Frankston Times 7 April 2020

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Coronvirus situation gives us a chance to rethink If you have ever seen the film The day the Earth stood still you will probably find similarities between it and the world at present. Now is the time to rethink our situation brought on by COVID-19. The planes have stopped, rampant consumerism has slowed, the importance of Australian made goods is obvious and the concept of national sovereignty, but national co-operation is clear. The Earth has breathing space and we should use this opportunity to rethink and moderate what we are doing to the environment that keeps us alive. It is time for politicians and people to adopt strategies for a sustainable future or future generations will suffer an. Environmental meltdown far worse than the privations and sadness of COVID-19. Henry Kelsall, the Sustainable Future Association, Frankston

Train ‘games’ It’s always disappointing when a politician plays silly political games, let alone during a national health and economic crisis. Paul Edbrooke’s comments in ‘Rail extension at a ‘standstill’ (The Times, 30/3/20) is game-playing at its worst. Edbrooke knows that the state governmentprepared preliminary business case (PBC) for the Frankston rail extension was submitted to the Morrison government six months late and that it is now being actively considered. Since the federal government received the PCB in late 2019, it has been dealing with the drought, bushfires and now COVID-19. As everyone knows, we have a budgeted commitment of $225 million for this project on top of the existing $4 million for the PCB. We want this rail extension, but cannot do it without buyin and engagement from the state government.

In a twist of irony, Edbrooke has achieved nothing towards getting his government to contribute one cent to the project. Considering our government funded his government to write the PBC, one would assume Edbrooke has seen it and presume the reason he hasn’t leaked it is so that he has fodder for his foolish games. Interestingly, the project he has spruiked in the past, the redevelopment of the Frankston Hospital, hasn’t progressed since it was announced two years ago. Out of the $562 billion the state government announced at the 2018 state election, only $6 million has been budgeted this financial year and construction continues to be kicked down the line. Contrastingly, the Morrison Government is getting on with the job of delivering a $32 million Health Futures Hub and $10 million paediatric ward at Frankston Hospital without any state contribution. Rather than playing the fool, Edbrooke should get his government to commit to funding its share of the Frankston rail extension. David Van, Liberal Senator

Safety from soap I would like to recommend an anti-viral procedure that I have adopted, which is to carry a half filled bucket of soapy water in the back of the car, with a bar of soap and a roll of paper. Upon leaving any shop, shopping centre, bank or public place, we wash our hands in this water before driving away. We also drop any change money in and wash that at the same time. Handrails, trolleys, seats, escalators, shelves; all may be contaminated, as well as money, so this seems to be a good practice. The basis for this action is that qualified scientists seem to be agreed that that plain old soap is the most effective way of destroying coronavirus COVID-19, even better than alcohol.

The soap’s properties cause disruption to the shell layers of the virus causing the whole thing to fall apart and be destroyed. It would probably be an ideal procedure for trains, even buses, since you don’t need running water, just refresh the bucket or trough often. Brian A Mitchelson, Mornington

Blocked drain When is Frankston Council going to clear the drain on corner of High street and FrankstonFlinders Road? Every time it rains the road floods and just putting up a sign is not good enough. As well as being a nuisance to pedestrians it is also dangerous to traffic. Trevor Billson, Tuerong

Release refugees Concerns about the ongoing inhumane policies and treatment of refugees and asylum seekers are still not being addressed by the federal government. Denise Hassett refers to the depiction of these shown in the ABC TV production “Stateless”, a harrowing reminder of why we continue to challenge this unjust treatment of people fleeing danger in their own countries (“State of shame” Letters 25/3/20). A rally calling for justice for refugees was to be held Sunday 5 April but has been postponed due to the social restraints caused by COVID-19. But refugees and asylum seekers confined in detention centres and city motels now face additional health risks during this pandemic. It is impossible for them to practice social distancing when they are regularly patted down by security. They are dependent on authorities to provide soap and antiseptics. For years they have endured the confronting strictures of confinement and isolation, and the resulting ongoing mental health issues. While we in the community learn to live with new restraints to safeguard our health and wellbeing, and with access to many resources, these people are deprived of many of these supports

and safeguards. Why can’t our government transfer refugees into the community – as the British government has done – at least to reduce the spread of the virus if not to show a little humanity? Ann Renkin, Shoreham

Labor’s blunders Marg D’Arcy seems to believe the ALP may have done a better job of managing the current virus situation in our country (“Labor would have better ways of tackling COVID-19” Letters 31/3/20). I’m uncertain if Marg has a shortmemory issue as, obviously, she can’t recall the Rudd [Labor government’s] pink batts debacle, the wasted $1 billon of taxpayers’ money on a road that [Victorian Premier] Daniel Andres promised wouldn’t cost the state taxpayers one cent or his well under-budgeted East west link and the terrible tragedies created by the ALP and others not wanting to protect our borders. What she hasn’t thought through is that her party can say it may have done better job but, based on its history, could have done a whole lot worse. At least the current national cabinet, made up of people from both major political parties, is taking positive steps to see all Australians through this current crisis. Our prime minister, premier and their opponent’s and other important people attend social events to get some small relief from their highpressure positions. I’m sure they, plus thousands of others, are looking forward to getting our lives back to normal soon. Bruce White, Safety Beach

Letters - 300 words maximum and including full name, address and contact number - can be sent to The News, PO Box 588, Hastings 3915 or emailed to:


