Gunner Dean unable to make sending off party Compiled by Cameron McCullough A VERY pleasant evening was spent on June 30th, at the residence of Mr and Mrs Dean “The Grove,” Frankston, to bid farewell to their son, Gunner R. Dean, who is sailing for the front shortly. There was a large gathering of relations, and friends and the evening was spent in dancing and games till 11. 30, then the guests adjourned to supper. The supper room and dining room were nicely decorated with flags and gum leaves. The friends and relations presented Gunner Dean with a wristlet watch, money belt, looking glass, handkerchiefs, balaclava and medal. Much thanks are due to Mr Cavell for providing music. Mrs Hay very kindly lent the flags. Mr Dean apologised for the absence of Gunner Dean who was unable to be present. The evening was brought to a close by singing “Australia will be there” and “God save the King”. *** THE postponed general meeting of the Somerville Fruitglowers will be held on Monday evening next, when business of importance will be transacted. *** A MEETING of the Soldiers’ Memorial committee was held at the Mechanics’ Institute, Frankston, on Tuesday evening last. The financial position of the fund was considered, and it was stated that there was a sum of upwards of £90 to the credit of the fund at the State Savings Bank. Donations are coming in from time
to time, and it was decided to make an appeal in the near future. A vacancy on the committee, caused by Mr Watson leaving the district, was (subject to his consent) filled by the election of Mr Hunt. *** ON Sunday next at St Paul’s Church of England, Frankston Thanksgiving services will be held at 11am and 7pm at which the Venerable, the Archdeacon of Melbourne will be the preacher. Recently a debt of over £300 was cleared off the vicarage the most of which was the result of the Direct giving. For this fine response of the people to the needs of the parish it is felt that God ought to be publicly thanked. All therefore are invited to be present at the services next Sunday. *** AN unpleasant episode occurred at the dinner given to Mr Taskler, on Friday evening, through the vagaries of one of those present. A lady visitor from the city asked permission of the chairman to invite anyone eligible to enlist and relieve the boys at the front, and while doing so, this individual rose and said he objected to anyone, unable to go to the front asking another to do so, and any woman who did so was a murderess, and any man who did so was a murderer. This caused an uproar, and cries of “put him out,” etc., were heard all over the room. The chairman requested the man to withdraw, but he declined, and two returned soldiers at once came forward to give effect to the chairman’s wish, but the offender
did not parley further but prudently retired and the harmony of the evening was not again disturbed. *** A MEETING of the Frankston Branch of the National Federation was held in the Mechanics’ reading room on Wednesday evening, but owing to the inclement weather and insufficient notice these was only a small attendance. Dr Plowman was in the chair. After the usual routine business had been gone through, Mr Ulbrick, superintendent of branches of the Federation, who is at present engaged in visiting the different branches in the State, gave a most interesting address on the origin of the Federation, its growth, and its prospects for the future. At present there were over 250 branches in the State and a membership of from 65,000 to 70,000. He urged the members to keep their machinery well oiled, for they did not know when the Branch might be called upon to vote upon some question of momentous interest, and advocated the keeping up of the regular meetings and enlisting the sympathies of the younger electors, many of whom did not understand the questions that were put before him. He also asked the members to be vigilant in increasing the membership – It could easily be doubled. The speaker also spoke on the benefits accruing from investing in War Saving Certificates. The Federation were always ready to investigate complaints made by soldiers, and if a branch got all particulars and
forwarded them to the head office he promised that they would not be pigeonholed, but would receive the fullest investigation. The chairman in thanking the speaker, expressed his gratification at the lucid explanation given of the platform and aims of the National Federation. Several questions were asked the speaker at the close of his address which were satisfactorily answered. Mr Dower moved and Mr Wheeler seconded that Crs Plowman and Oates be appointed delegates of the branch at the conference to be held in Melbourne on the 25th inst. The next meeting of the Branch will be held at Frankston on Monday, 23rd July. *** STOLEN or Strayed. ONE CHESTNUT GELDING, 9 years, 2 front shoes off, 2 white hind feet, branded like a J on shoulder, rug on. Reward. Apply–THIS OFFICE. *** OUR old friend Harry Covington from France, writes, That he was pleased to read in “The Mornington standard” the splendid account of the heroism and bravery of “Bobbie” Bates, whilst on active service. All the boys of his battalion cannot say enough for him and only wonder that he has not been awarded the V.C. for the splendid work he performed. The Australians have had some terrible fighting during the past three weeks. We are told that the Germans have lost more men in the particular part of the line up to date, than they did at Verdun in four months. So you will have some idea what it must be
like. General Haig has complimented the Australians twice lately. I post the “Standards” on to Bob Sherlock. I received your parcel of “Robur” Tea and we did enjoy it after the Army issue. The boys whom I shared it with, desired me to particularly thank you for the treat. There is an advanced airodrome across the road from where we are camped, and to see the daring tricks our aviators perform in the air makes one’s blood turn cold. It is awful to see the villages which the Huns have retreated from. All the buildings, churches especially, have been blown to atoms and along the roads where there is a cross road they have blown it up and so you see a great mine crater, many feet deep where the road should be. Bert Roberts is well and wishes with me to be remembered to all at home. Pte Will Clemens when writing was still in Lark Hill Camp with a band, but expected to return to France any day. Says it is nothing for men to go back half a dozen times it they think they are fit. Pte. Dick Donohue writes that he has had four days in London and had a good time. After a fifty mile walk with others, was inspected by the King. Although feeling tired, it was well worth it, in his estimation. Pte. C. Brody, who was reported missing is now reported to have rejoined his unit, from hospital. *** From the pages of the Mornington Standard, 7 July 1917
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