24 September 2018

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Support for mental health Brodie Cowburn brodie@baysidenews.com.au THE Kindred Clubhouse program is set to receive a $500,000 boost from the federal government. The program aims to help provide a welcoming place for those with mental illness, and has run weekly sessions to help visitors since 2016. The funding for the program, based out of Frankston, will be used to employ support staff who will run regular activities for Clubhouse members, and provide advice and support. The Kindred Clubhouse program is predominantly designed for people who may be reluctant to access the more traditional, clinical, appointment-based services. Dunkley MP Chris Crewther said that “programs such as this are important to local communities, because, without them, many people who face the daily challenges of mental illness don’t have access to the support they need and the results can be devastating for the individual, their families and the broader community. This is the first project of its kind to be federally funded in Australia.” “The program has been developed following extensive consultation with the community and stakeholders, the strong message coming through was that there was a definite need in the area for a program such as the Kindred Club-

house model. “This is a community-based program, designed to provide practical support and advice to help people with mental illness in their day to day lives.” Health Minister and Flinders MP Greg Hunt said that “the Clubhouse provides important opportunities for people to socially interact, participate in meaningful activities and receive advice on employment, education, financial management, housing, maintaining physical wellbeing, and managing drug and alcohol addictions, including tobacco. “Most importantly, it is a place to belong, where people can feel comfortable and are always welcome.” The clubhouse says it offers support to people in the following areas: • social skills and friendships; • family connections; • managing daily living needs; • financial management and budgeting; • finding and maintaining a home; • vocational skills and goals, including volunteering; • educational and training goals; • maintaining physical wellbeing, including exercise; • managing drug and alcohol addictions, including tobacco. • building broader life skills including confidence and resilience.


Community Centre Inc.


TERM FOUR - 2018


10 AM TO 2PM COMMUNITY CENTRE & BACKYARD GARDEN SATURDAY A fun day out – free sausage sizzle, garden workshop & seedling give-away, face painting, military vintage car display, fee cuppa’s, Phoenix Harmony Chorus, Cuddle Babies Animal Zoo and more! 13/10/18


CHILDREN’S SERVICES CERTIFICATE III IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND CARE CHC30113 - Friday 9.30 am – 2.30 pm one day per week in class for approx 40 sessions. Book now to start February 2019. All-inclusive cost $690.00 ($610.00 Conc) AGED CARE & DISABILITY CERTIFICATE III IN INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT CHC33015. Two days per week 9.30 am - 2.30 pm. Delivered at Langwarrin Centre by E-Focus. Contact petere@e-focus.org.au to book now for February 2019 start.


READING & WRITING - This course is for people with an intellectual disability. (ACFE funded) Monday 11.30 am - 2.30 pm. Term 4 starts 08/10/2018. Cost $55.00 per term (Conc) GROWING SKILLS - HORTICULTURE & PERMACULTURE - A LOW cost course to provide the skills and knowledge required to design, manage and grow a permaculture vegetable garden. Saturday 9.00 am - 12.00 md, 6 sessions starts 20/10/18. Cost $60.00 ($48.00 concession). Casual cost of $20 available for individual sessions FIRST AID AWARENESS FOR BABIES - Gain the knowledge and skills to calmly and confidently respond to the most common first aid emergencies involving babies. Cost $45.00 for one session


ONLINE BANKING WORKSHOP - Learn about Online banking in a completely SAFE simulation environment where you can practice using a dummy bank account – none of your personal or private information is required. 10.00 am – 12.30 pm Tuesday 08/10/18. Morning tea provided. Bookings essential. Gold coin donation MANAGING RED-TAPE AFTER THE PASSING OF A LOVED ONE

- Many people struggle to manage the red-tape required in ‘closing a life’ after the death of a partner or family member. This session will help families prepare for what to expect and how to manage the formalities. Participants receive a free copy of the resource Post-Death Red Tape: Overcoming legal, financial and administrative obstacles. 10.00 am – 1.00 pm Tuesday 16/10/18. Light lunch provided. Bookings essential. Gold coin donation. IPAD USE FOR SENIORS - Learn about how to use your iPad to keep up with family and friends. Feel free to bring your device along for assistance or to ask questions. 10.00am-12.00pm Friday 12/10/18 @ Karingal Shopping Centre (Centre Court Seniors Lounge Demonstration Area) Free event.


