CHATTER - Fall/Winter 2021

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CHATTER FALL/WINTER 2021 / 5782 ‫חורף‬/‫סתיו‬

Supporting student mental health Facing the tuition challenge head on Celebrating the Class of 2021


Fall/Winter 2021 / 5782 ‫חורף‬/‫סתיו‬

The Chatter is published through the TanenbaumCHAT Advancement Office and is distributed to more than 9,000 parents, donors, alumni and friends of the school.

Messages:  Head of School  3 President of the Board of Directors  4

Editor: Jane Rimmer

Chair of Development  19

Design & Layout: Ulrike Balke

Supporting the journey back to school 10 Graduation 2021 15

Cover artwork: Daniel Malen Printing: Superior Printing & Litho Inc.


Follow us on

Facebook: @TanenbaumCHAT1 Instagram: @tanenbaumchat LinkedIn: TanenbaumCHAT Alumni Association


TanenbaumCHAT 416-636-5984 Director of Advancement Frances Bigman, CFRE

12 COVER STORY: To the power of nines  12 Regulars:  QUICK STUDY: Highlights from around the school  5 POWERING TanenbaumCHAT  19 Facing the tuition challenge head on  20 Honouring our donors  22 Our parents’ footsteps  24 ALL ABOUT ALUMNI Alumni News & Notes  25 Alumni Back @TanenbaumCHAT  27 Mazal Tov!  29 2 | CHATTER Magazine FALL/WINTER 2021

Director of Admissions Laurie Wasser, CAEP Alumni News & Notes submissions: or contact Jesse Primerano ’11:

Message from the Head of School Jonathan Levy, Ph.D., Head of School


rriving at school one morning in October, I encountered something I hadn’t experienced in nearly twenty months. It was another sign that TanenbaumCHAT was springing back to life in person: for the first time since before the pandemic began, dozens of students walked through the main doors with me. They were arriving for a sports team tryout and were clearly completely undeterred by the really early start time! While they made their way to the gym, I found my way to another TanenbaumCHAT earlymorning staple: morning minyan, which has run daily since the first day of school this year. Some 30 students and several staff – of which I am one – are regular attendees. We’ve relocated to the Hennick Family Atrium where we can spread out more than in the closer quarters of the Mercaz. I take great pride in seeing the commitment of our students in making the minyan happen every day. It’s not just early mornings that are busy, of course. The school is buzzing with energy throughout the day, not least because close to 60 classrooms are occupied by teachers and students at any given time. The focus has been on the balance required to get back to the extra-curricular essentials that we missed while we were at home, at the same time ensuring that activities can be managed in a COVID-safe way. Some compromises have been inevitable. Zoom assemblies allow us to avoid large gatherings in the gym; outdoor events – whenever the climate allows! – are also a great way to go. Thanks to our athletic council, intramural sports are alive again. This past fall, one could regularly look out at the field and see up to five flag football games going on simultaneously; and afterschool athletics have included field hockey practice and cross-country running. With lots of outdoor space, some of our regular and much-loved school spirit events, such as Club and Committee Fair, Cerealicious and Think Pink Day to name just a few, made a comeback. While parents may still be watching on Zoom, our musicians are performing in person, together. Our choir gave its first, live musical performance in months at an outdoor donor appreciation event and our student orchestra is preparing for various concerts. The fact is, this year is very different from last – and in a good way. As we continue to nudge incrementally back towards “normal”, I’ll continue to enjoy my regular daily highlight – walking through the hallways and seeing TanenbaumCHAT hard at work and hard at play!  ◆ | 3

Message from the President, Board of Directors Howard Simkevitz ’91


ver since it was first declared, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to weigh heavily upon us. However, if you walk the hallowed halls of our school, you will not find the forlorn looks of the downtrodden. Instead, you will find halls filled with ruach, and if you could see under their masks, the smiling faces of kids being able to be kids. The return to in-person instruction in September 2021 was a critical step – a step among many that we have taken, and will take, as we walk the seemingly long road of return to pre-pandemic life. It was not without significant effort but we knew taking this step was for the benefit of our students. Truth is, we have some knowledge of what that destination looks like (after all, we have been there before), and so we move forward, peering off into the distance – scanning the horizon for signs of familiarity. While this road forward is rarely a direct path, we do our utmost to stay the course and steer clear of bumps along the way. But as with human character, no road is flawless – some parts need work. It is, ultimately, up to us to identify the bumps and manage them accordingly. In this respect, I am reminded of the study of Mussar, the ethical practice according to the teachings of the Torah. It provides instructions on how to live a more meaningful life — based on the idea that by cultivating inner virtues, we improve ourselves. Mussar teaches us that each person has a number of midot, or attributes, such as humility, righteousness, gratitude, generosity and patience. Everyone has midot in which one excels and other midot that require some work. Our road presents attributes as well, and whether you are a student, a parent, or staff member there are ample school experiences enabling us to take stock and act toward betterment. We are not necessarily interested in the ones that come easy. Perhaps you are reluctant to try out for a sports team for fear you will not make it. Maybe you want to volunteer for a school committee but think others are better qualified. Possibly there is a colleague that may need some assistance, but you have not had the courage to ask or otherwise act. If the pandemic has shown us anything, it has demonstrated the ease with which we can disengage. It is a much greater challenge to actively participate, and to leave one’s comfort zone not only physically, but emotionally. As we continue our return to normal, we should see any obstacles as opportunities to better ourselves, our school and our community. Let us think critically about our own perceptions of the difficulties we may face. While we cannot necessarily change the road we are on, we can change how we navigate it. ◆

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Whether it was rounding out the 2020/21 school year remotely, or launching the 2021/22 school year in person, life at TanenbaumCHAT has continued and flourished.

(Re)opening Doors After closing out the 2020/21 school year, well, closed – it was particularly exciting to open our doors once again for summer school! We were also thrilled to be able to run two of our school’s favourite fall traditions: the Welcome Back Carnival and the annual Club Fair during which students had the opportunity to sign up for over 100 clubs, committees and special events.

Welcoming guests

L to R: Zoe Wolpert Peterson, Michael Rubinoff, Sidure Ludwig.

