What is the difference between Natural, Genuine and Lab-Created Gemstones

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What is the difference between Natural, Genuine and Lab-Created Gemstones

WHAT IS A NATURAL GEMSTONE? Natural gemstones are formed in nature with no interference from humans other than being mined, cut/faceted and polished. If a stone is identified as natural, this means that it has not been treated, enhanced or altered. WHAT IS A GENUINE GEMSTONE? A genuine gemstone is real, but it is treated in some way to enhance its cut or appearance. Needless to say, these are also referred to as “enhanced” or “treated” stones. Many times natural stones have discoloration, cracks and/or inclusions. Treatments are applied to fix these “flaws” in the stone. WHAT IS A LAB-CREATED GEMSTONE?

More commonly referred to as “created” gems because it has a more positive connotation, as you probably guessed, these are made in laboratories. Other terms used are “synthetic”, “artificial”, “lab-grown” and “man-made” gems. Many of these gemstones have the exact chemical composition of the same stone created in nature , so technically, they are still the real deal. Source: jewelrybyjohan.com


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