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Inspiring Hope and Faith

A Publication of Rory Synoground Ministries International IN THIS ISSUE PAGE 1 MCCAIN, OBAMA OFFER DIFFERENT VISIONS ON TAXES


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December Issue 2005 June 2008




Liz Sidoti - 6/17/2008

ake more than $250,000 a year? an issue at the forefront of voters’ minds given that the

Watch out. Barack Obama wants to raise your income taxes. Social Security taxes, too.

Run a corporation? Lucky you. John

McCain wants to cut your business taxes. Those positions illustrate pieces of two vastly different approaches to the economy,

country is teetering on the brink of-if not already in-a recession as gas prices soar and layoffs rise amid a credit crisis and a housing slump.

Obama, the Democrat, seemingly has a traditional liberal outlook of taxing the rich more while having the government help people of more modest means through tax breaks. McCain, the Republican, advocates a classic conservative vision of cutting taxes-many geared toward businesses-to promote competition within a freemarket system. Neither plan is cheap. The Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan joint project of the Brookings Institution and the Urban Institute, gives CONTINUED ON PAGE 8

AMERICANS ‘FED UP’ WITH HIGH ENERGY PRICES Pete Chagnon - OneNewsNow - 6/13/2008


and businesses, they will pass a majority, in fact, gas prices that increase on to the consumhave gone up almost 100 per- er,” Wilson explains. cent and indeed past $4. They

In a recent speech delivered in the U.S. House of Representatives, Congressman Joe Wilson said Americans were “fed up” with high-energy prices, and he called for oil drilling in ANWR. He also stated that the “American people demand and deserve action.”

“On issue after issue, over 90 percent of the Republicans have voted to provide more fuel and energy for our country, and over 90 percent of the did not have a plan,” Wilson Democrats have voted against contends. it,” Wilson adds.

Wilson then called into question the so-called plan Democrats had to lower energy costs – a plan that Speaker Nancy Pelosi touted back in 2006. “When they became

However, when Democrats introduced a plan to tax windfall profits from big oil, Republicans blocked the measure. “All of us know that when you increase taxes on corporations

Republican congressman may have been pointing out the obvious when he told members of the House that Americans are “fed up” with rising energy prices.

Wilson says a more common sense approach to this energy crisis is to promote more domestic production such as offshore drilling and opening up ANWR – something Democrats are currently trying to stop.

The South Carolina Republican encourages people to contact their representatives and urge them to pursue sound energy policies that would increase domestic production.


Page 2

TESTIFYING OF GOD'S HEALING POWER ALL THE PAIN LEFT During a Saturday Night Service, my right foot was in extreme pain, so painful I did not want to stand on it. After the service, the altar was opened for prayer. A man went forward. As Pastor Rory was praying for him, I was drawn to listen, for he also had pain in his foot. After praying for the man, Pastor Rory told the man to stamp his foot on the floor. So I stamped my foot on the floor. As I did all the pain left. Then I began to run in the sanctuary. I also jumped up and down as well. There was no more pain. Jesus took the pain! Glory to God!

2-3 : 3 0 S 1 rd M L PSA s the Lo "Bles soul, and s O my ot all Hi tn forge fits; Who bene all thine th e v i ho g W ; for s itie thy u q i in ll a h t heale ases." dise RED! O T S E ter ING R


Cen ealing H & r e f one he Pray to hear out o t of t o t e able r ou I cam t being could not hea o n y a tod rs. ce I rs. Sin pset me to tea a e y m of r, it u ear sud y that ea m p i orsh ar. se & W ntly could he i a r P g sta Durin ed. I in p p o Pastor p d e y l d n n e e d ship ear & Wor , & I could h e s i a r When P up to preach s so happy. ood I wa Rory st ord He said. ld till cou s I , r every w e ov SE ice was at ear. PRAI v r e s e h After t ctly out of th rfe RD! hear pe THE LO




was in o h w , d a by my D ry so deeply , d e p a r s o f 2 I wa ried this mem few months o e g a e u a b At th upor. I ream from God t s n e k d a drun eiving a ally happened. c e r k o o that it t w that it actu and con r e t n o e n C ago, to k Healing to realize the & r e y ra me . I felt to the P As I did I ca d n a i t D n y e m Iw dream. against lieving and e s i d h a t m d e unbe fess I had t n a e h v t e s t y en adult. , angr n d a e judgem s s u a f s n rt, co ess thi very hu s I tried to proc ements g d u j f la to y sin o m doubtfu d e as able s s w e f I n . o n c e I nst all m I had held onto prayer i a g g n a i r d u n an D y Dad, a result the pai pt many tears m t s n i e s aga Dad. A en from me. I w ed me. I saw y m e v i rt ak forg rs was t d comfo ap, and hold a o e G y s e s a e l in all th ep with down upon His e d y r e from v d sit me n a e m e I God tak arms. o, when o t t u s o i d r me in H shut Go n, but He neve d a h I , i nowing g so deep with k t u o h t in Wi everyth d e i r u b had ready to s a w I ew left me. n He kn s wanted. e h w e this to m ve I had alway d e l a e v e the lo He r d's love o m i G H y d m d o a fr receive ow my D y earthly Dad n k o t g n m beginni e loved h m h a c I u , m Now also how d n a e healed for m e b o t l u so erson's ld take as well. p u a o r c o f g s n s li r o the cro his kind of hea t t n aling fo e e h w l s t a u c s i w e s o J y n id not k experienced ph pe of healing is d I . o y to d new an s. But this is t k I . e c pla me many ti y d o b my oul this s e h t . n e i m new to s healed i e n o en . ieve wh ealing as well l e b I , h Now rit, Pas sical i y p h S p y g l o n i H could br us, the ing the s k e a J e , p d s o for yG y Dadd rayer partner m k n a p I th e. nd my a , y e in lov r o m R o t r d o t or Gods W f o h t u tr afraid all! t o s r n e u n q a n I ve co ow, and n d Gods lo o G t e. rus ing to t let Him lead m n r a e l ! I am nd and Daddy! a u h o s i Y H k han to take t go! T e l r e v e n He will w o n k I