Top talents: Students from Frankston Heights Primary School have had success at the Wakakirri performance awards. Picture: Supplied

Kids win big with short performance FRANKSTON Heights Primary School was named among the Victorian winners of the 2018 Wakakirri Story Dance performance award. Ten finalist primary schools from around the state were invited to perform short performances telling a story through a combination of dance, drama and creative movement at the Palais Theatre in St Kilda on Wednesday 12 September. The school is now in the running for Wakakirri’s national Story of the Year Award. Wakakirri’s judges, actors Andrew McFarlane and Christopher Horsey, commended the schools for their “strong storytelling, dance

ability and dramatic action”. Frankston Heights Primary’s Story Dance production honoured the sacrifices of Australian soldiers who fought in the Battle of Gallipoli during World War One. Their performance also won the school the Best Australian History Story Award. The overall winner of Wakakirri’s Story of the Year Award will be announced on their YouTube channel on 17 October 17. Registrations open in October for the 2019 competition. See wakakirri.com for dates and registration information.

ACFE funded courses $80.00 ($72.00 concession) No classes on public or school holidays WINDOWS 10 - BEGINNER - Learn to use the mouse and keyboard, customise the Windows 10 Start Menu Find your way around popular Apps, save and print documents, organise files and folders. Monday 10.00 am – 12.30 pm, 7 sessions starts 15/10/18 WINDOWS 10 - INTERMEDIATE - Explore popular inbuilt Windows 10 Apps such as the Calendar app, the People App the Skype App, Mail app and more. Monday 1.00 pm – 3.30 pm, 7 sessions, starts 15/10/18 OFFICE APPLICATIONS - INTERMEDIATE - Create professional documents (letters and reports) using MS Word. Create Powerpoint slideshows, display and print slides. Intro to MS Excel, use formulas, create a budget. Tuesday 9.30 am – 12.00 md, 7 sessions starts 16/10/18 ONLINE BUYING AND SELLING - How to keep your computer safe before you buy and sell online. Explore different payment methods and shop for bargains from an online store. Create an eBay account to buy and sell. Tuesday 12.30 pm – 3.00 pm, 7 sessions starts 16/10/18 FACEBOOK FOR SENIORS - You’ll learn to create a Facebook account, find friends and post written messages and photos. Learn to join groups, play games, discuss topics of interest. Feel confident by learning to secure your account and apply the perfect privacy settings. Friday 12.30 – 3.00 pm, 7 session starts 19/10/18 OFFICE APPLICATIONS - ADVANCED - Advanced features of: Microsoft Word - styles, headers, Mail Merge, Smart Art, review documents, add comments, track changes, create a table of contents; Power Point - animations, edit master slides, create customised slideshows; Use Excel to create advanced spreadsheets, additional formulas, conditional formatting. Friday 9.30 am - 12.00 pm, 7 sessions starts 19/10/18