Call to curtail ‘dazzling headlights’ Compiled by Cameron McCullough A SEAFORD correspondent writes:– It seems evident that there are no motor headlight laws in Victoria, or if there are, very little attention is paid to them. Any night on Point Nepean Road, users of this road become subjected to the blinding glare of what are known as “dazzle hogs.” In many countries, headlight laws exist, which not only protect motorists, but the public generally. These laws are compulsory, and a heavy fine is imposed upon those who disregard them. It is high time some action was taken to enforce some such law here, and a strong move should be made by the Progress Association to have these “dazzle hogs” put down. Motor car makers have solved the problem of controlling the headlight rays, so that the maximum light is given for driving, and, at the same time, the blinding glare is completely eliminated. Come on Seaford Progress Association. *** MISS Nellie Thomson, who has been holidaying in Queensland, where her relatives reside, returned to Frankston this week, and has resumed her business as dressmaker, milliner, draper, & c. *** A NEW industry has just commenced at Baxter, in the shape of saw-mills and case-making factory. The enterprising proprietor is Mr. H. C. Barclay, who advertises in another column that he is prepared to purchase pine trees, blue gum and stringy bark.


Frankston Times

7 April 2020

He offers the best prices, and pays cash before removal. *** AS it is intended to issue certificates to all who worked for the Red Cross for a period of three years or more, applications from those who are entitled to and desire same should send their names to the hon. secretaries of the Frankston branch, Mesdames M. E Dial and W. M. Utber. *** THE public will welcome the opportunity, offered on Friday, 9th April, of helping the Brass Band. A grand musical evening and dance has been arranged, when a first-class musical programme and other items will be submitted. Funds are required to liquidate the amount due on the purchase of instruments and music, and, this fact being generally known, there should be no lack of response on the part of the public. *** A CRICKET match between teams from the Phillip Island Cricket Association and the Peninsula Cricket Association will be played on the Tyabb cricket ground next Saturday afternoon, April 3rd (Easter Saturday). Several of the leading players from the various Peninsula clubs will take part, and the match promises to be a great “go.” Lunch and afternoon tea will be handed to the players of the contesting teams taking part by the local ladies. As the Tyabb cricket ground is very suitable for picnic parties, there promises to be a large attendance. ***

REV. E. Tonkin preached his farewell sermon at Frankston on Sunday last, when a large congregation assembled at the evening service. After four years’ highly successful ministry in this district, the Rev. Tonkin goes to the Cheltenham charge. His successor at Frankston is Rev. C. Angwin, of Kilmore. *** THE Frankston Soldiers’ Memorial Committee met on Monday night; Mr. A. G. Wilcox presiding. The Secretary, Mr. H. Vicars, stated that he had been in communication with the Defence authorities, who stated that a number of 1914-15 stars would be available for presentation on Anzac night, 25th April. He also read a letter from MajorGeneral Grimwade, consenting to present same. The committee decided to hold a high-class concert on the occasion, and a sub-committee, consisting of Cr. Mason, Mr. A. E. Lasslett, J.P., the President and Secretary, was appointed to arrange the programme, and to engage Melbourne talent. Tickets will be sold at 1s 6d, and a limited number of reserved chairs at 5s. The box plan will be on view at Messrs. Brody & Mason’s. A decoration sub-committee was appointed, consisting of Messrs. Morrison, A. Hill, W. Hanton, and M. Brody. The occasion is to be made a notable one from every standpoint, and a special committee has been appointed to wrestle with the problem of providing

adequate seating accommodation. *** THIS week, at the instance of the Frankston Progress Association, a plebiscite of the business people of Frankston was taken, on the question of closing shops from 12.30 to 1.30 p.m. daily. Mr A..E. Lasslett. J.P., and the Secretary of the Association conducted the voting arrangements. The result shows that, while a majority favored the proposal, a large percentage of the whole were opposed to the innovation. An examination of the voting cards gave the following figures: YES: 22 NO: 14 The voting cards issued numbered 46, and it may be taken for granted that the ten who did not return their papers were either opposed to the scheme, or felt quite indifferent as to the result. Under the circumstances, it is probable that the idea of introducing midday closing into Frankston at present will not be proceeded with. *** TO the many anxious enquiries received as to the condition of Mr. James Grice, it is pleasing to be able to state that he is now progressing favorably. His medical attendant is Dr. Maxwell, of Frankston. *** MR. L. J. Ward, who recently underwent a serious operation at “Lancewood” Private Hospital, Kew, hopes to be able to resume duty at the local railway station next week.

His many friends will be pleased to see this popular officer back in harness again. *** Heard in the Train The Shire Council is to be asked to reconsider its action in prohibiting Sunday tennis in Frankston. It is argued that the prohibition debars many visitors from enjoying healthy recreation, and offers no adequate substitute. The Anglican Synod in Newt South Wales recently declared in favor of Sunday tennis. Kananook Creek is to be stirred up again shortly, when all land owners abutting thereon will discuss the why and the wherefore at Seaford. It is high time some definite decision was arrived at regarding this difficult problem. At present every other person has a different solution to offer. Enterprising burglars are now working full time. When the weekender goes to the sea-side, Bill Sykes gets to work on the town house. He then devotes the early part of the week to plundering temporarily vacated bungalows along the foreshore. Seaford is considering the question of appointing a watchman as a means of protecting week-end residences against these unwelcome visitors. Nothing heard about Frankston light supply lately, and now the gas is beginning to “talk’ again. Time those long promised purifiers got to work. *** FROM the pages of the Mornington Standard, 2 April 1920

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