Cézanne in the studio still life in watercolors

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e now embark on a fourth and final trip through the Getty's

Still Life with Blue Pot: this time in depth, into and through the layers of pencil and watercolor and back out again. Once again this trip will require patience, for this time we shall look at the watercolor still life archaeological ly: digging with our eyes into the artist's working process, from the top level of reinforcing Prussian blue down through the thinner colors and through the tangle of lines laid over and under those colors to the paper beneath. This is an imaginative excavation, however, rather than an art detective's

Detail 8

fact-finding mission; it will not reconstitute Cezanne's procedure step by step in any

dialogue among paper, pencil, watercolor,

exact or linear way, for his way of working in

and objects in space, it offers a journey

hypothesized pencil point and watercolor brush and the strata of graphite and pigment

through the studio in microcosm: through its

left by them.

such a reconstruction. Rather, this "dig" will

objects but also through its means, as those means create and at the same time search

We cannot look only in depth, of course, or localize that looking in one area of the

try to re-create what Cezanne might have

unceasingly for their ends. And so the state-

drawing, one part of the watercolor. Indeed,

done according to what the viewer's eye is encouraged to see in different parts of the

of-the-art conservator's and photographer's technology to which we have subjected this

steps to and from a starting point. And dif-

drawing-painting (it is a mix of both) and in different kinds of viewing campaigns. For this

work, available neither to Cezanne himself nor to the layman viewer of our time, will be

ferent parts of Still Life with Blue Pot suggest different kinds of in-depth looking. We are

is a still life in watercolor that solicits from the viewer a comprehensive and empathic

used only to enhance what the naked eye

encouraged, by habit as much as by Cezanne,

sees, feels, and gropes toward, what it senses

to look first at the rough center of the large,

engagement in the artist's eye-and-hand

lying beneath its imagined fingertips, its

uncut sheet of machine-made Montgolfier

his late years, especially in fully orchestrated compositions like this one, pits itself against

Detail 7


we will have to circle around and retrace our

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