COMMUNITY KITCHEN - Social group who cook healthy, affordable meals together. Third Monday of the month. Call 9789 7653 for more information and bookings. BACKYARD COMMUNITY GARDEN - Come and have your own garden bed out the back of the Community Centre. Garden beds are only $50.00 per year and you can grow your own produce. Social memberships $2.00 per year. Call 9789 7653 for details and organise inspection. UKULELE FOR BEGINNERS - BYO Ukulele to join our weekly sessions led by an experienced teacher. Thursday 5.00 pm – 6.00 pm. $5.00 per session. Booking essential 9789 7653 AGE STRONG - Use resistance & weights to build strength and balance, designed for older people. Wed or Fri mornings during school terms. Cost: $6.00 per session. In partnership with Peninsula Health. Contact 9789 7653 for eligibility TAI CHI - Monday 11.00 am - 12.30 pm. 10 sessions starts 08/10/18. Cost $110.00 YOGA WITH SHERYNWed 7.30 pm – 8.30 pm school terms. BYO Yoga mat/blanket. 0425 746 858 PILATES - Mon 6.15 pm – 7.15 pm, Tues 7.00 pm – 8.00 pm, Sat 8.00 am – 9.00 am, school terms. Tamara 0408 371 532 info@thepilatesspace,com.au NATURAL HEALING & SUPPORT - Meditation, healing, support and discussion. Every Saturday 10.00 am - 2.30 pm. Cost $5.00. Contact Diana 0410 525 518 T.O.P.I.C. - Take Off Pounds In Company. Every Monday 9.30 am - 11.00 am. Cost $3.00 WEIGHT WATCHERS - Every Saturday 8.00 am - 9.00 am. Contact 13 19 97


S-C-R-A-B-B-L-E - First Night free ALL WELCOME! Every Tuesday 7.00 pm - 10.00 pm PATCHWORK PATCH “N” CHAT - Tuesday 10.00 am - 2.00 pm during school terms. Cost: $4.00 per session BOAT LICENCE - Every second Sunday 8.30 am - 12.30 pm. Half day, evening or private courses available. Contact Rod: 0407 755 537


SENIOR CITIZENS - Come and join our Senior’s Club, we have a great time each week. Every Wednesday 12.45 pm - 3.45 pm. Call Linda on 5995 5281 PROBUS LADIES CLUB - Ladies meet the first Thursday every month 9.00 am - 12.00 pm. Contact: 9789 0449 ROTARY - Every Monday (ongoing) 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm. Contact Mardie 0411 410 617


YOUTH POP-UP TALK SHOP - Empowering and Inspiring Community Youth, Ages 16+. Exam Stress, Peer Group Pressure, Unhealthy Habits, Feeling Hopeless, Out of Control, Life Pressures. Come and hear from those who have overcome these issues and thrived, You’re not Alone! Live Music + BBQ 6 pm, Speaker. 5:30 pm -7:30 pm Fridays monthly: 28 Sep, 26 Oct, 23 Nov. Contact: John on 0403 254 044 | facebook: pop up talk shop | Email: popuptalkshop@gmail.com OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL HOURS CARE PROGRAM Before and after school care, school holiday program. Fully accredited by National Childcare Accreditation Council. Phone 9789 7653 OCCASIONAL CARE - Approved Child Care, 5 Hour Sessions Mon to Fri 9.00 am - 2.00 pm. Cost: $37.35 full fee. Reduced cost with CCB applied. Term booking 9789 7653. THREE YEAR OLD PRE KINDER - A stepping-stone to four year old kinder. Mon, Tues and Thus 9.15 am – 2.15 pm. Parents rostered once a term. Book now for 2019 - 9789 7653 PLAYGROUP - Wed & Fri 10.00 am - 11.30 am during school terms. Cost $42.70 one child per term, $5 each additional child from the same family. Booking essential 9789 7653 IMMUNISATIONS - 2nd Wednesday of every month. Time: 9.30 am - 11.30 am CHILDREN’S DRAMA - Helen O’Grady Academy. Ages 5 - 18 years. Wed 5.00 pm – 7.00 pm, sch terms. Contact 9016 3894 or 0425734255 email mornington@helenogrady.com.au HAY DEE HO MUSIC FOR CHILDREN - Children’s music classes. Friday 11.00 am – 11.45 am. Contact 9786 3104

“A vibrant, flexible, caring & welcoming focal point for the community”

2 Lang Road, Langwarrin 3910 | phone: 9789 7653 email: reception@langwarrincc.org.au www.langwarrincc.org.au Frankston Times

24 September 2018


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