Francis st holder fitness for the uninspired

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Francis St. Holder: Fitness for the Uninspired

Francis St. Holder lists physical fitness as one of his major life interests, and this is certainly an intelligent priority. It is difficult to get much accomplished as a business person if you are lacking in energy and endurance. Plus, whether it is right or wrong, the way that you present yourself will have an impact on the impression that people get when they meet you. Some individuals have no problem sticking with an exercise program. For example, if you were an athlete when you were in high school and/or college, the impetus toward physical fitness will probably stick with you. There are others who never played competitive sports who simply choose to embrace physical activities that they enjoy. Of course, there are also people out there who don't like to exercise, but they do it anyway because they know that it is necessary.

Unfortunately, there are folks who do not work out at all because they simply can't get themselves motivated. A health advocate like Francis St. Holder will invariably come across people who fit into this category, but there are some positive suggestions that can be made. You don't necessarily have to do something very strenuous to get a decent amount of exercise. Walking can be quite enjoyable, and a nice long daily trek on foot can have a significant impact. You can turn up the headphones, listen to music, a ballgame, or a recorded book and enjoy your time without even recognizing the fact that you are getting exercise. It can be interesting to take in the sights around you, and you get a perspective that you simply never experience when you are sitting behind the wheel of your car in traffic. When you recognize the fact that you actually enjoy your walks, it can be an activity that you look forward to instead of a grueling, unappealing burden that you dread.

Another type of exercise that can be a lot of fun is riding a bicycle. Some people who are very serious about the activity wear special gear, and they refer to it as “cycling.� There is nothing wrong with this approach, but if you are on a different plane, you can simply harken back to your childhood days and take carefree rides down memory lane to maintain a level of fitness. Francis St. Holder is an avid weightlifter and martial arts enthusiast, but you can enjoy meaningful benefits even if you don't take your exercise program to the highest levels.

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