 Stood upright – 站起来 Joy – 满心欢喜

双语儿童的故事 – www.freekidstories.org Poem by By Charles W.H. Bancroft

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