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JESUS SAVES SUNDAY NIGHT SERVICE IN JULY FREEDOM CHRISTIAN CENTER Hosts Special Guest Speaker Rev. David Baker Of International Word Fellowship

David & His Wife Jodie have extensively travelled the

World ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Starting Bible Schools, as well as Mentoring & Training Pastors! Come & receive a life changing Word from the Lord as David shares with his unique style of ministry.

Sunday Night July 13th 2008 Service Time 6:30pm At FREEDOM CHRISTIAN CENTER 108 E. OAKLAND AVE AUSTIN MN

Page 3


and disease. I certainly never created you for poverty.

and you said, ‘Oh no, Lord, I’m not qualified.’ I invited you into “I created wealth for you, My very own life, and health and you said, ‘Oh no, Lord, I’m I created you for wealth. unworthy.’ I shed My blood and Far more than the human gave you an invitation to come mind can conceive, not so boldly and sit on the throne of you can just walk in pride. grace, and find mercy and grace But, so that you could bless to help in a time of need, and you the entire earth. said, ‘Oh no, not me Lord, I’m just so unworthy, oh no, I could “I’ve given you My name and never do that.’ How I’ve given you My long will you insult My spirit. I’ve given you cross and My Word? My Word, and I’ve I have called you and shed My blood, and raised you up togethpoured it out and er with Me. I put My confirmed a forever blood in the heavenly oath. And I will perHoly of holies, so that form it,” saith the you could be called afLord. “But, I need ter My name, and you Prophecy given by you not to harden hardened your heart. Kenneth Copeland your heart when I inAnd you hardened March 7, 2008 vite you to come sit heart, and you hard2008 Branson with Me. ‘Cause I ened your heart and Victory Campaign love you, and I care you made little songs for you and these are up about it—how unworthy you our days. And if you’ll listen are—and how you just grumto Me, I’ll cause you to walk bling around through the dirt of in places that you haven’t life, like worms in some ungodly even dreamed you could go. fashion. I defeated the worms in I’ll bring you in the presence the dirt so you could stand and sit of kings, and I’ll cause you to on a throne. You were unworthy walk in places where poverty and I did it anyway. You were is so rampant. And people will unrighteous and I bore your fall in love with you, because unrighteousness. Don’t you I will put My love in you and ever come before Me and grovel on you. And you’ll carry My around in the dirt calling yourself name, and you’ll carry the unworthy. You stand upright on healing power and you’ll carry your feet, you humble yourself prosperity with you wherever unto the mighty hand of God, you go. And people will know not by humiliating yourself and you as the one that brought Jehumiliating your name. I never sus to the neighborhood. said that. I told you to humble yourself unto the mighty hand So give the Lord praise of God, casting all of your cares and give Him thanksgivover on Me. I will take your ing. For these are the days cares. I will take care of it. It’s to rise up out of the dirt, when you try to carry your own and the smoke, and come cares that you foul up and mess to that place and rejoice, up in a royal manner. I never created you to bear cares. I never because the Lord your God created you to bear sickness has saved you.”

If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is , sitting at the right hand of God.


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The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian


Review by Rebecca Grace - AFA Journalist

ntense ... my short and

simple answer to the question: What did you think of the new Narnia movie? The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian released in theaters nationwide. This highly anticipated blockbuster is the second motion picture installment of The Chronicles of Narnia films from Walt Disney Pictures and Walden Media. The movies are based on the beloved sevenbook series written by C.S. Lewis. Prince Caspian is a follow-up to The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, which released in theaters in December 2005. The second movie picks up one year after the first movie ends. The Pevensie siblings – Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy – who became the Kings and Queens of Narnia in the first film, suddenly find themselves back in Narnia where they discover that more than 1,300 years in Narnia time has passed.

ever, it may be more difficult for those unfamiliar with Lewis and the Christian faith. But one thing is clear for all viewers, and that is the battle between good and evil that is continually fought throughout the film. In fact, Prince Caspian exposes the dark, evil and savage side of Narnia. So beware, this movie is not a retreat to a feel-good fantasyland. Rather, it’s a grim look at the reality of evil that reveals the world’s need for Light. While there is great redemptive value in Prince Caspian, this is a movie in which the portrayal of darkness is necessary for the light to shine brighter – a point made about the first film by Michael Flaherty, president of Walden Media.