Michael Rubinoff, the creative force and producer behind the Tony Award-winning musical “Come From Away”, dropped into a drama class taught by Josh Sable ’90. In her Grade 10 English class, Michelle Hyde ’11 hosted current parent and author Sidura Ludwig who spoke about her most recent collection of short stories: You are not what we expected. Zoe Wolpert Paterson, a Senior Portfolio Manager at Wealthsimple, the online financial management powerhouse founded by Michael Katchen ’05, spoke to business students. | 5

COMMEMORATIONS & CELEBRATIONS On International Holocaust Remembrance Day the school came together online to commemorate the 6 million Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust. Students, faculty and special guests gathered again for a meaningful assembly commemorating Yom HaZikaron, and during our Yom Haatzmaut celebrations our Music Department, under the direction of Jaclyn Klimitz ’03, collaborated with some of our feeder schools, including Associated Hebrew Schools, Bialik Hebrew Day School, Netivot Hatorah Day School, Robbins Hebrew Academy and The Toronto Heschel School. On September 30, 2021, TanenbaumCHAT paused classes to acknowledge the first Truth and Reconciliation Day. The co-heads of our Indigenous People’s Committee led a moment of silence and spoke about the importance of the day. The school marked Yitzchak Rabin Memorial Day with the help of our Israel Engagement Committee, shlichim and shinshiniot. There were classroom activities, a hallway display, and a moment of silence.

Chabad “Eight Under Eighteen” recipient This past summer, Michael Mandel ’21 was one of only eight teens nationwide to be selected for Chabad Teen Network’s inaugural “Eight Under Eighteen: Yisroel Fund Leadership Award”. During his Grade 12 year, Michael successfully applied to a federal grant program that provided money to youth aiming to better their communities. He used the funds he received to purchase tablets and accessories, filled them with apps, and delivered them to ten isolated seniors. He taught each of them how to use the device, and also facilitated a monthly program called “Senior Pals” where teens would spend time (virtually) playing games, talking, and consuming content with seniors in the community. Michael is pictured with Minister Stephen Lecce and MP Melissa Lantsman at the CTeen award ceremony.

Essay win! Last year, when still in Grade 12, Leah Powell ’21 was awarded first prize in the Fraser Institute’s Student Essay Contest, 2021. The policy-focused challenge was to explore economist Joseph Schumpeter’s concept of creative destruction in understanding entrepreneurialism and economic progress.

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Disability Inclusion Week Disability Inclusion Week, championed by our student-led Tikvah Club, culminated in a school-wide assembly with speakers from Yachad Toronto — an organization dedicated to enriching the lives of Jewish individuals with disabilities. Guests included local TikTok star Julia Slater, along with Zachary Perlmutter ’08 (far right) who joined us to share about his own disabilities and challenges, and answer student questions. (See p. 27 for more.)

Virtual Music Night Under the direction of teachers Jaclyn Klimitz ’03 and John Malarczyk, students from every grade practiced and performed over the course of an entire year to put together the program for our Virtual Music Night. A major assist was provided by students in Sharon Harding's Grade 11 Communications Technology Class who edited the footage.

STAYING ACTIVE Despite the lack of traditional Tigers’ sports last year, our Athletic Council kept busy. During Health Week, they shared ideas for activities, workouts, recipes, and live streams on social media to help with nutrition, fitness and mindfulness. This October, they spearheaded a special pandemic-edition class-by-class Terry Fox run.

Talking TanenbaumCHAT Our students have enjoyed lots of airtime on the CJN Daily podcast courtesy of host Ellin Besner. Most recently, Grade 9 student Eitan Steinfeld spoke with Ellin about the Apple Watch app he created. Called “Watch Siddur”, it is the only free app of its kind. Eitan, a self-taught coder, was joined on the podcast by his father, TanenbaumCHAT Jewish Studies teacher Zev Steinfeld. Eitan explained that he wanted to ensure accessibility by not charging for downloads. Last year, Grade 12 students Isaac Begun ’21, Alexa Jacoby ’21, and David Segal-Pillemer ’21 reflected on their rather unique final year of high school; while Stacey Goldberg ’21 and Rena Zevy ’21, and Athletic Director Adam Chaim spoke about the success of the Tigers Trekking Israel virtual hike program. | 7

Golden Bagels Our 15th Annual Golden Bagel Awards celebrated our amazing school community with the presentation of various awards, tributes to retiring staff members, and a surprise guest appearance from Toronto Raptor legend Jack Armstrong.

That’s the spirit! (Battle of the Tens) With Battle of the Nines an unmitigated success (see p. 12), it was only fitting that Battle of the Tens follow in quick succession. By virtue of COVID-19, it was a long-overdue chance for this class to experience a full-on in-person gradespecific TanenbaumCHAT spirit event.

TWIN DAY What’s more fun than a school spirit day? A school spirit day enjoyed with a lookalike! Staff and students did not disappoint with their unique takes on dressing up to match one, and sometimes two, friends!

In the Sukkah Teachers Kyle Borenstein ’06 and Danya (Borenstein) Koplowitz ’08, and co-director of Student Activities Keren Romm ’98, were the driving force behind lulav and etrog orders. In the Sukkah, our madrichim (student leaders), with an assist from Vice Principal Rabbi Shlomo Gemara, delivered musical hits in both English and Hebrew; the madrichim, student activities staff and Israel Engagement Shlichim, Lee Kestecher Solomon and Ariel Solomon, also led a trivia extravaganza.

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On Staff Professional Development

L’hitraot and thank you! Staff have had numerous professional development opportunities. For example, Michael Waxman and our school social worker Diana Kirzner (both from JF&CS) led an important seminar on gender identity and pronouns; and noted author Jay McTighe led a morning focused on “deep learning”.

Recently published!

The final virtual staff meeting of the 2020-21 school year provided a chance to recognize the members of our staff who were retiring. We honoured them for their combined multiple years of dedicated service to the school and the indelible impact they had on thousands of students. May retirement be filled with health and happiness.

Thinking about Good and Evil: Jewish Views from Antiquity to Modernity, the most recent book written by Rabbi Wayne Allen, was published in May 2021 by the Jewish Publication Society. This is Rabbi Allen’s ninth year at TanenbaumCHAT and he is currently Co-head of the Rabbinic Department. He teaches Grade 9 and Grade 10 Rabbinics and has also taught Ethics, Jewish History, Talmud and Tanach.

A TREMENDOUS FEAT  On October 8, participants in the school’s morning minyan had the opportunity to celebrate a tremendous feat of scholarship. Mindy Chapman ’13 marked a Siyum (ending) on the entire Tanach after having completed the study of all 929 chapters of the 24 books of Torah, Neveiim and Ketuvim. This represents the culmination of years of study for Mindy who teaches science and coaches TanenbaumCHAT students for the Chidon Hatanach — International Bible Contest.

