FREED MAGAZINE FALL 2018 | Deception: Breaking Free of the lies that bind

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FALL 2018

Hello friend!

I am so excited that you decided to join this 21 day challenge with me. I pray that as you go through these next three weeks, that you gain more understanding & clarity through intentional prayer time. When you get to know God on a deeper level, your time spent with Him becomes easier, along with the the desire to choose Him daily. On days you miss, don't feel discouraged, start the next day. Just don't give up! May you fill this journal with your thoughts & prayers you've been longing to share with God. ​ ​ ​

How it works!

For the first ten days, there will be prompted prayers that will help guide you into your journal time with God. You will also be provided with daily Bible Scriptures & questions to reflect on. As you progress throughout the journal, you will find space for you to create your own prayers as you grow & have a better understanding when it comes to your prayer life. ​ Can't wait to see you get to know God more! ​

Sopha Rush

-founder of livedeeplyrooted ​ ​ ​

Let's be friends

Instagram: @livedeeplyrooted Twitter: @sopharush Pinterest: Sopha Rush Blog: FREED MAGAZINE 91

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