15 January 2019

Page 10


Call for government to control jet skis

Refugee motion splits councillors

Keith Platt keith@baysidenews.com.au IT is the height of the summer holidays and the roar of jet skis is the background noise at many Mornington Peninsula beaches. Rye and Safety Beach are two of the main launching places for what are officially known as personal water craft (PWCs), although their use extends well beyond these two areas. On some days the water traffic from Safety Beach to The Pillars cliff jumping site at Mt Martha rivals that along the cliff top Esplanade roadway. Although it has been frequently criticised for adding an extra boat ramp at Rye to the benefit of jet skiers, Mornington Peninsula Shire wants to reign in their behaviour. Transport Safety Victoria says jet skis are covered by “hoon” legislation “which means owners and/or operators can be prosecuted for operating an unsafe vessel, or dangerously, and [jet skis] can be seized, impounded and embargoed”. The mayor Cr David Gill says enforcement of the laws is “not satisfactory or effective in addressing public safety concerns”. “We have heard [at public meetings] from the community and now need action from the state government and other authorities to protect the amenity and safety of all users of our coastline,” he said. “In order to do this we need increased surveillance, patrolling and enforcement of personal water craft along the peninsula coastline. “Relevant authorities should not ignore this problem any longer. We need

Brodie Cowburn brodie@baysidenews.com.au

JET skis are a common sight at Frankston’s beaches, but neighbouring shires want to restrict usage. Picture: Gary Sissons

a solution so that children and others feel safe and also to protect dolphins and other wildlife”. Transport Safety Victoria says stunts and manoeuvres must be done “well away from other people, other vessels and the shore”. Jet skis must not travel faster than five knots (9 kph, the equivalent of a fast walking pace) if they are within 50 metres of a person, vessel, wharf, jetty, slipway, diving platform or boat ramp. Jet skis must also observe the speed limit if within 100m of a dive flag. Yellow poles off beaches show where jet skis must be kept at five knots or below. Water Police issued 120 infringements of up to $806 for marine safety offences in the eight days from 27

December. Part of Operation Jetwash, included patrols focussing on jet skis between St Kilda and Safety Beach. Infringements included operating within no boating zones, speeding and other safety based offences. “Jet-skis are heavy pieces of machinery operated in the water environment and are capable of reaching high speeds. Their safe operation is completely within the hands of the user,” Senior Sergeant Alistair Nisbet said. “Users need to ensure they obey No Boating Zones or Swimming Only Zones, with both exclusions and reduced speed limits applying to particular areas around Victoria.”

A MOTION for Kingston councillors to note that “refugees and migrants have made a positive contribution to our community” has divided council. The motion, moved by deputy mayor Cr Steve Staikos, read that Kingston Council should note that “we live in a world where people have no option but to flee their homes and countries, and that globally, resettlement places for these people are rare and oversubscribed. All countries, especially the wealthiest like Australia, need to do their fair share by welcoming refugees in any way they can. Refugees and migrants have made a positive contribution to our community and we need to create more opportunities for safe and legal entry into Australia” The motion urged the federal government to “expand the Community Sponsorship Program” to ensure the program “does not take places from others in need, provides adequate support and services, and creates more places for people in need of protection to settle in Australia.” “What this motion seeks to do is to join with 19 other local governments in Australia to ask for [Community Sponsorship Program flaws] to be addressed,” Cr Staikos said at the final council meeting of 2018. “This particular motion came from an email and contact by telephone by the Amnesty International Bayside Action Group, who asked the city of Kingston to show leadership and join

with those other 19 councils to work with the federal government to make sure this program works and works properly.” Cr Ron Brownlees said that “refugees and migrants have made a very positive contribution to our community. I’ve always been one to say that the early immigrants to this country helped to build Australia to what it is today. “I’m not a socialist and I welcome refugees and immigrants, but I question the remark where we talk about showing leadership. The leadership in this particular facet, because it’s a border protection issue that deals with the problem and welcomes refugees, belongs more as a national issue. “They say very nice things about not taking places from other in need and all that, but I can’t support the recommendation.” Cr Ron Brownlees voted against the motion, and Crs George Hua and Geoff Gledhill abstained. Cr Tamsin Bearsley had left the room before the vote took place.

Aspendale beach drowning A MAN has drowned at Aspendale Beach on Monday 7 December. The man, who is believed to be in his 50s, was unresponsive when pulled out of the water at the beach. He was found in the vicinity of Park Lane at about 3.30pm. Police will now prepare a report for the coroner on the man’s death. Police will now wait for the results of a post mortem to determine the circumstances surrounding his death.

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