So expect a great deal of evil and violence in Prince Caspian. The movie is rated PG for epic battle action and violence The Golden but is teetering Age of Narnia, on the edge of a the blissful PG-13 rating spetime in which cifically because they ruled, no of all the fighting longer exists and death. In one due to a takescene, a man is over by the decapitated. The Telmarines. camera cuts away The delightbefore the decapfully magical itation is actually world is now very dark under the rule of shown, although there is no question about the evil King Miraz. what’s implied. The movie is not gory even though some characters are shown bleedThe Pevensies have been summoned to ing. help Prince Caspian, the rightful heir to the Narnian throne, wage a war between Due to the ongoing battle between good and good and evil in an attempt to bring back evil, the intensity level of the film in heightthe Old Narnia. The story becomes an ex- ened. It contains several “jump scenes” and traordinary quest to find the mighty Aslan, “gasping moments.” rescue Narnia and restore the land. There is also a very disturbing scene in Just like each book in the series, the story which the White Witch returns with two that unfolds on its pages – and now on of her demonic and grotesque followers. the big screen – is more than just a fairy These characters are the most evil of them tale. Prince Caspian is a biblical parallel to all. The scene is powerful, yet uncomfortone’s journey of faith. able, in how it vividly displays the allure of sin. It made me squirm and could easily disLewis suffused Christianity throughout the turb young viewers. Narnian chronicles, and in this particular story he made one’s need for Christ very Therefore, I suggest that Prince Caspian is apparent. The movie is a depiction of what most suitable for older children. In addition, happens when one walks away from his the film opens with a woman giving birth. faith in pursuit of selfish gain. Yet, at the It also contains some immodesty, several same time, it shows the redemptive value uses of “shut up” and shows a young couple of clinging to a hope that is often unseen. kissing. Unlike the first film, a thread of roIn Peter, we see a weak and wavering mance is sown throughout this one. faith, while a strong and steadfast faith is displayed in Lucy. Aslan – the symbolic But for those who are mature enough to Christ figure – returns as representation understand evil in view of goodness, Prince of majestic salvation. Caspian is a great film. It’s stunning, entertaining and engaging with a perfect blend of While the Christian symbolism is no doubt humor. The characters are so realistic as is in the film, the parallels are not as overt as the world of Narnia. in the first film -- at least, I didn’t think so. Because I’m familiar with Lewis and the Prince Caspian is not a fanciful escape from purpose of his writings, I was able to draw reality but a frank reminder about humanispiritual conclusions from the movie. How- ty’s pervasive sin problem and need for redemption.

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Galatians 5:19-23

“Now the works of the flesh are manifest, …, they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.”


hat is carnality? Carnality is simply behaving according to the dictates and commands of your flesh. When we behave according to the weaknesses of our flesh it will be evident. We can know if we are in the flesh, or if we are in the Spirit, by the fruit we are bearing. For example if you are experiencing strife, jealousy, anger, or divisions in your life, then you are behaving according to the weaknesses of your flesh. You are walking according to a godless human nature that works in those who are disobedient. If our flesh is controlling us, then we are attempting to live without God in this world. According to James 1:14 we are actually drawn away from the Father by the weaknesses of our own flesh.

Belong, Believe, & Be Free

When our weaknesses take control, they produce sin, and sin separates us from the Father, the family of God that we belong too, and the Freedom He has given us. When we are separated from the Father, we are out in this world alone, and open to the negative elements of this worlds system, such as sickness, poverty and spiritual death. The only way we are going to escape the corruption that is in this world is if we chose to follow our Lords example. We need to crucify the flesh. Romans 12:1 says “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” We are to consider our bodies a living sacrifice. When the weaknesses in our flesh begin to tempt us we are to consider our flesh crucified, along with its desires and cravings. By doing so, we are able to throw the

weights of sin off to the side, and run with patience the race that is set before us. That is just great Pastor Rory, but how do we crucify the flesh? 1 Peter 2:1-2 gives us the answer. “Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speaking, as newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the Word, that ye may grow thereby.” You see we need to take on a humble attitude, and desire the Word of God, just like a newborn baby desires milk from their mother. The Bible declares here that the basic milk of Gods Word will move us from carnality to spirituality. The Word will move us from weakness to strength. Think about that for a moment. It is the milk of Gods Word, that will deliver us, and make us free from the weaknesses of our flesh. In 1 Corinthians 3:13 we see Paul teaching the Christians there the milk of the Word to overcome their carnality. So many people think that they need to be taught the newest revelation of God, or that they need to catch that latest trend in psychology in order for them to overcome their weaknesses. God never intended it to be that hard. In fact He made it easy for us. He gave us His Word to believe and act on. What an awesome thought, God has said that all the weaknesses of the flesh can be overcome simply by applying the basic milk of Gods Word to our lives. Galatians 5:16 says: “This I say then, walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust (weaknesses) of the flesh.” Walking in the Spirit is walking according to the Word. The Lord makes it so easy for us to experience the freedom that He purchased for us. All we need to do is to spend time renewing our mind to His Word, and apply that Word to our life. His Word, renewing our mind, changing the way we think, & influencing our behavior, will cause us to experience OVERCOMING OUR WEAKNESSES.