L to R: Pierina Gialanella, Rabbi Lori Cohen, Shirley Markman, Sandy Miller and Perach Roifman.

TanenbaumCHAT Teaches – and not just high school students! Many of our talented and expert teachers led the sessions for this wonderful online learning series. Last year’s contributors were: Rabbi Aaron Greenberg, Michael Kohl ’97, Dr. Nicholas Maes, Ryan Peters ’09, Dr. Alexandria Silver, Zev Steinfeld, and Rachel Urowitz ’89. | 9

Supporting the journey back to school

With the return to school in September 2021, the challenge for educators everywhere was how best to support students as they transitioned back to in-person learning. TanenbaumCHAT has long prided itself on its whole-child philosophy and multidisciplinary approach to student support. This year, coupled with the joy and excitement of being back in the school building physically, was an awareness of the unique constellation of social, emotional and academic needs that some students might experience. As Principal Renee Cohen ’96 noted at the opening

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staff meeting: “We know that some of our kids may have a difficult time adjusting and may need some extra TLC and help to relearn concepts, test-taking strategies and practices, and other skills.”

Ramping up resources In particular, the school was also alert to Grade 9 and 10 students who had only ever experienced high school

during COVID-19 restrictions. Events like Grade 9 Orientation, Battle of the Nines, and a new Grade 10 Spirit Day played an important role in mitigating those challenges. To bolster resources, an additional guidance counsellor has joined the team; a social worker from JF&CS spends more than three days a week in school; and a nurse is on site full time.

The Student Services Department, comprising the Guidance Department, the Freedman Centre for Differentiated Learning & Nussbaum Jewish Studies Remediation Centre (CDL) and the Rotman Rohringer Deans Office, meets weekly to address the needs of students who require assistance. Help can be rallied from wherever it is needed – including, occasionally, outside professionals. “The tools haven’t changed, but the emphasis has,” says Heather Weinstock, Director of Student Services. “Now, the focus is on mental health, social integration, and overall well-being”. Building relationships and connections between home and school, and making sure parents are part of the team, is seen as vital. Ali Aber, Head of Guidance, says that teachers are much more attuned to mental health issues. “We work with them, give them information, or provide helpful strategies,” she says. Counsellors make sure to be a presence at events throughout the school so that students see them as part of the community and completely approachable.

Acceptance and assistance School Social Worker, Diana Kirzner, offers support to individual students with mental health needs. She also plays a role in schoolwide programming, for example, mindfulness sessions for staff, and a drop-in anxiety group for students co-led with Ali Aber. In the realm of professional development, she has organized sessions on anxiety and depression, and on non-binary issues and gender identity.

While many students are thrilled to be back, she’s “noticed some gaps in terms of the social piece trying to reintegrate and meet people.” On the other hand, for students who liked the security and comfort of online studies, being back in school can cause stress and sensory overload. Providing a non-judgemental ear and normalizing their experience is crucial. “Some kids that experience anxiety think that no one else feels that way,” says Diana adding that, when she's facilitating in a group setting, she likes "sitting back and letting the kids talk to eachother”. In the CDL, more than 25 learning strategies classes are running, although because of the quadmester system last year and this, they are no longer year-long and some reinvention was essential. “Every student in the CDL is followed by two Educational Assistants – one each for General and Jewish Studies – who provide ongoing support,” explains Sandy Kadoch ’96, Head of the CDL. In addition, every Grade 9 student served by the CDL is paired with one of 80 volunteer senior student leaders from the Peer-Assisted Learning (PALS) program. The drop-in Learning Space operates daily, providing a safe and quiet space to study or hang out. “Every lunch hour, that place is hopping!” laughs Sandy. There are 140 student notetakers who submit class notes daily to a database set up by the Educational Assistants. Enhancements to assistive technology include Google Read and Write (which reads aloud and helps with annotations), and Natural Reader that can be used offline – a boon in exams, for those with particular educational accommodations.

“  The tools haven’t

changed, but the emphasis has... now the focus is on mental health, social integration, and overall wellbeing.”

Making the adjustment In transitioning to the 2021/22 year, Principal Renee Cohen notes the extraordinary strength of the school community, and alludes to the notion of “coming up from the underground subway into the lit station. “Students need to allow time for their eyes to adjust to the new environment,” she says. She is confident that the “unparalleled, unique and evergrowing care and attention our staff provide to our students” is easing that journey. Stresses Social Worker, Diana Kirzner: “Kids are very resilient – sometimes more than we give them credit for. With support, and when they feel that they’re being heard, really these are things they can overcome.” ◆ | 11

To the power of nines In September 2021, we welcomed more than 350 students to Grade 9. They had a unique transition to make, from online middle school studies elsewhere to in-person high school at TanenbaumCHAT. Nevertheless, the ruach, energy and enthusiasm on display as they arrived at school for orientation was formidable, and a wonderful way to kick off their high school journey. “Our hearts were full when we pulled up on Orientation Day”, says Grade 9 parent Celeste Ivers. “Hudson was welcomed with spirit signs, a mascot, and warm, smiling student ambassadors and administrators.”

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The kids of our Class of 2025 come from eight Jewish day schools and 35 public or independent schools – a broad catchment by anyone’s standards. Consequently, a focus on integrating the students and facilitating connections between them, and with older students and staff, was considered a priority – this year even more than others. Students were provided with a plethora of opportunities to meet one another, both in their classes and as part of extracurricular activities. “There are definitely extra challenges this year with Grade 9,” says Ryan Peters ’09. “I personally found that even after a few days, the students in class didn’t all know each other’s names. We actually played some fun name games throughout the first week to try to build more of a community despite all the distancing and masks.” It was all about finding ways for students to “not only learn, but to form stronger bonds and friendships with each other,” observes Michelle Hyde ’11. More and more parents are selecting TanenbaumCHAT for their children – and their kids are often driving or, at the very least, supporting that decision. “I was so eager to come to TanenbaumCHAT,” says Grade 9 student Sabrina Merkur. “Think about this: I’m fortunate enough to go to a great school, with tons of people, and friend possibilities, supportive teachers, fun clubs, and great opportunities!” The school is continuing to experience significant growth, both in admissions from feeder Jewish day schools and to the New Stream program which serves students with little or no previous formal Jewish day school experience. Orli Goldberg ’98 notes that she and her husband, Ari Baratz ’92, are proud alumni. “The school definitely shaped both of us as scholars and as people,” she says, so selecting TanenbaumCHAT was a natural progression for their daughter Carmel, who came from Robbins Hebrew Academy. “We were drawn to the school’s excellent academic reputation, and above all else we wanted her to be a part of the spirited and inclusive community that TanenbaumCHAT offers.”

