15 June 2015

Page 22


ACROSS 1. Spanish fleet 5. Draw in (air) 7. Stale 8. Dingy 9. In the area of 10. Volley of bullets 11. Crowd brawls 13. Have (to)

14. Caught in the act 18. Entangle 21. Unnatural sleep 22. Library user 24. Actress, ... Kelly 25. Bully 26. Take nap 27. Happening 28. Electricity supply

network 29. Moves furtively DOWN 1. Stomach 2. Leisurely walk 3. Accumulate 4. Set apart 5. Like-meaning word

6. Meteor impact holes 12. Before (poetic) 15. One good turn deserves 16. Crowed 17. Formal arguments 19. Maiden name indicator 20. Horse restrainer 22. Hires out 23. Contributed

Puzzles supplied by Lovatts Publications Pty Ltd www.lovattspuzzles.com See page 28 for solutions.

A Grain of Salt As a kid I didn’t mind the odd funeral; meet all the rellies, go to the pub with the men, a lemonade and raspberry, back to Auntie’s house for delicious food. It didn’t hit me till mum died when I was 30, yet after the sadness, shock, loss, I vaguely knew it wasn’t going to happen to me, on the ridiculous assumption older people would precede me. People didn’t like to talk about the dreaded death subject, superstition equal almost to the sex taboo. Yet it’s always there, a subconscious, no escape, by the scruff of the neck clause which nothing can assuage. Eventually I accepted the inevitable on the understanding “so long as I avoid pain”. It doesn’t quite work that way. Life goes on, all appears to be well and good again, and yet when it comes, again, we are so often caught unawares, unprepared, despair, confusion. An uncle joked at countless funerals “I’ll be next” and he was right, at 100. I recall the Jiving contest I entered years ago. In the city, surrounded by a mix of shady characters and enthusiastic innocents. A big prize and a slinky lowlife character judging, watching, purving, every so often tapping a couple on the back; OUT! A shiver down my spine as the mongrel passed. A few weeks ago actors/acquaintances Peter Curtain and Terry Gill copped the tap. A fortnight ago theatricals Bobby Hornery and John Pinder; Wayne, who sat at the table next to me at Maggies, Gary from the RSL. I didn’t win of course, more about lasting as long as possible. “We’re born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the


Frankston Times 15 June 2015

illusion for the moment that we’re not alone” [Orson Welles]. As an older friend advises: “Ever onwards”. Shivers. Bloody Godot! *** Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen, Lena Headey as Cersei Lannister (Game of Thrones) and Pamela Rabe as the Governor (Wentworth). More nightmares that the witch in The Wizard of Oz. Memories of the schoolyard at Falconer Street Central; keeping clear of female bullies, more frightening than the boys. Staying with Midsomer Murders. *** A devout Christian a devout Moslem; there’s lots of devouts floating about with their head buried in the Alcoran, the Talmud; various bibles. Am I devout? Maybe not, but I did go to church Sundays. Mum’s free time? Four kids, 5 long working days a week and father at war. I found love sitting alongside me in religious instruction, the spark being a female, any female, saying hello. This devout business is confusing. So many parts of our world in chaos as in the previous 2000 years, killings in the name of religion, albeit including wealth and power. Treating people how you would expect them to treat you seems to have gone by the wayside. Mark Twain: “In religion and politics, people’s beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue, but have taken them at second-hand from other non-examiners, whose opinions about them were not worth a brass farthing.” A devout Magpie? All hating re-

stricted to eight Melbourne football teams and power hungry politicians who bring in new laws which fail in equity because they hate equality? *** Aside from the continuous silly racism angle (we’re all racist; a question of degree) it comes down to Adam Goodes being a little “over the top” in highlightling matters outside his talented football status. The Age’s Caroline Wilson called on Hawthorn to implore its fans to stop the booing. The Herald Sun’s Mark Robinson and ABC’s Gerard Whateley huffed and puffed. Eddie McGuire’s slip of the tongue in jest, though bad taste, followed by the “hula hula” (war dance?) seemingly to the Carlton supporters. Had Adam ignored the 13 year old would this have happened? I don’t deny his right to self expression but wonder if his 2014 award as Australian of the Year, albeit as always a political appointment, wasn’t the best place to have his say. The booing is from idiots obviously, but the three amigos probably worsened the situation. *** Two years jail for whistleblowers; doctors, teachers on Nauru, and the Border Force Act. Tony’s political agenda: Tough on terrorists, strong on national security and badmouthing all Labor policies equals proven vote winners. Barnaby Joyce “If you don’t have enough evidence to charge somebody with a crime, how can you have enough evidence to take their citizenship away?” A rare sensible comment from Barnaby. Tony’s consistent “national conversation we need to have” is only relevant devoid of criticism, as in “you’re either with us or against

By Cliff Ellen

us”. Neo-liberal bordering on fascism, totalitarianism? Not quite, but perhaps closing fast? Not to worry. Our Billy, apparently happy with metadata retention, asylum seekers action and more soldiers for Iraq and Syria, is on the job. Billy who? (The Libs brutal on Sarah Hanson-Young and Gillian Triggs; super soft on Kathy Jackson; why?). Must I vote Greens? *** Our man Danny Andrews is on the job. Too many deaths from traffic accidents, a five-year plan, feedback from all angles. It’s not Danny’s fault he’s never heard of the Mornington Peninsula. Question: A container port at Hastings Danny? Danny: Where is Hastings exactly? Answer: Western side, Mornington Peninsula, Danny.

Danny: Where is the Mornington Peninsula? *** Same sex marriages? Whatever...“Have a talk with your pharmacist-use generic alternatives where appropriate” They crack me up....Apparently it’s OK for the Yanks to have military installations anywhere, but not for China in the South China Sea Islands... Small business grants and 80 per cent approval in the Fairfax-Ipsos poll. Conducted in South Yarra and Sorrento?....Seven pages of Queen’s Birthday honours and still no Cliff Ellen?...“It is not what is transmitted by the words but what is underneath them” [Stanislavsky].... hooroo...cliffie9@bigpond.com www.ello8.com

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