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uch like the election of 1860, the


presidential elec-

tion has generated a spir-

ited debate over the correct relationship between the state and federal governments. The former election debated the relationship of “states’ rights” to the issue of liberty; the current election has resurrected the issue of “states’ rights” but this time in the areas of life and family. Several current presidential candidates declare themselves to be pro-life and pro-marriage but, citing federalism and “states’ rights,” they oppose either a Human Life or Marriage Amendment to the federal Constitution, claiming that such issues are to be decided by the state rather than the federal government. Yet a candidate’s position on such issues actually identifies their understanding of inalienable rights rather than their commitment to federalism.

In the original governing principles set forth in the Declaration (and then subsequently incorporated into the Constitution through Article VII), the right to life is one of three specifically identified inalienable rights; additional inalienable rights were subsequently enumerated in the Bill of Rights. The original documents – both the Declaration and the Constitution – make

clear that the primary purpose of and traditional family set forth with government, at all times and in all equal force in the very same docsituations, is to protect those few uments? inalienable rights. Some candidates have even deSome candidates believe that the clared that because they are strict right to life is inalienable only to the constructionists, they oppose degree that a specific state agrees amendments to the Constitution – that if a state does not believe that (a strict constructionist is one who the right to life is inalienable, then supports interpreting the Constituthe federal government should not tion according to its original intent). force the state to protect that right. Yet, since the Founders specifiYet protection for the few spe- cally included Article V in the Concifically enumerated inalienable stitution to specify how the Conrights must always surpass what stitution might be amended, then any particular state wishes – and a strict constructionist must also this is the proper constitutional support the part of the Constituposition on all inalienable rights, tion providing for its own amendwhether of life, private property, the right to keep and bear arms, the right of religious expression, WRECKER SERVICE etc. It is the duty of all government – including state governments – to protect inalienable rights. In fact, if 1912 N. 32nd St the philosophy originally set forth Clear Lake IA 50428 in the Declaration of Independence and subsequently secured in the Constitution is rejected – the belief that there is a God, that He gives inalienable rights to man, and that the purpose of government is to protect those rights at all times (even when the states refuse to do so) – then there is no longer a unique American philosophy of government that will distinguish us from the rest of the world.

ment. In fact, refusing to consider a constitutional amendment does not reflect strict constructionism but rather a rejection of Article V of the Constitution. The Founders wisely raised the bar so high as to make it is extremely difficult to pass any amendment, requiring a two-thirds approval of Congress and three-fourths approval of the states before any change could occur. Consequently, while there have been over 10,000 amendments to the Constitution proposed since 1789, only twenty-seven have been able to meet the constitutional



Understanding this, voices across the nation therefore asserted that what the state of Connecticut did in weakening property rights vis a vi the Kelo decision was intolerable because our founding documents specifically protected the inalienable right of private property through the Fifth Amendment; and they likewise asserted that what Washington, D. C. was doing with gun bans was wrong because it similarly violated the inalienable right to keep and bear arms secured to the people through the Second Amendment. Why, then, do they now believe that it is improper for the federal government to tell states that they must observe the inalienable right to life

Rev. David Baker Of International Word Fellowship

David & His Wife Jodie have extensively travelled the

World ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Starting Bible Schools, as well as Mentoring & Training Pastors! Come & receive a life changing Word from the Lord as David shares with his unique style of ministry.

Sunday Night July 13th 2008 Service Time 6:30pm At FREEDOM CHRISTIAN CENTER 108 E. OAKLAND AVE AUSTIN MN


Page 7

Author and historian David Barton is the Founder and President of WallBuilders, a national pro-family organization which distributes historical, legal, and statistical information; and helps citizens become active in their local schools and communities. WallBuilders is a name taken from the Bible book of Nehemiah. And just as Nehemiah led a grassroots movement in Jerusalem to rebuild the walls of that city and restore its strength and honor; so, too, WallBuilders seeks to energize the grassroots today to rebuild that which makes America strong—its constitutional, moral, and religious foundations.