Grade 9 Enrolment With students entering Grade 9 from over 40 different schools, TanenbaumCHAT continues to be the centre of Jewish high school learning in the GTHA, and reflects the diversity and strength of our community.

(*201 after gift announcement)


of Jewish day school Grade 8s now enrolled in Grade 9 at TanenbaumCHAT:


of Grade 9 class enrolled in New Stream

TanenbaumCHAT’s Grade 9 class by the numbers:


Number of feeder Jewish day schools represented


Number of public or secular independent schools represented


Number of Grade 9 families with at least one alum-parent


Number of staff members who are parents of a Grade 9 student


Number of Grade 9 families who are completely new to the school this year | 13

More than 50 student leaders were on hand at Grade 9 Orientation to welcome the newest cohort of TanenbaumCHAT students.

Celeste Ivers, whose son Hudson entered New Stream, notes that “the option to be immersed in Jewish learning at this juncture felt unique and welcoming… We knew that the New Stream experience would be as much about educating our son’s mind as it would be about nourishing his soul.” The school’s reputation for academic and extracurricular excellence, and warm and welcoming community, is undeniable. In addition, TanenbaumCHAT’s commitment to the student experience has been no more clearly evident than over the last two years. The school adapted nimbly to the vicissitudes of the pandemic, adjusting learning models thoughtfully and seamlessly in order to continue to deliver excellent educational programming, despite COVID-19.

A commitment to serving the Jewish community as a community school has always been intrinsic to our mission

The current situation is also an extraordinary affirmation of the paradigm-shifting tuition initiative that began five years ago (and that has been closely watched by schools across North America). It has provided greater financial accessibility, making a first-class Jewish high school education more realistic for many more families. (See p. 20 for more on this.) Notes Head of School, Dr. Jonathan Levy: “For as long as the school has existed, the idea of serving the Jewish community as a community school has been absolutely central, and intrinsic to our mission.” With students entering grade 9 from more than 40 different elementary schools, “not only does TanenbaumCHAT continue to be the centre of Jewish high school learning in the GTHA, but it also reflects the diversity and strength of the community,” he says. “It’s enormously gratifying to see the increase in the number of families who are choosing to send their kids here and to watch as the school’s reach expands.” ◆ 14 | CHATTER Magazine FALL/WINTER 2021


A unique send off! We were delighted to be able to celebrate the graduation of our Class of 2021 in the beautiful TanenbaumCHAT courtyard.


ith last minute provincial changes to pandemic guidelines introduced, and just one week to prepare, it was all hands on deck to ensure we could run a series of socially-distant graduation ceremonies throughout the day on June 16. Clusters of approximately 20 families at a time found their assigned seats where a graduation gift box awaited, complete with cap and gown. Judging by the beaming smiles – detectable even from behind masks! – the opportunity to celebrate this important milestone in person was appreciated by our newest alumni and their nearest and dearest, as well as by faculty and stafi. The day ended with a virtual event in the evening, and we sent the TanenbaumCHAT Class of 2021 ofi with a hearty Mazal Tov and best wishes for much happiness, success and good health. | 15

Class of


Award Winners Recognition of Excellence Awards

Departmental & Subject Awards GENERAL STUDIES

Valedictorian David Segal-Pillemer The Governor General’s Award In recognition of achieving the highest average in all credits in Grades 11 & 12 taken at TanenbaumCHAT Tali Tova Sacke Jerusalem Scholar Award Funded by the Aron and Ruth Shostack Memorial Endowment In recognition of achieving the highest average in Jewish Studies in Grade 12 Isaac Rifkind Mansell The Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Excellence in Community Service Ori Jacob Esptein Staff Award In recognition of involvement in activities and contribution to school spirit and culture Zev Eitan Bell Alexa Jacoby Student Leadership Award In recognition of ongoing leadership in Student Activities exemplifying TanenbaumCHAT values Isaac Sam Begun Leah Abigail Powell 16 | CHATTER Magazine FALL/WINTER 2021

Art Award In memory of Lisa Shore Martin Gabriel Lebi Business Studies Award Henry Korenblum Memorial Endowment Fund Owen Harrison Belavin Business Studies Award In memory of David E. Buck Max Samuel Polan Centre for Differentiated Learning Joan Blidner Award For outstanding improvement while at TanenbaumCHAT Michael Sam Mandel Centre for Differentiated Learning For outstanding improvement while at TanenbaumCHAT Ethan Shane Fox Computer Science & Technology Award Avrum Jeffrey Duke Memorial Endowment Fund Jonathan Amram Moyal

English Award In memory of Ian Cohen ’70 Abigail Hannah Swartz Mathematics Award In memory of Sara & Joseph Rahmani Noah Eric Juravsky Mathematics Award In memory of Beryl Levy David Segal-Pillemer Modern Languages Award Tali Tova Sacke Music Award Lisa-Ann Lauren Posluns Memorial Endowment Fund Alexa Jacoby Physical Education/ Kinesiology Award Barbara Manilla Memorial Endowment Fund Hudson Reggie Polsky Science Award In memory of David J. Levy Noah Eric Juravsky Science Award Arthur Lerman Memorial Endowment Fund Maia Tal Goldberg

Dramatic Arts Award Madison Mazal Narbonne

Social Science Award Alexa Jacoby

English Award Lisa Coristine Memorial Endowment Fund Tali Tova Sacke

Social Science Award Esther Haberman Memorial Endowment Fund Zev Eitan Bell

JEWISH STUDIES Hebrew Language & Literature Award In memory of Elliott M. Wilson Ori Jacob Epstein Hebrew Language & Literature Award Hershenfeld Weltman Family Endowment Fund Abraham Samuel Urowitz Kaufman Jewish Thought Award David & Bluma Schachter Memorial Endowment Fund Zev Eitan Bell Jewish Thought Award Shimon & Clara Berglas Memorial Endowment Fund Dylan Warren Malamed Jewish History Award – Holocaust Studies In memory of Rubin Tencer, a survivor of Auschwitz Hayley Erica Kupinsky Jewish History Award Carol Rosenfeld Memorial Endowment Fund Ariel Tsodikov Jewish History Award In memory of Israel Appel Andrea Glube New Stream Award Erica Schiller Mammon Memorial Endowment Fund Noa Sabbah New Stream Award Anshel & Devorah Zylberman Endowment Fund Maia Goldberg Rabbinics Award in memory of Alex and Alyce Orzy Jacob Spencer Bloom Rabbinics Award Noah Eric Juravsky Mitchell Zachary Simon Talmud Award Tali Tova Sacke

