11 February 2019

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John Ward still in hospital after being thrown from vehicle Compiled by Brodie Cowburn WHILE returning from the funeral of his father at Hastings, last month, Mr John Ward was thrown from his vehicle and sustained a compound fracture of the leg. From enquiries made a few days ago it was ascertained that Mr Ward was still in the Melbourne hospital, and was progressing as well as could be expected considering the serious nature of his injuries. *** AT the last meeting of the Frankston and Hastings shire council, Constables Revell and Walker were appointed presenting officers. *** THE Shire Council has been notified that the following soldiers are returning from abroad: Private Jack Twyford by the Bakars on the 3rd inst; Artificer F. E. Shepherd, due to arrive by the Osterley on the 21st February; Driver E. W. Monro, date not stated; Private Thomas Nicholas, by the Karmala date not stated. *** LAST Friday night the hon. secretary (Mr J. T. McMurtrie) and his committee conducted the drawing for the pony raffled in connection with the recent gymkhana demonstration. The winner proved to be Mr Montgomery of Temple Court, Melbourne, with ticket No, 1191. *** ON Saturday Messrs Murray, Jones and party, of Collins Street, Melbourne, fishing at Tooradin, got a nice lot of schnapper, filling an 80-lb. fish box. A shark proved troublesome, and the fishermen baited a shark line with a 2-lb live schnapper, which was soon taken by the shark.

On being hauled to the surface it was despatched with a bullet. The shark was found to contain five schnapper, from 2lb to 6lb each. It was 10 feet in length. *** “THE Gum Leaf,” synonymous for all that is fresh, bright and invigorating, is the appropriate appellation given the view tea rooms, opened last Wednesday in Frankston House buildings, Bay Street, by Misses Somer and Gullett. No expense has been spared by the ladies in question, in fitting out their premises in an up-to-date and pleasing manner and they have every confidence in inviting a share of public patronage. They direct attention to their business announcement appearing in another column. *** IT is intended by the various Red Cross branches throughout Australia to make a presentation to Lady Stanley, the popular president of the Society in Victoria. Each branch is limited to a donation of £1. Frankston’s quota is now being collected and anyone anxious to subscribe may leave their subscriptions with Mrs Deane or with the Joint-Secretaries, Mesdames Dial and Utber. *** WE are given to understand that cases considered to have been influenza have been removed from St. Pancras private hospital, Frankston, and the institution is now considered free. Nurse Campbell has had the place thoroughly fumigated and her efforts in this direction have met with the approval of the Medical Officer of Health. As there is now no danger of infection the Council will probably take steps to

lift the quarantine at once. Quite an exaggerate idea exist in the minds of some people as to the danger arising from places considered to be infected. Cases have been known where tradesmen have refused to deliver goods even in the back yards of suspected houses. We have it on the authority of Dr. Griffith that such extreme caution is quite unnecessary. Outside the walls there is safety provided of course there, no contact with inmates takes place. *** THE Shire President, (Cr Murray) at the Council luncheon on Thursday, the 6th. inst. took the opportunity of referring to the departure of Mr and Mrs Coop, who during their residence at Somerville took such an important and useful part in the affairs of the district generally. The Council luncheon is usually restricted to Councillors and shire officers, but on the occasion under notice, Mr Coop sat on the right hand of the president. Messrs Shepherd, S. S. Gault, Revell and Walker were also present. Cr. Murray said that as this would be the last occasion Councillors would have the pleasure of partaking of the hospitality of Host Coop, he desired to express appreciation of the manor in which Mr and Mrs Coop had catered for the Council during the past six years. (Hear, Hear). No trouble or expense had been spared in providing a good table and supplying everything of the best. In fact it was always a pleasure to Councillors when lunch time came round. (Laughter). The experience of the Council had been the experience of patrons of the Hotel Somerville generally.