QUESTION OF STATE’S RIGHTS? standard. Of those twenty-seven, twelve were passed by the Founders themselves (the original “strict constructionists”) in only twenty years; in the subsequent two-hundred years, the nation has made just fifteen changes. Federal constitutional amendments should be rare, but that does not mean they should be non-existent. States cannot be allowed to pick and choose which inalienable rights they will protect (although under the Constitution they are completely competent to determine virtually all other issues). The Constitution was writ-

ten to preserve American culture and society, not to cause citizens to stand idly by while the culture is destroyed – especially when they have in their hands the means to preserve it through a constitutional amendment in the manner prescribed by the Constitution itself. Some voices naively assert that simply eradicating abortion at the federal level and returning the issue to the states will correct the problem, but they are completely wrong. When the federal courts get out of the abortion issue and return it to the states, 20 states (based on both pro-life and pro-abortion


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estimates) will continue their current abortion practices, and those states include many with the largest population (e.g., California, New York, Illinois, etc.). Citizens from the other 30 states will therefore travel to one of those 20 states to get an abortion; so while the number of abortions will undoubtedly go down when the issue is returned to the states, it will come nowhere close to ending. Additionally, stopping abortion at the federal level will do nothing to correct the legal rulings generated in the state courts over the past 35 years as those state courts infused federal court positions into their own state case law. State courts will remain hostile to state attempts to restrict abortion because state case law is now as infused with the broad “health” exceptions, etc., as were the federal decisions. A parallel legal analogy to today’s life and marriage protection concerns is seen in the 1860 slavery issue. At that time, even though the right to liberty was an inalienable right guaranteed in the founding documents, slavery was so deeply imbedded in the nation that the mere federal removal of itself from that issue vis a vi several federal statutes passed from 1861-1865 did little or nothing to change the slave culture in any of the states, either North or South – and those federal statutes certainly did nothing to change the bad court rulings that had occurred at the state level over the previous century. Historically, the only manner in which bad case law can be completely eradicated from the law books (and thus completely terminate a long-standing harmful national practice that has permeated the states) is through a constitutional amendment – and a number of constitutional amendments have been passed to do just that

(13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, etc.). In fact, had there been no constitutional amendments to secure the inalienable right to liberty that had been so egregiously violated by so many states, then there likely would still be slavery inAmerica today as one generation, or family, or judicial system transmitted its errant beliefs to the next. So, too, with abortion. The federal government should never have intruded itself into the abortion issue through the multiple Supreme Court decisions that opened the proverbial Pandora’s Box; however, the federal government did intrude itself. As a result, the abortion culture is now deeply implanted in America, and there are those who are as committed to that practice today as there were those who were committed to slavery a century-and-a-half ago. And abortion (like slavery before it) has become one of the nation’s biggest economic businesses; it therefore will not be eradicated from the nation by mere statutory action at the state level (or vice versa). The Founding Fathers established federalism to preserve states’ rights, but they also placed the protection of inalienable rights far above the level of states’ rights. Candidates who desire to lead the nation should follow the Framers’ example and conform to the principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, protecting life and marriage through the constitutional process those early leaders wisely provided.

This article is by David Barton and Rick Green


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a preliminary estimate that over the next decade, McCain’s tax proposals would reduce federal revenues $3.7 trillion while Obama’s cuts would amount to $2.7 trillion. The center said the cuts would slice roughly 10 percent and 7 percent, respectively, of the federal revenues scheduled for collection under current law. But the center’s estimate-seemingly the first nonpartisan comprehensive comparison of the plansis incomplete because it doesn’t account for health care tax proposals or, at least in McCain’s case, consider how proposals to slash spending would offset some costs. A crusader against wasteful spending, McCain asserts that he will veto bills that are too costly and cut the federal budget enough to make up for the costs of tax cuts and other proposals, although he has yet to show he can save enough to do it. At the same time, the Republican says that Congress must continue to fund an Iraq war that already has cost more than $500 billion. Obama, in turn, has proposed billions of dollars in spending to create jobs and pad government programs aimed at helping the less fortunate. He has said that the money will come from ending the Iraq war, slicing tax breaks for corporations, and raising taxes on high-income earners, efforts he says


are intended to shift more of the tax burden to wealthy Americans. The two candidates have been haggling over the economy for more than a week now and seem to agree only on one point when it comes to it-that they disagree on just about every other point. “On tax policy, health care reform, trade, government spending, and a long list of other issues, we offer very different choices to the American people,” McCain says at every turn. Concurs Obama: “When it comes to the economy, John McCain and I have a fundamentally different vision of where to take the country.” Major changes to the tax code are at the heart of both candidates’ sweeping economic plans, given that most cuts enacted since President Bush took office expire at the end of 2010 and the alternative minimum tax (AMT) is poised to hit much of the middle class-two years into the next president’s first term. In 2001 and 2003 to jump-start a lackluster economy, Bush proposed and Congress passed a series of tax cutsincluding rate cuts for most taxpayers, increasing to $1,000 the per-child tax credit, relief from the so-called marriage penalty and estate tax cuts. The AMT was enacted in 1969 to make sure the wealthy paid at least some tax, but it CONTINUED ON PAGE 12



TOM RAUM - 6/17/2008

resident Bush pledged housing help and other federal aid to victims of Midwest storms and said he would inspect flood damage in a trip to Iowa on Thursday.

