4 November 2019

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Electrification of the Frankston line in doubt quite the most important seaside line in the State, and its claim to first recognition cannot be justly overlooked. *** THE public meeting held on Wednesday evening to re-organise the Frankston Brass Band proved very successful, an encouraging feature being the large attendance of playing members. The general public was not largely represented, but the assurance was given that the towns people were solidly behind the movement, and Mrs M. R. Deane, who was the only representative of the ladies present, said she was sure that the ladies of the district could be relied on for solid support. Mrs Deane gave evidence of her own sympathy with the object by subscribing £1 1s for which she was accorded a hearty vote of thanks, carried by acclamation. Mr Mark Brody donated 10s 6d and received similar acknowledgment. Mr A. Wilcox was voted to the chair and the following, were present in addition to those already named, Messrs Blaskett, Chittenden, Johns, Clements, Petrie, Aitken, Gummes, L. Prosser, Lunn, C. Taylor, C. Lawrey, A. G. Pollock, C. Willox and W. C. Young. Mr Willox as secretary of the band produced the books and balance sheet showing the financial position 5 years ago, when it was found necessary to discontinue owing to the war. At that time there were 23 playing members, more than half of whom enlisted; the others were either too young or ineligible. The balance sheet at that period

Compiled by Cameron McCullough THE original intention of the authorities was to include the line to Frankston among the first railways to be electrified. That was before the commencement of the war. During the last five years the scheme naturally hung fire, and no one wondered very much, believing that with the cessation of hostilities the long-delayed work would be proceeded with on the plans already formulated. It will come as a rude surprise to many to learn that it is now suggested to hang up the electrification of the Frankston line in favour of what is described as the outer suburban system. The Progress Associations from Mordialloc to Frankston are strongly protesting against this breach of faith, and at Seaford’s last monthly meeting a circular from the combined associations was read setting out the position and asking that delegates be appointed to attend a conference to be held at Caulfield at an early date to discuss the matter. All the shire councils interested will also send delegates. The Seaford association appointed Messrs. Hunter, McCulloch and Moffatt as its representatives. Mr. McCulloch remarked that his company would be a large user of electric power in connection with the working of the sand pits, and it is believed that many other private users could be named. Apart from any advantage the department would gain in this respect, it is to be remembered that Frankston is

showed a debit of £26 11s 0d while the assets included instruments and uniforms valued at £147. This asset was still available with the exception of the big drum £6 and double bass instrument £15 which had bad been sold to meet the liability referred to. A general desire had been expressed in favor of reforming the band but some difficulty had been experienced in arranging for a “bandmaster”. At last they had been fortunate, said Mr Willox, in securing the services of Mr Blaskett, who had recently settled in the district. There were plenty of playing members available and no difficulty should be experienced in making a start. The public had always supported the band freely and he felt sure would do so again. Mr D. Petrie agreed that there seemed no reason why another start should not be made and this view was unanimously adopted. The election of office-bearers resulted as follows: – President – Mr A. Wilcox, Vice-President – Mr Mark Brody, Secretary and Treasurer – Mr C. Willox, Committee – Messrs A. Aitken, W. Clements, D. Petrie, and R. Lunn. Auditors – Messrs C. Dalman and A. Tasker. It was resolved unanimously on the motion of Mr Willox seconded by Mr Aitken that Mr Blaskett be appointed band-master. Members initiation fee was fixed at 2s 6d. It was decided that members meet for practice on Wednesday nights, the first practice to take place on the 12th inst.



















There seems to be a growing disposition on the part of parents to evade the provisions of the Vaccination Act. At the Frankston Court on Monday before Capt S. Sherlock (chairman) and Mr C. W. Grant J’s.P., four defendants entered the plea of guilty to the charge of failing to have their children vaccinated. In each case a fine of £2, in default distress was imposed. *** ON Wednesday afternoon the spectacle of a bolting horse attached to a jinker containing a lady and child caused consternation. The horse had slipped the bit and the woman was helpless. The runaway was dashing wildly past the market place when Constable Diaball threw himself at the horse and brought it to a standstill. His plucky action earned the warm admiration of all who witnessed it and the undying gratitude of the distressed woman (Mrs Ross). Constable Diaball was considerably bruised as the result of his adventure and one of his hands rather severely lacerated. *** WITH the approach of hot weather, snakes are becoming plentiful in the bush around Frankston. During the past few days Mr Hartland, superintendent of the Government Plantation has dispatched upwards of a dozen of the reptiles. A couple he brought into town recently measured 4ft 8in and 4ft respectively. *** FROM the pages of the Mornington Standard, 7 November 1919





The secretary was directed to arrange for practice hall and to secure the drill room if possible. The important question of finance was discussed and the committee directed to arrange for the collection of subscriptions. Mr M. Brody was appointed to collect in the town and the services of lady canvassers are to be utilised in gathering in funds. The newly appointed bandmaster, expressed his willingness to help players in every way possible. He would be willing, he said, to instruct a class in the playing of reed instruments the only stipulation being that members should join the band when qualified to do so. *** REV. T. W. Butcher of Elsternwick will conduct the Anniversary Services of the Frankston Methodist Sunday School at 11, 3 & 7 on Sunday next. There will be special singing by the children. On the following Monday at 8pm there will be a public entertainment in the Church. Rev. E. Tonkin will give a Lantern Talk on “Tasmania Past and Present” – touching on the Aboriginal, the Convict System, the Scenery Resources, and general Progress of the Island State, in which he laboured as a minister for 11 years. There will be a short programme and distribution of prizes. The admission will be sixpence only. *** ON Wednesday and Thursday last Inspector Cross visited the Frankston State School and conducted the annual examinations. ***




ACROSS 1. Immensity 5. Lost blood 7. Pitcher 8. Giving (medal) 9. Bestows 12. Being frightened of 15. Soft leather 19. Heightened

21. Tomahawks 22. Sharp twinge 23. Back 24. Roman statesmen

DOWN 1. Steered off course 2. Engine booster 3. Written tests 4. Basic dietary item 5. Auction participant 6. Sea-mammal 10. Action 11. Eye signal

12. Surfboard blade 13. Charismatic glow 14. Hotels 15. Jewish food custom 16. UFO, flying ... 17. Buries 18. Wise sayings 19. Plant secretion 20. Data for computer

Puzzles supplied by Lovatts Publications Pty Ltd www.lovattspuzzles.com See page 22 for solutions.

Frankston Times 5 November 2019


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