10 September 2019

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Complaints of ‘serious misconduct’ upheld Continued from Page 1 Among the breaches Cr Toms was accused of was his use of a Cabcharge card. Background information provided as part of the application to the councillor conduct panel read that Cr Toms had met with then mayor Cr Hampton and the CEO in January 2018 to discuss Cr Toms’ use of his ratepayer funded Cabcharge card. It was alleged that Cr Toms had used the card for private travel on three occasions. He was also questioned over a phone bill for the second quarter of 2017 which totalled $1234. It was also alleged that after council voted on 22 October 2018 to no longer permit the use of Cabcharge cards, Cr Toms used the card for personal travel on two further occasions. Cr Toms told the panel that he had used the Cabcharge card for personal use on “multiple” occasions. He told the panel there had “been issues in the past” but that he “now understands the policy and the situation.” He told the panel he did not realise the change had come into effect immediately when asked why he used the Cabcharge card the day after council voted to prohibit its use. Cr Toms confirmed that he had repaid all outstanding money owed from using the Cabcharge card for personal use to council. Background information provided to the panel also read that Cr Toms had been addressed about an occasion in which he had directed a council officer to withdraw a parking infringement notice. Cr Toms was elected for his first term as a councillor at the 2016 local elections. Cr Toms was a member of the Labor Party when elected, but has since been booted from the party after becoming embroiled in a stoush with Frankston MP Paul Edbrooke over Young Street trader complaints (“Councillor forced out of Labor Party”, The Times, 11/12/17). A written apology to Cr O’Connor from Cr Toms will be tabled at the first council meet-

ADRIAN Lloyd has been appointed the new CEO of the Frankston Football Club. Mr Lloyd has experience working at the Carlton Football Club, Melbourne Victory, and the Melbourne Rebels. He takes over the role from departing CEO Mick O’Neil. Frankston Dolphins president Peter Geddes said the appointment “represents a full circle for Adrian who played for Frankston throughout the seventies, was club secretary in our 1978 premiership year and served as full time manager for over a decade from early 1980’s to 1994.” “Club members will be aware that Adrian had committed to support the commercial side of our club in 2020 and the expansion of his role to include all aspects of the club is something that provides even more opportunity to secure our future as an emerging VFL force,” he said. The management at the club underwent a shakeup earlier this year when they parted ways with general manager Gary Buckenara. The former Hawthorn player took the role on in early 2017 and helped guide the club back into the VFL after they had their license revoked in 2016. Buckenara called the decision “one of the biggest kicks in the guts I’ve ever had in footy (“Departure from Dolphins a kick in the guts”, The Times, 1/4/19)”. NEW Frankston FC CEO Adrian Lloyd with club president Peter Geddes. Picture: Supplied

Cabs costly: Frankston councillor Steve Toms faced multiple allegations at a councillor conduct

panel, including the bullying of another councillor and the inappropriate use of a Cabcharge card. Picture: Supplied ing after his suspension concludes. Cr Toms will also be made to apologise to councillors for “repeated breaches of the councillor conduct

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Frankston Times

10 September 2019

New boss at Dolphins

principles” and will have to attend “refresher induction training to ensure that moving forward he is aware of the responsibilities.”

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