Briefed on Tuesday by officials involved in the relief effort, Bush also said he would work with Congress on emergency legislation to help replenish a federal emergency disaster fund. He told reporters there is enough in the fund to cover the most recent flooding disaster, but added: “What we’re concerned about is future disasters this year.” Bush said his administration was setting up a housing task force similar to one set up in California for wildfire victims to help get people back in their homes or find other shelter. “I fully understand people are upset when they lose their home. A person’s home is their most valued possession,” he said. “And we want to work with state and local folks to have a clear strategy to help people...get back into a place where they can

live.” He said the government was providing a variety of aid, including two million liters of drinking water for people in Iowa. “We’re in constant contact with people on the ground to help make sure that we save lives,” Bush said. The president said an assessment was still being made of damage to farms and livestock. He said federal aid would be made available to farmers and ranchers. The heavy rains have washed out millions of acres of prime farm and grazing lands, raising the likelihood of higher food prices at a time when food and energy costs are already soaring. “It’s absolutely a concern,” said White House spokesman Tony Fratto. “It’s too early to say what the exact impact will be. It will certainly cause disruptions, in terms of the food supply coming from that region.” He said the Agriculture Department was “waiting for the ability to be able to go into these areas and try to make determinations as to what the crop reduction would be.”

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Daddy A township Why did the skeleton go to the library?

They say change is inevitable, except here?


From a vending machine If two is a couple and three is a crowd, then what is four and five?

“And so we shouldn‛t be like cringing, fearful slaves, but we should behave like God‛s very own children, adopted into the bosom of his family, and calling to Him, “Father, Father.” -Romans 8:15

What did one campfire say to another?

Which animal keeps the best time? A watch dog

Shall we go out one of these nights What did the alien say to the gas pump?

Take your fingers out of your ears and listen to me. Who are the longest speakers?

For our family, we will usually invite family or special church friends over for a yummy, home-cooked meal. After dinner, Dad, of course, gets to open his Father’s Day gifts. Gifts usually include a new shirt (“Best Dad in the World”), a favorite candy, and maybe some kind of tool.

Prisoners they can spend a lifetime in one sentence How does the Man on the Moon cut his hair? Eclipse it www.brownielocks.com Nine

by Cheri J. Ekbom

This is the month we celebrate the holiday “Father’s Day.” It’s a day when we remember the dads (and other special men in our lives that we love) throughout the country.

What does a houseboat become when it grows up?

He wanted to bone-up on his studies.

Page 9

He is our hero. And He sure is super.

Do you celebrate Father’s Day? Do you have a special man in your life that is “dad” to you? Everyone’s family is different. Some kids don’t have a dad. Sometimes our dads may not live in the same house or apartment with us. Sometimes we may even have two dads. Wherever you live, and whomever you may have for a dad, know this: You will always have a Heavenly Dad that loves you very, very, much.

God the Father is your Heavenly Dad. He is a perfect Dad. He is kind. Patient. Fun. (Yeah!) Loving. Accepting. Strong. And dependable. Yes, God the Father is all of these things. The Bible says that if God is for us, who can be against us? Our Heavenly Father is cheering for us! Do you think God the Father wears tshirts? Well, I really don’t think that He does, but if He did, what kind of t-shirt could we buy for Him? What could we have printed on it? How about “All-time Absolutely Best Dad in the Universe”? Or, how about this one, “#1 Dad”? My favorite one is, “Super Dad Super Hero.” That’s our Heavenly Daddy. He’s #1. He is our hero. And He sure is super. What have you done lately to show God just how much you love and appreciate Him? We don’t need to wait for a holiday once a year to wish our heavenly Father a “Happy Father’s Day.” Everyday, we should be thinking (talking and hearing!) and remembering Him. We should be praising Him! Just as we take time to talk and receive instruction from our earthly fathers, it’s the same with our heavenly Dad too. Talk to God the Father. Listen to His Word and obey it. Remember your heavenly Dad will always have open arms of love and acceptance. God the Father is love and He loves you, his dear child.

Copyright © 2003 CFAITH

BECOMING A MAN OF GOD CRYPTOGRAM Decode the message by finding each substitute letter.


Page 10

Opening Soon TURNING DEBT INTO WEALTH Brian Bohrer is best known for his ability to share simple and enlightening truths from the Word of God, which bring alive the revelation of Jesus throughout the Bible. He currently serves as pastor of Living Bread Church in Washington, Missouri. This article is used by permission from Pastor Brian Bohrer’s quarterly newsletter: Wi$domandmoney available at www.wisdomandmoney.com.