Tanach Award In memory of Jonathan David Deitcher ’87 Ellie Sarah Daien Tanach Award Miriam Alkin Memorial Fund Rena Maya Zevy

Scholarships & Special Awards Morris & Rose Alspector Award For highest average in Judaic studies over four years Tali Tova Sacke Isaac & Basia Jesin Award For excellence and dedication to Jewish Studies over four years Jacqueline Faith Satok Eric & Marsha Slavens Award For combining sporting & academic achievement Jenna Margaret Cockburn Eli Robbie Herr Elisha Chaim Levy Isabel Rose Wunder Philip & Helen Zucker Scholarship For continuing education in Jewish studies Eliyahu Ziv Freudenstein Jenny Lewis ’95 Award For Excellence in Creative Writing Eliezer Shegal

Continuing Studies in Israel Judy Shaviv Memorial Fund “Keren Yad Yehudit” assisting graduates to study or volunteer in Israel Audrey Zelda Greenwald Jonathan David Deitcher Memorial Scholarship for continuing Jewish studies in Israel Andrea Glube Rabbi Marvin B. Pachino Award For excellence in Jewish Studies and continuing Jewish Education in Israel Isaac Rifkind Mansell David Rosenzweig Memorial Scholarship Established in memory of David Rosenzweig ’72, by his friends Eitan Noam Frisch

Gertrude & David Sher Foundation Scholarship For continuing Jewish studies in Israel Elysha Rachel Jackson Daniel Sherman Memorial Scholarship For continuing studies in Israel Zev Eitan Bell Ellie Aliyah Joseph Icek & Manya Segal Award For continuing studies in Israel David Segal-Pillemar Greenspan/Samuel Memorial Scholarship For continuing studies in Israel Yael Janna Shapiro Board of Directors Awards For continuing studies in Israel Itai Amdur Isaac Sam Begun Zev Eitan Bell Jenna Maya Cohen Noah Jacob Damiani Eliyahu Ziv Freudenstein Eitan Noam Frisch Andrea Glube Yoni Gold Isaac Solomon Golombek Sierra Rose Goodman Zachary Abraham Green Audrey Zelda Greenwald Keira Rebecca Hartman Elysha Rachel Jackson Ellie Aliyah Joseph Moreyell Kahlon Azaria Kelman Elisha Chaim Levy Isaac Rifkind Mansell Sarit Adina Marmor Lee Nava Nadler Eli Raphael Ovadya Leah Abigail Powell Noam Rotstain David Segal-Pillemer Yael Janna Shapiro Allison Wendy Urbach Rechel Talya Wolff Kyle Samuel Zaldin Jacob Gregory Zaldin | 17

Mazal Tov,

Julia Koifman

Lee Nadler

Kaylan Shekarchi

Sophie Kraft

Madison Narbonne

Romy Shenderey

Aden Kreindler

Ido Nur

Riley Sigal

Hayley Kupinsky

Ezra Oppenheimer

Abby Silber

Jared Kurtz

Jacob Oppenheimer

Mitchell Simon

Maya Lane

Eli Ovadya

Madelyn Sloss

Andrea Glube

Nicol Latman

Noah Palter

Jamie Smith

TanenbaumCHAT Class of 2021/5781 Bob Allen

Dylan Cohen

Itai Amdur

Jenna Cohen

Cole Gluckstein

Martin Lebi

Max Polan

Zachary Solomon

Benya Amouyal

Noa Cohen

Colton Gnat

Sarah Lebovic

Lev Pollock

Sarah Spector

Ethan Attias

Ronni Cohen

Yoni Gold

Julia Leese

Hudson Polsky

Dylan Spilberg

Rachel Baker

Samantha Covens

Maia Goldberg

Tyler Lefko

Joshua Posel

Eden Stein

Tali Barak

Ellie Daien

Stacey Goldberg

Maxwell Leibovich

Leah Powell

Brandon Stepak

Tamar Barth

Sarah Daiter

Noah Goldschmied

Gleb Levashov

Jonas Press

Aidan Stern

Mackenzie Beallor

Noah Damiani

Isaac Golombek

Elisha Levy

Michelle Prilik

Stephanie Strelshik

Isaac Begun

Aaron Davis

Sierra Goodman

Sarah Lewandowski

Zimrit Prutschi

Abigail Swartz

Jett Belavin

Tal Davis

Allison Gordon

Nicole Lewis

Benjamin Rakoff

Carly Swirsky

Owen Belavin

Jaryd Diamond

Taddy Grechanick

Jesse Lipman

Jacob Ringel

Lauren Tabac

Zev Bell

Zoe Dicker

Emma Green

Claire Lipton

Riva Rolbin

Avi Tabibian

Charlie Bellman

Eva Einarsen

Zachary Green

Adam Lis

Jacob Rosenberg

Chloe Tobe

Joshua Benbassat

Ori Epstein

Audrey Greenwald

Emma Litner

Joseph Rosenzweig

Ariel Tsodikov

Yael Benmor

Joshua Erdman

Brianna Gruz

Rebecca Logan

Noam Rotstain

Allison Urbach

Leo Benoliel

Yarden Erez

Danielle Gryfe

Dylan Malamed

Skylar Rouhi

Amy Bensky

Michael Fages

Menachem Guttmann

Maya Mammon

Daniel Rubinoff

Abraham Urowitz Kaufman

Amalia Berkowitz

Morgan Farber

Keira Hartman

Max Mandel

Benjamin Ruby

Brady Valencia

Abigail Berman

Justin Feldman

Eden Hauser-Krupat

Michael Mandel

Noa Sabbah

Ryan Wechsler

Jacob Bloom

Jonah Finkelstein

Eli Herr

Isaac Mansell

Tali Sacke

Samuel Weinberg

Zoe Boxer

Daniel Fluxman

Maya Hollander

Gabrielle Maresky

Julia Saltzman

Yael Weinstein

Adrian BrodskyWeiszmann

Ethan Fox

Elysha Jackson

Sarit Marmor

Jules Samson

Jessica Weisbrod

Ari Freedman

Alexa Jacoby

Amanda Melamed

Noah Sanders

Rechel Wolff

Cari Brown

Eliyahu Freudenstein

Ellie Joseph

Eden Moncik

Jacqueline Satok

Isabel Wunder

Sophie Burstein

Eitan Frisch

Noah Juravsky

Matthew Moscoe

Jacob Schrieder

Charlie Yermus

Lior Cabessa

Jacob Furman

Moreyella Kahlon

Erin Moskovic

Alexa Segal

Joshua Zadik

Lauren Carr

Samuel Garten

Hudson Katz

Madison Moskovic

David Segal-Pillemer

Jacob Zaldin

Jenna Cockburn

Ethan Gasee

Azaria Kelman

Justin Moskovitch

Noah Shaffir

Kyle Zaldin

Benjamin Cohen

Joshua Gelman

Emma Kivenko

Jonathan Moyal

Yael Shapiro

Rena Zevy

Charlotte Cohen

Hannah Ginsberg

Zachary Kleinman

Haylee Muroff

Eliezer Shegal

Noah Ziskind

18 | CHATTER Magazine FALL/WINTER 2021

Power ing TanenbaumCHAT Now & Always

Paying it forward – or why I got involved with TanenbaumCHAT David Mansell, Chair of Development


