Make the most of franchise business opportunities 5 local marketing musts

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Make the Most of Franchise Business Opportunities: 5 Local Marketing Musts

Quality franchise business opportunities usually include national marketing support, but that doesn’t mean you can’t hustle on the home front! Today’s post outlines 5 local marketing musts for your franchise business. Read on to learn 5 ways to engage broader audiences in your area and convert more customers.

Make life easier with online registries and review sites. Making the most of the local marketing opportunities doesn’t have to be a burden; in fact, you’ll often get better results by working smart, rather than working hard. Online registries are a perfect example of this concept in action. Rather than spending your local marketing energy canvassing the neighbourhood with annoying flyers, wouldn’t you rather handle it with a few clicks and keystrokes from the comfort of your home or office? Online business directories are everywhere, and they’ve become a primary consumer resource when researching the product or service they want to buy. The Yellow Pages are a classic example, but there are countless options out there, many of which are franchise-specific. Google “free business directories in Canada,” and dive in! Don’t forget review sites, either. These are one of the first places people turn when they

want to learn more about your business. They also rank highly in searches for company names. Most allow you to upload pictures of your location and list pertinent contact information, so take advantage of the opportunity to engage and convert more customers. An hour’s work will have you listed on numerous high-traffic directories, putting more eyes on your business right away. 

Find opportunities to be visible in your community. One of the most valuable things a franchisee can do to promote their business locally is to get involved as an active, engaged member of their community. Try setting up booths at local trade shows or fairs, attend community events whenever possible, and consider getting involved as a sponsor for a local sports team.

Learn as much as you can about your target audience. Understanding your customer is crucial for local marketing efforts. Every market has a distinct character and personality, and you’ll need to study yours to get a sense for what they value, what they want, and who they are. The Information Age is all about collecting data, but think carefully about distributing surveys; these are often seen as an annoyance. Instead, consider briefing your staff with product, service, and promotion-related questions to pose customers when it feels natural to do so. You can learn a lot about what your audience is looking for and responding well to in this way, and it will feel casual and conversational, rather than invasive.

Collaborate with local businesses. Partnering with other businesses to arrange giveaways, events, competitions, affiliate relationships, or “bundled” offers is a great way to connect with potential customers who may be blinded by brand loyalty.

Showcase your offline success online. If your franchisor allows it, create and maintain a Facebook Business page. This gives you a great platform to engage your local audience, and to show off your local “offline” success in the virtual world. Treat this asset like a blog; depending on your business and local market, you may want to post pictures of happy customers or jobs-well-done.

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