Are you working for your money, or is your money working for you? If you’d like your money to work for you, the first thing you must do is turn your debt into wealth. I’ll outline the steps to this process below. Step #1: Track Your Daily Expenses You’ve got to measure expenses & debt before you can manage them. Tracking is the way to measure how you spend your money, and it is the first necessary step toward financial success. • Tracking is simple. Every time you spend money, from buying a Coke to purchasing new furniture, write it down in a journal. • In addition to your expenses, record every financial transaction, each deposit, check, or withdrawal. • When you have kept a record of your finances for a month, analyze it. Cut out those extras you don’t really need, or even use, and you’ll be amazed at the big difference in savings. Step #2: Target Realistic Goals Targeting a goal is the second rule for managing your money. Goals are easy to set, but most people refuse to work toward them. This is the reason that most people have no money—they have no planning. Power comes from setting goals, and then developing a plan to achieve them. Remember these goal-setting principles: • Goals must be written down. Goals that are not written down are mere wishes, and—unfortunately—most wishes do not come true. Unwritten goals are too easily changed or just forgotten. • Goals must be specific, and you must give yourself a deadline to complete your goal. Write down the date that you will be debt-free. Stay positive and believe in your goals. • Build rewards into your goals. Every time you hit a goal, treat yourself with a reward. For Example: “In seven years I will be totally debt-free. Between now and seven years from now, this is what I will do:

“Now I will build a wisdom fund. Start a savings account with one month’s salary and build it up to six month’s salary within two years.” Step #3: Trim Your Living Expenses Trimming away the fat in your spending is easier than you think. It will not only save you hundreds of dollars, but it will also make you lose weight! Fat will come off in both places because you will not be eating fast food every day for lunch. Listed below are some hints to help you on your trimming: • Rent videos/DVDs once per month. Let the same night be pizza night. • Put your credit cards in a can of water and freeze it. • Live on cash. • Mow your own yard. • Turn down your water heater. • Cook more at home. Buy frozen pizza, and don’t touch the can with the credit cards in it. • Do your own laundry instead of taking it to the cleaners. • Sell what you don’t need or use, and put the money toward your debts. Your ultimate goal should be what I call the “10-10-80 plan:” 10 percent goes to your local church, 10 percent goes to your debts, and you live on the remaining 80 percent. And then, once you are totally out of debt, you will be able to save the 10% that was going to debt! Step #4: Train Yourself Financially Training is your ticket to the future. Become wise by understanding the pain that debt has brought upon you, and become wiser with the money that you now have.

“In 10 months, I will have my credit cards paid off. My reward for doing this will be a day at the spa and dinner with a friend to celebrate my achievement.

This fourth key is all about getting your money to go to work for you and increase every year. Diversification is the way to make money work. Listed below are some investments that you can make once you are debt-free: • Wisdom Fund: One month’s income that you will grow to equal six month’s income. • Roth IRA: Max it out every year. • Mutual Fund: Open one up and feed it monthly. • Stock: Read the Wall Street Journal and learn about investing.

“Within the next 19 months, I will have my Honda Accord paid for. My reward will be having my car detailed and treating myself to dinner and a movie.

“Within the next four years, I will have my condo paid for in full. I will be the first person in my family with their home paid for. My reward will be a new sofa for my home; I will pay cash for it. I will also share my testimony with three people telling them what God has done.

• •

Rentals: You may have heard the worst things in the world about owning rental property, but it allows you to pay for your property with other people’s money. Land: They are not making any more of it. A New Home: There is nothing wrong with stepping up, if it is within your debt freedom plan. Giving: You will be able to support your local church and help others in a way that you never could. This time you will be able to teach others as you go!

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"And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus" Phillippians 4:19


Music News--www.tvulive.com Secret and Whisper announced that they will be heading overseas for the first time. Their album Great White Whale hits stores in Japan in July, plus it has a couple new acoustic tracks. They will be heading to Japan to play the Loud Park Music Festival. Get details at the band’s MySpace. The good news if you don’t live in Japan is that the album is available now on itunes.








Page 11

f r i e n d s

My New Friends Aren’t Christians

Jim Burns answers your questions September/October 1999, Vol. 58, No. 2, Page

Q. I’ve had the same group of Christian friends for a long time. But when I started high school, I felt like I was outgrowing them. I was feeling more and more unhappy and depressed at not having really good friends. Then I got involved in the school musical and made some new, more mature friends. They make me feel good about myself, and I’m much happier being with them. The problem is, they aren’t Christians, and they sometimes do things they shouldn’t do, like swear. I know they’re not helping me grow closer to God. I don’t want to cut off my new friendships, but I don’t want to lose my relationship with God either. What can I do? A. High school tends to be a time when old friendships change and new ones develop. And it’s perfectly natural and normal for you to feel close to these new friends from the musical. Because of the long hours spent in rehearsals and the intensity of performing together, drama and music students often become close-knit friends. But I wouldn’t give up on your Christian friends, either. You may be “outgrowing” a few of them, but some of them might still be a positive influence for you. This is important, because you’re going to become like the friends you spend the most time with. So you need to carefully watch how your new friends are affecting you. If you find yourself starting to swear or lose interest in your faith, you’ll obviously want to cut down on the amount of time you spend with them. And you’ll want to increase the time you spend with Christian friends. Some students who participate in activities where there aren’t a lot of Christians find it helpful to join a Christian club or fellowship group. This kind of group helps keep them strong in their faith and holds them accountable for their actions. Try to find that smaller group of mature Christians who can help you grow in your faith and at the same time influence you with positive Christian actions. I think you’ll find these mature Christian friends are a lot of fun to be around, too. I like this reminder from the Bible: “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:17). If you’re willing to put God first as you make decisions about your life and your lifestyle, then I think you’ll make the right decisions about friendships. And you could even lead some of your new friends to Christ as you live a life that honors him. I hope you’ll do whatever it takes to keep the Lord at the center of your life.