n early 2017, when we enrolled our oldest son, Isaac, in TanenbaumCHAT, we were gearing David Mansell, far right, up to pay around $28,000 in annual tuition, a with wife Naomi Rifkind Mansell, and Isaac ’21 significant step-up from middle school tuition. A few months later, when we heard the news that a handful of generous and visionary donors had contributed $14 million to reduce tuition to around $19,000 for the next five years, we were stunned by their generosity and felt motivated to help the school make the most of this incredible opportunity. The way I saw it was that ‘the gift’ – as it came to be called – created a five-year window for the school to regain momentum, to strengthen its finances, to streamline its cost structure, and to improve its fundraising, so that when the period of ‘the gift’ ended, TanenbaumCHAT would be stronger than ever, resilient and positioned to succeed. For the school, the board, the parent body, and our 8,000-strong alumni to not capitalize on this wonderful five-year opportunity would be tragic. I wanted to help pay it forward. From our personal perspective, with three kids coming through the school during those five years, we have received a direct tuition subsidy for all four years for my oldest son, for three years for my second son, and for one year for my daughter, who just entered Grade 9. While it’s hard to quantify precisely, ‘the gift’ directly reduced our tuition bill by tens of thousands of dollars for our family alone. We immediately offered to host a parlour meeting in our home where the leadership of the school could explain to a dozen new families why their financial support was needed – now more than ever. The evening was a success in terms of getting the message across, attracting new volunteers, and securing several new and significant long-term donors. From there, I became more involved with the school’s fundraising efforts, becoming the chair of its newly formed Major Gifts Committee, and more recently taking on the role of Development Chair, working closely with Jonathan Levy, Head of School, and Frances Bigman, Director of Advancement, her team, and our committed volunteers. I am pleased to report that fundraising at TanenbaumCHAT (excluding ‘the gift’) has increased from $1.0 million in 2017/2018 to $2.1 million for 2020/2021. The school is flourishing, with enrollment up significantly, including an extremely strong Grade 9 intake this year. In this last year of ‘the gift’, the obligation to support the school falls on all of us, the entire community, and we have more work to do. Our fundraising goal this year is $2.3 million, with our eyes set on $2.5 million annually, so that we can sustain tuition accessibility. Every dollar raised keeps tuition more accessible. Every dollar counts, from the $18 gift on Day of Giving to the largest donation, it all goes to the same place… a wonderful school that we are so proud to be part of.

To find out more, go to  | 19

Facing the tuition challenge head on The pilot program to reduce tuition that began in 2017 is drawing to a close. What's next?


et's begin with a brief recap. Following the announcement in 2017 that visionary philanthropic gifts would allow the school to lower tuition by close to $10,000 for all families for five years, we waited with baited breath for the answers to two key questions: The gifts were provided by the donors as a route to boosting enrolment. Was that premise sound? The gifts were given with the intention of catalyzing wider philanthropic commitment. Would the community rise to the challenge? As it happens, things played out spectacularly well and exactly as intended: over the last five years, enrolment has grown significantly, retention from Jewish day schools has rebounded, and families are flooding to New Stream. And despite setting ambitious philanthropic goals that far exceed accepted benchmarks, fundraising income has grown consistently.

The proof is self-evident: lower tuition results in a vibrant and viable school. Along with a commitment to continued educational excellence, the school is adopting a strategic approach to sustaining tuition accessibility, informed by the learnings from the pilot program. In particular, we recognize the barriers that exist for middle-income families and will launch the TanenbaumCHAT Tuition Assistance Program (TTAP) for the 2022/23 school year to address those needs. As with all new programs of such importance, we will closely monitor and evaluate its effectiveness. Since the only way to sustain both excellence in programming and lower tuition is through philanthropy, our commitment to continued robust fundraising is unwavering.

Powering TanenbaumCHAT Annual Fund


$2.1M 2017/18











Power ing TanenbaumCHAT Now & Always

20 | CHATTER Magazine FALL/WINTER 2021

$2.3M GOAL

$1M 2017/18

$1.2M 2018/19




We are thrilled that more than 50 volunteers have joined the critically important Development Committee (comprising Major Gifts, Parent Engagement, Alumni, and Life & Legacy) which will broaden our engagement opportunities and lead to greater success in our Powering TanenbaumCHAT annual campaign. “I am truly grateful for the incredible financial support we have received from our donors,” says Frances Bigman, Director of Advancement, “and I want to acknowledge the hard work of the fundraising team, chaired by David Mansell (see page 19) which, in partnership with our Advancement staff, has led our school to a record breaking 110% increase over the last four years.” As with other major institutions, TanenbaumCHAT’s success hinges on the partnership between the school and the community. The school’s commitment is to continue to provide an exemplary Jewish education to every child who wants it. At the same time, TanenbaumCHAT depends on the financial support of our entire community. Philanthropy has paved the way for the school’s success thus far and it is vital to maintaining tuition accessibility.

So, what’s next? The equation is simple: TanenbaumCHAT can only fulfill its unique role in the community when the community stands in solidarity with TanenbaumCHAT. You have the power!


ive years ago, we never imagined that funding the tuition reduction program would change the landscape of the school to the extent that it has. We were thrilled to learn of the extraordinary 40% increase in enrolment! It is extremely gratifying for us to see that, as we had hoped, parents, past parents, alumni and the entire community are stepping up their philanthropic efforts. They are helping to ensure tuition accessibility so that TanenbaumCHAT remains a viable option for so many parents who want to provide their children with an exemplary Jewish high school education. We are honoured to have spearheaded this endeavour. – Edie Neuberger ’75 & Norm Jesin ’74

If you would like to make your gift today:

Your gift will help sustain educational excellence and tuition accessibility. TanenbaumCHAT is powered by the generosity of our entire community. And now more than ever, you can make a difference.

