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QUESTION from Dalila Velez Hi, I would like to know whether I'm committing sin or not by receiving acupuncture and I wanted to know also if using bioenergetics (I think it's not hand healing like in Reiki) that uses magnets, flower waters, and stuff like that to cure my 5 year old son's Ideopathic Trombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) is bad in the eyes of the Catholic Church. I would like to get the answer as soon as possible if you can. Thanks. ANSWER by Bro. John-Paul Ignatius, OLSM Dear Mrs. Velez: Many acupuncture practitioners will offer silent prayers to entities other than God while given you the procedure. Also remember, that the basic theory behind acupuncture and much of Chinese medicine is a worldview and theory and philosophy that is incompatible with Christianity. Bioenergetics comes in many forms. It depends on what you have in mind. Bioenergetics can include elements of Reichian theory, meditation techniques, relaxation therapy, massage, and other muscle work. It is a New Age concept on the whole as little value… and elements such as Reichian Theory and mind-emptying type meditation MUST be avoided by Catholics. Bioenergetics that uses flower water or crystals and other such nonsense is just that -- nonsense. Such things also usually carry with it New Age philosophies that are inconsistent with Christianity. BOTTOM LINE! There is an issue of faith, however. To be desperate to try unproven and known ineffectual non-traditional techniques "may" suggest a lack of trust in God's providence. We need to give our medical health and the medical health of our children to God. He is the Master Physician. God has given us the gift of medicine and the gift of legitimate alternative medicine. But to pursue alternatives for the sake of doing so when there is no evidence that they will have any effect is a problem. I would advise that you follow your doctor's advice and stay away from questionable alternative procedures. These procedures at best are ineffectual for a condition like ITP, and at worse can involve occultic elements either in the procedure itself or with the practitioner who treats your child. It isn't worth the risk. For Assistance with Spiritual Warfare problems please go to our How We Can Help You page. For a direct link to sample Spiritual Warfare prayers see our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog

12. Instrucción Pastoral sobre la Nueva Era. Pastoral Instruction on New Age Concise and thorough study about the characteristics, practices and philosophies of the New Age Archbishop of Miami, Florida, USA, November 1991 EXTRACT: Chapter 2 Appendix [Going alphabetically, the Archbishop has listed New Age personalities, organizations and therapies in this long document. The following is under the alphabet “B”- Michael] bioenergy (Wilhelm Reich, Alexander Cowen*) *It should read as “Lowen” and not Cowen- Michael MY COMMENTS: The above twelve references conclusively prove that bioenergetics is New Age. It is seen to be closely associated with kundalini yoga, acupuncture, reflexology, bodywork, Applied Kinesiology, massage, homeopathy, reflexology, polarity therapy, Therapeutic Touch, chiropractic, reiki, various other types of ‘energy’ healing, etc. And Transpersonal Psychology*. Now let us check out the Vatican Document on the New Age: Advertising connected with New Age covers a wide range of practices as acupuncture, biofeedback, chiropractic, kinesiology, homeopathy, iridology, massage and various kinds of “bodywork” (such as orgonomy, Feldenkrais, reflexology, Rolfing, polarity massage, therapeutic touch etc.), meditation and visualisation, …psychic healing… #2.3.2 "A.S.Cs [Altered States of Consciousness] are induced either by drugs or by various mind-expanding techniques, particularly in the context of ‘transpersonal psychology’." #2.2.3 Note that most of the therapies are specifically mentioned in the Document. *We will discuss Transpersonal Psychology on pages 54 to 58 of this report. Let the reader keep in mind that we are discussing the content of the programmes of Anugraha’s courses on counselling and Transpersonal Psychology. Yoga, enneagrams, NLP, Gestalt therapy, bioenergetics and Myers-Briggs tests are an integral component of these courses in which our Catholics are being trained.

VI. MYERS-BRIGGS TEMPERAMENT INDICATOR [MBTI] Since this is not meant to be an article on MBTI, I shall be as brief as possible, showing that it is New Age.

1. Influence of Carl Jung on the Church Part II [CAUTION: This is an anti-Catholic site- Michael] EXTRACT: CHURCH GROWTH MOVEMENT - PART III As a concerned Christian, I would like to fervently respond to the following paper which was delivered at the CAPS Convention in Virginia Beach, Virginia entitled:

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