My Friend Hates Me Campus Life, May/June 1998

Q. One of my friends has suddenly decided she hates me. I don’t know what I did to her, but she’s started turning my other friends against me. I’m willing to let bygones be bygones, but she

doesn’t seem to want that. Actually, I don’t really care if she and I are friends again, but I don’t want her to hate me. And I also don’t want to lose my other friends. I can’t just ignore them because some of the girls are in my youth group and in band with me. What should I do? A. This sounds like a very painful situation.

It’s never easy when a friend turns against you, especially when you don’t

know why. And when a conflict pulls in a whole group of friends, it makes the situation worse.

You could try talking to this girl privately. Write her a note and ask her to meet you after school, or to join you for lunch. If she agrees, tell her about your feelings. Try to use “I” statements, which focus on your feelings, rather than her actions. You might say, “I feel like you’re upset with me and I’m not sure why. I’d like to clear the air between us.” Then listen carefully to her response. If you need to apologize for hurting her in some way, do so. If not, tell her you’d like to put all of this in the past and start over as friends. You might

find that the whole mess is just

a matter of miscommunication and false assumptions. If she refuses to talk to you, or is resistant to patching things up, you may just have to move on. Frankly, you can’t control how this girl feels or what she says about you. If you’ve tried to make things right between you and she still chooses to hate you, then the problem rests with her, not with you.

As hard as it may be, try to be gracious and forgiving. Don’t talk about this girl or try to turn others against her. Your friends will notice that you’re handling the conflict well and your friend isn’t. If they still side with her, they probably weren’t the right friends for you anyway.


LIZ SIDOTI - 6/17/2008

now also threatens about 20 million additional taxpayers-many in the middle classwith levies averaging $2,000 if Congress doesn’t annually renew a so-called patch to fix the problem.

McCain, a four-term Arizona senator, twice voted against Bush’s tax cuts, probably the significant domestic accomplishment of his presidency, but now embraces them and wants to permanently extend them for low-income and high-income people alike. He also long has said he would eliminate the AMT, and while some middleincome taxpayers would benefit, so would the wealthy, who no longer would have to pay it.

der any imaginable circumstance”-but the Republican has said he would consider “almost anything” as part of a compromise to save the senior citizens’ program. Both want to slice the estate tax, McCain more so than Obama. The estate tax is phasing out and is completely eliminated for 2010, but it snaps back to 2 0 0 1 levels-a 55 percent top rate with the first $675,000 exempt-at the end of that year. McCain wants a 15 percent rate, and a $5 million exemption, while Obama advocates a 45 percent rate and a $3.5 million exemption.

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Overall, the Tax Policy Center said people with very high incomes would benefit the most under McCain’s proposal, while lowand middle-income taxpayers would see larger tax breaks under Obama’s plan and wealthy taxpayers would see their taxes increase.

Seeking to spur growth, McCain proposes cutting the maximum corporate income tax rate from 35 percent to 25 percent, and he would allow businesses to immeObama, the first-term Illinois diately deduct the full cost of capital busisenator, wasn’t in the Senate when they ness equipment in one swoop, instead of first passed, but he’s willing to go along gradually over several years. with permanently extending them except McCain also wants to increase the $3,500 for their chief beneficiaries, the rich. Those income-tax exemption for dependents by who make more than $250,000 a year $500 each year beginning in 2010 until it would see their taxes increase; Bush’s tax reaches $7,000. cuts for them would be rolled back. Among Obama’s other proposals: raisIn the vein of taxing the rich more, Obama ing the tax on capital gains and qualified also supports making some higher wagedividends. However, Obama has raised earners pay Social Security taxes on more the possibility of deferring some of his of their income. He has called for higher tax hikes on the wealthy given the ailing payroll taxes on wage-earners making economy. more than $250,000 annually, a step that would affect the wealthiest 3 percent of To help others, Obama has offered a seAmericans. ries of tax breaks, including eliminating the income tax for senior citizens who The 6.2 percent payroll tax is now applied make less than $50,000 a year and givto all wages up to $102,000 a year, which ing a $1,000 income tax credit for famicovers the entire amount for most Amerilies with income of between $8,000 and cans. Under Obama’s plan, the tax would $75,000; individuals would receive half not apply to wages between that amount that amount. Obama also proposes a uniand $250,000. But Obama has said all anversal mortgage credit that would allow nual salaries above the quarter-million-dolpeople who don’t itemize their taxes to be lar amount would be taxed under his plan. eligible for a 10 percent tax credit of their Conversely, McCain has ruled out higher mortgage interest up to $800. payroll taxes for now-an adviser says that McCain would not consider an increase “un-


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Making permanent Bush’s tax cuts and making sure the AMT keeps pace with inflation would have a direct cost of $ 3 . 6 trillion over the next 10 years, according to the Joint Committee on Ta x a tion and C o n gressional Budget Office estimates, with government borrowing costs rising more than $800 million over the same period.





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