1. Hold your phone camera over this QR code 2. W hen a notification appears, tap to go to our giving page Or visit:

To find out more, go to  | 21

Honouring our donors O

ur annual donor appreciation evening is one of the most anticipated of the school year. It's an opportunity for us to express our thanks to the ever-growing number of donors who have chosen to help power TanenbaumCHAT with a major philanthropic gift. Many of these donors have been inspired by the tuition initiative that began five years ago. For them, the opportunity to help sustain enhanced access to a TanenbaumCHAT education and maintain ongoing Jewish high school excellence, is important and momentous. “We have a long and wonderful family history with TanenbaumCHAT as students, alumni, volunteers and donors,” says Stephanie Goldshmied ’95. “It is our hope that this school will continue to serve all members of our Jewish community for many generations to come.” On October 18, as dusk fell, we welcomed our newest donors to the TanenbaumCHAT courtyard for a short program. The evening continued later with an online program that included a dvar torah by Grade 12 student Sara Shore, performances by student singers and musicians under the direction of Jaclyn Klimitz ’03, and a video featuring cameos of the new donor families. Guests also heard from Head of School, Dr. Jonathan Levy, Board president Howard Simkevitz ’91, and Adam Minsky, President and CEO of UJA. We are so grateful to our donors for recognizing the value of TanenbaumCHAT and for supporting our mission.

So much of what makes our Toronto Jewish community special – our love of Israel, our high levels of literacy, our community involvement, and our strong connections to tradition – flows from what happens right here at this school and the leaders that consistently emerge from TanenbaumCHAT. Indeed, we know that while a Jewish education has a profound impact on the individual level, it also creates a ripple effect throughout the entire community, as these graduates go on to become the lay and professional community leaders. – Adam Minsky, President & CEO, UJA Federation of Greater Toronto. Inspired by the vision of the major gifts that were provided by Edie Neuberger ’75 and Norm Jesin ’74, and the Irving Granovsky Family, along with the progress of the school since 2017, more than 70 donors – alumni, parents, past parents, and community friends – have made major contributions to support tuition accessibility and are recognized on our donor wall.

Power ing TanenbaumCHAT Now & Always

22 | CHATTER Magazine FALL/WINTER 2021

We are grateful for the strong Jewish education that TanenbaumCHAT has provided for our family for two generations and counting. We are proud to invest in the school's growth and enable others to benefit from everything it has to offer. – Felicia ’81 & David Posluns

We are grateful for the opportunity to invest in our children and the greater Jewish community of Toronto through our donation. – Aaron & Rosemary Waxman

It's vital for children to have the opportunity of an education that gives them pride and confidence in their Jewish identity and instills Jewish and community values. – Melissa & Kevin Moshal

See event videos at

To find out more, go to  | 23

Our parents’ footsteps We were thrilled when the Grill family (siblings Allan ’92 and Stacey ’90) recently endowed a gift to TanenbaumCHAT. They chose to name a Rabbinics Award, a prize that Allan himself received upon graduation, in honour of their parents, Norman (a former President of the Board) and Sarah. Below, Allan shares some thoughts about this gift. Why did you establish this award in honour of your parents? Our father turned 85 this year, and our parents also celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. They taught my sister and me, both alumni, the importance of tzedakah and volunteerism. Being strong supporters of the importance of access to a Jewish day school education, we wanted to honour them with a legacy gift that will benefit future generations of students – L’dor V’dor. Tell us a little about the family connection to TanenbaumCHAT. We both have fond memories and lifelong friendships from our time at the school. We also have the utmost respect for our dad’s many years of involvement with the Board of Directors, including serving as President (1996-99). One of his favourite events was the annual CHAT Blue Jays Night that combined two of his favourite interests – sports and fundraising. The evening began with a pre-game catered dinner get-together downtown and live auction. There was also a raffle for one lucky winner to throw out the ceremonial first pitch! Despite the many hours of logistical planning, he was always very proud to see our community come together to support the school. It is this type of work ethic and dedication that the school teaches their students as part of their educational growth. Both of my kids (Brandon – Grade 9, and Lily – Grade 11) have also started their TanenbaumCHAT journey (Stacey’s family lives in New York), and at their graduation ceremonies when this award is presented, they too can share in their grandparents’ nachas. Why support TanenbaumCHAT? TanenbaumCHAT offers a unique educational experience. It has a strong reputation for academic excellence, a student body with a lot of ruach, and a daily reminder of the importance of appreciating our cultural traditions. My sister and I owe a lot to the school in building our confidence for success, appreciating the value of peer relationships, and being proud of our Jewish heritage. We hope this gift inspires others to follow in our parents’ footsteps.

Power ing TanenbaumCHAT Now & Always

To find out more, go to 24 | CHATTER Magazine FALL/WINTER 2021

Jacob Zaldin ’21 is making the most of his gap year in Israel! While attending Reichman University in Herzilya, Jacob is also working as the Director of Content and Fan Engagement for the local basketball team, B’nei Herzilya. Jacob is responsible for all English-language communications, producing social media content, and liaising with leading companies and brands regarding partnership opportunities.


BOOSTING CANADA'S PANDEMIC RESPONSE While eligible Canadians searched frantically for their vaccines, Sabrina Craig ’14 was busy developing innovative solutions. Sabrina was one of the two founders of Vaccine Hunters Canada, the primary resource for eligible Canadians to find a local vaccine. As Director of the grassroots organization, Sabrina was responsible not only for management and leadership, but also forging relationships with the pharmacy sector across Canada. Sabrina helped to scale the organization to a management team of 150+ people in just five months. In that time, VHC garnered 400,000 followers on Twitter, and has been credited for contributing to Canada’s high vaccination rate (currently over 80%). Sabrina was named by Chatelaine magazine a recipient of a 2021 Doris Anderson Award (formerly Woman of the Year). She and fellow co-founder Andrew Young, were also listed first in Toronto Life's “The Influentials 2021”, an “annual ranking of the Torontonians whose bravery, smarts and clout are changing the world as we know it.” VHC has received many other accolades, including being ranked #5 on Bay Street Bull’s Power 50 Most Impactful Companies in 2021, and named one of 13 “Pillars of the Pandemic” by the University of Toronto. By day, Sabrina works as a Technical Analyst at BMO Capital Markets.