The people had been very fortunate in having a man like Mr Coop in the midst, and now that he was leaving he took with him, not only the good wishes of the Council, but the genuine respect of the public as well. It was a matter for regret that the residents of Somerville were unable, owing to restrictions imposed in connection with the prevailing influenza empedemic to tender Mr and. Mrs Coop a citizen’s farewell. They had made numerous friends during their residence in Somerville, and their departure was keenly regretted. Mr Coop had recognised his responsibilities as a citizen and what was more to the point, he had always observed his responsibilities. (Hear, hear). During the four-years of war Mr Coop had given generously both in cash and in kind, and the district possessed no more willing workers than Mr and Mrs Coop. They realised their duty, and did it. Many people realised they had a duty to do, but failed to perform it. Mr and Mrs Coop were greatly respected and deservedly so. In wishing them “Good Bye” he also wished them every sort of Good Luck. (Hear, hear). Cr. Oates said it gave him great pleasure to endorse the remarks of President. He knew Mr and Mrs Coop were fine patriotic workers and leading spirits in all public movements. From the Council’s point of view, Mr and Mrs Coop had always given entire satisfaction. Their catering had always been excellent. Mr G. Shepherd, speaking on behalf of the public expressed thanks for the

opportunity offered of testifying to the high esteem in which Mr Coop is held by the residents of Somerville. The speaker had known Mr Coop’s family for 30 years past. Mr and Mrs Coop senr. were highly estimable people, and it was high praise to say of the son that he was a “chip off the old block”. (Hear hear). Continuing, Mr Shepherd said that Mr Coop had proved a useful and patriotic resident of Somerville. If help was needed for any movement promoted for the public good Mr Coop was the man to whom to apply. Both Mr and Mrs Coop had done a lot of work unostentatiously and their services were always given cheerfully and ungrudgingly. Speaking as a temperance man (although not a total abstainer) he, Mr Shepherd, regarded Mr Coop as an ideal hotel Keeper, and he only hoped that the district would got someone else as good, in his place. (Hear, hear). Cr. Turner, having known Mr and Mrs Coop during the last six years, had great pleasure in endorsing the remarks of previous speakers. Constable Revell said he knew of no better country house than the Hotel Somerville as conducted by Mr Coop. He always upheld the police and gave every assistance in seeing that the law was carried out. Constable Walker gave similar testimony. Mr Coop policed his own house, and action by the police was not necessary. The toast of Mr and Mrs Coop was then given, and drunk with musical honors. *** From the pages of the Mornington Standard, 15 February 1919

THE RUBENS LEAD LINE-UP FOR THE PENINSULA PICNIC SARAH Blasko, Tia Gostelow and Jackalope’s Rare Hare confirmed for Victoria’s favourite food, wine and music gathering off the back of a sell-out event in 2018, The Peninsula Picnic returns on Saturday 30 March, 2019 with an unprecedented line-up of Australian music acts, local restaurants, wineries and producers, bringing together the best of the peninsula to the one location, for one day only. Lead by indie rock five-piece The Rubens, playing alongside beloved song writing legend Sarah Blasko, indie prodigy Tia Gostelow, Latin outfit San Lazaro, and up-and-coming folk artist Fraser A. Gordon, music lovers will be wooed by the mix of indie sounds, folk rock and soulful tunes across the day. The culinary line-up features regional greats and some new faces, including Jackalope’s Rare Hare, Montalto, Green Olive at Red Hill, Max’s Restaurant, Tuck’s Ridge and many more. Wines from T’Gallant, Prancing Horse, Quealy and Kerri Greens, beers from Wild Yak and PIMM’s cocktails will keep picnic lovers cool and satiated for a day of dancing and culinary delights. In addition to the live music across the day, there’ll be sessions with top winemakers, market stalls from local artisans and kids activities to help you while away the hours among the pristine surrounds of Mornington Racecourse. A true celebration of local wine and food talent, The Peninsula Picnic seamlessly blends a foodie festival with cellar door tastings, a farmers’ market and the sweet sounds of some of Australia’s best songwriters. Tickets are sure to sell out, so head to www. peninsulapicnic.com.au to secure yours now. The Peninsula Picnic is on Saturday March 30 at Mornington Racecourse, Mornington. Frankston Times

12 February 2019


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