Zac Winkler ’19 has just completed training, and has officially joined the Shiryon, the Armored Corps division of the Israel Defense Force serving as a “lone soldier”. Ari Satok ’10 recently released his third book, Love Too Can Spread: Poetry from the Midst of a Pandemic (self-published, 2021). Per Ari’s description of the book, the poetry captures “the strange and surreal times that the pandemic brought with it” and “tells the stories of how we filled our days when nothing was as it had been before”.

Esther Vlessing ’12 was named to the Bay Street Bull’s 30x30 list, which “showcases a group of incredible individuals who are championing their communities and redefining the way we do business.” Esther was featured following the establishment of her new company, Canada Emergency Medical Manufacturers. As Canada came alarmingly close to a shortage of medical supplies and PPE equipment, Esther connected with government officials to develop and execute a nationwide emergency manufacturing response unit. She retooled domestic factories, created 1,000+ new jobs, and has delivered over 1 million units to medical professionals across the country, keeping them safe on the frontlines. | 25

Welcome Back!


This new school year saw several new alumni join the faculty. Welcome back to (from L to R): Danya (Borenstein) Koplowitz ’08 (Jewish Studies), Sonya Ben-Ishai ’15 (English & Drama), Matthew Pollak ’13 (Math), Orit Baruch ’02 (Jewish Studies), and Lauren Meisels ’14 (Guidance).

In our first alumni giveaway contest, Elise (Kazman) Devlin ’98 become the lucky winner of an Apple Watch! Here’s Elise with her son, current student, Eitan ’25!

Eternal youth has been sought after for generations, but TanenbaumCHAT alum Lee Davis ’13 may have finally discovered it. Lee is the founder of HideSeek, an immersive, multi-sensory pop-up experience, aimed at turning back the clock and reminding us of the things we loved about our childhood. With a room covered in velcro, and another with a giant ball pit – there is something for everyone. Lee started with pop-ups in Toronto and Montreal but has now expanded internationally, having just completed a 3-month pop-up in Chicago!

26 | CHATTER Magazine FALL/WINTER 2021

Alumni Back at TanenbaumCHAT

Speaker Labs – co-founded by Eli Gladstone ’06 – works with corporate executives to improve their presentation and communication skills, discover their own presentation style and boost their confidence. This past May, Eli joined members of the TanenbaumCHAT DECA team, to share his insights regarding effective public speaking, presenting, and communication. DECA members participated in a workshop, sharpened their public speaking skills, and had a detailed Q&A session with Eli.

When tensions escalated in Israel this past summer, the school reached out to Hasbara Fellowships Canada to come and brief our students on the current geopolitical climate there. Fortunately for us, Hasbara's High School Advisor is Pearl (Kraft) Gasner ’15. Pearl joined our students to share the historical background, current events, and other significant details about the conflict in Israel.

This year, a record number of graduates decided that their first post-secondary experience was going to be in Israel. Whether volunteering, studying, or working, dozens of TanenbaumCHAT graduates from the class of 2021 are currently spending a gap year in Israel. A key motivator for these students was hearing first-hand from their former peers about their experiences on the same programs in Israel. Jacob Samson ’20, Talia Levitt ’20, and Zara Berman ’20 joined our students live from Israel to share experiences and stories from their programs. The conversations took place during particularly tense times in Israel, and these alumni shared what it was like to live through such a situation. We were thrilled to welcome Zachary Perlmutter ’08 to school during Disability Inclusion Week as a key speaker at an extremely well-attended assembly. For many years, Zach has regularly spoken at events on behalf of Yachad Toronto, an organization dedicated to enhancing the communal participation of Jewish individuals with disabilities and their connection to Judaism through social and educational programs and support services. Zach considers himself a strong advocate for the rights of those with disabilities and the notion that those with disabilities can live full and normal lives. He addressed the importance of being aware of others’ disabilities and what we can do to make our communities more inclusive. | 27

28 | CHATTER Magazine FALL/WINTER 2021

Submit your News & Notes directly through our website. Visit:


Adam Litwin ’11 & Samantha (Landy) Litwin ’10

Ariela (Gutfrajnd) Glowinsky ’11 & Michael Glowinsky ’08

Brittany (Sud) Hennick ’07 & Justin Hennick

Aviva Webb ’09 & Cary Urowitz ’05

Heidi (Solomon) Sliwin ’10 & Noah Sliwin ’10

Jessica Taylor ’04 & Joshua Stern

Michael Chaikof ’08 & Perri (Maxwell) Chaikof

Michael Garbuz ’08 & Sarah Firestone Garbuz

Seth Frieberg ’08 & Sarah Shifi ’11

Talia (Carr) Skurka ’10 & Brandon Skurka

Jordana Keslassy Schwartz ’11 & Brendan Schwartz ’08

Jaclyn Zosky ’12 (current stafi) & Avraham Lugassy | 29

ENGAGEMENTS MaxGe3 lokp1f‘ &NiocleEfrosman

olCeGrosinger’13 &LexiBrnst


EsteGoldbeg’1r 3 &MaexPrlgut’13

aZlneFchtr’14&ElisaNehev metz


RachelBnit’13 &JoshSonshie’10

o&Jrk’0nathY 8

30 | CHATTER Magazine FALL/WINTER 2021




Kr aystlBkhodrin’15 &NisimNacson

DanitzoeK’10 &MichaelGorshein


JuliaGauze’15 o&CdyMiler

JesiSaunder-sDtz’13 &DanielSinger’13


Nora Ivy

Summer Everleigh

ShGeia(rlokpf )Untm’08

Lyle Robert

LorneMvai3&A’0 &AriUntema’08

Simon Gabriel

Sunny Rose

Ruathi’leW9 &DanielLgr

BramCherun’05 &ShanoHamilton

BaiGlaey( ng)r &Jor yStern’05

Ezra Shlomo



Brody Max

Capri Winslow

RaablonskYy& SamaGnthl(ied-

RarcheFl(dy)man 1 Achren’ & giAchren Ha


MathewLski’04& &DanielGt

Annie Esther

Maytal Nina


M e l o dB y( arkhodi)n Stern’05

LiatPpulr’05 &JoshBenzacr

Amir Raphael


Gemma Frankie


Rockwood “Woody” Samson

Me1lisaL’0 ElysaSeidman’09

JesiaGcold’08 S( okls)Mryein

Isadore “Izzy” Saul


Maeve Summer

Gertl’08&Stephn G e r tl


Andie Nora JoacbGlinger’06 &LaureK)n(si G a l i ng e r | 31

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